Unigames Committee Meeting #16 - 19/06/2023

by Joshua Annison 19/06/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #16 - 19/06/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Connor
  • Chris
  • Oscar
  • James


  • Gen
  • Hannah


  • Emerald

Meeting scheduled: 6:00PM

Meeting open: 6:02PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • we're in the part of the year where my shoulders start aching i hope everyone else is free from this anyway committee meeting huh
  • emailed scouts asking for an update on projector and screen at eaton
  • in semester grant hell (but not for unigames)
  • have bought a gift for unigames (500 plastic bags for board game pieces)
  • Amelia told me that freshers asked if Toyota Camry's existed in 2007 :skull:

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • No more exams yeah baby
  • Took people to FNM
  • Almost messaged Committee about deckboxes found out ultimate guard has cringe shippin
  • Ran Prerelease
  • About to put up precon league challenges

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • I submitted grants ! (jackie pleeeeease don't yell at me)hh
  • I watched Clood on the Blocktower
  • Account Balance: $3507.09

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Newsletter: OUT
  • Tenancy Consultation: attended
  • Busy Bee: attended
  • Paranoia: Thought about
  • We got a free table cloth (thanks UWAnime/Claudia/Guild Hall)
  • Attended UniSFA SGM (doing my democratic duty)
  • LotR was pretty poggers

Librarian's Report (David):

  • survived uni
    • 3 exams, 1 job interview and 1 school performance later
  • went to the legendary good games morley (did not get Dan's autograph)
  • borossweep

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • played blood on the Clocktower with everyone!!!
  • It was 12 players, which was a lot (especially since it was first time playing for most and I had never storytold with that many people) but it went pretty well and I think players had a good time.
  • Looking forward to further games (with potentially less people) on camp!
  • Two people have suggested that they’d like to try storytelling which bodes well for the game when I’m not around

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:
    • "Auuggghhhh" - Chris every time they cough smh
    • Also LotR #Borosweep
  • Hannah:
    • on a plane during the time the meeting starts
    • we’ll be back to me being on another continent with weird time zones by next time yaaaay
  • James:
    • EMP & Loft Booking approved for Camp Boardgames Day
    • Played Clocktower and now I want to play (& win) some more
  • Oscar:
    • exams are ova! Woooooooo
    • clock on the bloodtower is a great game
    • rootsweep2 has been achieved
    • looking forward to camp!!!
      • if you’ve not bought tickets yet, do

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==9/17 (53.13% WR)== Meeting
    • FAILURE^2

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Advertising Warhammer RPG Night - Done

  • Send out final week for camp early bird announcement - Done

  • Find a date for Quiz Night with other camhall clubs - Not Done


  • Make quick play guide - Work In Pogress

  • Pick up prerelease - Done

  • Message committee about deck boxes - Probably discuss this meeting (who knows)


  • (with Oscar) Organising Holiday Painting Day - Not Done


  • Do Paranoia EMP - Not Done


  • Borrowing Restrictions Announcement for camp - Done

  • Research sleeving Boardgames - teehee


  • Do EMP for Camp Boardgames - Done

  • (with Oscar) Certificates for Camp - Not Done


  • (with Connor) Organising Holiday Painting Day - Not Done

  • (with James) Certificates for Camp - In Pogress


  • Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary - Not Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Camp Boardgames - Tuesday the 27th 1PM-8PM
  • woohoo so much time
  • yeah
  • considering doing a rough schedule, nothing hard or official

    James: Do Announcement for Camp Boardgames

New Boardgames - Week of the 24th
  • Its later time
  • David knows these sorts of things, so he will do this sort of thing


Warhammer RPG Night - Tuesday 20th of June 5PM
  • That's Tomorrow!
  • Come and kick ass and chew bubblegum
    • And we're all out of ass
  • new Imperium Maledictum rules are very good, Cam approved
  • Reconnect with old people complete
    • Cam - Down
    • Winslade - Down
    • Lewis - Back up
Paranoia RPG Night - Week of the 10th
  • First post-camp event night
  • It's Joshin' Time
    • "I love Paranoian'" - Josh, Friend of the computer
  • Merlin has been asked to GM
    • "uh yeah probably" - Merlin, Friend of the Computer
  • Alistair has been asked and says
    • "maybe, aight" - Alistair, Friend of the Computer

      Josh: Do Paranoia EMP

Mothership RPG Night - Week of the 31st of July
  • Merlin and Fresher Jack say
    • "Yeah I'd be down for it" - Frack
    • :thumbsup: - Merlin
    • James maybe?

