Unigames Committee Meeting #17 - 26/06/2023

by Joshua Annison 26/06/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #17 - 26/06/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Connor
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • James
  • Emerald


  • Oscar
  • Hannah


Meeting scheduled: 6:00PM

Meeting open: 6:13PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • i return to you a year older than i was last time
  • my shoulders hurt
  • camp isn't this weekend babygirl, you're lying to me bbgirl
  • camp on the brain, prayer hands emoji for our projector screen to arrive at venue on time
  • i heard we got initial sem grant results? haha lol? real?
  • happy bday hannah ❤

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Precon Leaguing
  • Im told by david its just like westmarche
  • Camp Hype
  • Camp quiz... auuugh
  • Went to Snom

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • Big cype
  • Initial grant results are in: we slayed (keep scrolling to find out what happened next!)
  • Account Balance: $2799.55

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • TMoStH Fandub HYPE
  • Happy Birthday to the following:
    • Jackie
    • Hannah
  • Cyping, Not Coping. (I have definitely finished the quiz)
  • Precon League Is Pogging

Librarian's Report (David):

  • hi
  • snomageddon postageddon (foreshadowing)

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • got in contact with fresher GMs in order to start prep for next sem
  • BotC (lots)
  • camp hype camp hype camp hype camp hype camp hype camp hype

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:
    • "Auuuugh" - Local Lich
    • Hey Gen wanna do the action item?
  • Hannah:
    • hope everyone had a good start to the holidays
    • otherwise camp hype camp hype (though I’m not going but oh well) camp hype
  • James:
    • Camp Boardgames Day Tomorrow
    • Food Safety Stream
    • I think we should change the current camp traditional song, Vengabus, to Ekse (:thumbsdown:)
  • Oscar:
    • nothing to report

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==10/18 (55.56% WR)== Meeting
    • omg she here #O.O#
    • Hi boyssssss
      • "Hi" - Gibbi
      • "Hi" - Frosh
    • Real Action items doer
    • Rush hour doer (defintely wasn't stuck)
    • Make sure to pack cold for camp
    • If you got thermals
      • 2 pairs of socks
      • bring extra blankie
      • and a powerboard
    • Love you all <3

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Drop off prerelease - Done

  • Contact UCC about Scitech - Done

  • Find date for Quiz Night - Done

  • Kick Emerald's Ass about Anniversary Ball - Done


  • Make quick play Guide - In Progress

  • look for booster box pack - Done

  • Put up Precon Challenges - Done

  • EMP for SNOM - Done


  • (with Oscar) Organising Holiday Painting Day - In Pogress


  • Do Paranoia EMP - In Pogress


  • Remind gatekeepers about restrictions - Done

  • Message S.Hitler person about bringing it back on time - Done

  • Print out borrowing restrictions for camp - Done


  • (with Chris) Organise Camp RPG's post - In Pogress


  • (with Gen) Organise Camp RPG's post - In Pogress


  • Do Announcement for Camp Boardgames - Done

  • (with Oscar) Certificates for Camp - Done


  • Mothership RPG Night EMP - In Pogress

  • (with Connor) Organising Holiday Painting Day - In Pogress

  • (with James) Certificates for Camp - In Pogress


  • Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary - In Pogress

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Camp Boardgames - Tuesday the 27th 1PM-8PM
  • I mean its tomorrow
  • (so excited)
  • As well as people
New Boardgames - Week of the 24th of July

David: Do the EMP for New Boardgames


Warhammer RPG Night - Tuesday 20th of June 5PM
  • It happened!
  • 2 full tables
  • "no clue what the actual attendance was because I was doing semester grants" -Jackie
    • 10-12???
  • People seemed pretty happy with it
Paranoia RPG Night - Week of the 10th
  • Currently organising with GM's for a date
  • Will need to wait until next week to organise with them

    Josh: Do Paranoia EMP

Mothership RPG Night - Week of the 31st of July
  • Merlin and Fresher Jack say
    • "Yeah I'd be down for it" - Frack
    • :thumbsup: - Merlin
    • James maybe?

      Oscar: Mothership RPG Night EMP


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quick play guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so

    Gibbi: Make quick play Guide

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • The only product is LotR so we gonna be waiting for a bit
Commander Precon League - Every Thursday starting 22nd of June from 6PM
  • Started last Thursday
  • Prize pool of $75
  • 15 Attendees (Pog)
  • David has played too much magic

    Gibbi: Put up Precon Challenges

SNOM - Sunday the 25th of June
  • It sure did happen
  • About 10 players
  • Don't have 5 player games of commander


Holiday Painting Day - TBD
  • "Yeah we'll talk about it" - Italian Mobster Connor and Oscar
  • Oscar has figured out how to do polls on discord
  • We will put one out

    Connor, Oscar: Put out Holiday Painting Day poll

Gaslands - Week of the 3rd
  • David has suggested having another Gaslands event
  • Yeah
  • Late in the week as to avoid camp burnout

