Unigames Committee Meeting #20 - 23/07/2024

by Chris Leak 23/07/24

Unigames Committee Meeting #20 - 23/07/2024

tags: committee meeting 2024


  • Josh
  • Connor
  • Jack
  • Chris
  • Gen
  • Cooper
  • Jeremy
  • Nene
  • Nix
  • Oscar
  • Jackie



Meeting scheduled: 5:00PM

Meeting open: 5:06PM


President's Report (Josh):

  • Checked in with Phoenix people, date extended
  • Sigma grindset I guesssss
  • Washed the camp tea towels and now they are so fresh
  • Can't believe we are back to Uni already
  • Bloomburrow Hype
  • Excited to see a wave of new fresherlings!

Vice President's Report (Connyah):

Treasurer's Report (Jack):

  • millions must google sheets
  • camp budget should be done, like, tonight - just need to double triple check stuff
  • soc tres responded !!!
  • soc tres denied appeal :boowomp: Guild Account Balance: 12,670.15 dola bril Commbank Account Balance: 275.00 dollers bills

Secretary's Report (Chris):

  • Bloomburrow hype!
  • Successful Unigames Faction Leader campaign run
    • again
  • Started Honours, one day I will regain my honour

Librarian's Report (Gen):

  • It has been a long two days (I'm so happy sem's back omlomloml)
  • Ran new sem new games! 13 attendance and new games played ( + catan)
  • submitted emp for painting day
  • have been working on various repairs
  • 155 days til christmas (the countdown has begun)

Fresher Rep's Report (Cooper):

  • Hooray uni is back! Attanded new sem new boardgames which was pretty fun, learned how to play Mahjong finally and sorta accidentally already missed a lecture.

OCMs' Reports (Jeremy, Nene, Nix, Oscar):

  • Jeremy:
    • IM BACK BAYBEE and didnt get stabbed
    • currently trying to learn force and destiny and/or mistborn ttrpg for pop culture night
    • furry prerelease THIS WEEKEND :raised-eyebrow:
  • Nene:
    • mmmm pbta night so soon...
    • getting into a tcg (cheering crowd noises) it's pokémon (30% cheers 70% confused murmuring)
      • Chris cheers
    • listen fortnite is gonna be so back next month when the season changes.
  • Nix:
    • Still gotta put out the feedback form..
    • AoS is really popular atm, gonna look into stuff for it 🙂
    • im playing league now
  • Oscar:
    • what do you mean there’s two semesters in a year
    • hung out at New Sem New Boardgames
    • 60 days til Summit, 87 days left of semester, 100 days til Halloween, [REDACTED] days til [REDACTED]

Immediate Past President's Report (Jackie):

  • Jackie has attended: 18/19 (95% WR)== Meeting
    • ‘cause guys.. we’re so back (me)
    • busy helping with more committee stuff as usual, more long emails incoming soon hopefully
    • I didn’t get to watch hsm2 down south 🙁

Past Action Items:


Investigate pre-release options (not done)

Organise Photo Drive for Camp (not done)

Check in with Phoenix people (done)


Contact Alexia about pride collab (stolen)

(with Cooper) PBTA One-shot Advertising (done)

add Phoenix role to choose roles section (done)


(with Nix) Order Wargaming Playmats (not done)


Do EOI for a Pokemon Event (not done)

(with Gen) Organise rp4life date (in poggers)

Print new PDF Games (not done)


Contact GMs for Pop Culture One-shot Night (done)

Talk to Cam to organise returning his Terrain (in poggers)

EMP and Advertising for Casual Painting Day (in poggers)

(with Chris) Organise rp4life date (in poggers)

Repair damaged games (in poggers)

Make up a Bloodbowl contents sheet (not done)


(with Connor) PBTA One-shot Advertising (done)


find old discussions on Book Buy and decode them (done)


Feedback Form for July Tournament (not done)

Talk with Matt about next Tournament (in poggers??)