      Oscar: Mothership RPG Night EMP


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quickplay guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so

    Gibbi: Make quick play Guide

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • we out
  • the kids are asking when we are getting new packs
  • general vibe: not LotR
  • Gibbi does not have a good recommendation, yet

Gibbi: look for booster box packs

LOTR Prerelease - 18/06/23
  • Was dropped to $60 (pog)
  • Attendance of 16
    • Surprisingly good
  • Need to take back the remaining kit

Jackie: Drop off prerelease

Commander Precon League - Every Thursday starting 22nd of June from 6PM
  • Starting this Thursday!
  • Forum is up!
  • Make sure to bring your $5
  • Gibbi will be putting up challenges tonight!

    Gibbi: Put up Precon Challenges

SNOM - Sunday the 25th of June
  • Yeah thats happening
  • Will deal with later

    Gibbi: EMP for SNOM


Holiday Painting Day - TBD
  • "Yeah we'll talk about it" - Italian Mobster Connor and Oscar

    Connor, Oscar: Organising Holiday Painting Day

Fresher Campaigns

  • Who knows
  • This is where Gen would say "stuff"
  • Oscar's is still going (a good sign)

Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

  • New Financial Statement and Distribution
    • Motion to Approve Charity Vigil 2023 Financial Statement and Distribution - Passes Unanimously
  • Yippee!

Unigames Camp 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

  • Omg this is 2 weeks
  • wow, just 11 days away
  • Sold 46 tickets (mind blown warthog emoji)
  • Jackie handing out her phone number to everyone in earshot
  • Gibbi and Jackie pre packing next week (checking what we need to buy and don't need to)
    • Putting stuff in boxes
  • Connor check coles pricing before camp
  • Process all attendees into the attendee entry form
  • Also, cert's

Chris, Gen: Organise Camp RPG's post James, Oscar: Certificates for Camp

Club Carnival Semester 2 - Tuesday 8th of August

  • It'sa coming!
  • Already sent in the registration
  • We will have a stall, more details will come out
  • This time we have a table cloth!

Re-Fresher Re-Welcome - Week of the 7th of August

  • It'sa also coming
  • Next week time

Dice bag workshop with UWASCA - It's Coming

  • Are very done for this
  • We have done this before back in 2020
  • You pay for materials, you get to work together with your friends to make your own dice bag
  • General feeling: Very pog
  • Will send two subcom reps once UWASCA has looked at subcom regs

Scitech UCC

  • Asked if we want to join a "cam hall goes to scitech" event
  • Is this an event we want to participate in?
    • "eh"
    • Would our presence enrich the event?
      • Probably not
    • Happy to advertise on behalf of UCC, but we won't actually join in
    • Basically: Cool event, not really our thing, but we are happy to plug it for them

Jackie: Contact UCC about Scitech

Far Future Events

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Jackie - Knowledge Bearer
  • Gen
  • Connor
  • Subcom discord has been made
  • Don't think about until after camp

Roleplay for Life - 2nd-3rd of September

  • Gen
  • David

Quiz Night - ???

