Unigames Committee Meeting #3 - 19/03/2020

by Autumn Brough 19/03/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #3 - 19/03/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn (phone in)
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Gwen (phone in)
  • Josh (phone in)
  • Kyle (phone in)


  • Emerald


Meeting scheduled: 5pm Meeting open: 5:15pm after a lot of technical difficulties


President's Report (Alistair):

- - ... - - been doing works on guild business - had a meeting with Bre yesterday which went well - posted across all platforms regarding necessary changes to how the clubroom is going to operate - messed around with the discord, added emotes!

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • went to Artemis Lan :)
  • working on drafting clubroom stuff :(
  • working on complaints stuff :(
  • working on grants stuff :(
  • working on pandemic stuff :(
  • mailing list has been playing hard to get ;(
  • acquired a board game >:3

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • did a food run w emuwuld, joshuwua and awice (got shapes which are doing well!)
    • someone purchased jackie's special vegemite shapes
  • tried to do a deposit today but guild didn't let me in :<
  • had to erase all the events i wrote up on the window o7
  • looked at use by/best before dates in the clubroom just in case
  • emailed guild abt shirts, they'll take it straight from our account! ...eventually........
  • waiting to hear back from unisfa for HALLoween things
  • as soon as i get the stall invoice for oday 2020, i will submit the oday grant >:3 account balance: $1,493.57

Jackie: Send an email about our oday stall explaining that the previous person is no longer a student

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • Did some work with problem children
  • Attended space board games

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • Overdue items:

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • I went on a food run and bought food for the club. Then got paid back for good from the club.
  • I was helpful to my fresher.
  • Helped run space board games!
  • I bought some cards, then got paid back for some cards.
  • Also fresher campaign allocations were.. coronavirus. So basically cancelled in person. Considering online options and also letting all these guys get in an ordinary fresher campaign next year if not next semester.
  • is immune to customer service voice
  • attended Artemis lan

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • Worked on prosh until it was cancelled
    • Did thinking about deceit board game night, that's likely on hold
    • Helped jackie with a deposit
  • Gwen:
    • Space Boardgames happened and went good, I was late cuz of work and uni stuff but Alice did good in my absence (even though she missed out on going to the tav)
    • Member interest in maybe getting Roll for the Galaxy?????? (@ trez)?????
    • Made the Call of Cthulhu event with Josh, got excited, then had to cancel it due to COVID-19 related thing ;(
    • Gosh I really hope the paints are all still good since i cleaned them.
      • Jackie confirms the paints are OK
  • Josh:
    • Event Cancelled
    • Coughing a lot :v
  • Kyle:
    • Events cancelled Kyle sad
    • Wrote the email i was actioned to, didn't know who to send to so it's sitting in the drafts
    • Lots of looking into / setting up online tabletop games

Past action Items:


Look into card sleeves for secret hitler - forgot to bring them in

Message gatekeeper applicants - currently doing it

File an EMP for space boardgames night (along with Gwen) - done

Give EVERYONE an EMP workshop (along with Taylor) - on the backburner

Rally the gatekeepers and organise a Learn 2 Magic event - was completing but cancelled

Make a plan to buy magics from Al's Card Shop (along with Alice) - alice did it!

Alistair: Bring in secret hitler card sleeves


Alistair is not friends with C Watt (what?) so please message C Watt to ask if buying our magics is what he's been up to - yeah he bought all our magic

Edit gatekeeper form, remember gatekeeper training - on the backburner

Give EVERYONE an EMP workshop (along with Alistair) - on the backburner

Please do fresher game frallocations (along with Alice) - worked on, thrown into chaos

Alert the freshers once allocations begin - freshers have been kept in the loop

Exact your wrath upon halloween (along with Jackie) - waiting on a unisfa reply


Look at updating the content on the website - not done

Warn gatekeepers about the event - not done

Form a subcommittee with the other clubs (along with Kyle) - followed the steps, thrown into chaos

Email guild volunteering and What The Buck to ask for assistance in researching charities (along with Kyle) - kyle wrote the draft!


Be helpful to your boy, show him the UWA code of conduct - done!

Make a plan to buy magics from Al's Card Shop (along with Alistair) - done!

Please do fresher game frallocations (along with Taylor) - done! until thrown into chaos


Start figuring out ODAY grants - done! spreadsheet up, need to email about invoice

Do a food run Friday lunchtime (along with Emerald, Josh) - done

Exact your wrath upon halloween (along with Taylor) - waiting on unisfa

Email guild about how we can pay for our shirts - got confirmation! waiting on them to charge us

Jackie: Keep working on oday grants!!


