Unigames Committee Meeting #12 - 22/05/2023

by Joshua Annison 22/05/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #12 - 22/05/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Connor
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • Hannah
  • James
  • Oscar
  • Emerald



Meeting scheduled: 6:00PM

Meeting open: 6:09PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • actually added oscar to some committee things (like on the website lol)
  • putting the redacted back into redacted..
    • Site visit this weekend!
  • put up two (2) events
  • blorbo'd really hard. like. really hard

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Hi Josh
  • On that Uni grind
  • Finishing up the Precon League announcement
  • Started playing some legend of zegend
  • Helped Jackie with some announcements

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • The Celtics... 😔
  • Okay anyways, come to Spaced Out Boardgames !!
  • Account Balance: $2145.89

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Hi Gibbi
  • Posted OGM minutes
  • Sent out the newsletter (link broke but Alistair won the card game of the Month quiz)
  • RSA success (finally)
  • Unigames Committee goes Bunbury??

Librarian's Report (David):

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • went on a food run
  • only one week of classes left, and then you have to do entirely different units?
    • this is normal gen

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:
    • auugghhhh
    • One-Page RPG's happened, attendance of 8
      • scrungly /pos
  • Hannah:
    • stress is the only emotion I have left now
    • but after tonight I should be less stressed I hope
    • animal shenanigans are apparently happening again back home which once again include a possum
    • anyways last week of the semester yay
  • James:
  • Oscar:
    • went to a bit of SNoM, was fun
    • tears of the kingdom has fully ruined my life
      • is not on the zouch

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==9/13 (69.23% WR)== Meeting
    • Is playing zelda
    • Hi boys
      • "Hi Emerald" - Gibbi
      • "Hi Emerald" - Josh
    • Happy week 12
    • I hope everyone is having a good TotK
    • Hope everyone is making sure that they have got a good study schedule in place
      • Remember to eat 3 meals a day and 8 hours a night
    • :)

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Continue organising Warhammer RPG night - No Progress

  • EMP for Study week Painting day - Done

  • Unigames goes to Panto organisation - Done

  • Announcement of Unigames Camp - Done

  • Print posters and other for Unigames Camp - Done

  • Talk about booking early - Done


  • Make Quickplay Guide - Long Term in Poggers

  • Commander Precon League Announcement - In progress

  • Reaching out to the placemat person again - Done

  • Message committee about deck boxes - Long Term in Poggers


  • EMP + Announcement for Spaced Out Boardgames - Done


  • Announcement for SNOM - Done

  • Research sleeving Boardgames - Not Done


  • Do EMP & announcement for One-Page RPG's - Done


  • Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary - Started designing, posting this week

  • Mailing list for 40th - Not Done


  • Upload certificates to Unigames drive - Not Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Spaced Out Boardgames - Wednesday 24/05/23 5PM
  • Its gonna happen Wednesday at that time!
  • Space!


One-Page RPG's - Friday 19/05/23 5PM
  • It went well
  • "A large table for the whole night" attendees
  • Some short GMless followed by one shot with fresher Jack
  • There are some gems in the Micro-RPG book
Warhammer RPG Night - Post-Exams
  • General vibes Warhammer RPG's, no specific system
  • Reconnect with the old people
    • Cam - Down
    • Winslade - Down
    • Lewis - Happy to be back up
      • Suggested Imperium Maledictum
    • Jack - Seems Down

Jackie: Get back to GM's for Warhammer RPG Night


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quickplay guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so

    Gibbi: Make Quickplay Guide

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Most of the way through the third box
  • Maybe get more after exams and camp
Commander Precon League - Every Thursday starting 27th of June
  • Finishing announcement atm
  • Will go on through July obviously

    Gibbi: Commander Precon League Announcement

SNOM - 21/05/23
  • Was good
  • 2.5~ tables at max
  • Played some of the games of commander of all time

    David: Announcement for SNOM

LOTR Prerelease - 18/06/23
  • Announcement soon on account of the money (:skull:)

    Gibbi: LotR Prerelease EMP and Announcement


Painting Day & Chill - Tuesday 30/05/23 12pm
  • Yeah its gonna be Tuesday
    • Next week Tuesday!
  • First come first served on cool minis
  • Lofi Beats provided

Fresher Campaigns

  • Yes
    • Merlin's campaign is done for semester
    • Harry's still on hold
    • Not surprising considering Exams Time
  • Will check in after exams

Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

    • Motion to Approve Distribution
      • Not Approved

Unigames goes: Panto - Friday 02/06/23

  • No more early bird
  • its a good time
  • you can heckle the actors

Unigames Camp 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

  • :headinhandsemoji:
  • Unable to hold at Manjedal because they need to do an engineers report on the building
  • We will have to move the venue
  • Site visit this weekend (hopefully)
    • fingers crossed it works
  • Approval meeting next monday (hopefully)
  • Dear Everybody, I am very sorry

Everyone: Certificates for Camp Jackie: IF site visit success THEN speedrun EMP for camp

Far Future Events

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Jackie - Knowledge Bearer
  • Gen
  • Connor
  • Subcom discord has been made

Role Play 4 LYFE - 2nd-3rd of September

  • Gen
  • David

Quiz Night - ???

  • Might book this earlier this year
  • Lightmittee
    • Gibbi
  • Darkmittee
    • Chris
  • Subcom discord has been made


  • Josh
  • James Secret Captain
    • (he will be Captain for UniHall or smth)

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
  • Pending
    • $262.99 to Josh for Rood Fun
  • Unsubmitted



  • Nupdates


  • Can hall is now in the building
  • Posters need to be made
  • Semester grants are also due (16/06 11:59PM)

SOCPAC - Tuesday 30/05/23

  • Josh will go

General Business:

Custom Playmats

  • 1 to go ;-; please come get it if it is yours PWEASE PWEASEEEEE PLEASEEEEEEEE I STG WAAAA AAAAAA REEEEE am done pleading. Come and get it "bucko". pwease. Pretty please.

    Gibbi: Reaching out to playmat owner again but on facebook this time

Westmarche 2

  • Westmarche 1 ending will be released on the day Westmarche 2 begins
  • 'uhhhhhh' - David
  • Maybe over semester break

40th Anniversary - September-Octoberish

  • Guild events has a bunch of "stuff"
    • We can use this for the ball free of charge (we think)
      • Table Card Holders
      • Lanterns
      • Wood Round Centre Pieces
      • Fake Flowers

Emerald: Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary Emerald: Mailing list for 40th


  • Please welcome our new Gatekeepers!
    • Jack Joseph Desedirius Bariss
    • Joshua Moncaster


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

  • Our Carpet tiles are sliding
    • Current theory is due to new chairs having smaller surface area legs
    • Make sure to take care when moving chairs around, be safe :)
New Kallax
  • Nupdates
New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates


Book Buy
  • Submissions are closed
  • Researchin time

Card Sleeving

David: Research sleeving Boardgames - This action item exists only to make David look bad - (Jokes aside this is part of a long term card sleeving project that is dependant largely on card sleeve supplies)

Library System
  • May need to talk about large scale borrowing (potential) issue w/ webkeepers

Food runs

  • We did it
    • No cans??
  • Jackie Gibbi food run
    • w/ Rondie!


Committee Business

  • Panadol is out of date in medkit
    • Just get some on food run
  • Gibbi: we getting there I prommy

    Gibbi: Message committee about deck boxes

Meeting closed: 7:12 PM