Unigames Committee Meeting #27 - 04/09/2023

by Joshua Annison 04/09/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #27 - 04/09/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • David
  • Connor
  • Josh
  • Gen
  • James
  • Oscar
  • Hannah
  • Chris


  • Gibbi
  • Emerald


Meeting scheduled: 5:30PM

Meeting open: 5:52PM


President's Report (Jackie):

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • apologies

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • uhhhh, icky
  • Account Balance: $6202.18

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Loved Roleplayin
    • Horse to Cream
  • I am back from Queensland it is so wet here
  • didn't do much else on account of queensland
  • RELAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Librarian's Report (David):

  • all quiet on the western front

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • roleplay for life was so much funnnnn
  • thank you for everyone who came along!!!!!!!!!
  • the good society slaps
  • went to socpac meeting and joint [redacted] meeting
  • "study" break

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:

    • "AckUuugh?" - Chris
  • Hannah:

    • roleplay was just me in the corner losing it over my murder mystery and Chris having to deal with that
    • Dicebag workshop this week which I’m excited about!!
    • also how do I have more work during study break than during the actual sem
  • James:

    • Social Deduction Boardgames Day tomorrow 1pm-8pm
    • EOI for Warhammer Tournament going out today/tomorrow
  • Oscar:

    • chewing
    • uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    • god ive got an 30% assessment due on friday that i'm 3 lectures behind on please murder me
    • thank you chris for giving us the accidental incest
    • missed lecture count: 11 (+4) (im so tired)

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==13/28 (50% WR)== Meeting (Emerald can't fail)
    • "Failure" - Chris, 2023

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Contact Official Chaosium Event GM's - Done

  • (with Oscar and Chris) Post a ticket selling guide to gatekeepers - Done

  • Merch it up for 40th Anniversary - In Pogress

  • Post 40th Anniversary Announcement - Done

  • (with Chris) Investigate Kallax - Not Done

  • Follow up aircon cleaning with Kelvin - Done

  • Respond to Specialist Mentoring UWA - Done

  • Respond to Cards against Humanity (yes, them) - Done


  • Advertising for Arc RPG - Not Done

  • Advertising for WOE Release - Not Done

  • Check pricing for WOE Release - Emailing now

  • Follow up on people who could not attend for precon league feedback - Not Done

  • Write up painting guide - Not Done


  • SNOM EMP and Advertising - Advert done

  • Painting Day Organisation - In Poggers

  • Submit Unigames Ball SPG - In Poggers


  • Feedback form from the Boardgame O'day event for attendees and presenters - Not Done

  • Admin for L5R - Not Done


  • Organise Week 8 Board-games - Not Done

  • Organise fresher table - Done

  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - Not Done


  • Continue talking with UniSFAN's about worldbuilding event - In Poggers

  • Advertising and EMP for SAP - Not Done

  • Get some cards (pokemon ones) - Will do

  • (with Oscar and Jackie) Post a ticket selling guide to gatekeepers - Done

  • (with Oscar) Post prize photo in announcements - Not Done

  • (with Jackie) Investigate Kallax - Not Done

  • Find some strong people to help rescue whiteboard. - Not Done


  • Social Deduction Boardgames Advertising - Done

  • Contact Matt for further details and organisation of Warhammer 10e event - Done


  • (with Jackie and Chris) Post a ticket selling guide to gatekeepers - Done

  • (with Chris) Post prize photo in announcements - Not Done


  • 40th Anniversary Posters and facebook banners - Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Boardgame O'DAY - Friday 18th @ 5PM

Josh: Feedback form from the Boardgame O'day event for attendees and presenters

Study Week Boardgames - Tuesday 5th Sept @ 1pm-8pm
  • Social Deduction Boardgames
  • It's Tomorrow! Please come!

    James: Social Deduction Boardgames Advertising

Chris' UniSFA Collab (Week 10?)
  • Nupdates
  • Another idea: pair of events based around the same theme of world-building
    • Same day back to back or a week apart
    • One more games-based (boardgames/RPGs)
    • One more SFA-based (screening/trope talks/podcast/etc.)

      Chris: Continue talking with UniSFAN's about world-building event

Little Critter Boardgames - 19th of September
  • Theme done
  • Boardgames Include
    • Root
    • Wingspan
    • Busybeaks
    • Kakelaken Poker

      Gen: Organise Little Critter Board-games


PbtA RPG Variety Night - 30th of August @ 5PM
  • It went good!
  • A lot of attendees
    • 25 + 5 GM's
    • Lewis unfortunately had to pull out
  • Everyone had fun (or so Oscar has heard)
  • Would love to organise another one with different systems
Arc RPG - 13th of September @ 5PM
  • Uh-oh, advertising out THIS week
  • GMs: Gibbi, Jackie
  • Backup GM: Oscar

    Gibbi: Advertising for Arc RPG

L5R RPG - Week 9
  • GM's: Merlin, Alistair, Harlowe
  • Possible: Cam
  • Will find a date this week and put up advertising by the end of study week

    Josh: Admin for L5R

Official Chaosium Event W/ Jack Kay - October 14th-15th
  • Images and logos are here
  • Advertising up 1 month before the event, about 2 weeks from now
  • Aiming for 3-4 Oneshots max alongside Jack
  • GM's: Alistair, Merlin, Gen
  • Continuing contacting possible GM's
  • Possible GM's:Jack B, Angus
  • Going to use discord for a booking discord, unless a better booking system is found.