File an EMP for space boardgames night (along with Alistair) - done


Do a food run Friday lunchtime (along with Jackie, Josh)

Repair our baby

Formulate the book repair shopping list

Tell Taylor & Alice which freshers you will be taking for your game

Email Lionel Pryce about running training sesh at UWA (along with Josh)

Give Alistair the details for sharing information w/ Shattered World

Start drafting an email to send to LARP groups to see if they want to collab

Ask Unisfa and panto how they feel about larpy activities (unigames goes VS hiring a troupe)

Give oday ice receipt


Do a food run Friday lunchtime (along with Jackie, Emerald) - done

Ask Merlin, others if they can run Call of Cthulu - done, but event didn't happen

Email Lionel Pryce about running training sesh at UWA (along with Emerald) - not happening?


Take your work shirt home - NOT DONE D:<<<<

Please run a wargame weekly on Mondays - got sick

Form a subcommittee with the other clubs (along with Autumn) - uhhh presidents please confirm charity vigil is cancelled

Email guild volunteering and What The Buck to ask for assistance in researching charities (along with Autumn) - drafted the email!

Needs to give big dice buy receipt (both receipt from business and paypal) - posted the email, but did not meet the requirements

Kyle: Request an itemised invoice from Chessex


Organise Ides of March-themed board games night (not actually on the 15th), the week of the 23rd - It's not happenin babes

Inquire about access, remind everyone to bring their student cards - Physical-prosh has been cancelled


(All) Think about an april fools game - Maybe not

(All) Consider what qualifications you could qualificate - Please do it. Some discussion of RSAs.


  • No applications this week


Usual Suspects:


  • Space board games
    • Went well!!
    • Alice held down the fort until Gwen arrived
    • Gwen had provided her bounty of board games before the event
  • Deception board games
    • Cancelled
  • Can we find a free or very cheap solution for people to play board games together online?
    • Several people have been playing a lot of Tabletop Simulator. It's not a cheap game (~$30) but very much suits our needs for people who can access it.
    • Dominion (base game) can be played for free online
      • Aand only one person needs the expansions
      • it may be hard to set up and to exclude randoms
      • Autumn wants to run an online Dominion night
    • Many Days of Wonder games have paid electronic versions, including splendour, pandemic, ticket to ride, small world
    • Terraforming mars and galaxy trucker also have paid electronic versions
    • Taylor will vouch for almost all of these as being dece
    • Putting a unigames event behind a paywall like this is not appealing in the slightest
    • Could we set up a list for us/members to suggest good free games?
    • Members on the discord have been requesting a way of finding people to play TTS with
      • Our preferred solution would be to make a "seeking game" text chat in the discord
      • Alistair is doing it as we speak!

Autumn: Run a dominion night

  • Long term borrowing:
    • We should take into account that people may be wanting to hold onto the games for longer than the two week limit
    • We can be very very strict on overdue borrows


  • Call of Cthulu
    • Cancelled
  • We can continue to do these online
    • They're very straightforward to translate to online
    • As long as we can get GMs to be interested, we can probably get players
    • CoC may be an overly complicated game to start with online
    • We should identify games that are very easy to pick up when you don't have someone with a book sitting in front of you
    • Could we have one person with a camera and a physical set of boys to push around?
    • Someone brings up star wars, it has edgy custom dice which would be very hard to explain how to simulate online
    • Monster of the week / other rules light games would run well
    • Microscope for our first online game?
      • Microscope is GM-less but we need sufficient people who know the rules and can teach
    • Do we need to submit EMPs for online games?
      • Unsure but we absolutely should and will
    • The Fate book is available on roll20 for <=$10, if the club were to create an account we could run games of that. Roll20 handles the complex dice

Josh: Set up a Microscope online RPG night to run next week

Emerald: Make us a roll20 account and investigate whether we could run club events


  • We made a stock purchase and are sad that we will not able to run a sealed league to sell it. It will probably sell eventually but not how we want.
    • If we need we can use it as prizes or sell it on ebay
    • Could we try to sell directly to the UWA Magic facebook group?
    • We commit to planning to sell off one of the two boxes, breaking even
  • Learn to play magic
    • Cancelled
  • How is magic going to move online?
    • We should recommend people share their magic arena online usernames with each other
    • You can technically play magic over video chat????
      • It's awful though. Let's not put energy into it


  • Monday Mordheim
    • Cancelled
  • This is going to be one of the hardest things to port to online
    • Kyle brings up a platform named Vassal which provides free wargames with some limitations

