Unigames Committee Meeting #14 - 05/06/2023

by Joshua Annison 05/06/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #14 - 05/06/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Connor
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • Hannah
  • Oscar


  • James
  • Emerald


Meeting scheduled: 3:00PM

Meeting open: 3:22PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • unredacted the re-redacted and can think about non-camp finally now
    • please buy camp tickets (idk what emojis these were supposed to be)
  • reminded emerald about ball save the date stuff
  • ran chill painting day & unigames goes to panto's GYAD (good times had)
  • for those curious, i'm still in fob smfsd lockdown

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Hi Josh, hows it going
  • Ive definitely written my report
  • Precon announcement up
  • LOTR announcement going up now
    • not as good as mh2 probably
  • Oh boy I wish I had watched my lectures
  • Dragged half the club into omegastrikers

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • sniffles (probably), readjusted camp budget with jackie, camp is back on the menu!
  • was the first person gibbi dragged into his addiction (i’ve escaped)
  • Account Balance: $2545.89

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Hyped for LotR prerelease
  • Sorted some mini's out and fixed some up, as well as did some paintin'
  • Heyyyyyy Emerald :)
  • Heyyyyyy Gibbi :)
  • Newsletter out after my exams.

Librarian's Report (David):

  • book buy research any% speedrun
  • painted a colossal dread lizard
  • IGOWALLAH (skrrt)
  • COME ON ENGERLAND (score some cores)

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • Went to painting mini event!!
    • painted a lovely headless lesbian orc >>>
  • pink hair era (exciting)

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:
    • auuuggghhh (nothing to re🅱️ort)
    • Also fell into the Omegastrikers train
  • Hannah:
    • hnnnnnn examsssss
    • i have not socialized except for making feijoada yesterday
    • also militarism and imperialism haunts me in every historical time period
  • James:
    • Jackie did not do an accent (physically cannot)
    • I am not at the meeting
    • I wish I was
    • I really wish I was
    • Anyway, was at the painting day at the end while people went to SocPac, everyone seemed to have fun
  • Oscar:
    • Went to painting day; was a lot of people there, but very fun
    • Just bought my camp ticket
      • If you haven't you should.

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==9/15 (60% WR)== Meeting
    • hi boys~
    • apologies book buy gamers, you know I love a book buy
    • unfortunately I’m going on a date with Michael Bublé and my mum decided being 5 hours early is an appropriate amount of time to park and get dinner before a show
    • please double root buy its soooo deserved at this point I feel like the oracle at Delphi at this point saying “we should buy two” and then we do the opposite
    • GOOD LUCK WITH EXAMS EVERYONE! Remember: Removing the label from watermelon Gatorade makes it a legal drink for an in person exam

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Get back to GM's for Warhammer RPG Night - Done

  • Print off infopacks and poster - Doneish (infopacks not done because UCC problems)

  • (with Connor) Camp budget 2 (Please Do) - Done

  • Speedrun EMP for camp + Admin - Done

  • Give links out for subcom discords - Done

  • Message webkeepers about large scale borrowing issues. - Done


  • Make quick play Guide - Long term in progress

  • Commander Precon League Announcement - Done

  • LotR pre-release Announcement - Done

  • Message committee about deck boxes - Not Done


  • (with Jackie) Camp budget 2 (Please Do) - Done


  • Book buy research - Done


  • Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary - Not Done

  • Mailing list for 40th - Done


  • Certificates for Camp - Not Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Camp Boardgames - Week of the 26th
  • Not at camp
  • Theme can be based off Jocks & Jokers or names starting with J
  • 20 days or so
  • Will organise later


Warhammer RPG Night - Post-Exams
  • Will be getting a day this week
  • Reconnect with the old people
    • Cam - Down
    • Winslade - Down
    • Lewis - Happy to be back up
      • Suggested Imperium Maledictum
    • Jack - Seems Down

      Jackie: Warhammer RPG Night EMP


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quick play guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so

