Unigames Committee Meeting #10 - 08/05/2023

by Joshua Annison 08/05/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #10 - 08/05/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Connor
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • Hannah
  • James
  • Emerald



Meeting scheduled: 6:00PM

Meeting open: 6:PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • did redacted budget with connor
  • contacted old people x2
  • injured myself on the food run
  • banned the wife from study week painting
  • smfsd lockdown war
  • (just realised she left her charger at her lab)
  • oh yeah library labelling

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Run theros flashback draft
  • Big assignment done
  • yep, alive

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • Did the SCRUNGLIEST food run ever
  • Lab Report scrungliness over
  • Did redacted budget with Jackie n became a dictator (for the starboard)
  • Account Balance: $2760.88

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • CYBERPUNK WAS VERY COOL (Killed Dr Robotnik)
  • finished major test
  • finally, :crab: Tex gone :crab:

Librarian's Report (David):

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • Posted a cool reccomendation in book buy!
  • worked 24 hours last week 😭
  • study? who's she?
  • very excited for cyberpunkkkkkkk

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James):

  • Chris:
    • rip my action items
  • Hannah:
    • two essays left now
    • it sure is week 10 now
    • also woke up at 7am today somehow, followed by 5 hour nap after brief intermission
  • James:
    • Investigation Boardgames on Friday
    • end of report
  • Texas
    • josh this is the final ft texas meeting
    • went to draft, pulled a $70 USD card
    • love you and miss you all committee<33

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==8/11 (72.72% WR)== Meeting
    • "Emerald is here but she isn't present" - Jackie
    • "emerald enters the room"
    • Ummmmmm
    • its week 10
    • yipee

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Contact Warhammer RPG People - Waiting on Responses

  • Organise Study week Painting day - Somewhat

  • Make [REDACTED] poster - In Pogress

  • (with Connor) Do [REDACTED] hell - Done

  • Print off Safe campus poster for clubroom - Not Done



  • Make Quickplay Guide - Not Done

  • Commander Precon League Admin "stuff" - In Pogress

  • Message committee about deck boxes - In Pogress


  • (with Jackie) Do [REDACTED] hell - Done


  • Research sleeving Boardgames - Not Done

  • Label the shelves of the library - Done


  • Make forum post for Cyberpunk - Done


  • Do EMP & announcement for One-Page RPG's - Not Done


  • Write investigation boardgames events + announcement - Done


  • Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary - Not Done

  • Mailing list for 40th - Not Done


  • Upload certificates to Unigames drive - In Pogress

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Investigation Boardgames - Friday 12/05/23 5PM
  • Games Include
    • Betrayal
      • at the House on the Hill
      • at Baldur's Gate
    • Bloodbound
    • Dixit
    • Mysterium
    • Obscurio
  • Yep, its happening
Spaced Out Boardgames - Week 12
  • Its Connoring time!
    • felt like he hadn't done many events


Cyberpunk One Shot Night - Thursday 04/05/23 5PM
  • 5 players
  • Unlucky/lucky to Gen (needed to do an assignment)
    • Thanks for the pregens Gen
  • People really enjoyed the system, requested that it happen again sometime
One-Page RPG's - Week 11
  • aaa
  • Will put up a post on facebook/discord asking around for what systems people would like to run.

    Chris: Do EMP & announcement for One-Page RPG's

Warhammer RPG Night - Post-Exams
  • General vibes Warhammer RPG's, no specific system
  • Reconnect with the old people
    • Cam - Down
    • Winslade - Down
    • Lewis - Happy to be back up
      • Contacted Stuart
      • Suggested Imperium Maledictum
    • Jack (pending)

      Jackie: Contact Jack Warhammer RPG People


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quick play guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so

    Gibbi: Make Quick play Guide

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Almost through second box
Theros Flashback Draft - 07/05/23
  • Very good event
  • One person pulled out
    • were able to contact the next person
  • Good pulls
  • Occasional Draft seems good
Commander Precon League
  • He is working on it
  • should be done in time for holidays

    Gibbi: Commander Precon League Admin "stuff"

WotC/Pinkerton situation
  • We have talked about the WotC/Pinkerton situation
  • General Consensus/Vibe
    • We support boycotting on an individual level (very based)
    • No plans for implementing an active boycott at an administrative level by Unigames
    • Unigames doesn't condone the use of malicious practices by companies, such as WotC.
    • Use proxies, buy singles


  • Jackie is doing a painting day
    • Kills Amazon also?? /serious
Study Week Painting Day - Tuesday Study Week
  • Might be moved based on SOC Council

