Unigames Committee Meeting #28 - 11/09/2023

by Joshua Annison 11/09/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #28 - 11/09/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • David
  • Connor
  • Josh
  • Gen
  • Oscar
  • Chris


  • Emerald
  • Hannah
  • James


Meeting scheduled: 5:30PM

Meeting open: 5:43PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • hello
  • made a dicebag design for merch
  • counted roleplay for life money
    • ~$900
  • excited for quiz night
  • joint redacted in the works
  • (explodes launch hack comment with my mind)

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • did OWOE Release
  • Arc is this week
  • So is quiz night
  • wooooo

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Attended OWOE release, was very fun (I love fairies)
  • and dicebag workshop
  • Did a bunch of action items (including EMP)
  • come to quiz night
  • and 40th

Librarian's Report (David):

  • food ran
  • dice workshopped

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • did emp and loft booking for little critter board games
  • went to social dedution board games
  • went to Ern Halliday
  • watched 8+ consecutive hours of pride and prejudice content (lizzie bennet my beloved <<<<33333333)
  • while I understand "0 kill drive" I think y'all underestimate how much repressed rage I possess

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:

    • "aaaAAUGH?" - Chris
  • Hannah:

    • did the dicebag workshop and now have a quite cute dicebag
    • also was a lot of fun using the sewing machines
    • officially back in essay hell for this week (3 essays oTL bc I forgot about one)
  • James:

    • Social Deduction Boardgames Day went well. Attendance of about 15.
    • Wargaming Event is happening Wednesday the 20th September 8:30am-4:30pm. CCZ meeting rooms A & B have been booked. EMP and advertising to be done shortly.
    • UCC TTS event plan is to be Wednesday Week 9. EMP and advertising to be done shortly.
  • Oscar:

    • we did so much study over that break
      • X
    • get tickets to quiz night!
    • … that’s it that’s all i got
    • WAIT
    • Gen made my Larp thing into loss and im very upset

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==13/28 (46.42% WR)== Meeting
    • "Failure" - Chris, 2023

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Contact Official Chaosium Event GM's - Done

  • Contact Luci about Printing minis - Done

  • Create Roleplay for Life Community Poll - Done

  • Circulate 40th Anniversary Event to older members - Done

  • Merch it up for 40th Anniversary - In Progress

  • (with Chris) Investigate Kallax - Not Done

  • (with Jen and Josh) Create presentation for Specialist Mentoring - In Progress


  • Advertising for Arc RPG - Done

  • Advertising for WOE Release - Done

  • Check pricing for WOE Release - Done

  • Follow up on people who could not attend for precon league feedback - Done

  • Write up painting guide - Not Done


  • SNOM EMP - In Progress

  • Painting Day Organisation - In Progress

  • Submit Quiz Night SPG - Done, by me, mhm (Jackie)


  • Feedback form from the Boardgame O'day event for attendees and presenters - Done

  • Admin for L5R - Done

  • Organise First Aid - In Progress

  • Facebook event for relay - Done

  • (with Jackie and Josh) Create presentation for Specialist - In Progress


  • Post Dice bag workshop reminder - I forgor but done


  • Organise Little Critter Board-games - Done

  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - Not Done

  • (with Jackie and Josh) Create presentation for Specialist - In Progress


  • Continue talking with UniSFAN's about worldbuilding event - Not Done

  • Advertising and EMP for SAP - Done

  • Get some cards (pokemon ones) - Not Done

  • Add feedback to Roleplay for Life Handover - Not Done

  • (with Oscar) Post prize photo in announcements - Done

  • (with Jackie) Investigate Kallax - Not Done

  • Find some strong people to help rescue whiteboard. - Not Done


  • Social Deduction Boardgames Advertising - Done

  • Look at EOI results (Warhammer) - Done


  • (with Chris) Post prize photo in announcements - Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Boardgame O'DAY - Friday 18th @ 5PM
  • Messages have been sent to attendees, will give feedback next meeting
Study Week Boardgames - Tuesday 5th Sept @ 1pm-8pm
  • Social Deduction Boardgames Day went well. Attendance of about 15.
  • Wrapped up early which is fine, it was very long
Chris' UniSFA Collab (Week 10?)
  • Nupdates

