Unigames Committee Meeting #25 - 21/08/2023

by Joshua Annison 21/08/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #25 - 21/08/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Connor
  • Gen
  • James
  • Oscar
  • Hannah
  • Chris
  • Emerald



Meeting scheduled: 5:30PM

Meeting open: 5:55PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • family guy dead noise
  • did a joint camp meeting
  • chaired our ogm
  • sending many emails back and forth to uniclub
  • ball merch morb

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • did spire oneshot
  • failed to do boardgame oday (me personally)
  • I have the commander masters draft box
    • w/ receipt

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • Attended the OGM (as shmoney)
  • Attended Joint [REDACTED] meeting
  • Australia, we slayed, W world cup (will never watch sport again😔)
  • Account Balance:$7807.48 (I swear I'll do the deposit I'm sorry my sisters children be like 🐭🐭🐭)

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Boardgames O'day success!
  • Did all the OGM 'stuff'
  • I've always been a big supporter of Spain
  • Unrelated, leaving WA tomorrow (to QLD)

Librarian's Report (David):

  • hi
  • did subcom stuff

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • went to ogm
  • and joint [REDACTED] meeting
  • working on fresher campaigns

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:

    • "Auuugh" - Chris
  • Hannah:

    • attended ogm for the whole 15mins of it
    • excited to have yeehaw boardgames this week. in two days actually
    • also got like 15+ books at the book market
    • otherwise being so normal about my little blorbos
    • opened up the clubroom at 9pm after going through a haunted trip across campus
  • James:

    • I've started writing again after more than a year
    • I’ve settled on a plan for study break board games and now I just have to pick between the Tuesday or the Thursday
  • Oscar:

    • we love not reaching quorum
      • introduced hannah to the wonders of bakers delight mini cheese & bacon scrolls
    • scott pilgrim is just like me fr fr (for legal reasons this is a joke) (please don’t kill me, dad)
    • people love my committee baby!!!
    • Missed Lecture Count: 6 (+1)

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==13/26 (50% WR)== Meeting
    • woohoo boys! (through chips and pesto)
    • Deepest apologies for not being at the OGM
      • didnt want to get anyone sick
    • hope everyone had a happy tactics clearance sales
    • we are so happy for them
    • I had Oath which is like root for people who already know how to play root so you can be confused by an even bigger and beautifuller boardgame
      • will bring in this week for some playtesting
      • it is not an apropriate post-meeting game

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Investigate booking system for Chaosium Event - Done

  • (with Chris) Investigate Kallax - Not Done

  • Message gatekeepers about due dates for library items - Not Done


  • Advertising for Commander Masters - Done

  • Follow up on people who could not attend for precon league feedback - Not Done

  • Write up painting guide - Not Done


  • Painting Day Organisation - In Pogress

  • Distribute money for Charity Vigil - Done


  • Announcement for Boardgame O'day - Done

  • Admin for L5R - Not Done

  • SNOM-like announcement - Ready to Post

  • Post final Agenda for OGM - Done


  • Put up reminder for Roleplay GM's TONIGHT - Done

  • Research sleeving Boardgames - and then Icarus flew too close to the sun and was cast into the ocean

  • Move Pathfinder off of high-demand - Done


  • Re-Upload Fresher Sign-Up Form - Done

  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - Not Done


  • Talk with UniSFAN's about collaboration - In Poggers

  • (with Jackie) Investigate Kallax - Not Done

  • Find some strong people to help rescue whiteboard. - Not Done


  • Yeehaw Boardgame Announcement - Done


  • Study Week Boardgame admin - This Week

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Boardgame O'DAY - Friday 18th @ 5PM
  • 4 Presented in the end due to some last minute pull outs
  • We had about 6 people attend as attendees
  • For Next Time:
    • Organise Earlier
      • Same week as club carnival
      • Eeriely quiet on this Friday
      • Selection of games was very good
      • Presenters did a good job
      • Flamecraft is very poggers
  • Thanks Texas for closing up the event
  • Will keep as a second semester event because RPG o'day is just too ideal for first semester with fresher campaigns and the such

