Unigames Committee Meeting #19 - 10/07/2023

by Joshua Annison 10/07/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #19 - 10/07/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Connor
  • Gen
  • James
  • Oscar
  • Hannah


  • Chris
  • Emerald


Meeting scheduled: 6:00PM

Meeting open: 6:23PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • in the process of edging (and topping and bottoming) skull
  • took our tea towels home so i can give them a wash (and also so they're not just damp and smelling gross)
  • i had tea for this meeting but i tripped up the stairs and broke the bottle instead

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Precon leagued
  • Happy Borth to Boomer Bird (David)
  • Cant believe uni comes back in 2 weeks

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • "Ayo, birthday hype in the chat for David !!! >:)"
  • Precon league
  • Account Balance: $8209.55 (still inflated, see last minutes)

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Hi Gibbi
  • I won my first precon league round! Yippee!
  • Come down to PARANOIA BABEY
  • More Westmarche Debate

Librarian's Report (David):

  • um hi
  • old now
  • yeah thats all
  • Intro To David Lore went well

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • have worked every single day since last meeting and done very little else
  • taught everyone the proper way to play Catan

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:
    • "Auuuugh" - Chris
  • Hannah:
    • I’m back bitches
    • and I bring offerings
    • also starting to look at what I’m supposed to do for the subcom I’m in now
  • James:
    • I’ve learnt how to be the storyteller in Blood on the Clocktower. Maybe I’ll run a game or two soon
    • I have chosen my side in the Westmarche debate
  • Oscar:
    • precon league aaaAAA
    • ty gibbi for making my deck not trash
    • why is larp so complicated oml
    • i have done nothing since camp except be eepy

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==10/20 (50.00% WR)== Meeting
    • Oh Nyo
    • Meeting with "her wetsuit guy"

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Email eaton with the number for final invoice - Done

  • Email guild events with first aid reports - Done

  • Make Sem 2 Gatekeeper form - Done

  • Design and print/draw sign about cameras - In Poggers

  • Talk with Emerald about Kallax plan - Done


  • Make quick play Guide - Not Done

  • Post more challenges for precon league - Done

  • Contact tactics about precon league prizing - Done

  • (with Gen) Write up fresher campaign sign up form - Not Done


  • (with Oscar) Put out Holiday Painting Day poll - Done (Oscar)

  • Compile final financial statement - Done (Jackie)


  • Do Paranoia EMP - Done


  • Do the EMP for New Boardgames - Done

  • Gaslands admin 'stuff' - In Pogress

  • Print out new Catan rulebook - Will be done by the time you see this


  • (with Ethan) Write up fresher campaign sign up form - Not Done

  • Organise Refresher Rewelcome - Not Done

  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - Not DOne


  • Mothership RPG Night EMP - Not Done

(with Connor) Put out Holiday Painting Day poll - y

Usual Suspects

Board Games

New Boardgames - Tuesday 25th of July at 4pm
  • If it was in the bookbuy, you will probably be playing it
Boardgame O'DAY
  • Gibbi: Single boardgame played restricts numbers HEAVILY, not a variety one-shot night because it would have a lot of issues, instead people would "sell" boardgames, instead would learn about the game and then they can organise a time to come in and play the game.
  • Gen: Doesn't need to focus on a particular game
  • James: Attendence is generally around 25~ish atm, don't want to restrict.
  • Games like: Twilight Imperium, Scythe, GoGoT, Great Western Trail

    Gibbi, Stosh: Boardgame O'DAY Admin


Paranoia RPG Night - Tuesday 11th from 5PM
  • GM's:
    • Alistair
    • Merlin
    • Frosh
Mothership RPG Night - Week of the 31st of July
  • Merlin and Fresher Jack say
    • "Yeah I'd be down for it" - Frack
    • :thumbsup: - Merlin
    • James maybe?
  • Will be done TONIGHT, will discuss a date and time with GM's

    Oscar: Mothership RPG Night EMP

Spire - Week of the 14th of August

Gibbi: Spire Oneshot Admin

PbtA RPG Variety Night - Week of the 28th of August
  • Jackie, Amelia, Harlowe, Gwyn, Oscar, Lewis, James Taylor

    Oscar: PbtA Oneshot Night Admin


  • The One Ring got found

Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quickplay guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so

    Gibbi: Make quick play Guide

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Nupdates
  • Prices may die down now that ring has been found
Commander Precon League - Every Thursday starting 22nd of June from 6PM
  • Will keep looking for prizes