Kyle: Investigate and set up Vassal

Fresher Campaigns

  • There has been discussion between Alice, Alistair, Taylor re: porting our fresher campaigns to online
  • We need to take into account the fact that every schedule and availability submitted is not applicable to online
  • Plus we will need to ask further questions for both players and GMs regarding interest and capability to play the game online
  • Taylor: Regardless of whether you play an online fresher campaign, everyone in this cohort should be eligible for the next applicable round of fresher campaigns. This is with the goal of making sure this cohort of freshers does not miss out.
  • That might make future frallocations difficult due to a large volume of applicants
  • An asterisk: people who played in an online fresher campaign should be given lower priority if they later apply for a flesh fresher campaign
  • We will need to communicate strongly with GMs as their preferences/interest/capabilities will be very different for online.
  • We will need to update the signup form, adding questions like:
    • Would you be comfortable with a campign using video/voice/text chat?
    • Do you have decent internet?
  • We may need to include an opt-in case when a GM is keen to play a game that requires a paid online platform
  • Fresher Allocations are going to need to start from scratch
    • Step 1: Signing up GMs, setting up a google form with all the new extra questions
    • Autumn is recruited as helping run new frallocations
    • Step 2: Signing up fresher
    • Step 3: Doing the allocations
    • Step 4: Ongoing management and making sure everyone is happy. Latecomers and survivors of cancelled games need to get put in games

Autumn, Alice, Taylor: Get started on setting up ONline Fresher Campaign GM recruitment


  • Artemis
    • Is this a LARP?
    • We liked it, we'd do it again with UCC
    • Discussion of how we could set this up to play remotely
  • Shattered World
    • Cancelled
  • Go play skyrim


Halloween 2019:

  • Still trying to figure out the money

Jackie, Taylor: Do not give halloween a moment of mercy


  • The main prosh event has been cancelled
  • It has been replaced with an online donation drive
  • The newspaper will be available online
  • 23rd - 27th of March

Ash: Post in the event on the 23rd to let people know they can donate

Charity Vigil [11/4, Sat W6]:

  • Cam and Corin are the unisfa reps
  • We should not be doing a physical event. Even just the physical cash vector is terrifying.
  • Kyle and Autumn were unigames' reps for this event
  • Online movie watch-togethers are an option for online
  • Donations would be complicated
  • We should keep reps to be responsible for the replacement event
  • If it's online we should strongly consider making it a multi-day event - charity week?
  • Last year we worked with the guild food pantry as our charity - we should contact them to ask what their plans for assisting students who can't access the food pantry are
  • There are a lot of disasters occurring. We need to research charities that can provide support, in particular to western australia
  • Can we focus on charities that support people who are experiencing homelessness and poverty
  • With all of this in mind, we can reach out to the other cameron hall clubs to discuss their interest in a charity event, since everyone's schedules have all been thrown out of wack

Autumn, Kyle: Do research into charities, reach out to unisfa reps

Alistair: Ask presidents if they are interested in this event

[REDACTED] [19/6 - 22/6]:

  • We have a $1000 deposit on camp. We cannot get it refunded, although Manjedal have offered to allow us to shift it to a later date.
  • This year's camp occurring in person at Manjedal is cancelled and we should reschedule to 2021.
    • Voted unanimously in favour: 9-0-0
  • The 2021 winter holiday dates state that we would be booking for 18/6/21 - 21/6/21.
  • Of course our winter timeslot is based on the regular timing of other club camps. Could we have a conversation with the other clubs to discuss a new system.
  • We could consider 16/7/21 - 19/7/21.
  • We have until 30/4/20 to reschedule

Alistair: Email manjedal to reschedule camp booking, check with presidents chat

  • For 2020, we need to consider if we could run any usual camp events in an online format
  • 2020 is Ghost camp, 2021 is H camp
    • Voted unanimously in favour: 9-0-0

Escape Room:

  • The escape room is staying open and have a policy of sanitising the room between every single session
  • The way we usually approach these events is not great with the current sitch
  • Right now it is irresponsible to hold this event.
  • We can potentially revisit the idea in some time if we are all getting cabin fever and the situation is stabilising

  • Taylor is vibin

    • "I don't know what jackie is doing to my computer"


  • That is something we should run
  • Alistair gives committee a rundown of how the game works
    • It's run over email, you send your moves to the Gm, and the Gm weekly sends out updates on who won which fight
    • It historically has been on the scale of 20 players
  • it was barely in-person when we ran it in-person so it could function online great
  • Interest level may be higher than previously due to everyone being at home
  • We can split it into multiple games (perhaps split thematically, or identical)
  • We would be getting in contact with past GMs to see if they want to GM or train a new GM. Suspicious characters: Jake Neilson, Jack Kay, Cam(?), Winslade (has run primarchs)

Josh: Be an Empired organiser. Ask GMs if they're interested.

