Unigames Committee Meeting #2 - 14/03/2022

by Ethan Gibson 14/03/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #2 - 14/03/2022

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Texas
  • Gibbi
  • Luna
  • Hannah
  • Chris (Discord)
  • Connor
  • David
  • Jazz
  • Alistair



Meeting scheduled: 5:00Pm

Meeting open: 5:07Pm


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Hi, Gibbi
    • This Weekend I picked up the book buy
    • And I made a big list about online boardgame sites
    • And I fixed up the online event guide
      • Only the boardgame part sorry
    • And made the Fresher welcome poster with Hannah
    • Gate Trained Lily

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • maybe one day i won’t automatically reach for the trez report
    • give me like a month
  • have some thoughts on online events
    • both in general and our big ones
  • did some gate training
  • did some charity vigil stuff
    • helped set up discord, finished (very long handover)

Treasurer's Report (Texas):

  • we had a weekend
  • emailed more aircon people to no avail (BC it's the weekend)
  • asked work for shifts as immediately got one yesterday
  • account balance: $10,158.76

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • It sure has been only like 2 days
  • I have in fact read prerelease handover
    • I sure now know what is in a prerelease kit

Librarian's Report (Luna):

  • Did not have time to do these minutes because I got caught up in unpacking boardgames.
  • It has been so long since we had our last meeting (sarcastic), I missed some of you (genuine)
  • Did sleeving things, turns out boardgames have way more cards than I thought I was.
  • Also, we have so many TCGs in out clubroom.
  • Started unpacking our new boardgames just before out meeting start.
  • Wearing a maid headband.

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • I drafted an announcement with emerald
  • Is wearing a maid outfit

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Connor, David, Jazz):

  • Chris:
    • I have not done anything of note since friday besides thinking about freezer quote
    • I have however dethroned pokemon god
    • looking forward to new meeting time :smiley:
  • Connor:
  • Eyyyy, how’s it going?
    • Got trained to do the gatekeeping tings :))
    • Getting on top of planning dnd one shot night, pre excited to help run my first event :)) (Jackie’s only been great so far ty)
  • David:

    • What up gamers, it's been a whole three days!
      • Is in his gamer cosplay and is talking like a twitch streamer
    • Been trained as a gate, can hold the room now
    • Given online events are on the menu, I've taken a cursory read through the relevant handover. I should probably look into getting tabletop simulator as well.
    • Tiles have not been applied to the floor yet. Still working up the willpower…
    • Stay gamer peeps
  • Jazz:

    • I have messaged donald about the website yet
    • (we will see if this has changed by the time I report)
    • I have not done anything else sorry gamers

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==2.75/3== Meetings

Past action Items:

Emerald Aindow:

Teach everyone how to run online boardgames - Done

(with Hannah) Make Fresher Welcome Post - Done

Talk to Taylor and Concoct plans for table - Done

Pick up Book Buy - Done

Jackie Shan:

Do gatekeeper training - Done

(with Connor) Continue organising DND one Shot - Done

Write Grant Handover - Not Done

Cleanup Discord - Done

Organise things with Amelia for enviro collab event. - Not Done

Texas Bennett:

Talk to air con people more - Done

Ethan Gibson:

Start Organising Prerelease - Done


Ask Vikrum about RPG Classification - Ongoing

Do sleeve buy - Not Done

Hannah Niklaus:

(with Emerald) Make Fresher Welcome Post - Done

Connor Brennan:

(with Jackie) Continue organising DND one Shot - Ongoing

David Giles:

Apply tiles directly to floor - Not Done


Send preferred name prounoun image and hehe funny line to Jackie ASAP - 4/11 Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Fresher Welcome -- [Week 3 - Thursday 17/03/2022]
  • Is happening this thursday at 5PM
  • Emerald has rewritten the guide
    • there is a guide
  • There is a link to a lonk list of boardgames
  • Can be used as poll or group finder
  • Emerald: Fresher welcome might feel a little bit more janky than usual due to being online rather than in person
    • For Committee: (Only go into games that you know how to play so that you can explain the rules well)
  • Emerald: Some websites are a little bit "Scrungly"
    • Online werewolf takes 29 players
    • Most websites should be explained in the guide
  • Jackie: Has thoughts about online events
    • How can we recreate the feeling of walking into a room and seeing multiple tables w different board games being played
    • Sugests adding a fresher welcome section to the discord with a lobby
      • Then having people pick games and such
      • People can ask for games to be played
    • This is to give that tabletop feeling
  • David: Perhaps a misc channel
  • Jackie: A committee member should supervise some channels
    • This system will be used again for One shot night
    • Each boardgame (table) should have its own text and voice channel
    • We should encourage gatekeepers to come and help
  • Emerald: How should we categorise boardgame
    • Jackie suggests writing brief boardgame descriptions