    Chris: Continue talking with UniSFAN's about world building event

Little Critter Boardgames - Tuesday 19th of September @ 4:30
  • EMP and loft booking done
  • Boardgames Include
    • Root
    • Wingspan
    • Busybeaks
    • Kakerlaken Poker

      Gen: Advertising for Little Critter Board-games


Arc RPG - 13th of September @ 5PM
  • Thats this Wednesday!
  • Gibbi and Jackie are GMing
  • Jackie read the book at work
L5R RPG - 25th of September @ 5PM
  • GM's: Merlin, Cam
  • Advertising is up
  • Cam has offered to start character creation early for those interested
Official Chaosium Event W/ Jack Kay - October 14th-15th
  • Have figured out how to use google forms for booking
  • GM's:Alistair, Merlin, Gen, Jack
  • Will work on EMP and Advertising this week
    • and GM times and systems

      Jackie: EMP and Advertising for Official Chaosium Event


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quick play guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so
  • Probably done by end of sem
Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Boxes in
    • Kaldheim in at $5 a pack
    • Other boxes for later
Wilds of Eldraine Release - 10th of September
  • It happened
  • 11 attendees, pretty good
  • People enjoyed it
  • 12 kits
  • Someone needs to take it back
Commander Precon League Feedback
  • People have been messaged about it
SNOM - 24th of September
  • Doing right now
  • Will bring Snom pokemon cards as prizes

Pokemon TCG

Pokémon SAP - Sunday 17th Sept @ 12PM
  • EMP approved
  • Advertising up after the announcement
  • Will bring in proxied version of club decks to see how well they run
  • But please bring your own and have fun
Chris' Pokemon Decks
  • See above
  • It's actually quite hard to get pokemon cards in Perth

    Chris: Get some cards (pokemon ones)


Painting Day - 21st of September
  • EMP being done RIGHT NOW
  • We have some lil dragons thanks to Luci for paintin'
    • Dragons will be first come first served
    • We have 15~ of them
  • Come B)
Warhammer 10e 1k Tourney with Matt
  • Wargaming Event is happening Wednesday the 20th September 8:30am-4:30pm.
  • CCZ meeting rooms A & B have been booked.
  • EMP and advertising to be done shortly.

    James: Warhammer Tourney EMP and Advertising

Geoff Drakhari Mini Donation
  • Pictures have been sent to Warhammer enthusiasts
  • It looks like ''
  • < 500 points
  • A lot of effort to prep them for painting
  • Probably wouldn't want them as we cannot use them as an army
  • We can also offer to get rid of them for Geoff by taking the ones we would like and giving away the other ones to a good home

    Josh: Message Geoff about Donation

Fresher Campaigns

  • Seem to be under way
  • All set up for semester
  • will send out a message this week to check in with our GM's

Dice bag workshop with UWASCA - Friday 8th September 4PM-8PM

  • Uh, that just happened
  • ~25 attendees
    • Poggers
  • David appeared in spite of it all
  • Made about $80 of profit for Unigames
  • David may want to rewrite the booklet
    • Wording can be ambiguous at times especially if you do not already do sewing
  • Maybe write a handover for this event
    • "-_-" - Davi

Roleplay for Life - 12pm 2nd-12pm 3rd of September

  • In cash we made: $937.90
  • Attendance of at least 26
  • Online we made: ~$903
  • Total Made: ~$1840.90
  • Jackie will donate it before being reimbursed
  • Jackie will get a tattoo (not related but needs to be on the record)

    Jackie: Donate money to Relay for Life for Roleplay for Life Chris: Add feedback to Roleplay for Life Handover

