Unigames Committee Meeting #27 - 16/09/2019

by Donald Sutherland 16/09/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #27 - 16/09/2019


  • Donald
  • Taylor
  • Alistair
  • Amelia
  • Colin
  • Emerald
  • Elana
  • Kyle


  • Aoibhinn
  • Alaura
  • Gavin


  • none

Meeting open: 11:54AM


President's Report:

  • Alaura has not submitted a report

Vice-President's Report:

  • I can’t make it in, I went to the soc meeting


  • Nothing

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $1933.57
  • Taylor forgot to submit a report
  • We actually have more money than that because of Roleplay for Life
  • Taylor is salty

Secretary's Report:

  • I have returned to the timeless wasteland that is Unigames
  • RP4Life stream went real well
  • Definitely get more than one person to do it next time though

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: Coup and Hamsterrolle
  • Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.
  • I’m too tired. Had to do a panto rehearsal after roleplay.
  • Roleplay was good
  • SLARP meeting occurred and we have tasks to do. Phase one is complete
  • Donald: Look at sleeves for Love Letter

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • This week was a time again
  • I'm fine
  • But I also slept for 15 hours

OCM reports


  • Ran the UWADU board games event
    • 1 person showed up and no one from UWADU turned up.
    • It wasn't efectively comunicated to me that I was organising this event so the event went up late and I wasn't able to contact UWADU about the event.
    • Would like to discuss collab procedure.
  • LARP event this weekend, please help advertise.

Past action Items:


  • Follow up with Jono re. one-shots - ??
  • Chat with Winslade about future scheduling - ??
  • Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover - ??
  • Send absentee votes to Donald - done
  • Post a reminder about submitting statements at the OGM - done
  • Do the RP4Lyfe food run (along with Colin) - done
  • Call Manjedal, ask about alcohol and early check-in - ??


  • Watch out for board game events to snipe clubs for collabs - done
  • Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs - wip
  • Make a busy bee event - done


  • Organise collab with PCS - not done
  • Do a full financial breakdown of camp - not done
  • Put an event up for Charity Vigil (along with Colin) - done
  • Follow up on grants - not done


  • Look at sleeves for Love Letter - wip
  • Make event and poster for Throne of Eldraine prerelease - wip
  • Distribute the sealed league prizes - not done
  • Contact Christine re. games - not done
  • Make a poster for LARP1001 - done, will upload tonight
  • Bother Felix about Microwave - done


  • Organise splat buy for Chuck Tingle RPG - done, Emily is straight up donating it


  • Buy a can of white primer - done


  • Make event for Dread one-shot in week 10 - not done
  • Organise Dark Heresy one-shot for week 8 - done


  • Do the RP4Lyfe food run (along with Alaura) - done
  • Put an event up for Charity Vigil (along with Taylor) - done


  • (Everyone) Send reports to Donald - done


Usual Suspects:


  • UWADU has only one person show up
    • Not great
  • Next one is next week, with Dominion themed
    • Haven't heard back from UPS, so it looks liek it will just be us


  • Next one: Dark Heresy happening Thursday!
    • Stuart and Winslade are our GMs!
  • Halloween tie-in!
    • Week 10 Dread is still a thing
    • Alistair is GMing


  • Throne of Eldraine Prerelease is happening on 29th!
  • Event will be going up soon for the prerelease
  • Donald: Make event and poster for Throne of Eldraine prerelease

  • Donald: Distribute the sealed league prizes


  • Painting day went pretty well, 4-5 people showed up
  • Taught a bunch of new people how to paint which is cool
  • We've run out of black primer
  • Kyle is running Mordheim again this week. If people want to come, it's a shorter game (not going to take ages)
  • Kyle is still bringing in terrain for every event, which is alright but not ideal
  • The hills were binned, they were useless

Fresher Campaigns

  • No updates
  • No one has died


  • Collab procedure:

    • Seems some handover stuff has been lost
    • We need to to ask them:
      • Are we providing a service to them (their event)
      • Are we running an event for them (our event)
    • Who is responsible for event admin? (EMP, advertising, etc.)
    • Sounds like we need a formalised document
      • Colin volunteers
      • Colin: Draw up a collab procedure document

  • UniAccess:

    • The games that they've borrowed are still overdue
    • Donald: Contact Christine re. games

  • Computer Science:
    • Alistair has emailed them, still no reply
    • AFK
  • Language week:
    • Language week is week 9
    • Doing a stall
  • PCS:
    • Still on the backburner
  • Aoibhinn: Watch out for board game events to snipe clubs for collabs


CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Un-Redacted!) [21st-24th June]:

  • Alaura: Chat with Winslade about future scheduling

  • Aoibhinn: Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs

  • Alaura: Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover

  • Taylor: Do a full financial breakdown of camp


  • Reps: Colin, Emerald + Elana, Aoibhinn
  • This weekend!
  • Saturday at 1pm
  • Colin is going to put a post up on the event page
  • Poster is going up tomorrow
  • Advertise it!
  • Need to grab a table from Guild

OGM [10th September]:

  • Went well!
  • Congrats to Kyle*
  • *pending guild approval
  • SOC have been slow to approve constitutional changes or Donald has emailed the wrong place
  • Minutes have been posted on the Unigames website if you want to view them

Roleplay for Life [14th/15th September]:

  • Reps: Alistair, Donald + Alaura
  • Collective ughhhhhhhh
  • Pre-production:
    • Advertising was a bit of shenanigans
    • EMP was a bit of shenanigans
    • Guild website being down didn't help
    • Needed to submit EMPs during the holidays
    • GMs need to know dates
  • Stream:
    • Stream was real good
    • Thanks Gozz, Taylor, and Alaura for equipment
    • Thanks UCC for the computer
    • Setting up all the cables was a nightmare
    • But it worked
    • We didn't have a single disconnect throughout the entire night which would be good
    • Overlays were good
    • 10/10 would do again, but not for the whole 20 hours
  • Games and Monetisation:
    • We raised $781.45 in cash donatations, which is great
    • Not as good as last year, but still pretty good
    • Haven't counted online donations in that yet
    • Games were great, no complaints there
  • Attendance:
    • 24 attendees this year
    • Different distributions of people this year though
      • A lot of people rocked up in the afternoon and left by midnight
    • Should we stretch it for 24 houts still?
      • If not, how would we restructure it?
    • Probably want another GM on standby that can time commit
    • We had a lot more freshers than usual, who usually can't stay past midnight
    • Culture shift of the club seems to be moving away from "no-sleep squad"
      • Which is good generally but not ideal for our charity events (most are overnight)
    • Maybe do shifts like Relay for Life
      • For players and GM

Charity Vigil [28th/29th September]:

  • Reps: Colin, Taylor
  • Events are up
  • Still trying to find a time for meeting
  • Colin has a couple of ideas for events
  • Emily wants to run vintage cube
  • Start a post for one-shots?

Relay for Life [12th/13th October]:

  • Reps: Taylor + Elana, Emerald
  • Next captains meeting is on the 25th of September @ 5pm
  • Battle Tin should go to UniSFA
  • If people want to participate but don't have money, contact Taylor
  • Need to start forming a roster

MCW - Multicultral Week [17th October]:

  • We havbe a stall, 6PM-10PM
  • No further updates

Cameron Hall-oween [26th October]:

  • Reps: Aoibhinn, Amelia
  • There is still ongoing discussions about security guards

Book Buy Semester 2:

  • Book buy post going up later today
  • Around 20th October?
  • Alistair will put up a whenisgood

Summer LARP:

  • Reps: Alistair, Elana, Emerald
  • Phase 1 is complete
  • We have clear action items
  • We have goals for the end of September
  • We have to get help from writers

Un-Charity Vigil:

  • Still very far away

[REDACTED] 2020:

  • Tentative date: 19th-22nd of June 2020
  • Alaura,Aoibhinn: Call Manjedal, ask about alcohol and early check-in

  • We have to get on this


  • FilAus Incident:

    • We have not received an apology from them yet
    • We'll bother them about their apology at the end of September
    • It was sent to Taco as well
  • Tenancy allocations:

    • No updates
  • Elevator:

    • No updates
  • Grants:

    • Taylor: Follow up on grants

  • SOC Meeting:

    • There was a SOC meeting
      • Aoibhinn: Tell us what happen

      • Taylor: Read the SOC minutes

    • Next SOC meeting: ???
    • Next busy bee: Wednesday 2nd October
      • Aoibhinn: Make a busy bee event

    • Next tenancy meeting: 25th September ish

Room Update:

  • Microwave:

    • Felix has been bothered
    • Awaiting botheration of their committee
  • Speakers:

    • Alaura is compiling a shortlist
  • Bunnings things:

    • Fridge Whiteboard
      • Still need more magnets
    • Noodles
      • We still need to put them up
    • Floor felt
      • We got some floor felt, need to use it
    • Tiny whiteboard
      • For long-term borrowing things
    • President's picture
      • Need the same type of magnets for the picture
      • Alternatively just tape it to the filing cabinet.
  • Wargaming shelf

    • No updates
    • Alistair: Talk to Gozz about perspex


  • Pending
    • None

General Business:

  • Embroidery:

    • Ongoing
  • New T-Shirts:

    • Taylor has gotten some quotes
    • There seem to be good prices
    • If we order 50 shirts they are $16.50
    • In many colours available
    • Taylor will be posting mock up images of the shirts
  • Archives:

    • Didn't happen last week :-(
    • Maybe just run on from a committee meeting?
    • Next week?
  • Board games guide:

    • Alistair made a post about it
    • Nothing received yet
    • People have threatened to do them though
  • Food run:

    • Done
  • Campus Toilets:

    • They are locking them now
    • This is bad
    • We need to get a access pass for the loft for all of the late events we run
    • Donald: Make a post about the guild bathrooms

  • Ad Eva

    • It's in one PDF
    • It's on the drive
  • Prof Comp

    • Meeting happening soon
  • SOC Masterlist

    • No updates
  • Discord things:

    • No updates
  • Library Donations:

    • Emily is donating Chuck Tingle RPG
  • Handovers:

    • The way we do handovers need to change
    • We currently treat the wrap-up meeting minutes as the "handover"
    • This is a bad idea
    • Make a document for each event, and copy and edit those documents each year

Meeting closed: 1:15PM


Action Items:


  • Chat with Winslade about future scheduling
  • Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover
  • Call Manjedal, ask about alcohol and early check-in (along with Aoibhinn)


  • Watch out for board game events to snipe clubs for collabs
  • Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs
  • Call Manjedal, ask about alcohol and early check-in (along with Alaura)
  • Tell us what happen
  • Make a busy bee event


  • Do a full financial breakdown of camp
  • Follow up on grants
  • Read the SOC minutes


  • Look at sleeves for Love Letter
  • Make event and poster for Throne of Eldraine prerelease
  • Distribute the sealed league prizes
  • Contact Christine re. games
  • Make a post about the guild bathrooms


  • Talk to Gozz about perspex


  • Draw up a collab procedure document