Unigames Committee Meeting #1 - 05/03/2020

by Autumn Brough 05/03/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #1 - 5/3/20, Thu W2


  • Alistair Langton
  • Taylor Home
  • Jackie Shan
  • Emerald Aindow
  • Alice Rosario
  • Ashleigh Saringer
  • Gwen Sellner
  • Kyle Barrow


  • Autumn Brough


Meeting Scheduled: 5:00 Meeting opened: 5:47


President's Report:

  • Handed in the ERF and After Hours Access
  • Ran club carnival with Jackie and Gwen
  • Sorted out the one shot for tomorrow
  • Discussed regs with Taylor and Autumn
  • Why is 40% of my committee at the gym right now?
  • Spent five hours doing the chemistry equivalent of watching paint dry today

Vice-President's Report:

  • Made a new fresher campaign sign up form
  • Done a bunch of treasurer handover with Jackie
  • Went on a food run with the J-Dogs
  • Ongoing complaint management
  • Made whenisgood
  • Harrassed peeps to do whenisgood
  • Sorting email account inbox
  • Spoke to donald re membership transcribing

Treasurer's Report:

  • Did a food run with t-dog and also josh
  • Submitted treasurer training
  • Helped out at club carnival
  • Might be sick (treasurer curse? or mystery amelia sickness?
  • I have netsuite access now!!
  • Also we need more blank dnd character sheets that aren't just spell sheets lol
  • Gavin also suggested maybe having a couple more pregenerated dnd characters for the oneshot tomorrow? (we currently have 10)
  • Account balance: $2,436.34

Secretary's Report:

  • Updated the regulations on the website with last week's changes
  • Updated almost all passwords (still waiting on Twitch) and documented on drive
  • Wrote some code to upload the minutes for me
  • Unfortunately can't be present as I have to go be nice to my dad on his birthday
  • Things I'm currently looking at doing (please action me to do these): >Autumn: Figuring out a plan for using the mailing list to distribute newsletters/minutes >Autumn: Figuring out a proper handover sitdown with Donald >Autumn: Starting to update a lot of the content on the website (eg constitution from 2017) >Autumn: Talked to Alistair about transcribing the signup forms, im happy to be involved in this

Librarian's Report:

  • Learnt librarian things
  • Looking into laminating books and how to do big books
  • Made post regarding fresher campaigns
  • Elanor and Lewis reorganised the library ty yall
  • Overdue items: none

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • The freshers are alive.
  • Also, two of them texted me asking when they would start.
    • I sent them to the facebook page.
  • Lohrrin Foley messaged me and asked if he could be in a fresher campaign
    • he’s not a fresher but he joined halfway through last year and has not been in one yet.
  • Requests from freshers to fix secret hitler envelopes >Emerald: Fix the envelopes

Reports de la OCM:

Kyle - Committee needs to decide on how many dice for club and I can place the order after meeting. - Been looking into team shirts recommended by Mike Basc (or they can make them through their merch store) - Doing the final writing for my ice planet rpg & skirmish so that GM's can run within the setting without me there - Done some reading about fixing the paint collection gonna review when I get a chance either before meeting or Wednesday - played around with some discord settings/features members seem to like them

Josh - Asked to do what is already done in minuets

Gwen - Did club carnival - looking afford to doing events

Ashleigh - Ocm vibe check: vibin

Past action Items:


Reset the lock code - done Put D&D oneshot event up - done


Purge and repopulate the gatekeepers group - done Make whenisgood for meetings. - done


Make the changes to regulations on the website - done We need to reset all the passwords - mostly done



  • Elana Kardol
  • Jack Kay
  • Logan Frost
  • Robert Trainer
  • Simon Lawrance

    Alistair: Message postponed/rejected gate applicants Alistair: Add gatekeepers to group Taylor: Edit gatekeeper form Taylor: Set up gatekeeprer training


  • They would like access to the Unigames UCC account

    Alistair: Come up with a webkeepers password and change UCC to that


Usual Suspects:


  • Space boardgames some time next week
    • Likely Friday

      Gwen: Organise space boardgames night


  • D&D Oneshot tomorrow

    Josh: Manage ongoing RPGs

  • Call of Cthulhu to occur in W4
    • Not Wed because of Prosh


Alistair: Be sad about lack of Magic players Alistair: Get sealed league promo and details from Donald - Sealed League starting Monday W4 - Host a Build-Your-Deck/Play W1 games night - Sign ups leading up to it but no packs until the Monday


Kyle: Keep being Kyle - Learn to Wargame event Monday 9/3 - Paints have been treated poorly Kyle: Fix paints and make a list of things that need replacing - Consider switching to dropper bottles - We've had a massive problem with ruined paints which is a big expense for the club - Replace as they die? - People have been asking about painting days - Probably next Thursday during the day

Fresher Campaigns

  • The form went out on Facebook and Discord
  • Has not yet been emailed out

    Taylor: Make a spreadsheet for member db so we can send emails Taylor: Do Fresher campaign allocations monday (w/Alice) Alice: Do Fresher campaign allocations monday (w/Taylor)

The Less Usual Suspect (LARP):

  • We'll deal with this one next time


Past Events:

  • Halloween 2019

    • Security has been paid - How much???

