Unigames Committee Meeting #33 - 16/10/2023

by Joshua Annison 16/10/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #33 - 16/10/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Connor
  • Josh
  • David
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • Hannah
  • James
  • Oscar
  • Emerald



Meeting scheduled: 5:30PM

Meeting open: 5:49PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • so busy that i forgot to write a report until 3 minutes IM SO FUCKING SORRY
  • happy wedding day to dan and phil (its not a wedding it was a funeral)
    • thanks hannah for thinking it was a wedding
  • god has cursed me for my hubris and my work is never done
  • ramping up for ball, getting excited
  • chaosium con went v good!!
  • cerby camp real, very soon

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • The only report i know is lab report

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

    • So, this is how you cast fire bolt!
  • Made some things for ball stuff
  • Did CPR refresher (and morbed 💀)
  • Account Balance: $5737.60

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Curse of Ra continues to haunt the things I organise I swear to god
  • First Aid finally over and done with
  • Im sure there are other things I've done

Librarian's Report (David):

  • "No, THIS is how you cast fire bolt!"
  • first aided
  • moved botc off high priority
  • book buyin time, post your suggestions NOW!!!
  • yeah i like balls
  • Days since last library related incident: 3😔
    • If you're returning board games, and any pieces are damaged, do let me know! It helps keep the library well-maintained for the whole memberbase : )

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • ball ball ball abll ball ballb all ball ball
  • assignments <!--3
  • chaosium was so much fun!!
  • 70 days til Christmas

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:

    • Quiz Night Subcom Done!
    • "No, THAT's how you cast fire bolt."
    • Mandatory "Auuuuggghhhh"
  • Hannah:

    • Thought Dan and Phil got married just before the meeting started
      • In my defence I am tired
    • Called for help to kill midnight roof spider
      • Thanks to Jackie and james for Conking it up
    • Assignments hehehehe....
  • James:

  • Oscar:

    • uniaccess obtained
    • can you believe it guys? ball!!! just four days away. Ball is in four days!
    • quiz night has been deleted

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==14/33 (42.42% WR)== Meeting
    • Happy Ball Week
    • these 16 hour days are really paying off
    • Ive even got disctintions (lots)
    • the end is in sight.
    • I'll see you all on Friday or if not then very late at night at a library :crying_cat_face:
    • [is currently applying for special consideration for missed meetings due to overwhelming academic commitments]
      • Jackie invokes presidential right to "nuh-uh"

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Send committee feedback to Matt - Done

  • Merch it up for 40th Anniversary - In Pogress


  • Write up painting guide - Not Done


  • Pay tavern invoice for quiz night - Done

  • (With Connor) Props for ball photo booth - Pretty much done


  • Organise 40th Playlist - In Pogress (for the last time)


  • Book Boy 2 post next week - Done

  • Remove BotC from high priority list - Done

  • Tell Donald (online not IRL) about the library incident counter - Done


  • Sign for boardgames/instax table at ball - Done

  • Fix the floor tiles - Not Done

  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - Not Done


  • Organise Late November SAP - Not Done


  • Table numbers for Ball - In Progress


  • (With Connor) Props for ball photo booth - Basically Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Classic Unigames Boardgames - Tuesday 17th @ 4:30
  • It is tomorrow 4:30
  • Come Play SPECIFICALLY Classic Games Tumbling Towers
  • Come and play games such as:
    • GoGoT
    • Call to Adventure
    • Dominion
    • Secret Hitler
    • Codenames
    • Carcassonne
    • Tsuro
    • Betrayal At The House At The Baldur's Gate
    • Bamboleo/Hamsterolle
Chris' Worldbuilding Games (Week ?)
  • After holidays
    • After Joint [Redacted]
      • Mid-December


Official Chaosium Event W/ Jack Kay - October 14th-15th
  • That happened!
  • 5 Sessions ran
  • 24 Attendees over the weekend (with repeat gamers)
  • Very Successful
  • Didn't seem to have much draw outside of Unigames
  • Maybe next time early sem 2 if we do again
  • Everyone had lots of fun
  • People learned stuff about new systems
L5R RPG - ???
  • Late Novemberish

-->Josh: Contact GM's (again) for L5R (again)


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quickplay guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so
  • Probably done by end of sem
  • Doctor Who Commander comes out this week
  • Ixalan after exams
Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • BRO picked up, but Gibbi is not in so not here (yet)
    • Boomer James wants to gamble soooo bad
Commander Precon League Feedback
  • Will poke people again
New Capenna Draft - After Exams
  • In holidays after exams, but just letting y'all know

Gibbi: New Capenna Draft EMP

SNOM - After Exams
  • Not a great time to do it before exams so you can suffer


MTG Trivia Night
  • Magic: The Gathering Players ask me: Can we run a MTG Trivia Night
  • Gibbi would organise with maybe Mani running it?
  • Early Next year maybe? Seems to have appeal
  • Seems like a fun idea
  • Work won't start until after exams
Ixalan Prerelease - November 12th
  • Yep its magic time already

