Unigames Committee Meeting #31 - 02/10/2023

by Joshua Annison 02/10/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #31 - 02/10/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Connor
  • Josh
  • David
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • Hannah
  • James
  • Oscar
  • Emerald



Meeting scheduled: 5:30PM

Meeting open: 5:51PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • omg mister predator from panto's pride and predator hiiiii 😳😳😳😳😳😳
    • (jackie watched the panto twice)
  • i did not get to doing the carpet tiles i'm sorry
  • uhm. i've been doing things. probably. maybe.
    • yeag
  • chaosium con looks like it's going good though
  • i fear my energy for relay may be lower than usual

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • I went to SNOM
  • That's basically it

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • Special consideration actually slayed
  • I’ll update y’all in May next year about the Bucks vs Celtics ECF
  • Account Balance: $6936.21
    • Will look ~$3k higher in a day or so

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • I didd so much stuff this week and i have forgotten most of it
  • Relay FAQ's post is up and i have a part 2 that I will put up after this meeting.
  • Didn't go to panto
  • did go to 45th (pretty pog)

Librarian's Report (David):

  • i have less teeth now
  • auuugh
  • did emp and ball things
  • days since last library related incident: 6

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • attended joint camp meeting (its getting excitinggggggg)
  • went to unisfa dinner! good fun
  • also went to pride and predator (austen my beloved <<3333) (but on Thursday lol)
  • Gen melbourne arc coming up
  • 84 days until christmas!!!!!

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:

    • " Ocarina Amongus Noises " - Chris
    • Ocarina has been starboarded by Jackie
  • Hannah:

    • barely alive rn I’ll be real
    • love having two essays and an exam in the same week
    • hope everyone is scraping by in these trying times of the sem
    • Annoyed Pride Officer into responding to Josh
  • James:

    • Ran UCC x Unigames "TTS" aka UCC x Unigames Jackbox
    • Doing group work with my groups aka doing group work by myself
  • Oscar:

    • post larp depression is rough
    • mr predator, rip out my spine
    • submitted my assignment with 2 minutes spare lets go
    • lectures? What are those?

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==13/31 (41.94% WR)== Meeting
    • Will submit EMP tonight or Jackie will kick her ass

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Official Chaosium Event Advertising - Done

  • Merch it up for 40th Anniversary - In Pogress

  • (with David) Organise photo albums - Done

  • Contact Peter Brian Williams - Uncontactable

  • (with Chris) Investigate Kallax - Not Done

  • Email Kelvin about Aircon (again again) - Done


  • Write up painting guide - Not Done


  • Message Geoff about Donation - Done

  • Organise 40th Playlist - In (Constant) Pogress

  • Post FAQ on RfL - Done


  • Nut out Classic Unigames Boardgames EMP and Advertising - Nutted (except Advertising)

  • (with Jackie) Organise photo albums - Done

  • Message webkeepers about "days since last library incident" counter - Not Done


  • Message fresher GM's about ball- Done

  • Fix the floor tiles - Not Done

  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - Not Done


  • (with Jackie) Investigate Kallax - Not Done

  • Research whiteboards - Not Done


  • Decorations organisation for 40th - Jackie did a bunch

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Pride Crossover Event - 3rd of October @ 4:30PM
  • Event speedrun!
  • Thanks Hannah for the black mail
  • Short list of games:
    • Fog Of Love
    • Love letter
    • Here to Slay
    • Betrayal: Baldurs Gayte
    • "There are pretty girls in coup rebellion"
Classic Unigames Boardgames - Tuesday 17th @ 4:30
  • David and Oscar
  • Games
    • GoGoT
    • Call to Adventure
    • Dominion
    • Secret Hitler
    • Codenames
    • Carcassone
    • Tsuro
    • Betrayal At The House At The Baldur's Gate

David: Nut out Classic Unigames Boardgames Advertising

Chris' Worldbuilding Games (Week ?)
  • Will be shmooved back later in the year (we will still do it promise)


Official Chaosium Event W/ Jack Kay - October 14th-15th
  • Everything is up
  • Angus thought the advertising was cool (proving that it is up)
  • We have 4 one-shots with spots left
  • GM's: Alistair, Merlin, Gen, Jack
  • Sign up for a table here!
L5R RPG - ???
  • That's for later in the year oTL


