Unigames Committee Meeting #21 - 24/07/2023

by Joshua Annison 24/07/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #21 - 24/07/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Connor
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • James
  • Oscar
  • Hannah


  • Emerald


Meeting scheduled: 5:00PM

Meeting open: 5:23PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • printed can hall posters
  • bumping emerald about ball budget and things
  • skull is bottomed, topped and edged and back in the library
  • wroteup discord etiquette post
  • bumped kelvin about hole
  • my approved leave for sem 2 is approved yippee!
  • my graduation ceremony is this thursday yippee!
  • vikrum asked jackie to keep his arrival a secret, did such a good job that he appeared in the room randomly today

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Back from Hopsital
  • Yippee Sem 2 Hypent (only 2 lectures behind)
  • My prayers have finally been answered and we have actually brought back vikrum
  • Been preaching the good word of amongus
  • hi stosh

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • 'Helped' with painting day (I'm sorry I was so late 😔)
  • Party buses aren't a good place to talk about MTG 😔😔
  • Grants are in the account though !! :D
  • Account Balance: $6757.48

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Hi Gibbi, yipee he is back!
  • Welcome back to Uni kiddos
    • make sure you attend your classes!
  • Units are so hard and difficult (specifically to assign in CAS)
  • I did the fandub of TMoStH yesterday and went really well
  • also made form for boardgame O'DAY

Librarian's Report (David):

  • welcome back to uni, study hard, get those grades
  • did a lot of marketing (poured my heart and soul into the roleplay for life poster)
  • larped as gibbi (ran precon league)
  • ran some gaslands
  • replaced the bananagrams rules

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • uni is back!
  • went to painting day!!!!
  • the barbie movie slaps

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:
    • "Auuuugh" - Chris
  • Hannah:
    • did my deferred exam and then realized the semester started five days after it
    • welcome to semester 2 everyone!! Look forward to the peacocks starting to scream very soon near the arts buildings
    • also essay number for this sem is back to roughly 18 so yay
    • Oppenheimer was great, the movie of all time, will probably watch it again
  • James:
    • Went to UniLAN and it was the best 24hr event I've ever gone to (I only made it to 3:30am). I played a ton of Salem & Secret Hitler
    • Into my last semester now and I already want it to be over
  • Oscar:
    • ran my first event (the day of paint)
    • semester two sleep deprivation kicking in already
    • uni hurty (59% final exam pass rate moment)
    • We love Uncontrollable Thoughts of Death Barbie (cellulite sold separately)

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==10/22 (45.45% WR)== Meeting
    • FAIL

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Put up whenisgood for OGM - Will be done by the time this is out

  • Put up gatekeeper application form semester - Done

  • Bump Kelvin about Hole - Done

  • Contact other camhall clubs about another Busy Bee - Done

  • Put up committee whenisgood - Done

  • Announcement about Discord Ettiquette - Done


  • Spire Oneshot Admin --> Chris - We got time

  • Make quick play Guide - Can wait

  • Contact tactics about precon league prizing --> Jackie - Done

  • (with Gen) Write up fresher campaign sign up form -- Gen and Hannah - Done


  • Distribute money for Charity Vigil - Not Done


  • (with Ethan) Boardgame O'DAY Admin - Done

  • Discord Investigation (into VC pop-up) - Done


  • Advertising for New Boardgames Event - Done

  • Advertising for SNOM - Done

  • (with Hannah) Organise meeting time for UWASCA collab - Done

  • (with Gen) Roleplay for Life Advertising - Done

  • New Bananagrams Rulebook - Done

  • Research sleeving Boardgames - **** you


  • (with Ethan) Write up fresher campaign sign up form - Done

  • Organise Refresher Rewelcome - EMP Done

  • (with David) Roleplay for Life Advertising - Done

  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - Not Done


  • (with David) Organise meeting time for UWASCA collab - Done


  • Mothership RPG Night EMP - Done

  • PbtA Oneshot Night Admin - In Pogress

Usual Suspects

Board Games

New Boardgames - Tuesday 25th of July at 4pm
  • NEW
Boardgame O'DAY - Week 4ish
  • Currently 2 responses
    • Stardew Valley
    • Mysterium
  • Link to EOI form
  • Please fill out ^

