Unigames Committee Meeting #11 - 14/05/2020

by Autumn Brough 14/05/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #11 - 14/05/2020


  • Alistair
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Kyle
  • Gwen


  • Taylor

Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open: 5:10pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • No idea what I've been up to this week
  • I just don't week

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • Sleep

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • Working on the SPG application! Done ASAP
  • Come to Unigames Unvigil!! Tomorrow
  • account balance: $1,493.57
  • cash on hand: $7

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • Unvigil meetings and event start!!
  • Fresher campaigns have been happening

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • Went to officeworks but they didn't have the right tape :(
  • Second officeworks didn't have the right tape :(
  • Emerald learns about telephoning businesses

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • Did some fresher campaign stuff
  • Finally did all uni work!!

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • Attended TTS Tuesday, yeet
  • Gwen:
    • Board game night is in the works for next week
    • Constant stress for the past few weeks
    • Running board games at Unvigil!
  • Josh:
    • Working on next week's board game night
    • Helped run TTS Tuesday
    • Running a game at unvigil
  • Kyle:
    • Unvigil prep, GM wrangling, prize wrangling
    • Painting

Past action Items:


Email the constitution to Guild - not done

Let Unisfa know that we are interested in a collab camp - done


See into getting the website constitution up to date (along with Emerald) - not done


Apply for an SPG - in progress


Make Charity Unvigil Happen (along with Kyle) - happening!!

Bug donald about the mailing lists being down - done


See into getting the website constitution up to date (along with Taylor) - not done

Do book repair - yeah!! repaired splendour and exploding kittens


Get a steam key for TTS as a prize - requires you to send it directly? apparently humblebundle lets you do it

Make Charity Unvigil Happen (along with Autumn) - happening!!


Be responsible for International Games (along with Gwen) - in the works

Run TTS next week - yep!

Organise a Masks campaign for three weeks' time - collecting GMs


Be responsible for International Games (along with Josh) - in the works

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Asian Board Games
    • Next week
    • Gwen and Josh running Asian Games on Friday
    • Planning on testing new games out tuesday

Gwen, Josh: Run Asian Board Games

  • Table top tuesdays
    • Josh ran it this week
    • Continuing to go well
    • Josh remarked that more social, less rules-focused games went down better

Emerald: Run TTS Tuesday


  • Masks
    • Two weeks away
    • Amelia has declined GMing, trying to get in contact w/ Jaye to ask about GMing
    • Josh will put out a call for GMs

Josh: Organise Masks for two weeks' time


  • Alistair will brave the city to acquire product
  • Physical release tomorrow
  • Everyone please support tactics <3


  • No updates

Fresher Campaigns

  • Only one fresher game has need to be majorly reshuffled

Alice: Give Harry T his fresher game

Alice: Contact Cam, Szymon, Roy about their fresher games


Halloween 2019:

  • Cricket noises

Charity UnVigil:

  • It's happening!!!!! :DDDDDD
  • We've raised over $300 from Unisfa's first
  • Kyle has orchestrated four GMs plus Gwen running board games

Autumn, Kyle: Keep running Unvigil

[REDACTED] 2020: Ghost Camp:

  • Taylor has actively been thinking about Ghost camp. Just been thinking.

Proposed Sharing Camp

  • Taylor's thoughts: Do not let Unisfa take this opportunity to set a new status quo that only benefits them. Absolutely hardcore slam that it's not going to happen again without another exceptional circumstance. Generally agreed with previous discussion. Not a fan of Ern Halliday.
  • The fact that we'll likely be hitting our attendance capacity has implications about whether we need to and should provide assisted ticket buys.

Room Update:

  • lol


  • Pending:
    • Emerald: $14.06
    • Kyle: $129.72 existing, plus $28.95 for a TTS key = $158.67
    • Jackie: -$7


  • Special Projects Grants
    • Being worked on
    • End of today hopefully, definitely end of week

General Business:


  • Alex's boost is going to run out in about a week
  • Do we want to keep the server boosted?
  • We don't have a lot of income rn
  • No one has really noticed a big improvement, we should let it run out and see if anyone notices a drop in quality

Book Repair

  • Splendour and Exploding Kittens have been repaired!
  • The Spell War and Galaxy Trucker have been worked on!
  • Secret Hitler is being operated on!

Emerald: Keep doing book repair

Mailing Lists

  • Donald has been bugged today and apparently it is fixed

Autumn: Test the mailing list

Meeting closed: 5:40pm

This Week's Action Items: Autumn:

Keep running Unvigil (along with Kyle)

Test the mailing list


Run TTS Tuesday

Keep doing book repair


Give Harry T his fresher game

Contact Cam, Szymon, Roy about their fresher games


Keep running Unvigil (along with Autumn)


Run Asian Board Games (along with Gwen)

Organise Masks for two weeks' time


Run Asian Board Games (along with Josh)