    Gibbi: Make Quickplay Guide

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • halfway through last booster box
  • Holding off on buying LOTR booster boxes until we see how the set is received
Commander Precon League - Every Thursday starting 22nd of June
  • Announcement up
  • Forum is up
  • Its looking pretty good
  • People seem excited
  • It's Commanding time
LOTR Prerelease - 18/06/23
  • Announcement going up now
  • Pricing has been weird, will talk to Jason
  • Ticket pricing will be $70
    • We will breakeven on this event


Painting Day & Chill - Tuesday 30/05/23 12pm
  • Good attendance
  • Very hype
  • 10-12 throughout the day
  • People like painting days

Fresher Campaigns

  • seem to be alive
  • will vibe check after exams

Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

  • In progress

Unigames goes: Panto - Friday 02/06/23

  • Happened, 4 attendees including Jackie
  • Good time
  • Jackie enjoyed it
  • not as good as murder! at the circus

Unigames Camp 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

  • Tickets are now available!
  • Early bird available before 17th of June
  • Purchase with cash in the clubroom
    • if you are unable to make it to the whole camp, or cannot come to the club in person, please message a member of committee
  • We will need to put up borrowing restrictions soon
  • Carpool thread is up
  • Will need to ask in the future about materials we may need to bring for oneshots
  • Hannah has been stolen by Germany
  • Committee will replace the roster positions for her
  • Everyone: Certificates for Camp

Far Future Events

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Jackie - Knowledge Bearer
  • Gen
  • Connor
  • Subcom discord has been made

Role Play 4 LYFE - 2nd-3rd of September

  • Gen
  • David

Quiz Night - ???

  • Lightmittee
    • Gibbi
  • Darkmittee
    • Chris
  • Might try to find a good date after exams


  • Josh
  • James Secret Captain
    • (he will be Captain for UniHall or smth)

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
  • Pending
    • $548.80 to Jackie for Rood Fun
  • Unsubmitted



  • Consultation - Tuesday 13th of June 5pm
  • Busy Bee - Tuesday 13th of June 3pm


  • Posters for can hall will be done soon (people will be less busy)
  • Semester grants are also due (16/06 11:59PM)

SOCPAC - Tuesday 30/05/23 6pm

  • Josh's Notes
    • Cultural Awareness seminar coming up, if anyone is interested I can send you the link
    • SLT Training coming up, if anyone is interested I can send you the link
    • $1000 free money for the club opportunity?
      • We would need to assemble a lot of people, 60 odd
      • Basically people will need to eat meat/seafood to participate
    • Sem 2 club carnival - Tuesday 8 August 2023
      • Register by 11:59pm Friday 28th of July
    • Tenancy Consultation
      • Tuesday 13th of June 5pm
    • Busy Bee
      • Tuesday 13th of June 3pm

Jackie: Talk to river about meat/seafood testing opportunity

General Business:

Custom Playmats

  • 1 to go ;-; please come get it if it is yours PWEASE PWEASEEEEE PLEASEEEEEEEE I STG WAAAA AAAAAA REEEEE am done pleading. Come and get it "bucko". pwease. Pretty please. Gibbi is trying his best. Gibbi is done trying...

Westmarche 2

  • Gibbi has a clip
    • "WoooOOOOOooOO" - David

40th Anniversary - Octoberish

  • Mailing list has been created
    • Emerald wants to test it before sending out the save the date

Emerald: Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

  • :hole:
  • Under the "President's" chair, a floorboard seems to have broken under one of the carpet tiles
  • We have already messaged Guild/Kelvin about this
  • Just don't put your weight on the concave part
  • be smart
  • Mandatory Committee Hole Inspection after meeting
New Kallax
  • Nupdates
New Printed Banner and Table Cloth
  • Table cloth for club carnival trestle tables.
  • Would be cute
  • Sort of in the same vein as the banner
  • Kids do not like naked table (It is so white)
  • No updates on printed banner


