Unigames Committee Meeting #35 - 21/11/2019

by Donald Sutherland 21/11/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #35 - 21/11/2019


  • Alaura
  • Aoibhinn
  • Taylor
  • Alistair
  • Donald
  • Kyle


  • Elana
  • Colin


  • Emerald

Meeting open: 2:28pm


President's Report:

  • Sat in on UniSFA's committee meeting
  • Handovers still being done
  • Put more thought into speaker solutions

Vice-President's Report:

  • Usual deal
  • Sending emails
  • Now I'm trying to organise subcommittee meetings
  • I did the busy bee
  • Aoibhinn: Print out more gatekeeper forms

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $1024.12
  • I come in on Monday to assess damage of fridge crisis
  • I took up 40mins of the tenancy meeting's time with all of our complaints and feedback
  • Grants should be in - was due yesterday

Secretary's Report:

  • Couple of things:
  • Work has been hell/profitable
  • Minutes haven't been uploaded to the website lately, sorry, will remedy
  • Donald: Put minutes on website

  • I have started a replacement for the ProfComp project - titled Project Phylactery
  • I have also rigged up a temperature sensor for the freezer, which will be deployed once it gets network access from UCC.

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: Nothing is overdue
  • glares at Donald: yet
  • I'm going to UniSFA, and will keep an eye on our games
  • L5R dice arrived as well, so book buy is officially complete

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • Gotta be real, I haven't done much since pokemon came out
  • Yesterday I ~~did~~ tried to put a post up on the group asking for more summer games sign-up
    • Didn't hit send whoops

OCM reports:

Elana: - There was supposed to be a one-shot this week, but nmothing happened - Spectated the tenacy meeting - Went to LARP1001 but it was so warm - Dealt with exploding cans

Past action Items:

Alaura Evans: - Organise advertising for holiday sealed league (along with Donald) - not done - Advertising for wargaming (along with Donald) - not done - Chat with Winslade about future scheduling - not done - Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover - WIP

Aoibhinn O'Shea: - EMP for wargames event/teach Kyle – [Booked Venue but couldn’t do EMP] - Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs – [Have acquired Megagame content/framework files] - Advertise LARP1001 - done - Talk to other clubs about Uncharity reps -done - Call Manjedal to verify that they’ve confirmed our booking – [They confirmed independently but I’ve been messaging them about activities we’re running] - Send email to SOC re. FilAus – [Done, and we got our apology!]

Taylor Home: - Do a full financial breakdown of camp - mostly done - Chase up people who said they would donate - done - Send feedback to Relay for Life - not done - Get a can-opener - not done

Donald Sutherland: - Distribute the sealed league prizes - not done - Organise advertising for holiday sealed league (along with Alaura) - not done - Advertising for wargaming (along with Alaura) - not done - Make an archive guide - not done - Make a post about the guild bathrooms - not done - Make a list of summer jobs - not done - Turn off post approval - not done

Amelia Shepherdson: - Follow up on summer games after exams - done - Chase up GMs to figure out which games are left - not done

Colin Fielding: - Draw up a collab procedure document - not done - Get perspex - not done

Alistair Langton - Follow up on Cthulhu Fluxx splat buyers - done


  • Busy bee happened
  • Absentees are being followed up
  • Only waiting on one response


Usual Suspects:


  • Board games event next week
  • Colin to organise a board games event
  • Donald: Keyforge event?
  • upgraded to card games night
  • Colin, Donald: Organise board/card games event


  • L5thR was supposed to run this week
  • Whoops
  • Elana: Organise a L5thR one-shot for the week of the 2nd December


  • Sealed league prizes are still wayyy overdue
  • Donald: Distribute sealed league prizes

  • Post exams sealed league?
  • Cons: large upfront cost, and the club has next to no money
  • Start date delayed?
  • Conclusiuon: Holiday sealed league will be Theros Beyond Death, starting immediately set releases


  • Wargaming event this weekend
  • A bunch of people have signed up
  • One non-member wants to play, but members have priority
  • We're at the soft cap of 6, hard cap is at 10
  • Prizes have been got

Fresher Campaigns

  • Amelia hasn't really checked up on things lately
  • Amelia: Follow up on summer games after exams