    Jackie: Organise Study week Painting day

OGM - 09/05/23 - 4PM

  • It's tomorrow at 4pm at the GCR
  • If you don't know where the GCR is, come to Unigames before hand and we can walk together
  • Current Agenda:
    • Reports
    • General Updates
    • Resignation of Alex Bennett
    • Election of a new OCM
      • Standing Nominations as of this meeting:
        • Mani Dashti
        • Angus Prosser
        • Daniel Brown
        • Jack Bariss
        • Oscar Gates
        • Jorja Cowan
    • Texas' Constitutional Amendment, Seconded by Jackie
      • Original: Be filled through appointment of a Financial Member by Committee, subject to review at the next General Meeting
      • Changed: Be filled through appointment of a consenting Financial Member by Committee, subject to review at the next General Meeting.
      • Reasoning: don't let committee assign anyone OCM, addition of "consenting"
    • Taylor's Motion, Seconded by Gozz
    • General business
    • General Updates
  • If you would like to make an absentee vote on the OGM election please message either the Secretary or President on Facebook or Discord at least one hour before the meeting is due to start, in this case 3pm. Proxy votes are not permitted. Note that only Ordinary Financial Members are permitted to vote at meetings.

ALL: Send Josh/"The Sec" your report TONIGHT

Fresher Campaigns

  • Seem to be going well

Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

  • Grace took the money today
    • Connor gave her the money
  • Meeting next week
    • Scheduled meeting during our OGM oTL

Unigames [REDACTED] 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

    • Assassins: King Connor
    • Debates: James and Hannah
    • Quiz: Josh, Chris, Gen, Gibbi
    • LARP: David and Connor
    • Oneshots: David
  • We have some semblance of a poster now, very cool
    • Done this week
  • Josh RSA gamer fail
    • Waiting on reply
  • Figuring out transport (still)
  • Leigh has been emailed, approval meeting this Thursday
  • [REDACTED] [REDACTED] Monday?????
    • If not Monday definitely Tuesday
  • Budget
    • Inflation L
    • Things will cost more possibly, but not more than other things in the same category
    • Motion to Approve Unigames [REDACTED] Budget - Passes Unanimously

Everyone: Upload certificates to Unigames drive Jackie: Make [REDACTED] poster

ACYA Collab Event

  • No sorry
  • Cancelled

    Jackie: Message ACYA about Collab event

Far Future Events

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Jackie - Knowledge Bearer
  • Gen
  • Connor

Role Play 4 LYFE - 2nd-3rd of September

  • Gen
  • David

Quiz Night - ???

  • Might book this earlier this year
  • Lightmittee
    • Gibbi
  • Darkmittee
    • Chris


  • Josh
  • James Secret Captain
    • (he will be Captain for UniHall or smth)

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $840 to Gibbi for MOM prerelease
    • $381.50 to Connor for Food Run
    • $570.05 to Jackie for Food Run



  • Nupdates


  • SPG initial result:
    • We have received it
  • Will wait a bit to do the actual initiative
    • Everyone is busy at the moment on account of university

SOCPAC Meeting

Jackie: Print off Safe campus poster for clubroom

General Business:

Custom Playmats

  • 1 to go ;-; please come get it if it is yours PWEASE PWEASEEEEE PLEASEEEEEEEE I STG WAAAA AAAAAA REEEEE am done pleading. Come and get it "bucko"

Westmarche 2

  • 'aauuauuauau' - A chorus of Westheads
  • Maybe over semester break

40th Anniversary - September-Octoberish

  • Nupdates

Emerald: Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary Emerald: Mailing list for 40th



  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

New Kallax
  • Not urgent, but a new Kallax will be purchased at some point using unCharity funds
New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates


Cards Against Humanity Fascism Deck
  • There is a deck of cards about fascism
  • Does this provide value to the game/club?
  • It is pretty much up to David
    • It is literally also falling apart
  • Removing expansion
  • Monolithing the actual game (it needs repairs and will be repaired)
Book Buy
  • Keep sending them in
  • "SUGGESTIONS!!! please" - Librarian

Card Sleeving

David: Research sleeving Boardgames - aAa

Library System
  • Shelves are labeled!

Food runs

  • Done
    • Drinks in the clubroom!


Committee Business

  • Jackie Access Meeting Notes
    • We are talking about temporary solutions to afford accessibility to people who attend our events.
    • Better to use clubroom instead of booking CCZ every time
    • We can borrow Access room about once a month for us to use for little events.
    • Online events are also good.
    • Work with CamHallClubs so that we can stagger the events. (So there is always something going on in the access room)
    • Organised over holidays and should start running next month.
  • Gibbi: we getting there I prommy

Gibbi: Message committee about deck boxes

Meeting closed: 7:20 PM