Talk about teaching bloodbowlers to commissioners (not done)

(with Jack) Order Wargaming Playmats (not done)

Usual Suspects

Board Games

New Semester, New Boardgames - Monday 22nd @ 5.30pm Week 1
  • Attendance: 13
  • Some Games played:
    • Flamecraft
    • Mahjong
    • Catan

      Gen: Mahjong example photo

Re-fresher Re-welcome - Monday 5/8 @ 4pm-8pm (Week 3)
  • Discussing pizza order options
    • Potentially ordered as requested
    • Gold coin pizza
    • 30 Free cans (1 per person until they're gone)


PBTA One-shot Night - Wednesday 31/7 Week 2
  • Advertising up
    • Nene made the poster
  • 4 GMs
  • Using reservation system
    • If we get a lot of interest, we may need to make use of our backup GMs
    • 15/17 slots reserved

      Connor, Cooper: PBTA One-shot Advertising

Pop Culture One-shot Night - Friday Week 4 @ 4pm
  • Games inspired by Pop-Culture
    • Either system or the specific one-shot
  • 3 GMs running one-shots
    • Jeremy
    • Gwen
    • Angus

      Gen: EMP and advertising for Pop Culture One-shot Night

Anime One-Shot Night (Collab with UWAnime) - Week 8(?)
  • nupdates (last discussed: )


Booster Box Buying Bhenanigans
  • Box dead
    • Box soon to be undead
  • We are waiting for Bloomburrow
Magic: The Gavining
Missing Club Deck Cards
  • nupdates (last discussed: )
Bloomburrow Prerelease - 28th of July @ 11am
  • Is happening !!
  • Due to expected turnout, we may also contact Good Games to obtain supplementary Pre-release packs
  • Prelease packs are $60

    Josh: Bump Bloomburrow pre-release announcement

Discussion on future pre-release events
  • Should we keep running events on Sundays or should we move to a different day
    • Will put up a poll
    • Will also investigate distribution of pre-release packs to see if another day is possible
    • Waiting until after Bloomburrow to poll

      Josh: Investigate pre-release options

Future Pokemon events
  • nupdates (last discussed:)

    Chris: Do EOI for a Pokemon Event


Next Warhammer Tournament
  • Talking about delaying next Tournament as interest in an August tournament appears low
  • Terrain
    • We've got new terrain, have no space to put it

      Nix: Feedback Form for July Tournament Nix: Talk with Matt about next Tournament

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
  • Sleeved some cards for AoS, can be found in the monolith currently
  • We could potentially run an intro event
  • Discussion on extra materials for Age of Sigmar:
    • Mats
    • Terrain
    • Cards
      • We've printed some off
    • Purchasing a box
      • Contains all of the above
      • Can be put in the next book buy
    • Need to investigate how much it will cost to laminate a printed game-board

      Nix: Investigate lamination options for Age of Sigmar

Blood Bowl Stuff
  • New Blood Bowl league has been announced
    • Sign up by 4/8
    • The season costs $5 (which goes towards the prize pool), and membership to the league site costs $5/year.
      • (So a total of $10 if this is your first season)
  • Josh has been talking with the commissioners about formalising how exactly Commissioners and Committee interact
    • When Commissioners need to become involved in closed sections
    • When Commissioners need to involve Committee in actions
  • Josh has written up a draft which he will post to the commissioners' chat

    Nix: Talk with commissioners about teaching bloodbowlers

Wargaming Budget
  • Agreed on what to spend on
    • Playmat
      • Extra $25 as shipping was per mat
      • Not Ordered
    • Objective Markers
      • In poggers
  • Commissioning Jackie to design objective markers
  • We can potentially fit some of the terrain in the monolith

    Nix, Jack: Order Wargaming Playmats Gen: Talk to Cam to organise returning his Terrain

Casual Painting Day - 17/8 @ 10am Week 4
  • EMP submitted
  • Could potentially move it to Sunday

    Gen: Advertising for Casual Painting Day

Fresher Campaigns

  • "Gettin set up" - gooper
  • By the end of the week the new Fresher GM's should have been contacted
  • Probably not gonna setup the announcement for freshers until after Club Carnival

Access Department Collab!! - 20/8 @ 11am

  • We've been asked if this is still on
    • It sure is
  • Next event: 20/8 @ 11am

Laser Tag with eSports - 10/7 at 6pm @ Lazer Blaze Willeton

  • Distribution plan received, but not Financial Statement
  • Attendance: 31
  • $98 profit/club
Kittens and Krakens Camp - 5pm Friday 21/06 - 10am Monday 24/06

Josh: Organise Photo Drive for Camp

Unigames goes to: UWASCA cloak workshop - 15/8

  • nupdates
    • on account of no reply

Cameron Hall Minecraft Factions Server

  • Reps are Connor, Chris
  • Motion on how disciplinary actions work in the context of the server
    • isolated to just the server but with similar processes to dooring
    • motion was passed
  • Server delayed until issues are fixed
    • likely resolved this week
    • The server has very much launched
  • We caught a hacker
    • they are banned
  • Another meeting on Friday