  • Amelia: Chase up GMs to figure out which games are left


  • It's the holidays
  • IF we do anything it'll be with Cameron Hall clubs
  • Collab procedure:
    • Colin: Draw up a collab procedure document


CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Un-Redacted!) [21st-24th June 2019]:

  • Alaura: Chat with Winslade about future scheduling

  • Aoibhinn is contacting Mega-game people to get a framework from them
  • Alaura: Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover


  • Reps: Colin, Emerald + Elana, Aoibhinn
  • Finished the run of events that we said
  • Colin is keen to do a wrap-up meeting
  • Colin will try and organise a meeting with LARPmmittee

OGM [10th September]:

  • Is Kyle on committee yet?
    • No updates, the email is sent to them
    • Donald has re-sent the ammendments to them

Charity Vigil [28th/29th September]:

  • Reps: Colin, Taylor
  • We still don't have a finalised amount of how much is being donated, waiting on UCC
  • Next UCC meeting is Monday, Taylor is gonna try and go
  • Taylor: Go to next UCC committee meeting

  • Taylor: Donate money if not donated by Tuesday

Relay for Life [12th/13th October]:

  • Reps: Taylor + Elana, Emerald
  • Taylor: Send feedback to Relay for Life

  • Taylor: Get a can-opener

Cameron Hall-oween [26th October]:

  • Reps: Aoibhinn, Amelia
  • Wrap-up meeting happening on the 30th

Book Buy Semester 2:

  • We have everything now!

Summer LARP:

  • Reps: Alistair, Elana, Emerald
  • We've been trying to get a meeting happening
  • Exams have not be helpful
  • EMP has not been submitted but has apparently been done
  • UniSFA thinks the event is really behind and is thinking about cancelling
  • Alaura brings up a topic for discussion:
    • Running a LARP event like this is extremely stressful. Would it be more beneficial instead if we plug externally run LARPs (like Shattered World) and form Unigames groups for those people to go with?
    • Emerald: I don't want my committment to Unigames to conflict with the way I want to play Shattered World
    • Taylor: I'm pretty annoyed they UniSFA is thinking about cancelling considering that we were in the same position last year and decided solutions for this year, and they weren't implemented
    • A bunch more discussion happens

Un-Charity Vigil:

  • Reps: Alaura, Aoibhinn, Kyle
  • Aoibhinn is in the process of making group chats
  • Currents club: Unigames, UniSFA, PCS, UWAnime
  • Pending: Panto, UCC, Chess

[REDACTED] 2020:

  • Confirmed date: 19th-22nd of June 2020
  • Real confirmed this time!
  • EMP should start getting preliminarily hammered out
  • Do as much work for the next committee as possible
  • Aoibhinn has gotten a lot of the materials for a Mega-Game thing, that can be tested before camp


  • FilAus Incident:

    • We received an apology!
  • Tenancy cupboard allocations:

    • Updates!
    • Tenancy says: squatter's rights!
  • Elevator:

    • Currently trying to organise next meeting
  • Grants:

    • Due yesterday, allegedly not come through
    • Any day now?
    • Taylor: Grants?

  • SOC:

    • Next SOC meeting: Feb
  • Tenancy:

    • We need to send approval to Guild Finance for $35.20 for the tagging and testing that was done earlier in the year
    • Our microwave needs to be tagged and tested
      • Next tenancy problem
    • Asbestos status: There is no asbestos
    • Cameron Hall locks:
      • Decision made by Guilds Execs and Taco and no one else
      • Conflicting information of "it's been in the works for a while" and "consulting would've made it take too long"
      • Guild payed for it apparently
      • Cameron Hall opening hours: 8AM-6PM
        • At 6pm, the doors are locked, and require any campus card to open the door.
      • Taylor also complained about the unprofessional manner we were told off about the new doors, despite us never being told
    • Lack of meetings:
      • Taco's decision, because "meetings are inconveient"
      • Made worse by the fact that communication was bad
    • Policy
      • Who is a voting member?
      • Keybearer policy
    • Busy bees and inspections:
      • Wednesdays aren't great
      • Shouldn't be scheduled during the study break
      • Lists of areas to clean "were available upon request" - they should have been distributed
    • Loft bins:
      • General waste is too large
      • "Oh my bad, never followed up on the cleaning contract whoops"
    • Work orders:
      • It took us contact guild staff directly about explicit safety concerns to get anything done
    • Reallocation:
      • Regulations changed? nope
    • Katherine brought up recycling:
      • Best to contact the new enviro department