  • Lightmittee
    • Gibbi
  • Darkmittee
    • Chris
  • Might try to find a good date after exams

    Jackie: Find date for Quiz Night

Relay for Life

  • Josh

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
    • $548.80 to Jackie for Rood Fun
  • Pending
    • $3.99 to Jackie for Panadol
    • $246.50 to Josh for Book buy
    • $14.20 to Jackie for Mothership
    • $299.85 to James for Food Run
    • $26 to Oscar for Root: The Marauder Expansion Splat Buy
    • $117 to Connor for Root RPG and Blood on the Clocktower Splat Buys
  • Unsubmitted



    • Claudia is personally looking into what the actual terms of the cleaning contract are as clubs in both cameron hall and guild hall don't ever see them and there doesn't seem to be any cleaning being done.
    • Cam Hall elevator real?
      • Tenancy met with vice chancellor
      • UWA will pay for a lift within the next 2 and a half years, done by the end of 2025
    • If we need supplies let Claudia know
      • We don't
    • Clubroom applications will be mid to late July
      • open 6 weeks to 2 months
      • results will be out end of September
      • allocations out end of October
    • Hi-Vis strips are being put on the Tav side stairs, going through Kelvin at the moment
      • Hope they can do guild side as well but tenancy budget is tiny
    • Our very own James Taylor is a tenancy OCM! Congrats!
  • Busy Bee Inspection
    • We got a good grade :thumbsup:


  • $16,442.23 claimed
    • Initial results coming out this Wednesday
  • No clue how much we will be getting back
  • Can Hall Posters should be done soon

General Business:

Westmarche 2

  • "aAAAA" - Connor
  • Exams are over
  • David has stuff to say
    • Primarily Emerald running it up to this point
    • Chris has done some chairing, may need to take over
    • Will be discussed

40th Anniversary - Octoberish

  • Emerald ain't done this yet, will be done after exams

Jackie: Kick Emerald's Ass about Anniversary Ball Emerald: Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

  • :hole:
  • Jackie has inspected it MID MEETING
New Kallax
  • Nupdates
  • After camp
New Printed Banner and Table Cloth
  • Table cloth is a thing and sorted
    • It's black
  • Nupdates


Book Buy
  • Games we are waiting on
    • Skull - Due in Julyish
SPLAT buy: Blood on the Clock Tower
  • Is now in the library!
SPLAT buy 2: Root: The Marauder Expansion
  • Is now in the library!
Books borrowed out past camp due date! Woops!

David: Remind gatekeepers about restrictions David: Message S.Hitler guy about bringing it back on time David: Print out borrowing restrictions for camp

Card Sleeving

David: Research sleeving Boardgames - Will think about it - This action item exists only to make David look bad - (Jokes aside this is part of a long term card sleeving project that is dependant largely on card sleeve supplies)

Library System
  • Donald is working on it

Food runs

  • Was done after previous meeting


  • Mailing system can be discussed after Gozz PhD

Committee Business

  • Amelia has asked:
      • in an unofficial capacity Amelia is offering to take a couple of kids (no more than 4) to Concord LARP trainings on Wednesday nights. Maybe Sunday too? We will see.
      • Amelia can provide clothing, transport (within reason), a briefing and a point of contact so that people aren't on their own.
      • Amelia is fine to take people to their first/second trainings, but after that people will need to organise their own transport if they are able.
      • Training will entail the new player brief for first-timers, then an IC portion. Subsequent trainings will have group battles followed by IC time.
      • Amelia wants a committee stamp of approval before going ahead with this, given that they're using the Unigames community.
      • after approval is granted, they'll talk to the Concord organisers (Skittles and possibly Lionel) to let them know what's up, and see if they want to make any flyers/business cards, etc for the clubroom. Pending committee approval of course, I'm planning to speak to Skittles at training on the 28th of June if there's anything that committee would want me to relay to him.
      • to clarify, this is operating in an unofficial capacity because this would be an EMP nightmare.
      • the goal is to lower the bar of entry into LARP and make it a bit more accessible to interested members
    • First Training that they do is July 16th
    • Committee Thoughts: Slay
    • We should very much support this, it is a big win for the LARP community
    • It is a lot of work for us to do LARP events (nightmare actually) so this is a good way to facilitate events
  • Gibbi: We will come back to deck boxes when they are ready to ship
    • Deckboxes only come like thrice a year

Meeting closed: 7:10 PM