Club Carnival - Tuesday 30/7 @ 12pm-2pm

  • We have asked to be next to UniSFA

Pride Collab - Wednesday 7/8 @ 12pm (Week 3)

  • We've been approached about running a stall at pride-fest
    • one marquee will be provided, we will bring the other
  • Week 3 is Pride Week

Cameron Hall Quiz Night - 12/9

  • Reps are Jack (Dark) and Nix (Light)
  • Tavern is looking good, they should be fully reopened by the time quiz night rolls around
  • Will book the Tavern tonight once clubs have had meeting (us)
  • UWASCA is in the subcom
  • Motion to approve $440 venue hire deposit for the Tav
    • passes unanimously
  • Meeting on Saturday

Joint [Redacted]

  • Reps are Jack, Cooper, Connor
  • Meeting 1 soon
    • Whenisgood for meeting time went out

Dice Bag Workshop

  • Reps are Oscar and Gen
  • Meeting time sorted

Far Future Events

Roleplay 4 Life - 31/8-1/9
  • Being Organised by Chris and Gen
  • Donald is free on this weekend and willing to help out with streaming setup again
Upcoming Subcommittees/Prospective Reps
  • Relay 4 Life - Gen, Oscar (vibe it)
    • When is it?
      • 5th to 6th of October according to Cancer Council website
    • The mysteryyyyyyyyy
  • Uncharity Vigil - Josh, Jeremy


  • Approved
    • $93.95 to Connor for Food Run
    • $400 to Gibbi for Modern Horizons 3 Booster Box
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $1518 to Josh for Modern Horizons 3 Pre-release


SOCPAC Meeting

  • Next one 30/7
    • Does clash with our new meeting time, but we'll manage


  • Received an E-mail to discuss some documents
    • Previous discussion:
      • Surveillance device policy
        • Not much we can do about it but better written than previous versions
        • Won't be able to have the webcams as they are
        • We have some things we might be able to do but need more discussion
      • Tenancy Constitution
          1. not all tenants are SOCPAC clubs
          2. e.g. could in theory give rooms to fac-socs or other guild departments
          1. there were some issues with current constitution
      • The meeting was communicated to be for feedback and questions
      • They did not give enough time to provide feedback or answer questions
        • We are still writing up feedback for these changes
    • We will send the feedback email before wednesday
  • requested a locker for Wargaming Supplies
    • nupdates

Semester 1 Grant Appeals

  • SOC Treasurer responded
  • Appeal was rejected
    • They are being firm about the deadline

UWA CELT campus O-Day - Friday 30/8 @12:45 - 1:45pm

  • nupdates
  • the UWA CELT campus (in Claremont) are organising an O-day style event and are interested in featuring a number of clubs

General Business


  • New Gatekeepers!
    • Angus Prosser
    • Harry Trumble
    • Matt Winslade
    • Lloyd Easton
    • Mani Dashti
    • Apollo Walters
    • Jasmine 'Evvy' White
    • Lewis Graham
    • Cameron Locke
    • Ethan 'Gibbi' Gibson
    • Alistair Langton


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Updates

  • nupdates (last discussed: )


Book Buy

  • PDFs Bought:
    • Fabula Ultima
    • Alice is Missing
  • Mahjong
    • Tactics swapped it for us
  • Nene compiled previous discussion
    • Ra will be put on the second semester book buy if it is reprinted
    • Pathfinder 2e was removed from consideration for the Semester 1 book buy
  • Jack approves going over budget by $28.41
  • Motion to:
      1. Remove Ra from the Semester 1 book buy purchase list
      1. Add Fort, Torchbearer 2e and Monster of the Week to the Semester 1 book buy purchase list
    • Passes unanimously
  • Blood Bowl Mat to be bought
    • have been bought, still being processed

      Gen: Repair damaged games Gen: Make up a Bloodbowl contents sheet Gen: Email Tactics about new Book Buy games Chris: Print new PDF Games

Food Runs

  • Josh will do next food run on Thursday, probably

Phoenix Revival - Due 21/8

  • Submissions link
  • Due date has been pushed back to the 21st of August
  • Theme: Revival

Uploading Old Minutes

  • Nupdates

Organising Old Records

  • nudpates
  • Taking up a lot of space
  • Options
    • Digitise them
      • Me (Chris) can scan them

Committee Business

First Aid Training

  • it happened
  • some people were unable to attend

Unigames TikTok account???

  • nupdates (last discussed: )
  • will probably just move discussion to a discord thread Meeting closed: 7:49PM