Emerald: Make Post and write descriptions

Jackie: Set up Channels

ALL: Read Online Events handover


  • DND One shot night -- [Week 4]
    • We are waiting dates from our GMs
  • Emerald: We should ask people how many players GMs are willing to run
    • She then moved into the freezer to cool down
    • We should get indications from out GMs for adventure title
    • Players will all be level 3
  • Emerald: we should post the PDFs for the basic books

    - If people get their hands on extra stuff thats up to them

    Jackie, Connor: Message GMs for information and let them know that the level is set to 3

  • One shot night is coming up soon and we're still picking a date for it

Magic: The Gavining

  • Intro To Magic
    • Gibbi will be running it this year
    • Is still the void thanks COVID
  • New Capenna Prerelease
  • Gibbi will email tactics
  • Gibbi has read the handover


  • Intro to Wargaming
    • Floating into the void due to difficulty to innability to move Online
    • Date TBA

Fresher Campaigns

  • Gibbi still hasnt messaged GMs

    Gibbi: Message GMs


Charity Vigil

  • Subcom Discord has been made
  • Jackie has finished handover
  • Committee has discussion about when Charity Vigil could be

Unigames [REDACTED] "I"

Far Future Events

Quiz Night


Roleplay for Life

Relay for Life



Uncharity vigil


  • Approved
  • Pending
    • none yet
  • Unsubmitted
    • 985.60 to Jackie for Shirt Order
    • 429.25 to Emerald for Book Buy


Best Club Award

  • No updates
  • Texas wants to be told when to start bothering cade

Semester grant

  • No updates


  • Updates, None

General Business:

God-Queen of Unigames

  • Emerald motions to become God-Queen of Unigames
    • Passes Unanimously


No new Gatekeepers approved


No new Webkeepers approved

Room Update

Air Conditioning
  • Texas: Unigames is in an awkward spot due to being between commercial and residential for aircons
    • Someone say they would do it for a lot
    • Someone else said they'd do it for like $150, which is much nicer
    • UWA has been messaged and they did get back to us but shrug
    • We'll have to let tenancy know because we might need roof access
    • Should be done by the second week of April
    • Can also ask work boss because he also does maintenance (mayhaps aircons)
    • Please may the aircon be fixed
  • Connor: Also has aircon contact has heard nothing
  • We may soon have a fixed aircon


  • Emerald will present in a week or two to let us settle in a little more


Classification system
  • Luna has messaged vikrum

    • Has received no response
    • May start working if no response shortly
    • Luna is happy to take suggestions
  • Book Buy

    • Has been picked up by Emerald
  • Card Sleeves

    • Emerald: Attempted to pick up cardsleeves with Luna and after doing maths with Jackie there are a lot of card sleeves
      • We should pick up about 300 card sleeves
      • Once it has been tested and we figure out which games need which sleeves
      • We can get a finalised budgets and then methodically do a larger scale purchase
    • Emerald: For this week we would like to buy a couple packets of each sleeve type
    • There are 3 sizes of sleeve order
    • Committee approves purchase of the second smallest order with a budget of $100
      • Estimated cost: $89.60
      • 300 Opaque TCG
      • 175 Transparent TCG
      • 226 Standard American (Opaque preferred)
      • 36 Small European

Food runs

  • Emerald: We will want one in the next week
  • Gibbi: Is happy to run one on Friday
Price Changes
  • Texas: Due to sale prices going up we arent able to sell a lot of items given the current situation

    • We should raise the price of cans up to $1 until further notice
    • Price increase will come into effect as of this friday [18/03/2022]
  • Emerald: Suggests increasing Pie price raised to $2.50 from $2 to buy the better quality Miss's Mac's pies

    • Due to higher quality product and better return for club members
  • Jackie: The main reason for profit making items is to compensate for non profit making items i.e. paper towels and white board spray
  • Emerald: Encourages inspection of pies and sausage roll varieties on food run


  • Jackie did some discord cleanup and delete out of date channels as well as improve UX

Shirt Stuff

  • Shirts are on the way sorry we couldnt get it in by O-Day
  • Itll happen in two to three weeks

Enviro + Unigames Board Games

Jackie: Organise things with Amelia for enviro collab event.

Committeee Business

ALL: Send preferred name prounoun image and hehe funny line to Jackie ASAP

Meeting closed: 6:26PM