Pokemon TCG

Late November SAP - ???
  • Nupdates

    Chris: Organise Late November SAP


End of Semester Warhammer 10e Open w/ Matt
  • 1 Day Warhammer tournament
  • 3 1k point games in a standard bracket system
  • 6 tables of terrain 12 people 3 rounds total
  • November 22nd this year
  • $30 entry fee for terrain
  • Learning studio bookings are funky but we will figure that out
  • is 2 days after joint camp which may be an issue
  • With the amount of interest we may be able to increase the number of attendees

Jackie: Talk with Matt about end of Semester Warhammer 10e Open

Fresher Campaigns

  • They alive

Dice bag workshop with UWASCA - Friday 8th September 4PM-8PM

  • Feedback form here

Once Upon a Quiz Night - 7pm Friday 15th of September from 6:30

  • All the clubs have approved financial statement
  • Just waiting on distribution
  • Subcom needs to write handover
  • Need to deposit physical quiz night money

Cerberus Camp 2023

  • Big Announcement^^^^^
  • New budget to be approved
    • Motion to Approve Joint [REDACTED] budget
      • Passes Unanimously
  • UCC will put up public facebook event
  • Tickets out soon (hopefully)
  • Early bird will close 7th of November 11:59PM
  • Tickets will close at 14th of November 11:59PM

Connor: Post Advertising and Announcements for Cerberus Camp 2023

40th Anniversary - 20th of October

  • Oh fuck thats this Friday
  • Delegations
    • Decorations: Everyone
      • Have been organised
      • Backdrop picked up on Thursday
      • Emerald and Jackie will do this tomorrow morning: chair covers, sashes and runners
        • Connor still picking up hopefully :thumbsup:
      • Pick up is in Wangaaraa
      • Jackie and Emerald visiting guild events for guild decorations
      • We also have Instax and Candles in the monolith
      • UniClub Has a storage room that we can use up to the event
      • Need table runners by Wednesday (Jackie will try her best)
      • Connor and Oscar and Gen can get leaves
      • Back drop picked up on Thursday
    • Playlist: Josh
      • :thumbsup:
    • Scheduling: Jackie and Hannah
      • Schedule finalised
      • Start setting up at 5pm
      • Set uppers include: - James, Hannah, Jackie, Gen, Oscar, David
    • Photo Album: Jackie and David
      • 1PM testing AV
      • Josh's laptop
      • figure out slideshow thing
  • Current Tickets Sold: 79 :poggers:
  • New Tasks:
    • Props for photo booth
      • Clarice and Connor have done these
      • very cool looking
      • Slay
    • Table Numbers
      • Oscar
      • Just need to print
    • Sign for Boardgames/Instax Table
      • Gen
      • Just need to print
  • Bring in some card decks for boardgames
    • Josh
  • Instax:
    • Its allll in
  • Tables:
  • Door:
    • Chris and Gen
    • Link in committee chat on how to check people in
  • Putting little business cards in our merch to thank Jackie for all of her merch drawin'
  • Budget has been set up so that it is biblically accurate
    • Shmooving money around in the budget a bit so that we are allocating funds that were not used into other things

Jackie: Merch it up for 40th Anniversary

Josh: Organise 40th Playlist (for the last time)

Far Future Events

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
    • $87.16 to Alaura for Instax Hire
    • $325.95 to Connor for Food Run
    • $50.00 to Josh for Relay Food Run
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $142.20 to Jackie for Roleplay for Life Milk Run
    • $130 to Jackie for Ball Backdrop
    • $x to Connor for Photobooth Cardstock



  • Reallocation form is due in a month
  • Jackie will do it in a month after the ball


SPG Semester 2
  • Jackie lied (forgor GST)
SOCPAC Meeting - Tuesday 24th of October
  • SOC Committee Elections are at this one!
  • That's this week
  • Maybe Jackie runs for SOC again
  • Josh and maybe Chris and Oscar (100%)

General Business:


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

New Kallax
  • Nupdates
New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates
Floor Tiles
  • Gen was here but she is so small and its week 12 and life is so hard
  • Just a little birthday girl

    Gen: Fix the floor tiles


Book Buy 2: Electric Boogaloo
Library Note Whiteboard
  • Nupdates
David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • Nupdates

Gibbi: Write up painting guide

BotC Noise
  • Nupdates

    Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Head Trip (Hehe)
  • We just waiting for the release now
  • Released at some point
    • We will find out when Jackie gets mail
Mini-Painting Gas Masks and Gloves
  • I have them
  • As well as a receipt
  • They are at home
  • I will bring them in at some point
  • I have other priorities (BALLS)
Library System
  • Please take care of our games

Food runs

  • Honestly it is Week 12
  • Will do one next week probably
  • Buy some watermelon gatorade
    • Did you know if you take the label off you can take it in to exams and no one will know that it isn't water.


  • Donald will add incident counter as part of a larger update

Committee Business

The Loft
  • Connor almost morbed at how disgusting the loft is
  • Jackie can you poke icons about it
  • Have told tenancy (cleaners just aren't coming)

Connor: Loft bin reminder


Meeting closed: 7:01 PM