Unigames Committee Meeting #25 - 05/09/2022

by Ethan Gibson 05/09/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #25 - 05/09/2022

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Hannah
  • Connor
  • Everest
  • Texas
  • Alistair
  • Chris
  • David
  • Josh



Meeting scheduled: 5:00PM

Meeting open: 5:40 PM :(


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Raised a Morbillion dollars
  • and then slept for 20 hours
  • most the best at charity
  • also made cupcakes for the double birthday
  • also did a food run ig
  • also brought dominaria into the room!!

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • Put a pin in the washing machine
    • she thinks, she thinks, and she thinks some more
  • alive after roleplay
  • and got my ears pierced
  • uh
  • probably other stuff
  • also drove for a food run for the first time

Treasurer's Report (Texas):

  • went to roleplay
  • gonna go to jumpstart
  • will do roleplay money this week+ other committee things
  • internship is the day after joint redacted
  • account balance: $2,036.56

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • Magic, magic magic, magic, magic, magic magic!
  • come to jumpstart get elves have fun
  • come to dominaria united release get sheoldred have fun
  • watched roleplay for life from home

Librarian's Report (Connyah):

  • No comissness from me
  • Roleslay seemed like a success tho (Wexas n Wavid)
  • <33
  • he watched roleplay from home in the morbing

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • nearly done with fresher campaign organizing ๐ŸŽ‰
  • one essay less on the list for this semester as well so itโ€™s looking to be a good holiday
  • talking about said essay I did it in a very short time frame and gave my friends anxiety because of it

Reports de la OCM (Chris, David, Everest, Josh):

  • Chris:
    • first line roll play party emo ji
    • second line roll play skull emo ji that is all
  • David:
    • ran battle royale board games (scored comparatively few Ws)
    • organised gms for roleplay for life
      • slad into a bunch of peoples dms
    • ran a morbtastic one shot at roleplay
      • morb shanties
      • fell asleep on stream like 3 times
      • have sworn off morbing unnecessarily
    • connor got me a cool shirt thanks connor :)))))))
    • the morbing was "necessary"
  • Everest:
    • went to roleplay
    • jumpstart tomorrow omg yay
    • lms :(
  • Josh:
    • ~~Attended Roleplay for Life (barely)~~
      • was doing a homestuck
    • Work oTL
    • Come to Jumpstart!
    • Come to NotPre-release!

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==22.75/26== Meetings
  • roleplay occured
  • raised 420 thanks taylor
  • hopefully we finish the rest of the trials in another year
  • brought the stream total up to 690

Past action Items:

Action Items idk why they are bold this week but feel emboldened ig Emerald:

(with Jackie) Go on foodrun and don't forgor hanging hook - Done

Return Baldurs Gate box and preorder Dominuria United Set Booster - Done

Work on Google form/ expression of interest for 40th Anniversary - Not Done


talk to amelia about painting Table - Done

Bump people for missing money - Done

(with Emerald) Go on foodrun and don't forgor hanging hook - Done

make up new committee poster with fresh memes - Done


Oh god do EMP - Thats an action item for tomorrow


Put up advertising and Run event - Done

Newsletter, Do one :sob: - Not Done

Do here to slay special order - Not Done waiting for papa crawford

Do MTG pack post in mtg general - Done


Get into reslay book - Done


Set up new fresher campaigns - Done


Pickup quiz prizes from tactics - Not Done


Put up reminder for battle royale board games - Done

Finish Schedule for Roleplay - Done

put up roleplay schedule - Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Battle Royale Boardgames - Week 6 - Tuesday 30th of August 5

