Unigames Committee Meeting #30 - 25/09/2023

by Joshua Annison 25/09/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #30 - 25/09/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • David
  • Josh
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • Emerald
  • Hannah
  • Gibbi
  • James


  • Oscar
  • Connor


Meeting scheduled: 4:00PM

Meeting open: 4:18PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • i forgot to mention in my report last week for everyone to vote in guild elections but it's too late. do it next year
  • made a past unigames presidents group chat
  • i did a bunch of decoration planning sort of
  • i love gwen (donated $100 to me for relay)
  • i made the busiest digital poster for Chaosium Con ever
  • submitted best club award

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • I went to SNOM
  • That's basically it

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • SNOM happened (refer to Gibbi probably 👨‍🍳)
  • Ball hype 🏀
  • Account Balance: $6192.24

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Idk what it is about this time of the year but its killing committee
  • Curse of Ra killing my events
  • Very eepy
  • I have had a lot of fun making the ball playlist

Librarian's Report (David):

  • Did more old board game repair
  • Monarch systems linked to Pilot
  • Days since last library-related incident: 4

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • lil critter boardgames happened!!! i had to leave early but from what i saw attendance of 9
  • 91 days til christmasssss (:thumbsdown:)
  • taylor swift-core

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:

    • "aaaaaaa..." - Chris
  • Hannah:

    • I’m alive again though my sleep schedule might disagree
    • otherwise I’ve been doing my uni work and not much else
    • Helped with ball scheduling
  • James:

    • "I'm fine. Built different."
    • Warhammer 40k event happened
    • I ran critter board games for a short while
    • "I was there at the scheduling"
    • Had a couple of members ask if we are going to do social deduction boardgames again
  • Oscar:

    • Jackies oscar impression report
        • stands up to mimic oscar height *
      • Im in boddington
      • I am a silly little german boy
        • Jackie clutches at aging back *

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==13/30 (43.33% WR)== Meeting
    • Checked on 40th EMP

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Times and Systems from GM's for Official Chaosium Event - Done

  • Merch it up for 40th Anniversary - In Progress

  • (with David) Organise photo albums - Not Done

  • Contact Peter Brian Williams - Attempted

  • Email Uniclub about dinner times - Done

  • Best club application - Done

  • (with Chris) Investigate Kallax - Not Done

  • Email Kelvin about Aircon (again again) - Done


  • Write up painting guide - Not done


  • Board game O'DAY feedback handover - In Progress

  • Continue to organise Pride Crossover - In Progress

  • Message Geoff about Donation - In Progress

  • Organise 40th Playlist - In Progress


  • (with Jackie) Organise photo albums - Not Done


  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - Not Done


  • Add feedback to Roleplay for Life Handover - In Pogress

  • (with Jackie) Investigate Kallax - Not Done

  • Research whiteboards - Not Done


  • Advertising for UCC x Unigames TTS event - Done


  • Decorations organisation for 40th - Jackie has, would like second opinions (multiple)

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Little Critter Boardgames - Tuesday 19th of September @ 4:30
  • Attendance of 9~
  • Really fun
  • 5 different games played
  • We learned Takenoko and Wingspan which is very fun
Pride Crossover Event - ? of October @ 4:30PM
  • Cannot do Thursday
  • Earlier than that
  • Asking for Tuesday 4:30
  • Will do advertising (Gosh and Gen) after date confirmed
Classic Unigames Boardgames (Week of 16th of October (Not Friday))
  • David with Oscar
  • Games
    • GoGoT
    • Call to Adventure
    • Dominion
    • Secret Hitler
    • Codenames
    • Carcassonne
    • Tsuro
    • Betrayal At The House At The Baldur's Gate

David: Nut out Classic Unigames Boardgames EMP and Advertising

Chris' Worldbuilding Games (Week ?)
  • Will be shmooved back later in the year (we will still do it promise)


Official Chaosium Event W/ Jack Kay - October 14th-15th
  • Jackie has done graphic design of all time
  • scheduling and times done
  • session booking google form done
  • Jackie bought a google forms extension.
  • GM's:Alistair, Merlin, Gen, Jack

    Jackie: Official Chaosium Event Advertising

L5R RPG - ???
  • GM's: Cam, Harlowe
  • 1.25 of my GM's have succumbed to the disease (maybe)
  • Might push back to study week, who knows really
  • If not, after exams


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quick play guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so
  • Probably done by end of sem
Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Will pick up Brother War Booster
  • We are still a way away from Ixalan
Commander Precon League Feedback
  • Haven't got anything back
SNOM - 24th of September
  • Attendance of 8
New Capenna Draft
  • In Holidays after exams, but just letting y'all know

