Unigames Committee Meeting #15 - 13/06/2022

by Ethan Gibson 13/06/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #15 - 13/06/2022

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Texas
  • Gibbi
  • Luna (Discord)
  • Hannah
  • Chris
  • Connor
  • David
  • Everest



Meeting scheduled: 5:00Pm

Meeting open: 5:15 Pm


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Hi, Gibbi
    • It was not a good day, it was a bad day decisively, but we take those.
    • Alistair enquires if Emerald has sung a sad song to turn it around
    • Emerald sent some emails
    • Bought camp ticket
    • COME TO CAMP!!!!
    • Ordered Shirts
    • Good Luck to everyone who hasn't finished their exams yet and double to everyone who still has assignments assigned by evil unit coords

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • freed from semester one!!!
  • i now return to being an almost full time office worker
  • The camp stress dreams continue

Treasurer's Report (Texas):

  • hi friends
  • I still have exams
  • and also leave for the states in 3 weeks
  • heard from my guy vikrum about camp tickets
  • discovered I can only listen to podcasts if I'm doing 3 different things at once
  • account balance:$6,150.03

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • Good luck to everyone for their exams
  • Returned prerelease and got us fog of love
    • Placed myself in financial ruin oTL
  • Still got 2/2 exams to go
  • Bought a camp ticket
  • Minuting thanks to the powers that be (jackie)

Librarian's Report (Luna):

  • Today I got out of bed at 10:50, and used up all my energy before 12.
  • This is indicative of my energy levels across this week.

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • I have more free time than I know what to do with now
  • my sleep schedule is a little better now I promise 😶
  • otherwise I got a camp ticket and that’s about all

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Connor, David, Everest):

  • Chris:
    • my exams have finished so now i can catch up on all the other stuff I haven't done yet
    • got my gamer juice
      • (He's out of gamer juice)
    • camp hype camp hype camp hype
  • Connyah:
  • New MineCraft update?!!?
    • Connor loves it :heart_eyes_cat:
    • (Connor is cancelled by the rest of the minecraft gamers in this committee. I have no Idea wat they're saying. Highpixel and the hive or some shit idk)
  • 1 more week of those exams, y'all got it !
  • David:
  • exam people be like studies intensively (2/3)
  • i don't want to memorise the anatomy of the brain (but i have to)
  • still waiting on card sleeves
  • study hard peeps
  • Everest:
    • holy shit it's been a week?
    • i don't think i did anything?? that's a really good question
    • based and poggers concept of a Working Brain tomorrow <3333 idk we'll see
    • Buy camp tickets

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==13.75/16== Meetings
    • Nothing Cool

Past action Items:

Action Items:


Organise Panto Collab event with email - Done

Buy the things to hang the best club award on the wall - Done


Post borrowing restrictions for camp - Done


Return remaining prerelease kits to tactics - Done

Do SNOM 3 EMP - Done

Pick up fog of love when dropping off prerelease packs - Done

Organise Charity Vigil Donation - Not Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Next Bordgames Event - Week of the 4th (After Camp)
    • David will be running the next boardgame event


  • Next RPG one shot night - Week of the 18/07 (After Camp)
  • Emerald suggests: Online RPG on purpose game knight
    • Also Microscope
  • Chris will have a look at it

Chris: Take a look at microscope

Future RPG Events
  • Silly Rpgs over the holidays
  • A DND one shot night as the first one shot night of the second semester
Panto Unigames Collab Event
  • Emerald has replied and we are waiting on a response

Magic: The Gavining

SNOM 3: Revenge of the Chaff [19/06/2022]
  • Will be this weekend on Sunday from 11am

Gibbi: Put up SNOM announcement on discord and facebook

Fresher Campaigns

  • No updates

Upcoming Events:

Unigames Camp: Ichor & Incantations

  • Announcement on whether we are enforcing masks at camps or not
    • Masks will opt in at camp
    • We should heavily encourage people to RAT the night before
    • If people are close contacts or have symptoms and attend they will be bonked
    • If we have the ability to enforce RAT testing then that would be preferable

Emerald: Email Leigh about RAT requirement at Camp

  • There are cooking and cleaning rosters committee needs to chuck themselves on it

Everyone: Sign up to cooking and dish roster

Jackie: Revamp Cooking guide and also put in start times

Jackie: Check that everyone has submitted food safety and other certs

Quiz night prizes
  • Potential Prizes Unigames D6, Camp Voucher
  • Prize table 6 sets of 2 Unigames D6, 6 $5 camp food vouchers
    • Tables will take prizes from the table in descending order
Lionel LARP
  • Might not answer
  • Our mini games still run pretty well shoulg be fine
Camp General

Jackie, Texas: Clean up camp breakdown

Everyone: Scour thrift shops for large wooden spoons

Far Future Events

Quiz Night [Early September]

  • Push Icons for this, this week
  • Hopefully a discord will be made before we leave for camp


Roleplay for Life

Relay for Life



  • No updates

Uncharity vigil


  • Approved

  • Pending

  • Unsubmitted

    • $330 to Ethan for Pre-release(Baldurs gate)
    • $72.25 to Ethan for Fog of Love


Tenancy Meeting

  • No updates


  • No updates

Missing Money

  • No updates

Emerald: Bump Guild finance for missing money

General Business:


  • No new gatekeepers


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

Pinup Board
  • Alistair is concerned
  • He is very unconfident about doing it
  • We might do it with sticky lads
Air Conditioning
  • In terms of aircon we have no aircon
  • Emerald wants aircon

Emerald: Bump Aircon people about aircon

  • No updates
Things to hang

Everest: explore sticky lads for pinup boards


  • Borrowing restrictions are in place due to camp
Book Buy
  • Suggestion post ongoing
    • If you want something to be in our library put your suggestions on discord or on facebook
Sleeving Cards
  • they are still out of stock
Classification system
  • No Updates

Food runs

  • No food run necessary right now


  • Putting a newsletter up the week of camp cos of exams

Committee Business

  • Jackie has committee business we need to approve the large scale borrowing form

Luna: Approve PCS Long term form its in the gmail

Charity Vigil - [16/04/2022 - 17/04/2022]

Gibbi: Organise Charity Vigil Donation

Meeting closed: 6:17PM