    • Happened
  • Rootin Tootin boardgames - Week 7 - 13/09 at 5pm

David: Put up announcement for rootin tootin boardgame

  • Handy Hand Games - Week 9

Everest: Do Dex games EMP

  • Visual Games - Week 11


  • Heart - Week 8

Gibbi: Re-do Heart EMP

Future RPG Events
  • Silly little RPGs - Week 10

Josh: Do Silly little RPGs EMP

Physics Unigames Collab Event

Texas: Talk to physics president about collab event

Panto Unigames Collab Event
  • No updates

Magic: The Gavining

Booster Boxing Buying Bhenanigans
  • We have dominaria united box in the clubroom
    • We will be doing them for 10
Jumpstart - Study Week Tuesday 6th of September [06/09/2022] - 11am
  • This is tomorrow
  • Entry $30
  • Come along have fun!
  • Learn Magic!
Dominaria United Release - 11th of September [11/09/2022] - 11am
  • This Sunday
  • Entry is $45
  • Prize pool is 2 set boosters per person
    • Distribution decided on the day
  • Come along have fun!
  • Play More Magic!

Fresher Campaigns

  • Its about done
    • Need to contact a gm and their players and add them to the gm discord

Quiz Night [15/09/2022]

  • Everything is gearing up
  • We have sold about 6 tables online
  • At least 2 or 3 in unigames
  • Early Bird ends this Friday
  • Unigames Committe discussion general feelings:
    • Masks will not be required
    • If you have any COVID symptoms or are a close contact please do not attend
    • Jackie will bring this up at subcom tomorrow

      Chris: Pickup quiz prizes from tactics

Hannah: Organise fresher table

Roleplay for Life - [03/09/2022 - 04/09/2022]

  • Roleslay for life happened
  • Total money pending aproximately 2K (No count been done too tired)
  • was very good
  • was very fun
  • lower physical turnout that previous years
  • emerald suggests a hybrid event for next year
    • some gms run online
    • some gms run in the clubroom
  • Jackie says its similar to charity vigil 2020
    • suggests that there is a different vibe to online events to in person events
    • doing it completely online is quite doable
    • doinng it as a hybrid would add an additional level of difficulty
  • Committee agrees that mid sem played a role in the amount of attendance
    • discusses pushing the event
    • Emerald Suggests pushing it back
    • Jackie's suggest lots of hype and advertising earlier in the semester
  • If committee is concerned about midsem break
    • emerald suggests the weekend directly before relay as it is a long weekend (queen's birthday)
Amelia's Painting Table
  • Raised $45 at least 9 draws from the lucky dip
  • most people that did painting weren't interested in rp
    • did not detract from funds raised
  • committee tinks bringing it back next year would be a good idea

Reslay for Life - [01/10/2022 - 02/10/2022]

  • Member Count: 5

Far Future Events


  • There was a meeting last week
    • discussed who would be first aid
    • Discussed camp menu

Texas: All the joint things (at least it's not your bones)

Uncharity vigil

  • No updates


  • Approved
    • $150 to Jackie for Jumpstart
    • $90 to Jackie for Taylor and Gozz
    • $488.88 to Emerald for Food run
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted


Tenancy Meeting

  • New tenancy chair


  • No updates

Missing Money

  • Jackie bumped people


  • Texas has bothered the people (envirogrant)
  • No update (gra)

General Business:

40th Anniversary Event

  • No updates


  • No New Gatekeepers


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

Pinup Board
Things to hang
  • Jackie and Emerald gotting hanging hooks
  • things should be hanged


Sleeving Cards

Gibbi: Do Here to slay sleeve buy

Classification system
  • Long term in Pogress

Connor, Jackie: Make Guide (while playing jumpstart against each other, yes this is necessary)

Food runs

  • Jackie and emerald did one this week
  • Emerald also did a milk run

Committee Business

Masks in Unigames
  • Public transport mask mandate is lifted this friday 09/09
    • Jackie suggests lifting the clubroom mask mandate at the same time
    • Chris points out that we have removed spare masks in the clubroom
    • Emerald suggests 2 options:
      • Keep mask mandate and supply masks
      • Remove mandate and do not supply masks
  • Emerald Motions to remove mandate as of the 09/09
    • Passes
  • We will make an announcement on the thursday night

    • Gibbi will put it in the newsletter
  • Jackie wants to think about updating the archives Meeting closed: 6:49 PM