Unigames Committee Meeting #22 - 31/07/2023

by Joshua Annison 31/07/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #22 - 31/07/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Connor
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • James
  • Oscar
  • Hannah
  • Emerald



Meeting scheduled: 5:30PM

Meeting open: 6:04PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • visited uniclub venue
  • i graduated!! guess who officially has a degree now bitches oh no my degree oh no my degreeee
  • busy bee successful
  • my boyfriend has trapped my beautiful son (oscar) into a magic game and that's why we're starting at the original time

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Been on that club deck grind
  • Put up precon league feedback form
  • Commander Masters draft post postponed
  • Eldraine cards and doctor who cards look neat
  • Cleaned up library with the help of David

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • Writing this from a psych lab
  • Did a food run
  • Missed the busy bee (😔) (was looking after my niece)
  • Also got assigned Unigames Librarian :pensive:
  • Account Balance: $6757.48

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • UWA CAS more like UWA ASS
  • Attended busy bee
  • I learnt how to run Mothership (I dislike it but w/e)
  • Dragged myself kicking and screaming into the fresher gm sign up form after infodumping about league of legends to gen
  • Pauper Commander looks pretty cool!

Librarian's Report (David):

  • graduated (but not without one last nasty surprise...)
  • missed the busy bee, apologies (made up for it by cleaning out the monolith and reorganising the library)
  • chaired my first subcom meeting
  • rendered axis and allies playable
  • wrote about half of my handover
  • have been doing repair and archival work on the library

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • uni is back!
  • went to painting day!!!!
  • the barbie movie slaps

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:
    • "Auuuugh" - Chris
  • Hannah:
    • the song from David's graduation killed me (I got a cold the next day) and I missed Busy Bee
    • did the whenisgood for all stuff now bc yay Latin is back
    • also had a subcom meeting and watched Oppenheimer yet again
  • James:
    • I went to New Boardgames
    • I assisted with the library reorganisation
    • I did Barbenheimer in that order. Even though Oppenheimer is one of the greatest movies I have ever seen and is superior to Barbie on every level; in the end "I'm just Ken" Ryan Gosling (Ken) is literally me
  • Oscar:
    • did food run & a little bit of busy bee
    • larp is fun and scawy (don’t piss off a treant ig)
    • to quote chris; “auuuugh”

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==11/23 (50% WR)== Meeting
    • (I have given Emerald extra credit for the work that she did at Unigames camp (a lot) (I am rounding the score up to 50)) - Josh
    • Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    • I saw lots of fish on my fieldtrip
    • Sowwy I haven't been coming to my meetings, focusing on getting good grades, it has been hyper successful
      • Now sitting on a HD
    • Hope everyone turns up for club carnival
    • make sure to schedule out all of the assessments for the semester

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Put up whenisgood for OGM - Done

  • Contact people about Joint [REDACTED] - Done

  • Post Gatekeeper Announcement - Done

  • (with Chris) Investigate Kallax - Not Done

  • Put Up Busy Bee Announcement - Done


  • (with Josh) Boardgame O'DAY Admin - In Pogress

  • Spire Oneshot Admin - Done

  • Make quick play guide - 3/4 Done

  • Feedback form for commander precon league - Done

  • Commander Masters Draft EOI Post - Not Done

  • Write up painting guide - In Poggers

  • (with Gen) Write up fresher campaign sign up form - Done


  • Distribute money for Charity Vigil - I tried...


  • (with Ethan) Boardgame O'DAY Admin - In Pogress

  • Check the paints - Done


  • (with Ethan) Write up fresher campaign sign up form - Done

  • Organise Refresher Rewelcome - Done mostly

  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - Not Done


  • (with Jackie) Investigate Kallax - Not Done


  • Yeehaw Boardgame Admin - Has thought about it


  • Study Week Boardgame admin - Not Done


  • Mothership RPG Night Announcement - Done

  • PbtA Oneshot Night Admin - In Pogress

  • Continue to message GM's - In Pogress

Usual Suspects

Board Games

New Boardgames - Tuesday 25th of July at 4pm
  • 10 attendance
  • Circumstantially less then expected, two seperate non-event groups were also playing upstairs
  • Went aight
Boardgame O'DAY - Week 4ish
  • Currently 8 responses
    • Stardew Valley
    • Mysterium
    • GoGoT
    • Blood! On The Clocktower
    • Terraforming Mars
    • Twilight Imperium 4e
    • Root
  • Link to EOI form
  • Please fill out ^

Stosh: Boardgame O'Day Time Poll Gibbi, Stosh: Boardgame O'DAY Admin

Yeehaw Boardgames - Week 5
  • Hannah left before we could talk about this but yeah it is still a thing we promise

    Hannah: Yeehaw Boardgame Admin

Study Week Boardgames - Study Week
  • It is ages away

    James: Study Week Boardgame admin

Chris' UniSFA Collab
  • Microscope, Mappa Imperium, Call to Adventure
  • Basically a "worldbuilding game" collaboration event
  • Will talk with UniSFAn's about the possibility of collaboration

    Chris: Talk with UniSFAN's about collaboration


Mothership RPG Night - 2nd of August 5PM
  • It's this week!
  • "Come come come" - Jackie
  • No among us references (probably) (hopefully)
  • GM's
    • Merlin
    • Fresher Jack
  • Backups
    • Frosh
Spire - 15th of August @ 5PM
  • EMP, booking done
  • Need to do advertising, hopefully will do this week
  • Come play an elf!
  • You will probably die (affectionate)
  • GM's: Gibbi and Chris