    Josh: Feedback form from the Boardgame O'day event for attendees and presenters

Yeehaw Boardgames - 23rd of August @ 3PM
  • Sure is happening this Wednesday
  • Come
  • Come along children
  • Have created a list
    • Bang
    • Colt Express
    • Sheriff of Nottingham
    • Deadwood
    • Great Western Trail
Study Week Boardgames - Study Week
  • Either the Tuesday or Thursday
  • Probably just going to be Epic boardgames part 2

    James: Study Week Boardgame admin

Chris' UniSFA Collab
  • Message has been sent literally just right now

    Chris: Talk with UniSFAN's about collaboration


Spire - 15th of August @ 5PM
  • Had about 6 attendees
  • 1 table
  • it happens
  • people enjoyed it
  • ran till 10
  • Feedback:
    • Good fun, good job gibbi
    • Chris cringefail died twice
    • Still a good system (if we have the GM's)
PbtA RPG Variety Night - 30th of August @ 5PM
  • GM's: Amelia, Gwyn, Oscar, Lewis, Merlin, Jeremy
  • Backups: Jackie
  • 1 slot left, Jackies slots will be opened on the night due to insane popularity
  • Sign Up ASAP if you are haven't already
Arc RPG - 13th of September @ 5PM
  • Advertising up in 1 week
  • Jackie and Oscar maybe gming
L5R RPG - Week 9
  • I will re-message l5r GM's to see if i get anymore responses
  • Possible GM's: Merlin, Alistair, Jack, Cam, Harlowe

    Josh: Admin for L5R

Official Chaosium Event W/ Jack Kay - Octoberish
  • Free for the 14th-15th weekend, probably best date
  • Chaosium has sent us images and logos for advertising
  • will double check the official dragon logo usage
  • Jack will run:
    • 2 COC
    • 1 RQ
    • 1 PD
    • Each one 4 hours
    • Tables of about 5
  • Possible GM's: Alistair, Merlin, Gen, Jack B, Angus
  • No good booking system for this use case
  • Everything will probably be done through discord
  • May start contacting people but can also probably hold off for 2 weeks

    Jackie: Contact Official Chaosium Event GM's


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quickplay guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so
  • Probably done by end of sem
Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Nupdates (wait a week for this)
Commander Masters Draft - Sunday 27th @ 1PM
  • Entry would be $50
  • Got a commander draft box
  • Come if you want to draft commander masters
Wilds of Eldraine Release - 10th of September

Gibbi: EMP for WOE Release

Commander Precon League Feedback

Gibbi: Follow up on people who could not attend for precon league feedback

SNOM - 24th of September
  • Connor will do advertising if David doesn't want to

    Connor: SNOM EMP and Advertising

Gibbi's Conversation
  • People be having unfun games of magic the gathering for a variety of reasons
  • Gibbi thinks that as a club with a magic community we need to make sure the community is healthy
  • Will discuss more next meeting
  • If you have thoughts on this issue feel free to talk to Gibbi/DM Gibbi
  • In general, be mindful of other peoples play experience as well as your own.

Pokemon TCG

Pokémon SAP - Sunday 17th @ 12PM
  • Hello My Saprolings
  • Event will be put up by Chris

    Chris: Advertising and EMP for SAP

Chris' Pokemon Decks
  • Chris is making some more decks for the club so people can actually play with each other
  • Gardevoir and Cramorant
  • They should be a fairly even match
  • Still building
  • Also a third one in the works
    • Arcanine


Painting Day - Week of 18th of September
  • Currently drafting a message to Amelia and Steph

    Connor: Painting Day Organisation

Fresher Campaigns

  • Very close to being sorted
  • Allocated all but 1 person
  • Will need to contact them at some point
  • Thanks Gen

Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

  • Money distributed :)

Dice bag workshop with UWASCA - Friday 8th September 4PM-8PM

  • David and Hannah: EMP is submitted
  • David has done design for advertising
    • Will put up tomorrow
  • Will have a camp ticket sort of vibe in terms of selling tickets, will be kept seperate from other funds
  • Jackie will help David with writing up a how to buy a ticket post

Roleplay for Life - 2nd-3rd of September

  • Gen has reached out to GM's
    • 7
  • GM's
    • Lewis - Continuous Carnage
    • Emerald - Pay2Win
    • Alistair - Part 2 of last year
    • Winslade - Pathfinder
    • Chris - Graveyard shift?
    • David - Other graveyard shift
  • Streaming
    • Jackie is maybe gonna shmoove Connor into the streaming chat incase Donald cannot do it
    • Nic has a spare mic if we need it
  • Make sure we get a schedule out