      Taylor: figure out Halloween (w/ Jackie) Jackie: Figure out Halloween (w/ Taylor)

  • O-Day

    • O-Day grants?
    • Will be sent, waiting on data entry
    • At least 2 weeks (26/3)
  • Fresher Welcome

    • Went wellcome
    • $215.90 on pizza, made $110 back
    • This is from Taylor's memory
    • Alice had fun
    • At least 80 people attending
  • AGM

    • It happened!
    • We have a new committee! Hey there!
    • Minutes are out right now

Prosh Olympics [10/3, Tue W3]:

  • Please come and help us win fun games
  • Alistair will be there
    • Twist and shout
  • Gwen, Jackie and Alice (to hype freshers) can be there
  • It will be the types of events that you did at the Athletics Carnival in school if you didn't run
    • Twister, tunnel ball etc

Artemis LAN [14/3, Sat W3]:

  • Gozz talking about Artemis
  • It's a "Definitely 100% Not Star Trek TM" LARP played on a computer
    • Hurray for interclub interests

      Alice: Make a "Unigames goes to" event for this

Prosh [18/3, Wed W4]:

Ash: communicate with Colin about Prosh marshaling Ash: Sign up as marshal - Colin will help out unofficially - Are we doing this with UniSFA? - Close to UWA / Perth CBD - Location preferences Subi, Leederville & Perth CBD

Charity Vigil [11/4, Sat W6]:

  • Study break?
  • Kyle is gonna be a rep
  • Maybe Josh/Ash

    Taylor, Alistair: Message ICONIC chat we are starting to decide reps Kyle: email guild volunteering PAC club "what the buck" re; what charity to do public affairs council

SwanCon [25/4 - 27/4]:

  • Duxton Hotel, St Georges Terrace
  • It exists and we take boardgames
  • Details to come later

    Alistair: Give the Laura to Emerald

[REDACTED] 2020 [19/6 - 22/6]:

Alistair, Taylor: Be [REDACTED] leaders - This year is G Alistair: Put a poll for G names

Escape Room:

  • Is this something we want to do?
  • Talk about it next week
  • Thanks Gavin


SOC Meeting:

  • Happened 25/2
  • Alistair couldn't go
  • Taylor went, "some stuff happened"
  • Parking.png There is a survey, it's important.
  • Campus tours are looking for clubs for their tours, don't know who to contact.
  • S2 grants from last year are on the way
  • Look into what theme weeks we want to be involved
  • Communicate with PAC clubs


  • Busy Bee on Saturday
    • Inspection is Monday afternoon
      • We can show them the hole in the floor
  • Next consult is on the Wednesday
    • We can complain about the hole
  • Full reallocations still have not come out :'(
  • Doors to Cameron Hall still unlocked as of 9:20PM :D

Room Update:

Alistair: Finish the wargaming/minis shelf

Work orders:

  • One of the lights has started flickering
    • Contacted campus managment, not guild
    • Multiple complaints, flickering is an accessability issue


  • Waiting for more info from Alaura


  • Pending:
    • Jackie: $687.27 for food run
    • Donald: $215.90 for pizza

      Emerald: Give receipt for O Day ice

  • Completed:
    • Taylor: $174.45 for speaker and LARP supplies
    • Alistair: $250 for prerelease
    • Donald: $709.10 for food run
    • Aiobhinn: $110 for O Day printing
    • UniPrint top up $50

General Business:

  • Storage audit to be done at busy bee

Subcommittee regs

  • Event Subcommittee regulations last updated 28/4/2018
  • 7-0-2 successful


  • Dice Dice Dice Dice Dice how many dice?
  • We're looking at getting 60 dice for approximately $80

Leftover Action Items:

  • We should change the recovery email for the gmail account so it's not Donald >Autumn: Change the email

    Taylor: Edit the subcommittee regulations Taylor: Make changes to the Unigames regulations that we picked up on for the next meeting

Meeting closed: 9:55PM


-- This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Message postponed/rejected gate applicants

Add gatekeepers to group

Come up with a webkeepers password and change UCC to that

Be sad about lack of Magic players

Get sealed league promo and details from Donald

Message ICONIC chat we are starting to decide reps (along with Taylor)

Give the Laura to Emerald

Be [REDACTED] leaders (along with Taylor)

Put a poll for G names

Finish the wargaming/minis shelf


Edit gatekeeper form

Set up gatekeeprer training

Make a spreadsheet for member db so we can send emails

Do Fresher campaign allocations monday (w/Alice)

Figure out Halloween (w/ Jackie)

Message ICONIC chat we are starting to decide reps (along with Alistair)

Be [REDACTED] leaders (along with Alistair)

Edit the subcommittee regulations

Make changes to the Unigames regulations that we picked up on for the next meeting


Figure out Halloween (w/ Taylor)


Figuring out a plan for using the mailing list to distribute newsletters/minutes

Figuring out a proper handover sitdown with Donald

Starting to update a lot of the content on the website (eg constitution from 2017)

Talked to Alistair about transcribing the signup forms, im happy to be involved in this

Change the email


Fix the envelopes

Give receipt for O Day ice


Do Fresher campaign allocations monday (w/Taylor)

Make a "Unigames goes to" event for this


Keep being Kyle

Fix paints and make a list of things that need replacing

Email guild volunteering PAC club "what the buck" re; what charity to do public affairs council


Manage ongoing RPGs


Organise space boardgames night


Communicate with Colin about Prosh marshaling

Sign up as marshal