  • The SCP has breached containment

Pandemic Management:

  • We have imposed a 10-person max capacity on the room
  • We have postponed/cancelled all in-person events until further notice.
  • The university has "asked the events should be limited to the UWA community", and no "outsiders" should be present.
  • The question of: should we close the clubroom?
    • The clubroom does provide a pleasant space to people who are on campus by necessity
    • The library is also a very nice thing to keep available
    • Gatekeepers are at significant risk if they are handling money
      • Could we provide lots of hand san or allow gatekeepers to refuse money
    • We can require that everyone wash their hands upstairs before entering the clubroom
  • If we want to keep the library open, that raises two issues
    • If someone goes into quarantine, we may lose our library item
    • The virus can survive for several days on different inanimate objects
  • We REALLY need to be swift in making a decision, and that decision only need be temporary
  • Decision to close long-term borrowing until further notice. This will be reviewed at a future committee meeting. All members with items currently long-term borrowed are asked to return the ASAP. We will be udnerstanding to people who cannot return because quarantine.
  • All dice have been quarantined into the cupboard. (Except single a d6, as a treat)

Emerald: Contact everyone currently borrowing a game and ask them to bring them back.

Autumn: Make a post in facebook/discord announcing the handwashing rule / dice quarantine / library closure

Jackie: Write a pandemic note on the door (cthulu says wosh your hands)

Room Update:

  • No update


  • Done
    • alice mtg booster packs $320.00
    • alice food run $359.60 PENDING
  • Pending

    • still waiting for oday ice receipt @ emerald
    • need the chessex receipt/invoice (itemised) @ kyle
  • So apparently guild isn't taking cash deposits RN

    • An option is to give the cash to someone and get them to bank transfer
    • Alternatively, we just hold onto our cash and won't struggle if we need cash
    • We've got it under control


  • SOC Update:
    • SOC Meetings have been cancelled
    • SOC is trying to arrange a suitable alternative to the in-person meetings
    • They have also said clubs will not incur penalties for failing to show up. That's not going to be us
    • Guild insurance does not cover event cancellation. We have been instructed to reach out to SOC if we are in need of financial support.
      • This is not likely to apply to us soon unless a lot of complications occur
  • General Tenancy Update:
    • There still has not been an update about when the tenancy consultation meeting + busy bee will be rescheduled to
    • Seems unlikely that they will hold an in-person meeting, so hopefully they'll get us on a call
  • Room Reallocations:

    • Last week we (along with unisfa) had just had a meeting with the SOC executive about our room reallocations
    • We have today received the minutes from that meeting, in which we have identified various errors
    • During the meeting, the SOC executive notified Alistair and Taylor were notified as to which room we have been allocated. The room number that was minuted was different to the room number spoken during the meeting.
    • Taylor and Alistair compiled a list of mistakes/corrections in those minutes. They'll type those up w/ unisfa and send them on to SOC
    • The same set of people had a meeting with the guild president, Bre, yesterday.
    • Following that meeting, Katherine has sent an email on behalf of unisfa and unigames to the chair of governance with a series of questions clarifying the policy. The response from the chair was that they will be doing the interpretations on Wednesday next week.
    • They have decided to not move the appeals deadline so it is still this week. This means we have to submit our appeals before we get any answers.
  • Committee avoids face touching

General Business:


  • Done - just a reimbursement needs to be done

Committee Poster:

All: Add your photo to the drive folder that Autumn is linking on facebook

Meeting closed: 8:13pm


This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Bring in secret hitler card sleeves

Bring in secret hitler card sleeves (along with )

Ask presidents if they are interested in this event

Email manjedal to reschedule camp booking, check with presidents chat


Get started on setting up ONline Fresher Campaign GM recruitment (along with Autumn, Alice)

Do not give halloween a moment of mercy (along with Jackie)


Send an email about our oday stall explaining that the previous person is no longer a student

Keep working on oday grants!!

Do not give halloween a moment of mercy (along with Taylor)

Write a pandemic note on the door (cthulu says wosh your hands)


Run a dominion night

Get started on setting up ONline Fresher Campaign GM recruitment (along with Taylor, Alice)

Do research into charities, reach out to unisfa reps (along with Kyle)

Make a post in facebook/discord announcing the handwashing rule / dice quarantine / library closure


Make us a roll20 account and investigate whether we could run club events

Contact everyone currently borrowing a game and ask them to bring them back.


Get started on setting up ONline Fresher Campaign GM recruitment (along with Taylor, Autumn)


Request an itemised invoice from Chessex

Investigate and set up Vassal

Do research into charities, reach out to unisfa reps (along with Autumn)


Set up a Microscope online RPG night to run next week

Be an Empired organiser. Ask GMs if they're interested.


Post in the event on the 23rd to let people know they can donate


(All) Add your photo to the drive folder that Autumn is linking on facebook