Unigames Committee Meeting #17 - 25/06/2020

by Autumn Brough 25/06/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #17 - 25/06/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Gwen
  • Kyle


  • Josh


Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open: 5:07pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Happy Birthday Jackie!!
  • Have been busy doing certifications
  • MHFA on Monday then I have all of them
  • Camp meeting was very short
  • Things to talk about!

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • hi yo
  • 28 hour sleep cycle has been fun, time to transition back to 24 and hopefully become more functional
  • literally woke up at 4:59pm to emerald saying it's meeting time
  • happy birthday jackie
  • watched the entire first season of she-ra over the last day or so
  • i can't put into words the feeling that i'm feeling right now
  • i would like to apologise for everyone i've made fun of in the past for liking catgirls, because catra
  • gozz ordered the highest tier on the terraforming mars kickstarter

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • its my birthday!
  • happy birthday to me : 3
  • that's it that's my entire report
  • jarcus has gotten back to me re: halloween 2019 and is working on it
  • i did food safety training and had a camp meeting
  • account balance: $1,493.57
  • cash on hand: $21 NOT PART OF THE REPORT
  • if alistair was just an hour later in making the committee meeting event i would've made it and made it birthday themed lol

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • i have invited the bugs into my home
  • ran the itch oneshot
  • LOL yall are believing jackie when she says she's affected by time

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • happy birthday jackie!!!!!!!!
    • love you so dearly
    • you're the best
    • have a beautiful day
  • made a random goose larp generator, demonstrates some random prompts
  • my muscles are huge and i am really turning into narcissus
  • editor's note: googles narcissus
  • last of us 2 is really good (no spoilers)

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • ghost camp stuff exists
  • has been hyping it up to a lot of people
  • happy birthday jackie, it's a pity i was the same age as you for 3 months
  • the freshers are alive

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • Jackie old babey (Happy Birthday!)
    • same stuff, different week :(((
  • Gwen:
    • My laptop got stolen so running/participating in online event for me is gonna a little difficult till I get me a new laptop, but Iā€™m very much happy to help out if anyone wants some help šŸ˜€
    • Also Happy Birthday to Jackie!
  • Josh:
    • "Muscles are also huge (jockmittee 2021)" - Emerald Aindow
    • "Jackie I cherish our friendship" - Josh, last year
  • Kyle:
    • happy birthday Jackie
    • need to paint my mordheim warband so that I'm a good example when we start again (soon)
    • 9th is looking complicated to teach but also closer to d&d with activations ect in it so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

Past action Items:

  • Somehow we didn't set any last week
  • There should be ongoing preparation for Ghost Camp, Quiz Night, and Joint Redacted

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Ghost camp is next week, which has a board game night on the Friday night
  • Things is the same, that's our event for the week
  • Events are allowed to happene again this week, but we are waiting on an update on whether we can use our room


  • Itch Oneshot Night - We had good engagement on the FB event but only 2 players showed up on the night - Thank you to Harry T for being a GM, we ended up just playing one game together as a group of 4


  • Prereleases for M21 this weekend
  • It goes live on arena in an hour and a half


  • No update

Fresher Campaigns

  • They're alive!


Halloween 2019:

  • Yes please god an update
  • Jarcus has got in touch with Jackie - he has been planning to dig into the issue

Jackie: Look into Halloween 2019

[REDACTED] 2020: Ghost Camp [3/7 - 5/7]:

  • Facebook events are up!
  • Get hype!! Invite ppl!!

Alice, Taylor, Emerald: Orchestrate ghost camp!!

Quiz Night

  • Still waiting on UCC to officially determine reps
  • Still waiting on word from Panto and Uwanime
  • Are there any remaining restrictions on attendance? Either by the government or the guild?
  • Our profit margin on quiz night has become much tighter recently as the Tav price has gone up
  • Also there is a question of how willing people will be for attending a crowded event like this

Joint REDACTED [20/11-23/11]

  • Question: How many of committee are willing to help out with camp activities:
    • Alice: Plans to get first aid and RSA
    • Ash: Willing to do RSA and food
    • Autumn: Thinks first aid has expired, willing to cook
    • Emerald: Has RSA and willing to cook for big
    • Josh: Wants to do cooking, has an RSA
    • Gwen: Happy to get any qualifications and do any task
    • Kyle: Has RSA and willing
  • There has been a discussion of banned members of a particular club attending interclub events.
    • If you are banned from unigames, you are banned from all unigames events, and this is a unigames event
    • Everyone agrees that banned members should not be allowed
    • Taylor is intending to add this to the subcommittee regulations
  • EMP progress is going well, roughly 70%

Taylor: Review subcommittee regulations

Other Events

  • We should start considering our other usual Sem2 events that we could start planning
  • The biggest one is Roleplay 4 Life: we could potentially run it regardless of whether relay happens
    • Even if relay gets cancelled, they'll still hold some kind of fundraiser, and still need support
  • A terrible conversation about running inside giant plastic sanitised bubbles ensues
    • Terrible

Room Update:

  • lol


  • Pending:
    • Emerald: $84.73
    • Kyle: $158.67
    • Jackie: -$21
    • Autumn: -$34.79


  • Special Projects Grants

    • no update
  • We've had an email from Elanor saying that events are allowed again

    • There's an additional form that you have to fill out and attach to the EMP about your pandemic safety measures
    • We should get an update on the status of clubrooms soon.
  • Taylor reminds us that we will have to deal with tenancy at some point

    • We should confirm what date that whole saga unfreezes
    • We should make a list of things to do in advance of that
    • A big one will be contacting governance over the interpretation of the rules
    • We'll need to get clarification from Soc/Tenancy regarding the meeting we had with them earlier this year, when we were given inaccurate minutes.

General Business:


  • Amy Neville got in contact on behalf of UWASCA
  • UWASCA is keen to do a collaborative crafting event, looking at the overlap between them, us, and unisfa
  • Activities include crafting a little pouch like a dice bag

Josh: Contact Amy Neville about a UWASCA collab


  • Gozz has been neck deep in marking and Taylor has neck deep in shenanigans and funny business

Taylor, Autumn: Look into getting the constitution on the website updated

Unigames Dice

  • They arrived at kyle's house!!
  • Dice dice dice dice dice
  • They're all in zip lock bags
  • Kyle, chuck them in the cupboard when you get a chance
  • Some people still need to pay
  • Kyle has a plan to print off a chart of who still owes

Kyle: Organise distribution of unigames dice

Constitutional Changes

  • Taylor is planning to rework the banning and expulsion policy
  • Right now, banning someone permanently has to go to a general meeting. This has the benefit of preventing people from getting banned under the table. However, it creates situations that something that is above someone's pay grade or should stay confidential, but still needs to be put in front of everyone.
  • Taylor is proposing an option where some % of committee decides to ban a member, and the member themself can approve of it not being dragged in front of a general meeting.
  • Which way it defaults will need to be considered: whether they need to go out of their way to appeal if they want it to be in front of a GM.

Taylor: Consider constitutional changes

Meeting closed: 6:23pm


This Week's Action Items: Taylor:

Orchestrate ghost camp!! (along with Emerald, Alice)

Review subcommittee regulations

Look into getting the constitution on the website updated (along with Autumn)

Consider constitutional changes


Look into Halloween 2019


Look into getting the constitution on the website updated (along with Taylor)


Orchestrate ghost camp!! (along with Taylor, Alice)


Orchestrate ghost camp!! (along with Taylor, Emerald)


Organise distribution of unigames dice


Contact Amy Neville about a UWASCA collab