    Gibbi, Stosh: Boardgame O'DAY Admin

Yeehaw Boardgames - Week 5
  • Yeehaw

    Hannah: Yeehaw Boardgame Admin

Study Week Boardgames - Study Week
  • It is study week boardgames

    James: Study Week Boardgame admin


Mothership RPG Night - 2nd of August 5PM
  • Merlin and Fresher Jack GM's
  • Backups
    • Frosh

      Oscar: Mothership RPG Night Announcement

Spire - Week of the 14th of August
  • Gibbi will do the stuff this week
  • GM's: Gibbi and Chris

    Gibbi: Spire Oneshot Admin

PbtA RPG Variety Night - Week of the 28th of August
  • GM's: Amelia, Gwyn, Oscar
  • Maybe: Lewis
  • Backups: Jackie, James Taylor
  • Oscar will find a system

    Oscar: PbtA Oneshot Night Admin Oscar: Continue to message GM's


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quick play guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so

    Gibbi: Make quick play guide

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Sealed product market is in shambles
  • Will be shelved until people request harder
Commander Precon League - Every Thursday starting 22nd of June from 6PM
  • David "Uhhh that just happened..."
  • Will chuck up a feedback form

    Gibbi: Feedback form for commander precon league

SNOM - 23rd of July
  • 10-11 attendees
  • People came and played magic
Commander Masters Draft
  • People often ask Gibbi: "Are we doing a commander masters draft"
  • Will chuck up an interest post

    Gibbi: Commander Masters Draft EOI Post


Holiday Painting Day - 21st of July at 1PM
  • It was good
  • 17~ish attendees
  • Should have prepped a little bit more
    • No newspapers
  • Shout out to Finn for helping prime
  • Everyone had a good time
  • May need more PRIME( r )
    • insert KSI meme

      Frosh: Check the paints Gibbi: Write up painting guide.

Gaslands - 21st of July at 5PM
  • Uhhh yep that definitely happened
  • 5 attendees including David
  • People enjoy painting for wargames instead of playing the wargames

Fresher Campaigns

  • Form will be done tonight and sent out to new GM's
  • Reached out to orphan freshers
    • Can't find some of them due to discord name change ;-;

      Gibbi, Gen: Write up fresher campaign sign up form

Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

  • Money will be distributed

    Connor: Distribute money for Charity Vigil

Unigames Camp 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

  • Feedback form link here
  • It's still here! Fill it out!!

Club Carnival Semester 2 - Tuesday 8th of August from 12PM - 2PM

  • We have loads of people ready for set up and clean up
  • We are so ready

Re-Fresher Re-Welcome - Wednesday 9th of August at 4PM

  • EMP, loft booking done
  • Ask for extra chairs from Guild
  • Jackie will help Gen out with Pizza time
  • Gibbi will help Gen out with Admin time
  • Doubles up with LARP oTL
    • Which is NOT one of our events Jackie will have you know

      Gen: Organise Refresher Rewelcome

Dice bag workshop with UWASCA - It's Coming

  • 11am meeting oTL
  • Will meet in the clubroom

Roleplay for Life - 2nd-3rd of September

  • Posters are up, as with the announcement
  • If you are interested in GMing, let us know on our facebook or discord posts!
  • Will be able to move forward with streaming links and stuff once the relay donation page is available for us

Quiz Night - Between 14th and 22nd of September

  • Waiting for ICONs to look through possible dates
    • thursday 14/09 (wk 7)
    • friday 15/09 (wk 7)
    • thursday 21/09 (wk 8)
    • friday 22/09 (wk 8)
  • Friday probably preferable for "legacy" members and retail workers and uni students
  • Thursday will not kill us
  • Will call a meeting tonight


  • Jackie will send us the link

    Jackie: Put up whenisgood for OGM

Far Future Events

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Jackie - Knowledge Bearer
  • Gen
  • Connor
  • Subcom discord has been made
  • Jackie will go contact people

    Jackie: Contact people about Joint [REDACTED]