Room Update:

  • Freezer Incident:

    • So during the busy bee, the freezer was unplugged
    • Why? It is a mystery
    • But it was not plugged in again, and this was discovered on Monday
    • This cost us $390.16 in stock, and ~$539 in income
    • Unigames isn't really in the financial position to take this loss, but we don't have a choice really
    • We are currently sitting at post-bookbuy, post-campdeposit, pre-grants, so it's worst time for us to take a hit
    • Fridge fundraiser? $1 per vote, you get to name the freezer
    • Starting today
    • Alaura: Make freezer funraiser post on main facebook group and gatekeepers

    • Taylor: Draw on the windows

  • Speakers (summer job):

    • Alaura's looking at them
  • Bunnings things (summer job):

    • Fridge wedges
      • We need some more to replace the ones lost from the busy bee
    • Noodles
      • We still need to put them up with double-sided tape
    • President's picture
      • Need the same type of magnets for the picture
      • Alternatively just tape it to the filing cabinet.
    • Amelia: Buy window wedges (for fridge/freezer) and double sided tape

    • Alaura: Bring in tiny whiteboard

  • Wargaming shelf (summer job):

    • Colin: Get perspex

  • Storage solutions (summer job)

    • Things with lids
    • Need to move old folders into filing cabinet
    • We have magic "proxies" that we don't know what they are and they need to be sorted and stored appropriately
    • Storage boxes for minis are $21 each and have removable sections
  • Cleaning the clubroom

    • Please clean the clubroom, please
  • We need to put more things on shelves


  • Gozz: $1075.13 for food run
  • Kyle: $31.45 in cash for L5R dice and wargaming tournament prize

General Business:

  • Embroidery:

    • Ongoing
  • New T-Shirts:

    • Postponed until after grants
  • Archives:

    • Donald: Make an archive guide

  • Board games guide:

    • Nothing received yet
  • Food run:

    • Taylor+Colin: Do a small freezer run

  • Campus Toilets:

    • Donald: Make a post about the guild bathrooms

  • Website:

    • Project Phylactery now exists
  • Discord things (summer jobs):

    • Ongoing
  • Handovers:

    • The way we do handovers need to change
    • We currently treat the wrap-up meeting minutes as the "handover"
    • This is a bad idea
    • Make a document for each event, and copy and edit those documents each year
    • Taylor will test these changes with Charity Vigil
  • Committee Meetings during holidays

    • We need a solid time for committee meetings
    • Large whenisgood is being made
    • Aoibhinn: Harass people about whenisgood

  • Post approval

    • Donald: Turn off post approval

  • First Aid Kit:

    • UniSFA want to borrow it
    • That's fine
  • Donald: Make a list of summer jobs

Meeting closed: 5:20PM--

Action Items:


  • Chat with Winslade about future scheduling
  • Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover
  • Make freezer funraiser post on main facebook group and gatekeepers
  • Bring in tiny whiteboard


  • Print out more gatekeeper forms
  • Harass people about whenisgood


  • Go to next UCC committee meeting
  • Donate money if not donated by Tuesday
  • Send feedback to Relay for Life
  • Get a can-opener
  • Grants?
  • Draw on the windows
  • Do a small freezer run (along with Colin)


  • Put minutes on website
  • Organise board/card games event (along with Colin)
  • Distribute sealed league prizes
  • Make an archive guide
  • Make a post about the guild bathrooms
  • Turn off post approval
  • Make a list of summer jobs


  • Follow up on summer games after exams
  • Chase up GMs to figure out which games are left
  • Buy window wedges (for fridge/freezer) and double sided tape


  • Organise a L5thR one-shot for the week of the 2nd December


  • Organise board/card games event (along with Donald)
  • Draw up a collab procedure document
  • Get perspex
  • Do a small freezer run (along with Taylor)