    Jackie: Find a new donation tin

Quiz Night - Friday 15th of September

  • Oscar: It's happening
  • Chris is morbing
  • Once Upon a Quiz Night confirmed
  • Budget has been slightly modified
    • Gluten Free Pizza Bases have been taken into account
    • Motion To Approve Updated Budget for Quiz Night 2023 Budget
      • Passes Unanimously

OGM - Friday the 18th @ 11am

  • It Happened
  • We did not Make quorum, we have tabled the constitutional amendments to a later OGM (Probably after Exams+[REDACTED])

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Theme: Cerberus
  • What we are bringing:
    • Assassins - Connor
    • Boardgames
    • RPG's
    • Magic Draft - Gibbi
    • LARP - Chris and Jackie (and maybe Oscar)
  • Certs:
    • Food Safety we all have
    • RSA: Jackie, Gen, Josh
  • First Aid:
    • Connor
    • James
  • Drive:
    • Oscar
    • Josh
    • David
    • Gibbi
    • Connor
  • Nic has revamped the menu with his chefing expertise
    • The committee likes the look of it
  • First Aid Renewals
    • Josh
    • Hannah
    • Gen
    • Gibbi
    • Oscar
    • David
    • James

Jackie: First aid group chat for joint redacted

40th Anniversary - 20th of October

  • Jackie has emailed uniclub a bunch
    • lowered minimum attendence down to 85
    • confirmed how drinks works (max bar tab)
    • revised budgets done
    • merch done weeks ago
    • Motion to accept the Unigames Anniversary Ball at Uniclub Bar Tab budget
      • Passes Unanimously
  • Merch may come late (which is not the worst but also people may lose it at the ball)
    • Lanyard Keychain
    • 2-3 Stickers
    • MTG Treasure Token
    • Custom Bags
    • Pay Jackie for art
    • Motion to Pay Jackie one free ball ticket w/ merch for all of the art for the merch for the ball
      • Passes
  • Emerald is going to make discord/facebook/eventbrite banners as well as posters
    • Can get Alice to approve everything
    • Should be up by end of the week
    • Also event description to do with Texas

      Emerald: 40th Anniversary Posters and facebook banners Jackie: Merch it up for 40th Anniversary Jackie: Post 40th Anniversary Announcement

UCC x Unigames TTS Event - Week 9

  • Game that costs money
  • Involves very little action on committee's part
  • Can be streamed on discord as well
  • Any odd week Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
    • Week 9 would probably work best
  • James will work this

Potential Pride Collab

  • Talked with someone
  • They have passed on my details to the committee

Far Future Events

Relay for Life - 7th-8th of October

  • Josh

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $? to Emerald for bacon (J&J Supplementary)
    • $73.10 to Jackie for Precon League prizes
    • $390.17 to Connor for Food Run
    • $27.50 to Jackie for Printing
    • $7.00 to Oscar for O'Day Printing
    • $47.98 to Gen for Refresher Welcome Pizza



SOCPAC Meeting - Tuesday 29th of August 6PM
  • Chris and Gen and Oscar? will attend

General Business:


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

Campaign Whiteboard
  • We are resetting the Campaign Whiteboard
    • If you are running a campaign regularly in the club, make sure to add your campaign back up!
New Kallax
  • Nupdates

    Jackie, Chris: Investigate Kallax

New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates
Aircon Cleaning
  • Received notice that we need to clean the aircon filter

    Jackie: Bump campus management about aircon


Library Note Whiteboard
  • It is definitely in the little corner space
  • Figured out a plan of attack

    Chris: Find some strong people to help rescue whiteboard.

David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • Nupdates

Gibbi: Write up painting guide

BotC Noise

Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Library System

Food runs

  • Food run tomorrow
  • 1PM food run?
    • Oscar and Connor


  • Can start poking Gozz about newsletter stuff

    Jackie: Poke Gozz about newsletter opinions

Committee Business

  • Committee is a team
    • If you see something off about the minutes or what we are discussing, we all have a hand in this
    • Teamwork makes the dreamwork

Meeting closed: 8:44 PM