Unigames Committee Meeting #27 - 19/09/2022

by Ethan Gibson 19/09/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #27 - 19/09/2022

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Hannah
  • Connor
  • Everest
  • Texas
  • Alistair
  • Chris
  • David
  • Josh


  • Emerald


Meeting scheduled: 5:00PM

Meeting open: 5:05 PM


President's Report (Emerald):

  • apologies

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • good quiz night was had
    • connor is my fav quiz attendee for buying me my first drink and effectively cucking everyone because he bought me a whole ass pint that lasted me almost the whole night
  • put up new whiteboard border with gibbi (i helped order it for colour reasons)
  • uhh
  • uni is on fire but i ran a good quiz night so whateva
  • also vote in guild elections this week!!!
  • Is holding a large pink orb
    • it's super important for both students and us as clubs :)

Treasurer's Report (Texas):

  • Something
  • Going through receipts and reimbursing people
  • got to have house alone over the weekend
  • account balance: $4,263.66

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • Sure did the whiteboarder
  • Ordered sleeves
  • hope everyone enjoyed quiz night
  • heart one shot tmw
  • snom this weekend
  • 40k mtg decks are a thing now

Librarian's Report (Connyah):

  • went to squiz (W squiz)
  • HELLISH group presentation 💀
  • good luck with all the assignments that are coming up y'all <33
  • go to :heart:

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • still sad over having to miss out on quiz night
  • did manage to hand in an essay and do a Latin quiz though so thats nice i guess
  • essay hell is officially upon me now with 3 big ones and 2 smaller ones

Reports de la OCM (Chris, David, Everest, Josh):

  • Chris:
    • Quiz Happened!
    • Finances be shambled
    • Heart tomorrow??!?!! What you'll find in the heart will surprise you!
  • David:

    • haw yee
    • stuff quiz night (slay)
    • yeah nah thats it
  • Everest:

  • gif ("jif") done
  • announcemeny done
  • magic done
  • passed my lab component with 2 labs left still
  • texas no longer best friend, marli best friend now and thunder best enemy (was eaten by him)

  • Josh:

    • Investing in GoT cards $$$
    • Bofa deez EMPs done
    • My body hates me for my sleepless boy swag
    • Bee and PuppyCat is very pog

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==24.75/28== Meetings
    • quiz night lost
    • pretty sure it was due to bribes
    • Finally actually sleeving his over $100 magic cards
    • Had a productive work day

Past action Items:

Action Items:


Poke people for panto collab - Unknown

Purchase Another Box of Dominaria United Set - Unknown

Bring string ing to club room - Unknown

(with Connor) Make a dustcover for morkborg this week - Unknown


Organise Unigames Panto goes to - done

"Return" prerelease product ot tactics and be charged - not done (tactics card machine broken) - An attempt was made

Re do paint on the window have an action item even though you dont want it sorry bud - done

(with Connor) Make Guide (while playing jumpstart against each other, yes this is necessary) - in progress


Here to slay sleeves - Done


Put up book buy post - not done

(with Emerald) Make a dustcover for morkborg this week - not done

(with Jackie) Make Guide (while playing jumpstart against each other, yes this is necessary) - in progress


Do quiz night post for prizes and sick notice - Done


Do Dex games EMP - Done

write announcement - Done


Do the EMP for visual games that you see with your eyes - Done

Do Silly little RPGs EMP - Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Rootin Tootin boardgames - Week 7 - 13/09 at 5pm

    • David wore a sick ass hat
    • there was rooting and tooting
    • mostly root and colt express
    • this covers both rooting and tooting
    • attendance was around 9 (pretty good)
  • Bobject Boardgames - Week 9 - 26/09 at 1pm

    • Next Monday
    • At 1PM
    • (it's a public holiday)
  • Visual Games - Week 11 - 12/10/2022

Josh: Post Visual games that you see with yours eyes Announcemnet at the end of the week

  • Physics Unigames Collab Event - Study Week
    • it's going good
    • spoke to 3 committee members
    • doing the emp tomorrow
    • will get date next week


  • Heart - Week 8 - 20/09/2022 at 5Pm

    • It's happening tomorrow
    • Gibbi and Chris are Dming
  • Silly little RPGs - Week 10 - 05/10/2022

    • It is the wednesday starting at 5pm

Josh: Write a silly little rpgs announcement

  • L5R one shot night - Week 12
    • The week right before study week

Gibbi: Contact Jack, Merlin and Maia for Gming

Gibbi: Do L5r one shot EMP

Panto Unigames Collab Event

Emerald: Poke people for panto collab

Unigames goes to Panto - Friday - 0
  • Jackie has put up the event
  • it will be a good time come and see it with jackie
  • it is on the 7th at 7pm
  • go look at the event for discount code

Magic: The Gavining

Booster Boxing Buying Bhenanigans

Emerald: Purchase Another Box of Dominaria United Set

  • Committee considers buying another case of MH2
    • Tabled for 2 weeks or so time
Dominaria United Release - 11th of September [11/09/2022] - 11am

Jackie: Pay tactics for prerelease card reader go brr

SNOM 7: Is commander - 25/09/2022
  • Will be a good ol normal commander event

Gibbi: Put up snom 7 announcement

Dominaria united Draft - 09/10/2022
  • We'll have 2 boxes of Dominaria United
    • and up to 24 spots for the event
  • Entry will be $20
  • There will be no prize support outside of the drafted cards

Fresher Campaigns

  • Nupdates

Quiz Night [15/09/2022]

  • was last thursday
  • pretty succesful
  • higher attendance than previous years
  • catering should be streamlined in future
  • wrapup meeting still has to be done
  • we will be making profit

Reslay for Life - [01/10/2022 - 02/10/2022]

  • Member Count: 6
  • Meeting happened
  • connor is talking with unisfa to maybe merge teams again

Connor: put up reslay announcement part 2

Far Future Events


  • There is a roster now
  • started doing events
  • Unigames will be doing Larp, Assassins and One-shots
  • Chris and Connor will do Larp
  • Emerald will be doing Assassins probabbly

Uncharity vigil

  • No updates


am doing random receipt things during this meeting - Approved

  • Pending

  • Unsubmitted


Tenancy Meeting

  • Jackie attended tenancy meeting
    • Jackie went to bed at 230 so head hurty
    • CCTV and Lights for cam hall currently negotiating with security for funding
    • Should be in early next year
    • Next busy bee day will be decided by poll
    • Current Tenancy chair doesn't have access to old inbox


  • Socpac next week on thursday
  • Jackie and Gibbi will attend

Missing Money

  • Cade Replied
  • Should be getting a proper response next week


  • No update
  • Semester 2 grand date: October 21st

General Business:

40th Anniversary Event

  • Emerald is working on it fr fr on god no cap


  • No New Gatekeepers


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

  • there is a new border with magic art cards
Pinup Board
  • No updates
Things to hang
  • Emerald needs to bring string from her house

Emerald: Bring string ing to club room


Book Buy

Connor: Put up book buy post

Emerald, Connor: Make a dustcover for morkborg this week fr u guys

Sleeving Cards
    • Sleeves have been slain
  • will submit receipt later this week
Classification system
  • Long term in Pogress

    Connor, Jackie: Make Guide (while playing jumpstart against each other, yes this is necessary)

Food runs

  • Need to do foodrun should do so this week
  • need more conk
  • Connor and josh will food the run

Committee Business

  • new posters are up

Jackie: Update gatekeeper form

Meeting closed: 5:45 PM