Unigames Committee Meeting #18 - 02/07/2020

by Autumn Brough 02/07/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #18 - 02/07/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Gwen
  • Josh


  • Autumn
  • Kyle


Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open: 5:15pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • I have all the certifications now!
  • Went to Taylor's yesterday to do a bunch of camp things
  • Have been playing LoU2, trying to catch up to Emerald

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • Welcome to the room for execs and with names not starting with A (JET)
  • Ghost quiz is in progress, also started actually writing a handover for cam hall quiz night so that's fun
  • Went to camp meeting
  • Worked on Camp EMP with Alistair and Merlin
  • Have been working on the Camp 2020 Budget for the last 3 hours it's a fucking time
  • Tenancy consumes my brain
  • Enjoying being awake at the same time as the sun
  • Finished She-Ra, it made me cry

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • i'm at a cool fun place (emerald and taylor's place)
  • 3 execs in one place what will we do
  • been doing 2019 camp budget review in prep for 2020 camp
  • i interpreted a whole ass spudshed receipt that barely had any letters on it (insert applause)
  • my birthday party happened but that's about all i did last week
  • we got $338 in oday grants!
  • account balance: $1,831.57
  • cash on hand: $21

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • Missing this week 😭

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • ghost camp is happening, come to ghost camp will be fun!
  • i have also been witness to non ghost camp happening
  • last of us 2 presidential update: the girls are fighting (zombies)!!

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • Freshers are alive.
  • Fresher campaigns.. exist.
  • Ghost camp.. is a thing.

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • just hanging
    • come to Ghost Camp uwu
  • Gwen:
    • Still don’t possess a computing device 😞
  • Josh:
    • I’ll probably be listening in but unable to talk, so if someone could help me out
    • reached out to Neville and she has made some great stuff in the past. I think the best way to structure an event would be to have everyone follow the same step by step instructions. Should be fun
  • Kyle:
    • Apologies my wife has work
    • Im up to the last stages of finishing my tesseract vault
    • people are excited to get back to playing mordheim

Past action Items:


Orchestrate ghost camp!! (along with Emerald, Alice) - quiz ongoing Review subcommittee regulations - not done Look into getting the constitution on the website updated (along with Autumn) - information has been given Consider constitutional changes - things have been considered


Look into Halloween 2019 - JArcus has been busy


Look into getting the constitution on the website updated (along with Taylor) - in progress


Orchestrate ghost camp!! (along with Taylor, Alice) - done


Orchestrate ghost camp!! (along with Taylor, Emerald) -d one


Organise distribution of unigames dice - ongoing


Contact Amy Neville about a UWASCA collab - done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Board games tomorrow as part of Ghost Camp!


  • Oneshots on Saturday as part of Ghost Camp!!
  • ASOIF oneshot?
  • We try and run through the things we haven't done yet this year

    Emerald: Contact GMs for ASOIF


  • No magic is a part of Ghost Camp :(


  • New edition can be preordered from July 11th
  • Hit the shelves July 25th

Fresher Campaigns

  • They exist and are going pretty well
  • They've revived after the exam period
  • Some new people may have signed up


Halloween 2019:

  • No updates as of yet

[REDACTED] 2020: Ghost Camp [3/7 - 5/7]:

  • Starts tomorrow evening with boardgames!
  • Oneshots on Saturday night
  • "Quiz Night" on Sunday
  • Emerald has been thinking of ways to implement Goose LARP
    • Discord maybe? Self contained using a "Goose" role
    • Quests posted hourly throughout a period

Quiz Night

  • No updates on this Quiz
  • Taylor has been going over the handover

Joint REDACTED [20/11-23/11]

  • EMP is almost complete
  • Itinerary has been drafted up and shared
    • No one has a problem with how its currently set
  • Buying back snacks after the camp
    • We need to inform the subcom what things we'd be willing to buy back and for how much

      Jackie: Get a copy of the Price List for the camp subcommittee

  • We also need to provide a list of banned members from Unigames

Alistair: Compile the banned member list for camp

Other Events

  • Relay for Life is running!
    • It's set to occur October 10-11
  • By extention Roleplay 4 Life can also occur as usual!
    • Would likely occur at the end of September

Room Update:

  • We might get back in soon!
  • It sounds like we're waiting on the university now as opposed to Guild


  • Pending:
    • Emerald: $84.73
    • Kyle: $158.67
    • Jackie: -$21
    • Autumn: -$34.79


  • Special Projects Grants

    • Weird things have been going on
    • Not sure if we need to resubmit things or not?
  • O Day Grants came through

    • We got $338
    • Need to ask around to see if that is high or not
  • Taylor's Guild Sense tingled last week and was correct

    • Tenancy reallocations are recommencing on Monday
    • We're planning to meet with the other clubs to refresh on all the things
    • Alistair and Taylor are going to meet up seperately to go over the appeal and resend it
    • Might be worth it to try set up a meeting with Jacob to discuss how banned members would work in a shared clubroom
      • Being banned from one club would effectively ban you from both

Alistair: Go over appeal and tenancy things with Taylor Alistair: Email Jacob cc UniSFA re banned members in shared room

General Business:


  • Being organised
  • Thinking of ways to make an event run
  • Perhaps a everyone follows along to the same instructions type thing


  • The ProfComp people are asking for projects again
  • We can theoretically subject another group to our demands of Ao3
  • Last years was not good but another group might do a better job

Taylor: Submit an application for ProfComp

Unigames Dice

  • Kyle is in the process of distributing

Constitutional Changes

  • No progress as yet

First Aid Course

  • Jackie, Alice, Gwen and Ash are all interested in doing this
  • 3 non camp subcom people should be fine

Jackie: Organise the First Aid course as part of camp

Meeting closed: 5:55pm


This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Compile the banned member list for camp Go over appeal and tenancy things with Taylor Email Jacob cc UniSFA re banned members in shared room


Review subcommittee regulations Consider constitutional changes Submit an application for ProfComp


Look into Halloween 2019 Organise the First Aid course as part of camp


Look into getting the constitution on the website updated (along with Taylor)


Contact GMs for ASOIF


Continue distribution of unigames dice


Continue planning UWASCA collab