Unigames Committee Meeting #16 - 20/06/2022

by Ethan Gibson 20/06/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #16 - 20/06/2022

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Texas
  • Gibbi
  • Luna (Discord)
  • Hannah
  • Chris
  • Connor
  • David
  • Everest



Meeting scheduled: 5:00Pm

Meeting open: 5:35 Pm


President's Report (Emerald):

  • hi Emerald,
    • Dang gibbi make minutes much
    • That was a bit mean but it was funny
    • Congratulations to everyone for finishing their exams
    • Have fun playing games stress free
    • camp literally this week
    • Aircon literally this week
    • finally DND, finally
    • thank you for reading the minutes gamers

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • various camp admin stuff has been done / is being done
  • lmao i just remembered i turn 21 this saturday lol?
    • distracted by camp stress lol
  • the year is 2020, jackie deposits unigames money from her account into the guild account

Treasurer's Report (Texas):

  • ichor and in-camp-tations
  • no further report
  • account balance: $6,187.78

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • Went to book club with texas
  • Now have leisure related trauma
  • havent worked on quiz yet im gonna write alot of it this year i prommy
  • went to snom
    • got david to play magic
  • hyped for camp

Librarian's Report (Luna):

  • Sleeby
  • Excited for camp and hoping i'm able to go
  • love that people care for me
  • went to SNOM

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • I am food safe now
  • did sadly not find a large wooden spoon
  • there’s nothing else happening in my life now so that’s it

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Connor, David, Everest):

  • Chris:
  • time to speedrun quiz questions
  • wordbuilding brain
  • Connyah:
  • Congrats on getting through exams everyone!
    • What if, hypothetically, we all celebrated at camp? 👀
    • Also got a baby :))
      • to clarify he got a dog in case you thought something else
  • David:
  • diagnosed with mtg player, likely terminal :skull:
    • skill issue
  • campcampcampcampcamp
  • stay gamer peeps
  • Everest:
    • was given task and did it instantly (the velcro)
    • insert either a done or not done for remembering the hooks here who knows
      • they did not, now we know
    • congrats on surviving the semester team
    • perth surgical teams should be paid more and also have more of them, part III (?) (it's not til august now ;-; i still can't run things at night because of it 🙃)
    • happy midwinter gamers

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==14.75/17== Meetings
  • Not really, new office, gayer babier jail

Past action Items:

Action Items: Emerald:

Email Leigh about RAT requirement at Camp - Done

Bump Guild finance for missing money - Not Done

Bump Aircon people about aircon - Done


Revamp Cooking guide and also put in start times - In progress

Check that everyone has submitted food safety and other certs - Done

(with Texas) Clean up camp breakdown - Done


(with Jackie) Clean up camp breakdown - Done

Go on Date - Done


Put up SNOM announcement on discord and facebook - Done

Organise Charity Vigil Donation - Perhaps one day


Approve PCS Long term form its in the gmail - Done


Take a look at microscope - He forgor


explore sticky lads for pinup boards - Done

Go on Date - Done


Sign up to cooking and dish roster - Done

Scour thrift shops for large wooden spoons - Continue

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Next Bordgames Event - Week of the 4th (After Camp)
    • Theme will be battle royale boardgames
    • Probs monday or thrusday
    • David will be running the next boardgame event


  • Next RPG one shot night - Week of the 18/07 (After Camp)
  • Emerald suggests: Online RPG on purpose game night
    • Also Microscope
  • Chris will have a look at it
  • (First... man of unigames?) Josh is happy to run microscope

    Chris: Take a look at microscope

Future RPG Events
  • Silly Rpgs over the holidays
  • A DND one shot night as the first one shot night of the second semester
Panto Unigames Collab Event
  • Claire says shes gonna make sure someone is still on it after their general meeting, we will check in with them after camp

Magic: The Gavining

SNOM 3: Revenge of the Chaff [19/06/2022]
  • Had 12 attendees
  • Had alot of new faces and it was good to see everyone

Fresher Campaigns

  • Merl contacted Hannah letting her know that it will be moving from DND to call of cthulu

Upcoming Events:

Unigames Camp: Ichor & Incantations

  • Concord encourgaed people to do a rat test before attending at a similar event
  • Emerald suggests doing the same thing, that is that unigames members should do a rat test on thursday night/friday morning before attending camp.
  • Masks will be opt in for camp

Emerald, Jackie: Write up and put up RAT test and mask annoucnement

  • There are cooking and cleaning rosters committee needs to chuck themselves on it

Jackie, Emerald: Revamp Cooking guide and also put in start times

Jackie: Put up debate posts for camp

Transport of Things
  • Texas and Everest in Neptune for food
  • Emerald and Josh for food
  • Gibbi and Connyah and Alistair cars for Library/Admin
Quiz night prizes
  • Potential Prizes Unigames D6, Camp Voucher
  • Prize table 6 sets of 2 Unigames D6, 6 $5 camp food vouchers
    • Tables will take prizes from the table in descending order
  • Prepacking meeting will happen on wednesday for Jackie and Emerald
Lionel LARP
  • Lionel did answer Lionel is a saint
Camp General

Everyone: Scour thrift shops for large wooden spoons

Far Future Events

Quiz Night [Early September]

  • Jackie or Emerald will be our Darkmittee rep
  • Chris will be our lightmittee rep


Roleplay for Life

Relay for Life



  • Next meeting will be after camp

Uncharity vigil


  • Approved
    • $330 to Ethan for Pre-release(Baldurs gate)
    • $72.25 to Ethan for Fog of Love
  • Pending

  • Unsubmitted

    • $1125 to Jackie for Camp deposit


Tenancy Meeting

  • No updates


  • Socpac meeting next week thursday at social sciences lecture theatre 6PM

Missing Money

  • No updates

General Business:


  • No new gatekeepers


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

Pinup Board
  • Will be using vecro strips once we get back from camp
Air Conditioning
  • Coming in this week
  • The room will be closed this Thursday 23/12 due to maintenance
  • No updates
Things to hang
  • Everest will bring in things to hang


Book Buy
  • Happening after camp
  • Suggestions still open go suggest!
Sleeving Cards
  • No updates
Classification system
  • No updates

Food runs

  • We're doing a big food run with camp


  • Putting a newsletter up the week after camp

Committee Business

Charity Vigil - [16/04/2022 - 17/04/2022]

Gibbi: Organise Charity Vigil Donation

Meeting closed: 7:03PM