Unigames Committee Meeting #24 - 14/08/2023

by Joshua Annison 14/08/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #24 - 14/08/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Connor
  • Gen
  • James
  • Oscar
  • Hannah
  • Chris


  • Emerald


Meeting scheduled: 5:30PM

Meeting open: 5:45PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • i'm so seepy
  • eep eeper eep eepin
  • club carny and refresher rewelcome went good i think

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Watched the Barbie Movie
  • Been on the Uni Grind
  • Prepping Magic Events
  • Spire One Shot

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • Study? You mean studying the patterns of behaviour for each Baldur's Gate 3 character, so I know how to best influence them?
  • Account Balance: $7807.48

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Finally organised boardgame o'day
  • did some 'graphic design' (it is my passion)
  • Bunch of OGM "stuff"
  • It's eventin' time

Librarian's Report (David):

  • im stuff
  • took apart my room and rebuilt it again
  • went to subcom meeting
  • thassaboutit

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • 1989 TV!!!!!!!
  • You don't understand what this means i can't even
  • Wildest dreams tv?? Blank Space tv??? New Romantics TV???? I'm gonna go absolutely feral
  • Oh uh yeah also club carnival and refresher rewelcome
  • Both events were really good!!!! Lovely meeting so many cool new people

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:
    • Baldur's Gate 3 moment - genuinely good game
    • Karlach just needs a hug : (
    • Spire event tomorrow night! (Come along)
  • Hannah:
    • we are back to latin hell peeps
    • also did a draft announcement for Yeehaw boardgames (and should also put that up during the meeting)
    • love learning that precum means prayers in latin because it's the genitive of preces
    • i have so much fun with latin i promise
  • James:
  • Oscar:
    • we love committing heresy (not)
    • done some admin and suffered
      • went to club carn
    • missed lecture count: 5 (+3)

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==12/25 ("50%" WR)== Meeting
    • Apologies
    • Looking after Jojo

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Do Official Chaosium Event Organisation w/ Jack - Done

  • (with Chris) Investigate Kallax - Not Done


  • Spire Oneshot Admin - Done

  • Admin for Arc - Done

  • Finish quick play guide - Not Done

  • Continue emailing Jason about WoE Prerelease - Done

  • Follow up on people who could not attend for precon league feedback - Not Done

  • Write up painting guide - Not Done


  • Painting Day Organisation - Not Done

  • Distribute money for Charity Vigil - In Pogress


  • Message Boardgame O'Dayers about printing + map - Done

  • Admin for L5R - Not Done

  • Contact GM's for L5R - Done

  • SNOM-like announcement - Not Done


  • EOI for Dicebag Workshop - Done

  • Research sleeving Boardgames - One can imagine sisyphus happy


  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - Not Done


  • Talk with UniSFAN's about collaboration - Not Done

  • (with Jackie) Investigate Kallax - Not Done


  • Yeehaw Boardgame Admin - Done


  • Study Week Boardgame admin - Not Done


  • PbtA Oneshot Night Admin - In Progress

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Boardgame O'DAY - Friday 18th @ 5PM
  • We had a few drop outs (as is the issue with trying to find a time that works for everyone)
  • In terms of games we are down to
    • Twilight Imperium 4e
    • Root
    • Flamecraft
    • "Maybe I will pull something off the shelf" - Josh
  • Come!

    Josh: Announcement for Boardgame O'day

Yeehaw Boardgames - 23rd of August @ 3PM
  • :thumbsup:
  • Have created a list
    • Bang
    • Colt Express
    • Sheriff of Nottingham
    • Deadwood
    • Great Western Trail

      Hannah: Yeehaw Boardgame Announcement

Study Week Boardgames - Study Week
  • It is ages away
  • Will roll dice about a date

    James: Study Week Boardgame admin

Chris' UniSFA Collab
  • Nupdates

    Chris: Talk with UniSFAN's about collaboration


Spire - 15th of August @ 5PM
  • It's tomorrow
  • Come to Spire
  • It's Gibbi and Chris, will print out some sheets
  • Connor will take on the masses if needed
PbtA RPG Variety Night - 30th of August @ 5PM
  • GM's: Amelia, Gwyn, Oscar, Lewis, Merlin, Jeremy
  • Backups: Jackie
  • Baby has now reached the toddler stage (it is being a pain)
  • Will need to talk to guild about booking spaces out of hours
  • Ball will get rolling soon (waiting on some gm stuff)
Arc RPG - 13th of September @ 5PM
  • yuhh
  • Admin done
  • Advertising up in 2 weeks
L5R RPG - Week 9
  • People have been messaged as of 10 minutes ago
  • Possible GM's: Merlin, Alistair, Jack, Cam, Harlowe

    Josh: Admin for L5R

Official Chaosium Event W/ Jack Kay - Octoberish
  • Free for the 14th-15th weekend, probably best date
  • Will talk with Chaosium about marketing
  • Will have to sort out a booking system
  • Jack can run about 2 a day depending on how many other GM's there are
  • Will have schedule spread out for flexibility

    Jackie: Investigate booking system for Chaosium Event


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quickplay guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so
  • Probably done by end of sem
Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Nupdates (wait a week for this)
Commander Masters Draft - Sunday 27th @ 1PM
  • Entry would be $50
  • Motion to budget $400 for a Commander Masters Draft box for Commander Masters Draft
    • Passes Unanimously
  • Interest isn't high enough for more than 1 box
  • Will make people aware that the draft will be on a first come, first served basis

