Unigames Committee Meeting #24 - 29/08/2022

by Ethan Gibson 29/08/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #24 - 29/08/2022

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Hannah
  • Connor
  • Everest
  • Texas
  • Alistair
  • Chris
  • David
  • Josh



Meeting scheduled: 5:00PM

Meeting open: 5:07 PM


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Hi Gibbi,
    • Started the day off really strong
    • Now I'm really sleepy oops
    • feel like I did alot of stff
    • but not alot of action item stuff
    • had some meetings
    • keep on that grind gamers
    • basically halfway through semester

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • i am on fire
  • buy quiz night tickets
  • i attended socpac and other meetings
  • probably did other admin vice president related things
  • but i donnntt remembeerrrr
  • also ar

Treasurer's Report (Texas):

  • today went from absolute hell to pretty decent so fast
  • saw Jackie's report and got her paid
  • thought about doing some Trez things but I'll do it in study break
  • told David how to do the schedule for roleplay
  • account balance: $1600.44

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • Went to SOCPAkie with Jackie
  • Did ARC Oneshot
  • Showed Josh how to do EMPs
  • on the lab report grind
  • Also battledeck things happened this week
  • havent done here to slay order :skull_and_crossbones:

Librarian's Report (Connyah):

  • Worked at maccas at arc oneshot night
  • Open day fire alarm go boing
  • :))

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • have looked at campaign spreadsheets so i did something fresher campaign related
  • do have a confirmed gm and one potential group
  • otherwise i have existed as an adult and done adulting things but nothing else somehow

Reports de la OCM (Chris, David, Everest, Josh):

  • Chris:
    • Was deaded for a week (assessment hell part 1)
    • can do stuff for the next month, and then assessment hell part 2.
    • Tactics got back to us for quiz night prizes so I'll go collect some tactics goods at some point this week
    • Don't forget to sign up for relay!
  • David:
    • assignment hell (i am very productive but also utterly miserable)
    • Submitted the EMPs and loft bookings for the next two boardgame nights (did some cheeky marketing too)
    • Reached out to rp4life gms
    • found out (mutiple???) crow rpgs exist
    • come to fortnite bordgames tomorrow :)
  • Everest:
    • ??? no idea
    • genuinely none
  • Josh:
    • Learnt to do EMP's
    • Did EMP's
    • Sent pictures to Jankie
    • Can't go to Roleplay oTL
    • Queen's Gambit :weary:
    • I could fix herea

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==21.75/25== Meetings

Past action Items:

Action Items:


poke thomas/"Tim" regarding panto collab - Done

Keep working on budgets for 40th Anniversary Events - Done

Work on Google form/ expression of interest for 40th Anniversary - Not Done

Once again email kelvin for paint AND fan - Done

Write table priority announcement in gate keepers - Done

Hang up thiings to hang - Uhhh o


Purchase Additional Jumpstart box from Donald - Done

Put up Quiz night advertising? - Done

make up new committee poster with fresh memes - Done


Contact donald for roleplay availiabilty and channel for roleplay and relay - Done

(with David) Put up Roleplay for life schedule - Done


(with Josh) Do Heart EMP - Done

Order the Battledecks - Attempted

post about booster packs in the magic channel - Not Done

(with Josh) Write up EMP for Jumpstart Event - Done

Talk to Tactics about the bookbuy shenanigans - Done

Do Here to slay special order - Not Done

Become a Member of UCC so that minutes can be posted - By Proxy


Put up relay for life signup post - Done

figure out barebones RPG entry guide - Long term In poggers


Email tactics for prizes for Quiz Night - Done


Put up announcement for Battle Royale Boardgames - Done

Do EMP for Yee Yee boardgames - Done

(with Texas) Put up Roleplay for life schedule - Not Done


(with Ethan) Do Heart EMP - Done

(with Ethan) Write up EMP for Jumpstart Event - Done

As the limiting Reagent, please send your photo and meme to Jackie ASAP - Done


You have until Sunday 10pm to send jackie an image and meme if you want it updated - Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Battle Royale Boardgames - Week 6 - Tuesday 30th of August 5
    • Come to fortnight boardgames
    • Come Slay
    • Get that #1 Victory royale