Once Upon a Quiz Night - 7pm Friday 15th of September from 6:30

  • That is this Friday
  • Please come
  • These details are still correct
  • Will be selling tickets at the door
  • It is going to be a fun time
  • Make sure to bring some coins for a theoretical minigame
  • Early-Bird is over but you can still buy tickets
    • You won't get your choice of pizza but you will still get one
  • "Come" - Chris

    Chris: Facebook prize post for Quiz Night

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • First aid has been organised
  • EMP submitted
  • Jackie is making a poster draft

40th Anniversary - 20th of October

  • No Massive Updates
  • Current Tickets Sold: 17
  • Click here for tickets
  • Vikrum is offering to sponsor 2 (two) tickets with preference for people who would be unable to attend otherwise
    • If you are interested, message Jackie about it

      Jackie: Merch it up for 40th Anniversary

UCC x Unigames TTS Event - 27th of September

  • UCC TTS event plan is to be Wednesday Week 9. EMP and advertising to be done shortly.

    James: EMP and Advertising for UCC x Unigames TTS event

Potential Pride Collab

  • Will poke again

Unigames goes to Panto

  • Haven't got tickets out yet
  • If you like pantos, you will love this panto
  • Pride and Predator
  • Won't advertise until tickets are out
  • Will be going to Friday showing

Relay for Life - 7th-8th of October

      • BEST CLUB
  • Sign-Up Here!
  • People keep asking about what is relay for life
    • Will put a message up on what it is about

      Josh: Relay for Life Reminder

Far Future Events

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $5.60 to Oscar for Printing
    • $220 to Gibbi for Booster Boxes
    • $482.25 to Connor for Foodrun



  • Reallocation applications will be out mid to late September


SPG Semester 2
  • SPG has been submitted
  • Initial results will be this Wednesday
  • Appeals due on the 18th of September
  • Final results and money out on 22nd of September
Club Awards
  • Due 22nd of September

    Jackie: Best club application Someone: Idk maybe Best Prez Appplication

General Business:


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

New Kallax
  • Nupdates

    Jackie, Chris: Investigate Kallax

New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates
Aircon Cleaning
  • Nupdates


Book Buy 2: Electric Boogaloo
  • Strategic book buy idea
  • Will push to after semester
  • This is because we will most likely max out grants for this semester on account of 40th
  • After Exams
  • Put up a thread nice and early with previous suggestions
  • Put up in a months time
  • Then we can have a meeting over a month after that
  • Loadddds of time
Library Note Whiteboard
  • Alistair has mentioned the white board may be chungled
  • May be more effort than it is worth
  • Looking for an A4-A5 size and a way to attach it

    Chris: Research whiteboards

David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • Nupdates

Gibbi: Write up painting guide

BotC Noise
  • Nupdates

    Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Library System
  • Nupdates

Food runs

  • It has been done


  • A bunch of discussion about
    • Mailing list
    • Tagging
  • Specifically asked for an idea about a notification system for the clubroom
    • Let people in the clubroom know that people would like to be let into cameron hall
    • Would use an LED board
    • People can use a form on the website or the discord bot so that we can verify if people are actually members or not
    • Still in discussion, but seems like a very cool idea
    • Can mount on wall through campus management
    • Ordinary members cannot make accounts on the website yet, but we can change this
    • Will need a cooldown per user to prevent spam

Specialist Mentoring UWA - 14th of September 12-2PM

  • That is this Thursday
  • It is a 10 second walk from cam hall (it is in "the building")
    • Shenton House
  • Starts at 12
  • We can bring a couple of games
  • Will need to finish writing the presentation
  • Canva time?

    Jackie, Josh: Create presentation for Specialist Mentoring

Cards against Humanity

  • Nupdates

Committee Business

  • Jackie wants to move the meeting on the 25/09/23
    • Earlier to account for L5R
    • We can have it same time but we can also not so
    • It is also a public holiday
    • 4PM start time
    • Oscar will be apologies either way

Meeting closed: 6:50 PM