Unigames Committee Meeting #26 - 12/09/2022

by Ethan Gibson 12/09/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #26 - 12/09/2022

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Hannah
  • Connor
  • Everest
  • Texas
  • Alistair
  • Chris
  • David
  • Josh



Meeting scheduled: 5:00PM

Meeting open: 5:10 PM


President's Report (Emerald):

  • umm
  • Helped run and play jumpstart
  • Had lunch with gwen
  • Brought in Dominaria Booster box
  • Everyone go to quiz night
  • hope everyone had a productive study week

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • quiz :3
    • quiz 😰
      • but mostly quiz >:3
        • seriously i’ve been given too much power
  • buy quiz tickets if u haven’t yet!
  • vice presidential business as usual
  • i have sent messages and emails
  • i also had lunch with gwen
  • and i attended jumpstart and gave the "best" card to alistair

Treasurer's Report (Texas):

  • counted roleplay money, like $907.10 cash
  • went to jumpstart and made my money back with one card, my gatcha luck holds true
  • spoopy dnd game also happened, met the cake demon again after multiple irl years
  • account balance: $4,263.66

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • Ran Jumpstart
  • Was certified as old by Alistair
  • Ran Prerelease hope everyone had a good time

Librarian's Report (Connyah):

  • uhhhhhh yeah i ain’t been in much
  • attended jumpstart, where i opened 0 jumpstart packs (L late Connor)
  • had another 30+ hour awake session tho :))

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • got a cold and am suffering today
  • otherwise i have done the fresher campaign stuff and it should all be done now
  • have not yet started fresher table for quiz night bc i both forgor and also had essay due today that i was working on
  • am in the process of writing up an announcement for that though

Reports de la OCM (Chris, David, Everest, Josh):

  • Chris:
    • brought in quiz night prizes (feat. we love tactics)
    • QUIZ NIGHT HYPE!!! (get your tickets)
  • David:
    • I love my dark and brooding corner
      • Where is my dark and brooding corner :(
    • Attended magic events and had decent card luck (no game luck though i suck at magic)
    • Come to rootin tootin boardgaming tomorrow night :face_with_cowboy_hat: emoji
  • Everest:
    • hi gamers :D
    • theoretically, EMP and announcement are written for dex games and poster is made ask monday-night evvy if she actually did them or not
    • quiz night's this week so camp quiz meetings should start soon ?? >:3
    • attended jumpstart
    • MAG game turned horror game 10/10 was super fun
    • got dnd brained TWICE by DIFFERENT gms and wrote 2k words in just under 3 hours
    • (please god ask me about my crime girl i want to talk about her so bad)
    • listed off every dex game from the library from memory
  • Josh:
    • Magic mind going bonkers
    • Mork Borg Mork Borg Mork Borg
    • EMP will be done once I figure out some things
    • Clowning around what can I say
    • come to quiz night please

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==23.75/27== Meetings
    • 2 magic events in 1 week
    • pretty pog
    • Did well in prerelease until bad matchup

Past action Items:


(with Connor) Make Guide (while playing jumpstart against each other, yes this is necessary) - In Progress


Talk to physics president about collab event - Done

All the joint things (at least it's not your bones) - Done


(with Jackie) Make Guide (while playing jumpstart against each other, yes this is necessary) - "In progress"


Organise fresher table - In Progress


Pickup quiz prizes from tactics - Done


Put up announcement for rootin tootin boardgame - Done


Do Dex games EMP - Done


Do Silly little RPGs EMPe - Not Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Rootin Tootin boardgames - Week 7 - 13/09 at 5pm

    • Yeehaw -David
      • Emerald and Alistair give a seminar on how to yeehaw correctly
    • It's on tomorrow
      • Bring a hat
  • Handy Hand Games - Week 9 - 26/09 at 1pm

    • It's on the Queens birthday

Everest: Do Dex games EMP Everest: write announcement

  • Visual Games - Week 11

Josh: Do the EMP for visual games that you see with your eyes


  • Heart - Week 8 - 20/09/2022 at 5Pm
    • Its gonna happen, yup
Future RPG Events
  • Silly little RPGs - Week 10 - 05/10/2022

Josh: Do Silly little RPGs EMP

Physics Unigames Collab Event

  • Organisation in progress
  • Sometime in week 10 or 11
    • potentially study break
  • Most likely in the physics clubroom
  • If you want to know where that is poke Texas
Panto Unigames Collab Event
  • Emerald will poke again

Emerald: Poke people for panto collab

Unigames goes to Panto - Friday - 0
  • Jackie volunteered herself to do it

Jackie: Organise Unigames Panto goes to

Magic: The Gavining

Booster Boxing Buying Bhenanigans
  • Almost out of Dominaria
  • Most of the way through the case of MH2
  • We should perhaps get another box of Dominaria

    Emerald: Purchase Another Box of Dominaria United Set

  • Committee considers buying another case of MH2

Jumpstart - Study Week Tuesday 6th of September [06/09/2022] - 11am
  • We had full 3 boxes sell out in about 3 minutes
  • Really Succesful
  • Considers running a similar event semesterly
Dominaria United Release - 11th of September [11/09/2022] - 11am
  • We had the full 20 kits sell out
  • people seemed to enjoy it
  • Will consider getting the old 30 kits for next rerelease

    Jackie: "Return" prerelease product ot tactics and be charged

SNOM 7: Dominaria United Draft - 25/09/2022
  • We'll have 2 boxes of Dominaria United
    • and up to 24 spots for the event
  • Entry will be $20
  • There will be no prize support outside of the drafted cards

Fresher Campaigns

  • Done

Quiz Night [15/09/2022]

    • Come have fun
  • Don't come if you're sick
  • Please come or Jackie will cry (it will ruin her makeup look?)
    • Jackie is apparently a sad clown
    • David denies this fact

      Chris: Do quiz night post for prizes and sick notice

Reslay for Life - [01/10/2022 - 02/10/2022]

  • Member Count: 6
  • Connor has a meeting friday

Far Future Events


  • Meeting tomorrow at 3PM
  • EMP has been submitted
    • email leigh like 5 weeks before with whenisgood for leaders?

Uncharity vigil

  • No updates


  • Approved

  • Pending

    • none im aware of/i forgor
  • Unsubmitted
    • emerald needs money for magic, i dont have receipt in front of me


Tenancy Meeting

  • No updates


  • No updates

Missing Money

  • Jackie bumped people


  • Texas has bothered the people (envirogrant)
  • No update

General Business:

40th Anniversary Event

  • Emerald is working on it fr fr on god no cap


  • No New Gatekeepers


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

Jackie: Re do paint on the window have an action item even though you dont want it sorry bud

Pinup Board
Things to hang
  • Emerald needs to string from her house

Emerald: Bring string ing to club room


Connor: Put up book buy post

Emerald, Connor: Make a dustcover for morkborg this week

Sleeving Cards

Gibbi: Here to slay sleeves

Classification system
  • Long term in Pogress
  • Jackie has some updates on the RPG organisation system

    Connor, Jackie: Make Guide (while playing jumpstart against each other, yes this is necessary)

Food runs

Committee Business

  • Tomorrow Jackie will remember to get the poster laminated
  • Discussion was had by committee regarding clubroom atmostphere and vibes

Meeting closed: 7:03 PM