    Gibbi: Advertising for Commander Masters

Wilds of Eldraine Release - 3rd of September
  • Went in to tactics
  • Should be fine to return product late
  • Release event! No more pre!
Commander Precon League Feedback

Gibbi: Follow up on people who could not attend for precon league feedback

SNOM - 10th of September
  • Just a date
  • Will organise later

Pokemon TCG

Pokémon SNOM-Like - Sunday 17th @ 12PM
  • Will have a bracketed/round-robin idea around it
    • Unigames is a social space, get people socialising
    • Also most people have no clue what they are doing when it comes to Pokemon, but keeping it casual we may be able to actually foster a community.
  • Think FNM

    Josh: SNOM-like announcement and admin


Painting Day - Week of 18th of September
  • We could have themed painting days?
  • Connor is doing it
  • long way away
  • Will talk to Amelia and Eva about possible themes

    Connor: Painting Day Organisation

Fresher Campaigns

  • 2 GM's
  • 7 Freshers
  • Will need to re put up the Fresher Sign-Up form

    Gen: Re-Upload Fresher Sign-Up Form

Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

  • Money will be distributed

    Connor: Distribute money for Charity Vigil

Club Carnival Semester 2 - Tuesday 8th of August from 12PM - 2PM

  • So wet ;-;
  • Alistair helped with the banner "engineering"
    • Duct Tape + Belt
  • 11 sign-ups :) Welcome new Freshers!

Re-Fresher Re-Welcome - Wednesday 9th of August at 4PM

  • YES
  • Went well
  • Went late
  • 25ish peak attendance
  • Noise was a little loud, but we were able to control it
  • Float needs to be dealt with

Dice bag workshop with UWASCA - Friday 8th September (During Study Week)

  • Hannah: Booking approved, EMP to be done
  • David: Budget for perusal
  • Entry Price: ~$12
  • Profit Split is 50/50
  • UWASCA will keep any spare stuff, and will be kept for future events :)
  • Motion to approve dicebag workshop budget
    • Passes Unanimously

Roleplay for Life - 2nd-3rd of September

  • Donald has noted that prerelease will clash with Roleplay, as a judge he has responsibilities, will be hard to do streaming things
  • will work things out with Donald and Gozz to ensure stream will still happen
  • Will need to remind people about posting GM schedules

    David: Put up reminder for Roleplay GM's TONIGHT

Quiz Night - Friday 15th of September

  • Making pogress!
  • Tav has responded!
    • Available
    • Cheap
  • Going to do the bookin'
  • Looks like it is going to be a 'Once Upon A Quiz Night' theme
  • Budget made, we take a look
    • Passes Unanimously

OGM - Friday the 18th @ 11am

  • Please come

    Josh: Post final Agenda for OGM

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Themes:
    • Triforce
    • Cerberus
    • Musketeers
  • What we are bringing:
    • Assassins
    • Boardgames
    • RPG's
    • Magic Draft
    • LARP
  • Certs:
    • Food Safety we all have
    • RSA: Jackie, Gen, Josh
  • First Aid:
    • Connor
    • James
  • Drive:
    • Oscar
    • Josh
    • David
    • Gibbi
    • Connor
  • Next meeting will be next week

40th Anniversary - 20th of October

  • Jackie has talked with Hackett about prices
  • Have discussed more with UniClub
  • Made merchless and Hackett versions of the budgets to see what will be best
  • Cutting down on stuff we don't need in the event of lower attendance
  • Won't approve any budgets yet, probably next meeting
  • Putting in extra effort to spend less is a good idea and preferable
  • Don't want to succumb to sunk-cost fallacy

Far Future Events

Relay for Life - 7th-8th of October

  • Josh

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $? to Emerald for bacon (J&J Supplementary)
    • $73.10 to Jackie for Precon League prizes
    • $390.17 to Connor for Food Run
    • $27.50 to Jackie for Printing
    • $7.00 to Oscar for O'Day Printing
    • $47.98 to Gen for Refresher Welcome Pizza



  • Nupdates

General Business:


  • Welcome to our new gatekeeper!
    • Mani Dashti


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

New Kallax
  • Nupdates

    Jackie, Chris: Investigate Kallax

New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates
Aircon Cleaning
  • Received notice that we need to clean the aircon filter
  • Will message campus management about if we do this or they do


Library Note Whiteboard
  • We have one but it is a little difficult to access
  • We will give it the old college try

    Chris: Find some strong people to help rescue whiteboard.

David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • Nupdates

Gibbi: Write up painting guide

BotCT Noise

Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Card Sleeving

David: Research sleeving Boardgames - Will think about it - This action item exists only to make David look bad - (Jokes aside this is part of a long term card sleeving project that is dependant largely on card sleeve supplies)

Library System
  • Gozz suggested implementing a system "for BotCT"
  • Kind of like a reserve list
  • May be a little bit over the top for one game, possible system to implement on the whole
  • Do not want to make BotCT overnight only as it would restrict access to a game
  • Committee has some concerns about people abusing the long term borrowing system
  • People are borrowing the game out already to essentially reserve the game so other people do not take it out
  • (A reserve system could maybe fix this issue)
  • Current Plan: Move to high priority
  • Talking about high-priority, we will also move Pathfinder down from high priority
    • was moved up in anticipation, but it seems to be fine

David: Move Pathfinder off of high-demand Jackie: Message gatekeepers about due dates for library items

Food runs

  • Post-OGM Food Run
  • Connor

Lolly Prices

  • Updating now


  • Can start poking Gozz about newsletter stuff

Committee Business

Meeting closed: 7:58 PM