Unigames Committee Meeting #13 - 30/05/2022

by Ethan Gibson 30/05/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #13 - 30/05/2022

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Texas
  • Gibbi (Online)
  • Luna
  • Hannah
  • Chris
  • Connor
  • David
  • Everest



Meeting scheduled: 5:00Pm

Meeting open: 5:05 Pm


President's Report (Emerald):

  • hi gibbi
    • hi
  • soc meeting was alright
    • no pizza
  • camp a ok
    • You have 10 more days for earlybird*
      • Day amount refers to when this was spoken that is 5:07 30/05/2022
  • Good luck for end of semester gang
  • The entire bioshock collection is free on the epic games store until the 6th

    • If you havent played it you should get it
  • https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/bundles/bioshock-the-collection

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • attended socpac
  • put up camp stuff w emerald
  • including the sexiest posters ever
  • also bought my ticket
  • also i made the mistake of buying the cities skyline humble bundle
  • oh yeah i helped w grants i guess lol

Treasurer's Report (Texas):

  • im free.... not really, its Sisyphus hell
  • holy shit i am so so tried how did i survive this semester
  • did semester grants
  • and also trez things today, including poke jackie at 8am
  • guild please my slt I want to finish it
  • assignment deadline extended after I submitted ofc it is
  • account balance: $6,597.56

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • In assessment hell
    • 1 more assignment to go
    • spent the last 2.5 days doing biol quizzes
  • Newsletter Drafted
  • Quiz questions partially written
  • Happy to pickup product from tactics towards the end of the week
  • Did food run with Connyah

Librarian's Report (Luna):

  • Greetings from the Emergency Department
    • I'm still in the waiting room.
  • Hope everyone is doing ok
  • Health is a bitch
  • I have made the Book Buy post, haven't done much research yet
  • I love my friends <3

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • 3/5 essays done so we are finally seeing the end
  • used the resources available to me cough jackie and everest cough to get some chill game suggestions for tomorrow
  • otherwise i've discovered the secret to speedrunning essays

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Connor, David, Everest):

  • Chris:
    • it be me, the OldCM
    • one-page rpgs sounds like it went well
    • we ready for camp??????? get your tickets!
  • Connyah :
    • Study more than I have, having MineCraft farms for everything won’t help you in exams
    • BUT if you want to chill before you study, come by to Lofi Boardgames to Study and Relax To™️
  • David:

    • Study grind
    • Morbed 3 wives in the morbin chamber. Also committed brutal murder with fellow forest creatures.
      • Wot
    • Stay study grinding peeps
  • Everest:

    • burnt myself removing the Hell Waffle
    • it's ok tho
    • almost died via waffle
    • sat nearby and minimally helped with grants
    • joined capitalism, thrived.
    • still unreliable outside business hours due to spine jelly being misplaced

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==11.75/14== Meetings
    • guild garden party i got 5 drinks in the first hour
    • Alistair doesn't like it when Allianz tries to phone him

Past action Items:


(with Texas) Walk through scanning receipts and justification for grants - Done


(with Jackie) Walk through scanning receipts and justification for grants - Done

Submit Envirogrant - Done


Draft Newsletter - Done

Organise Charity Vigil Donation - Not Done

Write Intermediate Magic Primer - Not Done


Put up Bookbuy post on discord and Facebook - Done


Ungreenify Poster - Not Done - Transferred to Jackie

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Lo-fi Boardgames - Study Week Tuesday - [31/05/2022]
    • Will tomorrow
    • Connor is making the poster
      • Emerald threatens bonkying on the head

        Connor, Hannah: Put up Announcement and Poster


  • One Page RPG Oneshot Night - [24/05/2022]
    • 2 different one shots
    • They were both very fun
      • No David i will not put morbin time in the minutes

Magic: The Gavining

Commander Legends: Baldurs Gate Prerelease - Sunday 05/06/2022
  • It's this sunday at 11am
  • Done the EMP
  • We don't have the product yet will be picked up later this week
  • Its a draft entry will be $35
  • Announcement will go up today or tomorrow

Gibbi: Put up Commander Legends Prerelease announcement

SNOM 3: Revenge of the Chaff
  • Will be put off one week until the week after exams [19/06/2022]

Fresher Campaigns

  • No updates

Upcoming Events:

Unigames Camp: Ichor & Incantations

  • Tickets are $110
  • 18+ Event
  • 5 tickets have been sold so far
  • Buy your ticket before early bird ends (10/06/2022) for $10 snack voucher!
  • Ask committee if you have further questions / would like to enquire about a partial ticket

  • https://bit.ly/UGIchorIncantations

Camp Poster
  • The poster has been put up and is in the clubroom

Emerald: Email Manjedal about Camp

Far Future Events

Quiz Night


Roleplay for Life

Relay for Life



  • No Updates

Uncharity vigil


  • Approved

  • Pending

  • Unsubmitted

    • $403.35 to Connor for Food Run
    • $44.18 to Connor Carpet Tape


Tenancy Meeting


  • more information about the SCE officer
    • bystander training required (in level 2 SLT)
    • SCE officers have to deliver a speech to attendees as a high-impact event (everything ends)
      • for us, we'll do it for camp inductions, and ~halfway? through quiz night
    • is currently opt-in system, will start being mandatory for clubs after semester 2 & ask for our feedback
    • has to be included in handovers if they make this mandatory
  • tenancy
    • tenancy FB group has been made for club tenants
    • next busy bee: tuesday week 2 sem 2, 2nd August
    • next tenancy meeting: thursday week 3 sem 2, 11th August
    • guild redevelopment project (master plan (this isn't a joke - jackie))
      • will involve cam hall, guild hall, ccz etc
      • student consultations starting soon
  • next SOCPAC: 6:00pm Thursday 30th June

Missing Money

  • no updates

Semester grant

  • submitted!
  • (thank u jackie) - texas


  • also submitted

General Business:


  • No Gatekeeper updates


  • No Webkeepers

Room Update

Pinup Board
  • no updates
Air Conditioning
  • parts are predicted to arrive on the 6th
  • should have concrete update this time next week
  • No updates
Things to hang
  • we have things that we should hang up in the clubroom (best club award, and the cross-stitch chase made for us!)
  • we'll buy some hang-y hook things and figure out where to put them in the clubroom after


  • No updates
Book Buy
  • posts are up on both discord and facebook!
  • go suggest your favourite games for us to purchase!
Sleeving Cards
  • no updates

    Gibbi: check for card sleeves when you pick up prerelease at tactics

Classification system
  • No Updates

Food runs


  • Gibbi should send that newletter before early bird ends

Gibbi: Send Newsletter

Committee Business

Charity Vigil - [16/04/2022 - 17/04/2022]

Gibbi: Organise Charity Vigil Donation

Meeting closed: 5:48PM