    Jackie: Contact Official Chaosium Event GM's


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quick play guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so
  • Probably done by end of sem
Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Boxes picked up, just need to bring them in
Wilds of Eldraine Release - 10th of September
  • That is this weekend

    Gibbi: Advertising for WOE Release Gibbi: Check pricing for WOE Release

Commander Precon League Feedback

Gibbi: Follow up on people who could not attend for precon league feedback

SNOM - 24th of September
  • Connor: Just need to do EMP

    Connor: SNOM EMP

Pokemon TCG

Pokémon SAP - Sunday 17th Sept @ 12PM
  • Yo, I Still need to do this

    Chris: Advertising and EMP for SAP

Chris' Pokemon Decks
  • Nupdates

    Chris: Get some cards (Pokemon ones)


Painting Day - 21st of September
  • Luci has just acquired a resin printer
    • "What if i printed a bunch of minis for unigames"
  • Jackie is going to "help them test it out"

Jackie: Contact Luci about Printing minis Connor: Painting Day Organisation

Warhammer 10e 1k Tourney with Matt
  • Yep
  • EOI Sent out

    James: Look at EOI results (Warhammer)

Geoff Drakhari Mini Donation
  • A non-complete set of minis for painting and the such
  • Can help lower barrier of entry into Warhammer
  • We are pretty positive on accepting this, however none of us know much about Warhammer, so we are going to message some Warhammer knowers about them before accepting the donation

Fresher Campaigns

  • Yeah
  • Things seem to be going relatively smoothly

Dice bag workshop with UWASCA - Friday 8th September 4PM-8PM

  • Buy your tickets
  • Tickets are available to purchase from Unigames Gatekeepers (go talk to them!)
  • UWASCAns seem interested
  • Maybe post a reminder?
  • Break even is incredibly low, so we should be fine

    David: Post Dice bag workshop reminder

Roleplay for Life - 12pm 2nd-12pm 3rd of September

  • We raised at least $1k both online and in cash so
  • Attendance was consistent
    • about 20ish at max
  • Ran smoothly
    • Streaming (thanks Donald)
    • GM's
  • Drawbacks
    • A lot of games couldn't be run on account of no players
    • People feel bad when they can't run their games
    • maybe schedule less games post-midnight
    • only 1-2 games get run post midnight
    • Accounting for this would make sense
    • Father's Day also kinda bad
      • Any week after this gets more busy for more people
      • Maybe push to the end of study week
  • Streaming for R4P should have a handover
    • Maybe Connor
  • Maybe put up a community poll asking about good times and bad times

Jackie: Create Roleplay for Life Community Poll Chris: Add feedback to Roleplay for Life Handover

Once Upon a Quiz Night - 7pm Friday 15th of September

  • Chris: Ittttttt's happening
  • Doors open 6.30pm
  • Get your tickets!!!
    • Early Bird till 07/09 (This Thursday)
      • $15 for an individual ticket
      • $100 for a table (8 ppl)
      • Afterwards its $20 and $150 respectively
  • Prize Hype/Advertising will need to be put up
  • Posters up

Chris, Oscar: Post prize photo in announcements

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Potential ticket price of $120 Early-Bird, $130 Normal
  • Roster
    • We have added ourselves
  • First aid
    • Can someone other than Jackie organise the first aid
    • I'll do it

Josh: Organise First Aid

40th Anniversary - 20th of October

  • Eventbrite is up!
  • Advertising is up
  • Committee has reviewed these and has some feedback
    • edits will be made aiming to sell tickets by Wednesday
  • bit.ly/unigames40thball

    Jackie: Circulate 40th Anniversary Event to older members Jackie: Merch it up for 40th Anniversary

UCC x Unigames TTS Event - (potentially) Thursday 28th September @ 5pm - Week 9

  • Spoken with UCC
  • may wait for L5R date before confirming

Potential Pride Collab

  • Nupdates

Relay for Life - 7th-8th of October

  • Sign-Up Here!
  • Wow we got the link late

    Josh: Facebook event for relay

Far Future Events

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
    • $73.10 to Jackie for Precon League prizes
    • $390.17 to Connor for Food Run
    • $27.50 to Jackie for Printing
    • $7.00 to Oscar for O'Day Printing
    • $47.98 to Gen for Refresher Welcome Pizza
    • $621.25 to Connor for Food Run
    • $389 to Gibbi for Commander Masters Draft Box
    • $49.30 to Jackie for Quiz Night Prizes
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $5.60 to Oscar for Printing



  • Reallocation applications will be out mid to late September
SOCPAC Meeting - Tuesday 29th of August 6PM
  • Gen's Notes
    • Wet weather contingencies will be in the next handover
    • 22nd of September club awards
    • Safe Clubs and Events Officer will be required next year
    • SPG's due next Friday
      • More strategic to put it in for quiz night rather than ball
      • Jackie will help Connor with this


SPG Semester 2
  • We'll be submitting an application for the Quiz Night

    Connor: Submit Quiz Night SPG

General Business:


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

New Kallax
  • Nupdates

    Jackie, Chris: Investigate Kallax

New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates
Aircon Cleaning
  • Campus management did come in and clean it but its still giving us the cleaning message so
  • Messaged Kelvin about it
  • Kelvin is following up Campus management
  • Needs to be done every 3 months


Library Note Whiteboard
  • Nupdates

    Chris: Find some strong people to help rescue whiteboard.

David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • Nupdates

Gibbi: Write up painting guide

BotC Noise
  • Nupdates

    Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Library System
  • Nupdates

Food runs

  • I suppose we could plan a foodrun this week
    • Gen and Oscar (potentially)


  • Nupdates

Specialist Mentoring UWA - 14th of September 12-2PM

  • Responded to email
  • We have a date!
  • Short Presentation explaining what our club is about
  • 30 minutesish in length

    Jackie, Jen and Josh: Create presentation for Specialist Mentoring

Cards against Humanity

  • Nupdates

Committee Business

  • Do we want to change committee start time?
    • NO

Meeting closed: 7:11 PM