    Gibbi: Post more challenges for precon league Gibbi: Contact tactics about precon league prizing

SNOM - 23rd of July

David: Advertising for SNOM Gibbi: Admin for SNOM


Holiday Painting Day - 21st of July at 1PM
  • Poll out: Results gained

    Connor, Oscar: Put out Holiday Painting Day poll

Gaslands - 21st of July at 5PM
  • Wargaming day

    David: Gaslands EMP + Admin

Fresher Campaigns

  • Yeah, no real changes
  • Need to put out GM interest form

    Gibbi, Gen: Write up fresher campaign sign up form

Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

  • Waiting on approval from other clubs

Unigames Camp 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

  • Feedback form link here
  • Please provide feedback! It helps us improve our camps in the future!

Club Carnival Semester 2 - Tuesday 8th of August from 12PM - 2PM

  • Form re-submitted
  • Next week we can organise around this

Re-Fresher Re-Welcome - Wednesday 9th of August

  • EMP, loft booking, maybe ask for extra chairs
  • Jackie will help Gen out with Pizza time
  • Gibbi will help Gen out with Admin time

    Gen: Organise Refresher Rewelcome

Dice bag workshop with UWASCA - It's Coming

  • Subcom discord set up
  • Yip

Roleplay for Life - 2nd-3rd of September

  • Gen
  • David
  • Maybe even EMP right now
  • Lets get advertising out before hand

    David, Gen: Roleplay for Life Advertising

Far Future Events

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Jackie - Knowledge Bearer
  • Gen
  • Connor
  • Subcom discord has been made
  • Don't think about until after semester starts

Quiz Night - Between 14th and 22nd of September

  • Lightmittee
    • Oscar
  • Darkmittee
    • Chris
  • Waiting for ICONs to look through possible dates
    • thursday 14/09 (wk 7)
    • friday 15/09 (wk 7)
    • thursday 21/09 (wk 8)
    • friday 22/09 (wk 8)
  • Friday probably preferable for "legacy" members and retail workers and uni students
  • Thursday will not kill us

Relay for Life - 7th-8th of October

  • Josh

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $168 to Connor for Foodrun
    • $1080 to Jackie for Prerelease
    • Loads of unsubmmitted camp-related expenditure
      • $853.45 to Connor for J&J Snack Run
      • $6 to Josh for potatoes (J&J Supplementary)
      • $484.83 to Jackie for J&J Coles Food Run
      • $450.59 to Jackie for J&J Spudshed Food Run
      • $9.75 to Gibbi for bay leaves & paper (J&J Supplementary)
      • $10.30 to Gibbi for seasoning salt & sauce (J&J Supplementary)
      • $? to Emerald for bacon (J&J Supplementary)
      • $1655 to Jackie for J&J Eaton Booking Final payment



  • Nupdates


  • Fully approved result: $1620
    • :)
  • 2019 Sem 2 grant corrections will be paid as well: $920.35
  • and 2022 SPG: $1000
  • Both of these are not in my account yet

General Business:

40th Anniversary -

  • Nupdates

    Jackie: Message Tex and Emerald about Budget for 40th


  • No new Gatekeepers
  • New form will be put out next weekish, sent to current gatekeeper


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

Sign about Cameras
  • Jackie has made one.
  • Will be put up soon
  • :hole:
  • Is it still there
    • Yes
  • Kelvin bumped
New Kallax
  • Plan is here here is where I would put a picture, if it worked
  • Chris has thoughts
  • Will discuss when Chris is back
New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates


BotCT Noise

Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Catan Rulebook
  • Will be done by the time you see this
Bananagrams Rulebook
  • Also missing
  • Will be rectified

    David: New Bananagrams Rulebook

Card Sleeving

David: Research sleeving Boardgames - Will think about it - This action item exists only to make David look bad - (Jokes aside this is part of a long term card sleeving project that is dependant largely on card sleeve supplies)

Library System
  • Nupdates
Edging Skull
  • Jackie Still edging skull
  • may take a while
  • Jackie has done some experimentation, will not paint skull, but will finish the edging
  • Maybe tomorrow
    • hopefully jackie has enough topper

Food runs

  • Connor do one after meeting
  • Jack will help


  • Mailing system can be discussed after Gozz PhD

Committee Business

  • Expression of Interest for 40k 10e league link here

Meeting closed: 7:23 PM