Announcement of Unigames OGM 18/08/23

by Joshua Annison 04/08/23

Howdy Everyone! Unigames will be holding an Ordinary General Meeting in the Guild Council Room at 11am on Friday, 18/08/23. This venue is unrestricted to non-students and is wheelchair accessible. Join us for an update on what the committee has been doing and how the club is running.

The preliminary agenda for the meeting is: - Reports - General Updates - Proposed Constitutional Changes - General Business

Motions and any proposed constitutional changes can be submitted by any two ordinary members to Constitutional amendments must be sent to the secretary (Joshua Annison) no less than four days before the OGM, and motions no less than seven days.

Here's our handy dandy Facebook event, where you can find any proposed amendments and motions:

Proposed Constitutional Changes: Proposed by Lorenzo, Seconded by Finn (

If you would like to make an absentee vote on any constitutional amendments please message either Josh or Jackie on Facebook or Discord at least one hour before the meeting is due to start, in this case 10am. Proxy votes are not permitted. Note that only Ordinary Financial Members are permitted to vote at meetings.

As always, you can get in contact with us by sending an email, over Facebook, or over here on the Discord.