Unigames Committee Meeting #12 - 23/05/2022

by Ethan Gibson 23/05/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #12 - 23/05/2022

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Luna
  • Hannah
  • Chris
  • Connor
  • David
  • Everest (Online)


  • Texas


Meeting scheduled: 5:00Pm

Meeting open: 5:23 Pm


President's Report (Emerald):

  • hi gibbi
    • hi emerald
  • done lots of assignemnts this week
  • sent some emails as well
  • saw parents who live very far away
  • Good luck with your exams people

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • hope everyone had a fantastic democracy day!
    • because i personally did
  • had good time at unigames goes to panto, we had like ~8-9 people go to see the friday show
  • i think poster for [redacted] is good to go (after i had another 2am session working on it lol)
  • just waiting on leigh so me and emerald can have that emp meeting early this week pweaaaaaaaase
  • also helped tex w more grant stuff
  • i had a very stressful dream where i dreamt that i had like 3 more assignments than i thought i did due this week and then i woke up with sleep paralysis like twice
  • other than that i'm fine tho lol

Treasurer's Report (Texas):

  • me: wow i dont like monday kids! boss: hey! want monday kids club! me: ;-;
  • so apologies this week but im free after :3
  • still doing committee things
  • did sem grant things (still going)
  • wrote quiz question ideas for camp @ gibbi, connor and chris
  • free me from assignment hell im begging you i have 2 tests this week for the same class
  • went to panto. It sure was just regular Australia lmao
  • account balance: $4973.56

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • been awake for 3 hours and 7 minutes
  • Been working on assignments
  • Gonna do a food run after this meeting
  • got a large lad for only $20
  • did commander draft emp

Librarian's Report (Luna):

  • I feel like I have pushed myself to my physical and mental limits last week.
  • The greatest accomplishment last week was walking for 20 minutes.
  • Lauren has assigned us all as cool people.

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • "Hhhhh" (in anguish)
  • the essays do be killing me
  • otherwise I looked at some lofi music we can play for the event
  • and had myself a nice mental breakdown

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Connor, David, Everest):

  • Chris:
    • I did the thing
    • one-page rpgs happening tomorrow!
    • please no more Morbin
    • time for instrument recording shenanigans
  • Connor:
  • I promise we’re planning lofi boardgames, Hannah and I are killing it o_O
    • Ummmmmm MineCraft :))
    • Exam time soon exam time soon good luck studying y’all !!
    • Going on a food run after this
  • David:
    • Replaced displaced carpet tiles (yes there are some that I haven't done, I know)
    • May or may not have predicted panto ending o.o
    • Obtained a quarterstaff
      • Simple, 1d6 Bludgeoning, Versatile (1d8).
      • Cost 5 copper pieces (using today's gold prices)
    • Got elytra before anyone else on Connor's minecraft realm
    • Gray Streamer Pete (Morbin time)
  • Everest:
    • boy that was a week
    • back to regular chaos instead of 'oh god' soul gripping terror
    • i did not do carpets by virtue of the soul gripping terror
    • head filled with domestic life concepts
    • finishing projects a week early? maybe ? would be based
    • oh yeah went to panto was v good 10/10 for shadow mans

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==10.75/13== Meetings
    • Did 1 day of work + prod week
      • Did not do 5 days of work + prod week
    • He is now back at work

Past action Items:

Emerald Aindow:

Submit incorporation & SCE form - Done

Jackie Shan:

(with Texas) Categorise purchases for semester grant - Done

Alex Bennett:

(with Jackie) Categorise purchases for semester grant - Done

Submit envirogrant - Not done

Ethan Gibson:

food run this week - "Done"

Did the good ol commander legends prerelease EMP - Done

Organise Charity Vigil Donation - Not Done

Hannah Niklaus:

(with Connor) Put up lo-fi board games event - In progress

Christopher Leak:

Put up discord announcement and EMP for One Page RPGs - Done

Ungreenify Poster - Not Done

Connor Brennan:

(with Hannah) Put up lo-fi board games event - In progress

David Giles:

(with Everest) Clean and vacuum room - Done


(with David) Clean and vacuum room - Done

Usual Suspects

Unigames goes to Panto - [20/05/2022]
  • Good time was had by 5 members of committee
  • Had about 8 to 9 members attend in total

Board Games

  • Lo-fi Boardgames - Study Week Tuesday - [31/05/2022]
    • Will be on study week Tuesday


  • One Page RPG Oneshot Night - [24/05/2022]
    • Its happening tomorrow at 5PM

Magic: The Gavining

Commander Legends: Baldurs Gate Prerelease - Sunday 05/06/2022
  • Done the EMP
  • We don't have the product yet
  • Will put off one week until the week after exams [19/06/2022]

Fresher Campaigns

  • All moving as expected
  • Freshers are alive

Upcoming Events:

Unigames [REDACTED] "I"

  • EMP hasnt been approved yet
  • Hpefully will see leigh this week
    • Please please please please please
    • Also Tony
  • The poster is very good and everyone likes it :gun:

Far Future Events

Quiz Night


Roleplay for Life

Relay for Life



  • No Updates

Uncharity vigil


  • Approved

  • Pending

  • Unsubmitted

  • $44.18 to Connor Brennan for Carpet Tape


Tenancy Meeting

  • No Updates


  • This Thursday
  • Emerald and Jackie will go

Missing Money

  • no updates

Semester grant

  • no updates

Jackie, Texas: Walk through scanning receipts and justification for grants


  • Needs to be submitted

Texas: Submit Envirogrant

General Business:


  • No Gatekeeper updates


  • No Webkeepers

Room Update

  • Carpet tiles have been stucked down by David
    • If there are any new issues please talk to David
Pinup Board
  • Alistair
    • He will figure out which method is the best to support it
    • He would like to avoid pulling down the wall
      • Jackie would like to aboid this happening
Air Conditioning
  • Will hopefully be replaced in 2 weeks


  • No updates


  • No updates
Book Buy
  • Post will be up in the next week or so.

Luna: Put up Bookbuy post on discord and Facebook

Sleeving Cards
  • No Updates
  • Should check when we pick up commander legends product
Classification system
  • No Updates

Food runs

  • About to do run after this meeting


  • Gibbi will draft a newsletter

Gibbi: Draft Newsletter

Committee Business

Ungreenify Poster - Not Done

Charity Vigil - [16/04/2022 - 17/04/2022]

Ethan: Organise Charity Vigil Donation

Meeting closed: 5:55PM