Unigames Committee Meeting #19 - 25/07/2022

by Ethan Gibson 25/07/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #19 - 25/07/2022

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Hannah
  • Connor
  • David
  • Everest
  • Texas
  • Alistair


  • Chris


Meeting scheduled: 5:00PM

Meeting open: 5:24 PM


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Dear Gibbi
    • Emerald Sighd here
    • Welcome back Gamers
    • Please go to your classes
    • nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh
    • Sent emails
    • So many emails
    • Didnt get to go to class
    • too busy sending emails
  • Had to work 10 hours so couldnt go to busy bee

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • Hi um, so i thought i was gonna lose my 100% attendance streak
    • Didnt lose streak cos no meeting
    • Nupdates on quiz night
  • Cleaned up yellow money box a lil bit
  • Forgor reimbursement stuff
  • Lost a couple years of my life driving on freeway (in rush hour traffic)
  • Organised and attended busybee

Treasurer's Report (Texas):

  • guess who's back
  • back again
  • Tex is back
  • tell your friends
  • that the account balance is $9,427.37

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • Bought set booster box
  • Did Snom things
  • Is Alive
  • Went to busy bee
  • David go rush B rush B

Librarian's Report ():

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • uni started again
  • it's already required reading hell but oh well history major
  • otherwise nothing new from last week
  • also before i forget oTL i'm nearly done with prosh marshal thing
  • did busy bee
  • Thats all gamerzz

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Connor, David, Everest):

  • Chris:
    • I have arrived with Goods
    • semester start hype (???)
    • DnD movie tiefling hype
    • stardew valley rpg thonks
      • Gibbi commits thonk erasure apparently
  • Connyah:
    • Kung Fp
    • Book Buy Boardgames challenge (impossible)
    • Good luck semester 2 y'all :))
    • Busy Bee
    • Food run
  • David:
    • birds (birds birds birds birds 🦆)
      • other things starting with b: busy bee
    • woppagagna style
    • this semester is looking intense :/
  • Everest:
    • can't have a fun report actually saying what i've been up to yet o7
    • guys i've done so much it's just not club and also a secret rn oTL
    • uni is back and i spent the day at home

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==16.75/20== Meetings
    • Experienced a large amount of yidaros

Past action Items:

Action Items: Emerald:

text new panto prez about collab event - Done

bump missing money to Guild - Done

Email Kelvin for wall paint (Air con) - Done


Put up busy bee event - Done


Put up SNOM 4 Announcements - Done

Purchase set booster box - Done

(with Hannah) Do EMP and Loft booking and advertising for refresher rewelcome - Not Done

Organise Charity Vigil Donation - Done


(with Ethan) Do EMP and Loft booking and advertising for refresher rewelcome - Not Done

Signup for Prosh Marshall - In progress



Write emp for bookbuy boardgames/ loft booking - Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Shiny New Boardgames - Week 4 (week of the 15th)

    Connor: Emp and announcement and loft booking for shiny new boardedgames

  • Battle Royale Boardgames - Week 6 Week of the 29th

David: Submit emp and announcement and loft for battle royale boardgames

  • Yee yee boardgames - Week 7 Week of the 12/09

    David Submit EMP and Announcment and loft for Yee yee boardgames.


  • DND one shot night - [Tuesday Week 3 09/08/2022]
    • List of Potential GMs
      • Emerald
      • Joshua (Moncaster)
      • Ethan
      • Chris
      • Winslade
      • Gavin
      • Connor
      • Frosh
      • Freyja
      • David
      • Alistair
      • Lilly
Future RPG Events
  • Arc One shot night - Week 5
  • Heart One shot night - Week 8
Panto Unigames Collab Event
  • Waiting to hear back on dates
  • They seem very keen on it

Magic: The Gavining

  • SNOM 4 - Sunday 24/07
    • It happened yesterday
    • Smaller SNOM about 8 atttendees overall

Fresher Campaigns

  • Fresher Campaign Boardwipe moment
  • We should put new form for new freshers should be done before club carnival

Upcoming Events:

Refresher Rewelcome - [Wednesday Week 2 03/08/2022]

  • Will be the wednesday Week 2 (03/08/2022)

Gibbi, Hannah: Do EMP and Booking as well as advertising ASAP

Semester 2 Flyers

Jackie: Design new flyers and put new events on there

Quiz Night [Early September]

  • No updates


  • Going with the theme Rogueish


  • Pushed Closer to the week of the 15th
  • Thinking tuesday 16th of august lunch hour (12pm to 1pm)
  • Week 4

    Jackie: Do OGM EMP

Agenda Items
  • Election of New Committee Members

Far Future Events

Roleplay for Life

Relay for Life



Uncharity vigil


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $3104.50 to Jackie for Table
    • $154.70 to Connor for Foodrun
    • $205.80 to Ethan Cards and Camp supplies
    • $1221.25 to Emerald for Camp stuff (resend)


Tenancy Meeting

  • No updates


  • This Thursday

Missing Money

  • Should be resolved soon

General Business:


  • Will Reset Gatekeepers next week


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

  • Emailed Kelvin about the paint and the fan
  • Maybe hear about it midweek?
Pinup Board
  • no updates
  • Should be here sometime in the next 2 weeks
Things to hang
  • Everest has not been in


  • We got cascadia in
  • Chris would like to donate a new copy of the phb
    • Committee Accepts the donation unanimously
    • The old copy will be auctioned off at uncharity
    • Will be in use until auction
  • The old phb will be barred from borrowing
Book Buy
  • We have received final pricelist
  • Bookbuy List:
    • Mork Borg RPG
    • Heart RPG
    • Root (Base Game)
    • Here to Slay
    • Terraforming Mars Expansions
      • Turmoil
      • Prelude
    • Dungeon Mayhem Expansions
      • Monster Madness
      • Baldurs Gate
Sleeving Cards
  • Everything has been sleeved except for 5 minute dungeon
  • Look into getting a couple hundred more sleeves
Classification system
  • no updates

Food runs

  • Connor did one this sunday


  • Entering RPGs into the website

Jackie, Connor: Learn how to/teach library entry on the website

Committee Business

  • New Librarian will be Connor

Manjedal feedback

Emerald: Submit feedback to manjedal.

Charity Vigil - [16/04/2022 - 17/04/2022]

Meeting closed: 7:28 PM