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quick play guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so
  • Probably done by end of sem
Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Will pick up Brother War Booster
  • Half way through our MOM box
  • We have an extra couple packs of prizing still from WOE prerelease
    • Woopsie, we do a little stealing

Jackie: Return WOE Prerelease that we stole

Commander Precon League Feedback
  • Haven't got anything back yet
New Capenna Draft - After Exams
  • In holidays after exams, but just letting y'all know

Pokemon TCG

Late November SAP - ???
  • The people are asking when the next pokemon event will be
  • People be playing pokemon in the clubroom which is exciting

    Chris: Organise Late November SAP


Warhammer 10e 1k Tourney with Matt - Wednesday 20th of September 8:30am - 4:30am
  • Event feedback form [here]

Jackie: Send committee feedback to Matt

Geoff Drakhari Mini Donation
  • Geoff says:
    • they were donated to me and I feel bad about just letting them sit in my cupboard so I am interested in making sure they're used
    • I'm fine with not all of them being donated as I can use the remainder for kitbashing and the like
  • Will organise to get Geoff in w/ the items, and we will pick the goodies that we want.
  • May take a while

Josh: Organise Geoff Donation Meet Up

Fresher Campaigns

  • :thumbsup:

Dice bag workshop with UWASCA - Friday 8th September 4PM-8PM

  • UWASCA should have their money now
  • Feedback form coming soonish

Once Upon a Quiz Night - 7pm Friday 15th of September from 6:30

  • Sorting out shenanigans

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • First aid has been organised
  • Budget approved, time to observe
  • Motion to Approve Joint [Redacted] Budget
    • Approved
  • EMP Approval meeting is this Wednesday
  • Aiming to get tickets out by the end of this week

40th Anniversary - 20th of October

  • Jackie has a long list of things
  • Delegations
    • Decorations: Everyone
      • Jackie did a sick as mock-up
      • Jackie pronounces Wangara "Wongaaraa"
      • Decorations look very pretty
      • Stuff sourced from a variety of places
      • Oscar and Shmoney to deal with collecting leaves on account of their stature
    • Playlist request post: Josh
      • Will be in pogress pretty much until the day
      • Smooth Jazz will play for the first half of the night
    • Scheduling: Jackie and Hannah
      • Schedule finalised
      • We got a good line up of past presidents and residents
    • Photo Album: Jackie and David
      • Has been compiled
      • People have been told to reach out if they have any additions
      • Jackie to send to old Presidents chat
  • Contact some Swan Conners and Nick Bannon
  • Peter Brian Williams Seemingly Uncontactable
  • Current Tickets Sold: 36
  • Click here for tickets
  • Couple of old people willing to sponsor tickets, please reach out if you would still like a sponsored ticket: Contact Jackie or Chris about these!
  • Set up in person tickets
  • New Tasks:
    • Props for photo booth
      • Maybe Clarice and Connor
    • Table Numbers
      • Oscar is willing to do this probably
    • Sign for Boardgames/Instax Table
      • Gen
  • Bring in some card decks for boardgames
    • Josh
  • Picking stuff up:
    • David will probably be alive by then
    • Josh
  • Set up on the night
    • Connor
    • Chris can probably help
    • Hannah
    • James
  • Instax:
    • Picked up by Texas
    • Will need to reimburse Alaura for buying our instax for us at a MASSIVE discount
      • Thanks Alaura
  • Tables:
    • Tables are MAX 10 people
    • We'll do maximum 7 for our seating to spread people out
    • People requesting tables can request less than 7 and we will do our best
    • Will need a form for this
    • Gibbi will do this

Gibbi: Google form for tables for 40th

Jackie: Merch it up for 40th Anniversary

Everyone: Decorations organisation for 40th

Josh: Organise 40th Playlist

Chris: Ball bump w/ new sponsored ticket opportunities

Jackie: Respond to Melissa

Jackie: Send photo album to old presidents for them to add even older photos

Jackie: Tell gatekeepers about ball tickets + the general public

UCC x Unigames TTS Event - 27th of September @ 5PM

  • "TTS"
  • Attendance was good but for different reasons
    • People joined
    • People who actually came for TTS - 2 including James
    • James then started play jackbox
    • Then they played jackbox
  • It's that time of year huh