Book Buy
  • If your suggestion is not on the below list, it may have been submitted previously, and not accepted. If you have any questions, message David our Librarian
  • Games we actually got:
    • Bang!
    • Busy Beaks
    • Codenames: Pictures
    • Just One
    • Root: The Underworld Expansion
    • Mothership (Sci-Fi Horror RPG)
  • Thoughts from the meeting:
    • Root: The Underworld Expansion
      • sneaky (terrorist?) birds and mole men, plus 2 dlc maps
      • There are two maps (two games of root can happen at the same time.)
      • Club interest
      • Root price tag :/
    • Root: The Marauder Expansion
      • (fort) knight badgers and warlord rats. also mini faction mans???
      • New factions
      • Club interest
      • Root price tag :/ but slightly cheaper
      • Hirelings are sort of mid
    • Root: The Clockwork Expansion
      • root, but if you are friendless and lonely (ai factions)
      • you get bots, yeah
      • so mid
    • The Quacks of Quedlinburg
      • potion brewing, luck pushing, gambling, and maybe death!
      • pretty game
      • bags bad sometimes
      • $120???
      • IT IS ABSOLUTELY HUGE (in shelf space)
    • Busy Beaks
      • engine building aussie bird card game! like wingspan but mtg.
      • Better than its competitors (sushi go-likes)
    • Just One
      • communal codenames: find clues, guess words, try to score 13!
      • "Bit of a shitpost"
      • Small box
      • cheap
      • fun
      • yippee
    • Codenames: Pictures
      • codenames but pictures (hope y'all are enjoying book buy meeting)
      • Jackie very much endorses.
      • Its a bit like dixit
      • It's a bit like guess who
      • Unique enough ig
    • Blood on the Clocktower
      • drop in/out team-based bluffing game. so many scenarios...
      • more complex werewolf
      • Gen: Werewolf but everyone has a role and get info and a bunch more complex and some are fun and some are evil its very much a "drama" kids game. It is really dependent on the storyteller. If they don't know what they are doing it will not be fun. Games vary a lot in time. Highly variable.
      • People are interested.
      • It is huge
      • It is expensive
    • Breaking Bad: The Board Game
      • and then Walter White said: JESSE WE NEED TO COOK
      • it sure is breaking bad the board game
      • player elimination in long form game is kinda cringe
      • limited availability
      • there are gun fights
      • gives tingleverse vibes (meme funny haha)
      • "Not the best use of our money"
    • Scribbly Gum
      • casual randomised moth larvae line drawing. erasable markers sold separately!
      • Tayu/tsuro core
      • "back of the cereal box core kinda?"
    • BANG! (Card Game)
      • love letter + colt express secret role spaghetti western. yee haw!
      • high player count
      • strong western theming
      • bit difficult
      • can be sad if you get ewiminated
    • Skulls (Skulls & Roses)
      • bluffin time! skulls? roses? who knows? pick them up (maybe).
      • easy
      • tom scott played it
      • lots of club interest
      • latin american vibes, very cool
      • pro-culture, diversity is good
      • can be very dumb but also very intelligent core
      • certified not cultural-appropriation
    • Mothership: Player's Survival Guide
      • A rules-lite, pick up and play, high stakes sci-fi horror RPG.
      • Popular amongst us
      • How is this the only flippin' RPG?

Card Sleeving

David: Research sleeving Boardgames - This action item exists only to make David look bad - (Jokes aside this is part of a long term card sleeving project that is dependant largely on card sleeve supplies)

Library System
  • Have contacted Donald about large scale borrowing issues, will be fixed soon

Food runs

  • We can think about this after exams


  • Mailing system can be discussed after Gozz PhD

Committee Business

  • Panadol is out of date in medkit
    • "Just get some on food run" Said Jackie
    • she lied
      • "I will get some on the way in to uni sometime"
      • She has lied again
        • "I will be in the city tomorrow"
  • Gibbi: we getting there I prommy

    Jackie: Get Panadol Gibbi: Message committee about deck boxes

Meeting closed: 4:05 PM