David: Gaslands admin 'stuff'

Fresher Campaigns

  • Yes
  • While I was at work i sent a message to check out who is continuing and who isn't
  • Harry and Harlowe are :skull:
    • Telling players to contact Gen if they want to be slotted in again
  • Cam, Lewis, Josh, Alistair and Amelia games are pogging rn
  • Waiting on other games

Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

  • Waiting on approval from other clubs

Unigames Camp 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

  • Just 5 days away!
    • :skull:
  • Attendee entry was done today
    • Will need to do more for any new tickets purchased
  • Emerald helping with snack run
  • Hopefully projector will be there in time
    • Backups include Guild or UCC
    • If we ask Cormac nicely he might bring it in for us
  • Chris has a complex relationship with cooking knives
  • Emerald is Gordon Ramsay Reborn
  • Committee should be there 4pm latest, 3pm ideal
    • Leave early to beat holiday rush
  • How to handle money on camp guide/Camp cooking guide reading Homework!
  • Assassins Badges, Cooking guide, LARP guide printed out
  • Maybe move committee meeting
    • Tuesday 6PM probably

      Everyone: Read the appropriate guides Jackie: Call site manager about additional parking

Club Carnival Semester 2 - Tuesday 8th of August

  • It's in more than a month, its chill

Re-Fresher Re-Welcome - Week of the 7th of August

  • Gen is here now!
  • EMP, loft booking, maybe ask for extra chairs
  • Needs to be in same week as club carnival, after club carnival

    Gen: Organise Refresher Rewelcome

Dice bag workshop with UWASCA - It's Coming

  • Ideal subcom is Oscar/Gen/Hannah + Someone with Subcom experience (David probably?)
  • Will be organised in a while

Far Future Events

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Jackie - Knowledge Bearer
  • Gen
  • Connor
  • Subcom discord has been made
  • Don't think about until after camp

Roleplay for Life - 2nd-3rd of September

  • Gen
  • David

Quiz Night - ???

  • Lightmittee
    • Gibbi
  • Darkmittee
    • Chris
  • Waiting for ICONs to look through possible dates
    • Thursday 14/09 (wk 7)
    • Friday 15/09 (wk 7)
    • Thursday 21/09 (wk 8)
    • Friday 22/09 (wk 8)
  • Friday probably preferable for "legacy" members and retail workers

Relay for Life - 7th-8th of October

  • Josh

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
    • $548.80 to Jackie for Rood Fun
    • $3.99 to Jackie for Panadol
    • $246.50 to Josh for Book buy
    • $14.20 to Jackie for Mothership
    • $299.85 to James for Food Run
    • $26 to Oscar for Root: The Marauder Expansion Splat Buy
    • $117 to Connor for Root RPG and Blood on the Clocktower Splat Buys
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $168 to Connor for Food Run
    • $1080 to Jackie for Prerelease



  • Nupdates

SOCPAC Meeting

  • It is tomorrow
  • Gibbi/Gen probably


  • initial result: $1620
    • Could not have gotten much more
  • Thanks SOCPAC treasurer

General Business:

Westmarche 2

  • "oh my goddd" - Emerald
  • whenisgood is up, meeting soon
    • Fill it out

40th Anniversary - Octoberish

  • Save the Date is out!
  • To Do List:
    • Budget finalisations
    • Ticket release schedule
      • for subsidised tickets
    • Ticket design
    • Maybe a card.co website sort of thing?
    • Decorations closer to the date
    • Talked to Leigh about using some Guild events stuff
    • Yeah


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

  • :hole:
  • It is still there
  • May bump tenancy after camp
New Kallax
  • Nupdates
  • After camp
New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates


Book Buy
  • Skull is in! Come and play it

Card Sleeving

David: Research sleeving Boardgames - Will think about it - This action item exists only to make David look bad - (Jokes aside this is part of a long term card sleeving project that is dependant largely on card sleeve supplies)

Library System
  • Oscar has thoughts
    • Have tag system not just be in one long line?
      • Have tag system be sortable
      • Alphabetically / Number of Items / Categories, etc.
      • makes it easier to find what you’re looking for
    • let tag system be filterable!
      • Meta-Systems (anything with the ‘System’ tag) / Systems / Dice / Mechanics
      • Role-Playing Games / War Games / Board Games / Card Games / Miscellaneous
      • lets you look for specific types of tags without looking through the whole list
    • Search Function

Food runs

  • Chopper gunner b-word for camp
  • (We will need to do a food run for camp, Connor is doing it with help from Clarice)


  • Mailing system can be discussed after Gozz PhD

Committee Business

  • Matthew has asked if with the 10th ed of 40k coming out, if he can run a league with our help
    • Expression of Interest for 40k 10e link here

Meeting closed: 7:36 PM