Relay for Life - 7th-8th of October

  • Josh

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
    • $168 to Connor for Foodrun
    • $1080 to Jackie for Prerelease
    • Loads of unsubmmitted camp-related expenditure
      • $853.45 to Connor for J&J Snack Run
      • $6 to Josh for potatoes (J&J Supplementary)
      • $484.83 to Jackie for J&J Coles Food Run
      • $450.59 to Jackie for J&J Spudshed Food Run
      • $9.75 to Gibbi for bay leaves & paper (J&J Supplementary)
      • $10.30 to Gibbi for seasoning salt & sauce (J&J Supplementary)
      • $1655 to Jackie for J&J Eaton Booking Final payment
    • $344.50 James for Food Run
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $? to Emerald for bacon (J&J Supplementary)
    • $73.10 to Jackie for Precon League prizes



  • Nupdates

SOCPAC - 25th of July - 6PM

  • It's tomorrow
  • Josh will go


  • Fully approved result: $1620
    • :)
  • 2019 Sem 2 grant corrections will be paid as well: $920.35
  • and 2022 SPG: $1000
    • Bag secured :moneybag:

General Business:

40th Anniversary -

  • Emerald has until tomorrow to look at it
    • Just looking over the budget before moving forward hopefully early this week
  • Will do all the merch in one week


  • Merlin Hoskins
  • Amelia Shepherdsen
  • Lewis Graham
  • Cam Locke
  • Alistair Langton

    Jackie: Post Gatekeeper Announcement


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

  • :hole:
  • Is it still there
    • Yep
  • Kelvin will take a look
New Kallax
  • Oopsie woopsie didn't make an action item for this
  • Not urgent anyway

    Jackie, Chris: Investigate Kallax

New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates


BotCT Noise

Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Card Sleeving

David: Research sleeving Boardgames - Will think about it - This action item exists only to make David look bad - (Jokes aside this is part of a long term card sleeving project that is dependant largely on card sleeve supplies)

Library System
  • Nupdates
Root Custom Dividers
  • They exist to combine big boxes into smaller big boxes
  • While theoretically a good idea, reduces our ability to play 2 games
  • We discuss a lot of ideas about modular boxes
  • Tactics do sell the dividers
  • Doesn't need to be done yet, but good to keep in the back of my mind
Breaking Bad the Boardgame Donation
  • David Says: "Is Enjoyable, insert book buy spiel here"
    • It's fucking breaking bad
    • In good working order
    • Small box
    • Where else are you going to find it, you literally cannot get it anywhere else
  • Oscar Says: Is genuinely fun, I don't want to like it but I do. No graphic content, breaking ended a decade ago and people want to play it now
  • James Says: did not like it, too memey
  • Gibbi Says: it probably isn't for the bit at this point, majority of the games, providing opportunities for all games
  • Jackie Says: Does the enjoyment come from the merch appeal or because it is enjoyable,
  • Vikrum (Guest Librarian) Says: GoT fell off pretty hard and yet
  • Connor Says: It ain't that violent
  • Hannah Says: We can just give it back if no one plays the game, severely lessened interest on account of it being Branded Game
  • Chris Says: what is it actually about? People are enjoying it.
    • Oscar: An asymmetrical card based
  • Gen Says: Is the game unbalanced
    • Oscar: Not the most balanced, but kind of inevitable with asymmetrical games
  • Motion to Accept Donation of Breaking Bad: The Board Game:
    • Passes

Food runs

  • We out of a couple things, freeze focused
  • Maybe Friday
    • Jackie
    • Maybe Hannah?
    • MAYBE VIKRUM??????????????

Busy Bee - 29th of July 11am

  • Gatekeepers are required to attend (if you cannot send apologies pwease)

    Jackie: Put Up Busy Bee Announcement

New Committee Time - Mondays 5PM defacto

  • Will do now that we have schedules


  • Mailing system can be discussed after Gozz PhD


  • Things I wanted to do aren't available on our server yet ;-;
  • Will bring up again later when it comes out
Discord Etiquette
  • Announcement will be put out tonight

Committee Business

  • Expression of Interest for 40k 10e league link here

Meeting closed: 7:55 PM