Unigames Committee Meeting #15 - 11/06/2020

by Autumn Brough 11/06/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #15 - 11/06/2020


  • Alistair
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Kyle


  • Gwen


  • Taylor

Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open: 5:08pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Went to the camp meeting
  • Did a decent amount of work on the EMP
  • Emailed Leigh about some things
  • Gave Autumn a handover rundown
  • The bread I have is slightly too wide for my toaster
  • Good luck with exams nerds

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • signed up a member!
  • had a camp meeting last saturday
  • account balance: $1,493.57
  • cash on hand: $21

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • progress on unvigil
  • did not successfully acquire delta green GMs

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • labelled all our unvigil prizes
  • did boardgames
  • went to 3 different woolies for 1 waterbottle
  • please wait for me to eat cake
  • fuck idk about ghost camp its exam week i got 2 exams

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • A fresher talked to me
  • I made a nother fresher campaign
  • and i am in the middle of a bit of a freakout bc exams and examplify and im scared and someone please come save me

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • had procrastination board games night
    • had ~5 people (incl Alice and I)
    • played hanabi a lot
    • seemed to go well
    • lightbulb got fixed!
    • be safe and try to find some time to de-stress!
  • Gwen:
    • Exams...
  • Josh:
    • It's been a hot minute
    • Nothing to report
  • Kyle:
    • Put up the mordheim questionnaire

Past action Items:

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Think about Unvigil handover (along with Autumn) - done


Spookestrate ghost camp (along with Emerald, Alice) - not yet, exams Join the camp discord server - done


Contact Jarcus about Halloween finances - reached out, waiting on a reply


Find GMs for Delta Green - done Think about Unvigil handover (along with Alistair) - done Form a quizmittee w/ UCC, Unisfa, Uwanime (along with Emerald) - not note Write a newsletter - not note


Spookestrate ghost camp (along with Taylor, Alice) - no Form a quizmittee w/ UCC, Unisfa, Uwanime (along with Autumn) - no Do Book repair - yes Make the splat buy order b4 the discount code runs out - yes


Check the fresher game signups - done Spookestrate ghost camp (along with Taylor, Emerald) - not done


Stow the unvigil prizes in the clubroom - done


Run procrastination board games - done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Procrastination Board games
    • There weren't many people but Ash reports it went well
    • Played secret hitler, codenames, and hanabi
    • Some of the people that attended were from some local club
  • Our next board games night?
    • We're taking a pause until after exams, so let's delay this one


  • Delta Green
    • Autumn asked around and wasn't able to secure GMs
    • Could we theme a oneshot night around that big itch.io bundle that's been going around?
    • Would be similar to running from our one-page rpg folder

Autumn: Organise an itch.io oneshot night


  • Spoiler season for core set 2021 has come out, follow them on the Discord


  • Kyle has been getting people to express interest in playing Mordheim. Has got three people so far (plus boys house), a full campaign! When we're allowed back into the room it can happen

Fresher Campaigns

  • We've formed a fifth campaign run by Will Corbett
  • No alarming news


Halloween 2019:

  • Hee hee ho ho

Charity UnVigil:

  • Have been trying to get a hold of Jarcus about finances and no reply

Kyle: Message Nick C about unvigil

  • Handover document has been materialising! Autumn will make sure rest of subcommittee has input

Autumn: Unvigil wrapup business

[REDACTED] 2020: Ghost Camp:

  • Emerald and Alice have been in exam land so nothing concrete is happening

Emerald, Alice, Taylor: Make ghost camp plans

Quiz Night

  • Alistair is messaging the icons presidents to establish a quizmittee
  • Autumn steps down from lightmittee position and Kyle steps up

Emerald, Kyle: Run quiz night

Joint REDACTED [20/11-23/11]

  • Camp meeting happened this weekend!
  • Things are coming together solidly
  • EMP is at least half done and needs to be finished
  • It is very unlikely that we'll make a loss but we would like to set out a strong policy of what we're happy doing in that situation
  • The discussed possibilities are:
    • An even split of the loss
    • A means-based split of the loss
    • A loss inversely proportional to the number of attendees you brought
  • The club could potentially vote now on giving the choice to the subcommittee, or establish thresholds for being happy with different plans at different levels of loss.
  • The exception to this is cases where the loss is clearly the fault of one club or person who should be responsible
  • Alistair motions: The Joint Camp subcommittee has the final say in how any loss will be divided between the clubs and Unigames will adhere to this decision.
    • Motion passes 8-0-0
  • Our subcommittee reps will stand up for the interests of the club

Room Update:

  • lol


  • Pending:
    • Emerald: $15.15 + $69.58 (splat buy) = $84.73
    • Kyle: $129.72 existing, plus $28.95 for a TTS key = $158.67
    • Jackie: -$21
    • Autumn: -$34.79 (splat buy)


  • Special Projects Grants
    • No update

General Business:


  • No updates from Taylor or our webkeepers about the website


Splat Buys

  • Emerald has ordered Fire on the Velvet Horizon and has shared the receipt with committee, needs to be reimbursed $69.58
  • Autumn owes half the price, $34.79

Meeting closed: 5:41pm