    Gibbi: Spire Oneshot Admin

PbtA RPG Variety Night - Week of the 28th of August
  • GM's: Amelia, Gwyn, Oscar, Lewis, Merlin, Jeremy?
  • Backups: Jackie
  • Systems found, just need people to write some things up so we can advertise the specific systems
  • Whenisgood is up to find a date

    Oscar: PbtA Oneshot Night Admin

Arc RPG Week 7
  • Possible GM's: Gibbi, Rhondie

    Gibbi: Admin for Arc

L5R RPG Week 9
  • Possible GM's: Merlin, Alistair, Jack, Cam, Harlowe

    Josh: Admin for L5R Josh: Contact GM's for L5R


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quickplay guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so
  • Big things are happening

    Gibbi: Finish quick play guide

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Come back in 2 weeks (Eldraine?)
Commander Precon League - Every Thursday starting 22nd of June from 6PM
  • Feedback form has been up for 24 hours
  • Let them cook

    Gibbi: Feedback form for commander precon league

Wilds of Eldraine Prerelease - 3rd of September
  • Same weekend as Roleplay for Life
  • Will probably need to push it back a week
  • Will email Jason about this

    Gibbi: Email Jason about WoE Prerelease

Commander Masters Draft
  • People often ask Gibbi: "Are we doing a commander masters draft"
  • Will chuck up an interest post
    • Gibbi Forgor

      Gibbi: Commander Masters Draft EOI Post


  • Nupdates

Fresher Campaigns

  • We are going to probably need about 3 new Fresher campaigns
  • Will wait until after club carnival until actually actioning on this

Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

  • Money will be distributed

    Connor: Distribute money for Charity Vigil

Club Carnival Semester 2 - Tuesday 8th of August from 12PM - 2PM

  • Will organise for people setting up/cleaning up next week
  • We have loads of people ready for set up and clean up
  • We are so ready

Re-Fresher Re-Welcome - Wednesday 9th of August at 4PM

  • Chairs done
  • Josh/Gibbi can be there for pizza time

Dice bag workshop with UWASCA - Friday 8th September (During Study Week)

  • Will get a bunch of kids and make dice bags with them
  • David cannot attend ;-;
  • Will probably be in E-zone
  • Maybe do pizza run?

Roleplay for Life - 2nd-3rd of September

  • Marketing is up!
  • Maybe put up reminder in a week or 2 for GM interest
  • Shill it peeps

Quiz Night - Friday 15th of September

  • We got a Friday yippee
  • Panto has rehearsals on Thursdays so
  • Theme is being discussed
  • We wish for profit to be split equally


  • Jackie will send us the link

    Everyone: Do the OGM

Far Future Events

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Jackie - Knowledge Bearer
  • Gen
  • Connor
  • Subcom discord has been made
  • Whenisgood has been made
  • Time will be known when it is. knows

Relay for Life - 7th-8th of October

  • Josh

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $? to Emerald for bacon (J&J Supplementary)
    • $73.10 to Jackie for Precon League prizes
    • $390.17 to Connor for Food Run



  • Nupdates

SOCPAC - 25th of July - 6PM

  • Containers for Change on campus, funds raised will support The Food Pantry in student assist
    • Can hire bins for events
  • Guild Ball
    • Friday 6th of October 2023
    • Barbie Theme
  • Club Awards
    • Best Club
    • Runner Up
    • Best New Club
    • Most Inclusive Club
    • Community Engagement
    • Best Club President
  • Nominations due 11:59PM Friday 22 of September 2023
  • SPGs for sem 2 are due Friday 8th of September
    • ask Jackie if you care
    • Jackie made multiple cringefails
    • feedback form is there if you have feedback
  • Make sure to check tenancy facebook for things about busybee's/consultations
  • Innovation grants, you can apply for PAC and SOC grants but they can’t be for the same things
    • Special grants for particularly innovative events, crossovers that are strange etc
    • We can message Andrew about this to spitball ideas if need be
    • close 10th of September
  • PAC Rules update
    • more consistent with SOC
    • available on guild

General Business:

40th Anniversary - 20th of October

  • Emerald has given a thumbs up
  • Will make ballpark number for decoration prices
  • Will circular approve this during the week
  • EMP will be done this week
  • As well as merch
    • Keychain
    • 2-3 stickers
    • MtG Proxy
    • Dice bag

      Emerald: 40th EMP Jackie: 40th Merch


  • Welcome our new gatekeepers
    • Michael Sidorenko
    • Thomas McGregor
    • Alex 'Texas' Bennett
    • Finn Gearon
    • Everest White
    • Nic Charnley
    • Jack Bariss
    • Josh Moncaster

      Jackie: Post Gatekeeper Announcement


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

  • :hole:
  • Hole filled ;)
  • Need to replace carpet tile, can be done in like 2 seconds
New Kallax
  • Plan is here here is where I would put a picture, if it worked
  • Chris has thoughts
  • Chris will help with Kallax investigating
    • Worries about whether the new space will be inconvenient, being out of eyesight and possibly difficult to reach

      Jackie, Chris: Investigate Kallax

New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates


David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • David is looking into what of our VERY old boardgames and RPG's can be archived and what we should keep displayed

    Gibbi: Write up painting guide

BotCT Noise

Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Card Sleeving

David: Research sleeving Boardgames - Will think about it - This action item exists only to make David look bad - (Jokes aside this is part of a long term card sleeving project that is dependant largely on card sleeve supplies)

Library System
  • Nupdates
Root Custom Dividers
  • Removed until book buy

Food runs

  • One was done today so we are all doneso

New Committee Time - Mondays 5PM defacto

  • Will call this and then decide on OGM time

    Everyone: Do committee time PLEASE


  • Gozz PHD is done! we think
  • we can start poking him about things soon

Committee Business

Meeting closed: 8:07 PM