David: Put up reminder for battle royale board games

  • Rootin Tootin boardgames - Week 7 - 13/09 at 5pm


  • Arc One shot night - Week 5 [23/08/2022]
    • It happened
    • We had 10 Attendees not inc Gms
    • I think people had a good time overall
    • is a good system for one shots
    • WcDonalds One Shot
Future RPG Events
  • Heart One shot night - 08/09/2022 at 5pm
    • Gibbi and Chris will be Gming
    • Gibbi in particular will be suffering
Panto Unigames Collab Event
  • No Updates

Magic: The Gavining

  • Battle Decks are back in stock
    • Battledecks are exempt from cardkingdom free shipping
    • Options:
      • We rebudget based off paying for shipping
      • We find an alternative for Intermediate Magic
    • Battledecks with shipping would cost $99 USD with Shipping
    • This is a bit pricy given our current account numbers
    • Will look into it again during sem 2 bookbuy
Booster Boxing Buying Bhenanigans
  • Monkeys: 1
  • We are about 2 and a bit boxes in
Jumpstart - Study Week Tuesday 6th of September [06/09/2022] - 11am
  • Its happening on the tuesday
  • Emp and loft booking submitted

    Ethan: Put up advertising and Run event

Dominaria United Release - 11th of September [11/09/2022] - 11am
  • EMP needs to be submitted
  • Entry looking liking $40

Fresher Campaigns

  • In terms of fresher Gms
    • We may have a new fresher GM

Hannah: Set up new fresher campaigns

Quiz Night [15/09/2022]

  • Holy shit (batman)
  • Tickets are on sale
  • Buy tickets
  • If you buy them in person you get a cool little physical ticket
  • Early bird runs until the end of 08/09
  • Organise Tables and get your tickets!!!

Chris: Pickup quiz prizes from tactics

Roleplay for Life - [03/09/2022 - 04/09/2022]

  • David is doing the schedule
  • It's this weekend
  • From 12PM saturday to 12 PM sund

    David: Finish Schedule for Roleplay

Amelia's Painting Table
  • $5 mini lucky dip
  • old unigames minis and other cheap minis
  • Likely to be in the loft
  • Side event
  • Committee really like this idea

    Jackie: talk to amelia about painting Table

Relay for Life - [01/10/2022 - 02/10/2022]

  • It's in a bit over a month
  • Sign up
  • Connor wants to be in the relay leaders he is not yet

    Connor: Get into relay book

Far Future Events


  • We will have a meeting

Texas: Oh god do EMP

Uncharity vigil


  • Approved
  • Pending
    • $90 to Jackie for Taylor and Gozz refund
    • $150 to Jackie for Jumpstart
  • Unsubmitted


Tenancy Meeting

  • No updates


  • Tenancy
  • Cameron Hall Security Cams
    • Installation Schedule next SOCPAC
    • Has to go through Uwa first
  • SPG's Due 2nd of sept
    • Already done

Missing Money

  • No updates

    Jackie: Bump people for missing money


  • Cade has been poked


  • Submitted

General Business:

40th Anniversary Event

  • Taylor is helping us investigate this with the guild
    • Affiliated sometime in April to May in 1983
    • Contradicting info but could be cos of the way guild keeps their records


  • No New Gatekeepers


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

  • Little organisationol boxes for the cabinets are in the room now
  • Jackie and Emerald did Tidy up
  • Trying to add Animal Crossing 风水 "vibes"
Pinup Board
  • No updates
Things to hang


Sleeving Cards
Classification system

Food runs

  • Wait till next sale period?
  • I.e. starting this Wednesday
  • Connor might be free for this
  • everyone breaks at this point to go piss gorl
  • Next person on foodrun should pick up wall hanging hooks

    Emerald, Jackie: Go on foodrun and don't forgor hanging hook


Gibbi: Newsletter, Do one :sob:

Committee Business

Emerald: Return Baldurs Gate box and preorder Dominuria United Set Booster

Jackie: make up new committee poster with fresh memes

  • Jackie wants to think about updating the archives Meeting closed: 6:50 PM