Unigames Committee Meeting #10 - 07/05/2020

by Autumn Brough 07/05/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #10 - 07/05/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Kyle
  • Gwen

Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open 5:05pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • "Went" to the "SOC Meeting"
  • Made a Oneshot GM role so they can have priority speaking (thanks alice)
  • Got to be around enough people to actually play a boardgame last night!
  • Just ordered a dickload of magic to "support tactics" and definitely for no other reason

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • saw emerald and got her receipt this monday which has been the highlight of my last two months
  • wanna talk about SPG things later
  • when will jameson reply to my email
  • did graphic design for charity unvigil!!
  • no progress on halloween : (
  • account balance: $1,493.57
  • cash on hand: $7

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • charity unvigil is continuing
  • fresher campaign organisation

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • ran Tabletop tuesday!!

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • I hope against hope that all the freshers are still alive.
  • I did the star wars night - not including star wars. That was fun.
  • I also sent out the messages to our fresher gms. Fresher campaigns are moving ahead! Yay.
  • Also the days are blurring together and I swear last Thursday was two days ago. I wish I had as much faith in the days of the week as Rebecca Black.
  • I also gave the idea for a gm role in discord so they have priority speaker.
  • I probably did some other thing but I cannot remember which week is which anymore.

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • glitchy crickets sounds
  • Gwen:
    • well I’ve certainly been thinking about board games...
    • still need to test run some Asian themed board games for our next board game night (week after next) with Josh
  • Josh:
    • helped emerald with TTS
    • joined charity unvigil as a GM
  • Kyle:
    • been mostly doing uncharity stuff, talking to GM's
    • Prepping to do my fresher campaign

Past action Items:


Organise a Numenera oneshot on the star wars week (along with Alice) - done


Be aware of the SOC meeting (along with Emerald) - awareness


Contact Jarcus about Halloween - he's been very busy

Work on a collab night banner (along with Autumn) - done

Get Kyle's Tactics receipt - done

Get on Jameson's case about SPGs - done but no results


Make the first fresher campaigns and send them out this weekend (along with Alice) - done!

Keep organising Unvigil (along with Kyle) - done

Work on a collab night banner (along with Jackie) - done

Bug Donald about the mailing list being down - didn't do

Send out a newsletter - done


Run TTS Tuesday next week - done

Be aware of the SOC meeting (along with Taylor) - done

Wield tape for book repair - looking for a good tape deal


Organise a Numenera oneshot on the star wars week (along with Alistair) - done!

Make the first fresher campaigns and send them out this weekend (along with Autumn) - done!


Keep organising Unvigil (along with Autumn) - done


Organise International Games Night (along with Gwen) - not yet


Organise International Games Night (along with Josh) - not yet

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • International Games
    • Next board games night will happen in 2 weeks time, run by Gwen and Joshua

Gwen, Josh: Be responsible for International Games

  • Table top tuesdays
    • Kirby has been serving as a lobby game
    • Let's diversify from Coup?

Josh: Run TTS next week


  • May the 4th
    • Numenera oneshot went well!
    • Few complaints that we weren't playing a star wars system
    • Simple character sheet, good for online play
  • Our next RPG oneshot, in three weeks
    • PbtA systems are cool! Masks?
    • Amelia knows the system and she learnt it from fresher GM Jaye
    • Josh is willing to be responsible

Josh: Organise a Masks campaign for three weeks' time


  • Alistair has lost the ability to play MTG online :(


  • No updates

Fresher Campaigns

  • Autumn and Alice have made groups and communicated with GMs, it's under control
  • There are 4 GMs (Cam, Szymon, Kyle and Roy) and they've got in under control
  • There are two stragglers who we may need to be put into existing groups


Halloween 2019:

  • No updates
  • "Cancel hall-oween 2020"

Charity UnVigil:

  • Another meeting has happened
  • Budget:
    • Committee looks over the budget. All four clubs are spending $50 on prizes. There may be an additional $5-10 price to host a Minecraft server, which we are assuming will be split four ways but Jarcus has proposed be a donation by UCC
  • Since our prize budget has been cut down from $100 to $50, there is a motion to make a $50 donation out of our pocket after the event. Will be discussed post-vigil.

Kyle: Get a steam key for TTS as a prize

  • UCC platform development is developing, cutting it slightly close but we have a timeline and plans to remeet
  • Thank you Jackie for making the banner

Autumn, Kyle: Make Charity Unvigil Happen

[REDACTED] 2020: Ghost Camp:

  • Taylor continues to be snoozy

Room Update:

  • lol


  • Emerald's oday ice receipt has faded and is unusable :(
    • We kept that on the agenda for so long
  • Pending:
    • Emerald: $14.06
    • Kyle: $129.72
    • Jackie: -$7


  • Special Projects Grants
    • Jackie has been trying to get in contact with Jameson, asking how we should best distribute copies of TTS
    • We can start applying for an SPG now, so we need to decide: how many copies of TTS do we want to buy? Anything else?
    • The max value for an SPG is $1000.
    • We can ask for 10 4-packs, approx. $800. In the application, we can list other acceptable multiples of 4-packs.

Jackie: Apply for an SPG

  • "SOC Meeting"
    • Not super informative
    • The most information was only relevant to PAC
    • Elanor said that some club's constitutions aren't publicly available
    • They're supposed to be available through the website, but the website changed

Alistair: Email the constitution to Guild

Emerald, Taylor: See into getting the website constitution up to date

General Business:


  • We added a role for oneshot GMs so they have priority speaker
    • good idea Alice!

Book Repair

  • Emerald is looking at tape and tape alternatives
  • Anything that will be a nice protective layer to help the boxes not die when they get dinged up
  • Now looking at a clear protective spray. It's meant for wood but want to experiment with cardboard

Emerald: Do book repair

Mailing Lists

Autumn: Bug donald about the mailing lists being down

Proposed Sharing Camp

  • Merlin and Cam have contacted Alistair proposing that we run a joint camp with Unisfa this year, and potentially in future years
  • Alistair replied to say he would discuss the possibility of happening this year
  • They are looking at the fact that we are unable to run a physical camp in our timeslot, and would we like to collab in the unisfa timeslot?
  • This would we beneficial and don't lose anything
  • Kyle: We should make clear that this is not a precedent
  • Especially since we already have a camp booked for July 2021
  • Unisfa have booked Ern Halliday campsite for November 20-23
  • It accomodates 50 people so that's enough space
  • Emerald: The tone should be "Unisfa camp w/ Unigames here too"

Alistair: Let Unisfa know that we are interested in a collab camp

Meeting closed: 5:58pm

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Email the constitution to Guild

Let Unisfa know that we are interested in a collab camp


See into getting the website constitution up to date (along with Emerald)


Apply for an SPG


Make Charity Unvigil Happen (along with Kyle)

Bug donald about the mailing lists being down


See into getting the website constitution up to date (along with Taylor)

Do book repair


Get a steam key for TTS as a prize

Make Charity Unvigil Happen (along with Autumn)


Be responsible for International Games (along with Gwen)

Run TTS next week

Organise a Masks campaign for three weeks' time


Be responsible for International Games (along with Josh)