Pokemon TCG

  • Nupdates


Painting Day - Thursday 21st of September - 1PM
  • It's Happened
  • People seemed to enjoy it
  • Jack was late
  • Smaller the usual
  • We still have dragons left over if people want to take them home/paint them
Warhammer 10e 1k Tourney with Matt - Wednesday 20th of September 8:30am - 4:30am
  • Matt summary
    • Cons:
      • A bigger room would be nicer but for 8 people what we had worked (and is better than putting people in different rooms)
      • The trestle table booking being weird and resorting to UCC worked out but led to small delay and not completely optimal
      • Tickets covered far less than what I anticipated and basically everyone seemed in agreement that with the quality of the event a slight increase is justified enough
      • Timing was a bit of a fun one towards the end but nothing drastic?
    • Pros:
      • Everyone had a great time
      • Terrain and boards and all the provided things were great and reusable (and can be improved upon)
      • Honestly I don't know what else to say it was honestly just really good like what I said earlier are the only bad things the good parts was literally everything else
      • I had some engraved medals for top three which were incredibly well received (not that expensive at all in case you're thinking that's why I said it's expensive)
      • I'll just edit if I think of anything else but that's vaguely how it went I have photos of most of the day except at the end which is arguably most important lmao
  • Event feedback form here
    • There is a section for people who could not attend as well, so fill it out if you wanted to go but couldn't!
  • Matt has also suggested that we could do another one combined with Curtin Tabletop Gaming Club
    • Feedback: Cool idea, maybe have another one here first just to see how many people are actually interested in it before expanding out.
    • Booking the ezone rooms we want is hard because resource booker is not working very well atm
    • Will be easier to run after exams
Geoff Drakhari Mini Donation
  • Awaiting reply from Geoff

    Josh: Message Geoff about Donation

Fresher Campaigns

  • :thumbsup:

Dice bag workshop with UWASCA - Friday 8th September 4PM-8PM

  • Will send some money to UWASCA (then we are done)

Once Upon a Quiz Night - 7pm Friday 15th of September from 6:30

  • Waiting on final meeting for feedback and financial statement

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • First aid has been organised
  • Nupdates

40th Anniversary - 20th of October

  • Delegations
    • Decorations: Everyone
      • Jackie wants some second opinions on decorations
      • Will get this after meeting
    • Playlist request post: Josh
      • In Pogress
    • Scheduling: Jackie and Hannah
      • Once we find out about food and who is doing speeches we can finalise a schedule
    • Jackie emails uniclub asking about when dinner would be served
      • Will get a response tomorrow
    • Photo Album: Jackie and David
      • Will do late night tonight on discord as god intended
  • Jackie needs to contact Peter Brian Williams (trying email this time)
  • Gen will request fresher GM's to shill ball
  • Current Tickets Sold: 26
  • Click here for tickets
  • Vikrum's tickets have been claimed

Jackie: Merch it up for 40th Anniversary

Everyone: Decorations organisation for 40th

Josh: Organise 40th Playlist

Jackie, David: Organise photo albums

Jackie: Contact Peter Brian Williams

Gen: Message fresher GM's

UCC x Unigames TTS Event - 27th of September @ 5PM

  • Advertising is up
  • its happening
  • Unigames discord server, be there or be square
  • We won't be playing Morbius Official Morbgame

Unigames goes to Panto - Friday the 29th of September @ 7:30PM

  • Buy tickets at here
  • Promo code AUSTEN20 for 20% off!
  • Thats this Friday!
  • Meet Jackie in the clubroom an hour or so before and we can go over together

Relay for Life - 7th-8th of October

  • Sign-Up Here!
  • Will put up reminder post FR fr this time
  • yeah

    Josh: Post FAQ on RfL

Far Future Events

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $5.60 to Oscar for Printing
    • $220 to Gibbi for Booster Boxes
    • $482.25 to Connor for Foodrun
    • $480 to Jackie for WOE release
    • $937.90 to Jackie for Roleplay for Life donation
    • $53.59 to Jackie for dicebag sample
    • $91.17 to David for Dicebag Workshop Supplies
    • $70 to Texas for Instax Hire



  • Reallocation applications will be out mid to late September


SPG Semester 2
  • Final Results:
    • $177
  • Received this week sometime probably
Club Awards
  • Jackie sent in best club app
  • Somebody may have sent in one for the president (who knows really)
SOCPAC Meeting @ 6PM
  • Josh and Jen and James and maybe Jibbi
  • It's tomorrow
  • Yep

General Business:


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

New Kallax
  • Nupdates

    Jackie, Chris: Investigate Kallax

New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates
Aircon Cleaning
  • Kelvin has been emailed again

    Jackie: Email Kelvin about Aircon (again again)

Floor Tiles
  • Floor tiles coming off again

    Gen: Fix the floor tiles


Book Buy 2: Electric Boogaloo
  • Will push back to after exams
Library Note Whiteboard
  • Nupdates

    Chris: Research whiteboards

David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • Nupdates

    Gibbi: Write up painting guide

BotC Noise
  • Nupdates

    Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Library System
  • Nupdates

Food runs

  • Better go catch it then
  • :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
  • Will need to do relay run next week (maybe one before that if someone has time)
  • Budget of $50 next week for relay run


  • David would like to add a "days since last library incident" counter like we had on the old website
    • Ported functionality over from old website

      David: Message webkeepers about "days since last library incident" counter

Committee Business

  • Mani wants to donate paintball tickets to us to use as prizes
    • "40x Next Level Paintball, tickets expire this time next year"
      • 2 lots of 20
    • Thoughts: This isn't in our realm however it is also just extra prizes which is also cool.
    • Jackie Specifically wants you to know: Unigames is striving to be about the promotion of tabletop gaming things. that doesn't mean we can't not do things that aren't strictly traditional gaming.

Meeting closed: 5:22 PM