Unigames goes to Panto - Friday the 29th of September @ 7:30PM

  • Panto was fun
  • Jackie liked it so much that she went twice
  • Jackie is free Tuesday and Wednesdays and Thursday from 5PM @MrPredator

Relay for Life - 7th-8th of October

  • That's this weekend!
  • Sign-Up Here!
  • Hell yeah! Please come!
  • We will be playing games throughout the event
  • We are no longer first ;-;
  • Will put up a post about checklist items to bring after this meeting

Far Future Events

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
    • $5.60 to Oscar for Printing
    • $220 to Gibbi for Booster Boxes
    • $482.25 to Connor for Foodrun
    • $480 to Jackie for WOE release
    • $937.90 to Jackie for Roleplay for Life donation
    • $53.59 to Jackie for dicebag sample
    • $91.17 to David for Dicebag Workshop Supplies
    • $70 to Texas for Instax Hire
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $87.16 to Alaura for Instax film



  • Reallocation Form is out
  • Jackie will do it in a month


SPG Semester 2
  • Final Results:
    • $177
  • We got it :))
Club Awards
  • Nupdates (Unless you are Jackie)
    • She can't tell us ;-;
SOCPAC Meeting
  • Josh's Minutes
    • SPGs done
    • Semester 2 grants due 11:59 10th of November
    • Complete treasurer training please
      • Doesn't apply to OUR great Treasurer
    • Tenancy applications are now open!
      • Jackie will deal with this later
    • Accessible Clubs Guide
      • Consider mobility
      • allow for breaks- meds, movement, don't info dump on people
      • involve people with disabilities in the planning process
      • Promotional Material
        • Is your text readable?
        • Is key info easy to identify?
        • Is accessibility clear on marketing?
        • Provide contact details for questions
      • During Events
        • Is the venue well lit?
        • Are facilities clearly signed?
        • Have evacuation protocols considered people with disabilities
        • Are there clear walkways?
  • Guild Wellbeing Department
    • Offering safe sex materials free for events
    • Does not apply to us
    • Please don't shebang at our events
  • Congrats to UWAlternative on affiliation!
  • Congrats to UWA Slavic Society on (re)affiliation!
  • Congrats to UWAnime on PAC Affiliation!

General Business:


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

New Kallax
  • Nupdates
New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates
Aircon Cleaning
  • Kelvin has been emailed again again
Floor Tiles
  • Nupdates

    Gen: Fix the floor tiles


Book Buy 2: Electric Boogaloo
  • Will push back to after exams
  • Will put a post up in a week or two
Library Note Whiteboard
  • Nupdates
David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • Nupdates

Gibbi: Write up painting guide

BotC Noise
  • Nupdates

    Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Cards Against Humanity again!
  • We were too late to get it free and prerelease, however we can get a free version as the game comes out!
  • Game is called "Headtrip"
  • Free game is very cool! Also looks genuinely interesting
  • Made by same people so may be a lil' crass but at the same time it sounds a lot more genuinely interesting
  • David is cautiously optimistic

    Jackie: Will respond to CAH

Mini-Painting Gas Masks and Gloves
  • For Spray painting
  • Can get from Bunnings
  • Motion to buy 2x masks and 2x pairs of gloves for painting
    • Passed
  • Will message Amelia about specifically what kind of gloves we want to use

Josh: Message Amelia about gas masks and gloves

Library System
  • Nupdates

Food runs

  • We need one AND a relay run
  • Relay Run: Done the morning of Relay
    • Budget of $50 next week for relay run
  • Connor begrudgingly accepts to do a food run Wednesday probably
    • and Gibbi???


  • David would like to add a "days since last library incident" counter like we had on the old website
    • Ported functionality over from old website
    • Will actually message webkeepers about this
      • Donald has already said yes in person though

Committee Business

  • "Shill Big Ball"

Meeting closed: 7:16 PM