Unigames Committee Meeting #35 - 30/10/2023

by Joshua Annison 30/10/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #35 - 30/10/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Connor
  • Josh
  • David
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • James
  • Oscar
  • Emerald


  • Hannah


Meeting scheduled: 5:30PM

Meeting open: 5:39PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • wrapping up ball stuff
  • been drawing lots of dragons
  • honestly just have been sleeping a lot
  • and then i drove in today and halfway through remembered about the tenancy application
    • oops
  • helped gen with floor tiles
  • also had cerby meeting today
  • yeah :)

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • hyelllo
  • studying for exams
  • writing a bunch of book buy suggestions
  • thats all

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • Uh, hello
  • Paid deposit for Manjedal for 2024 [REDACTED]
  • Attended Cerberus Camp meeting
  • Account Balance: $7573.69

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Most of my week has been studying
  • And that one game of magic that went so late Finn hopped on discord to scold us before work
  • Worlds Update:
    • C9 out of worlds ;-;
    • NRG in of worlds ???
      • Only because FBI is Aussie
    • EU OUT OF WORLDS ???\
      • Trash Region

Librarian's Report (David):

  • yes dad
  • keep posting book buy suggestions so that I (the librarian) can deprive my rival (the treasurer) of his dragon's hoard (unigames funds) for the benefit of all humankind (unigames)

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • floor tiles fixed ()thanks jackie
  • joint camp meeting attended
  • exams? nuhuh!
  • 56 days til Christmas
  • Knows metals such as
    • Lithium
    • ???

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:

    • "aaUugh?" - Chris
    • Also Iron
    • Doesn't rember action items, doesn't think he did it
  • Hannah:

    • hi everyone from probably my desk (which I don’t really leave anymore)
    • these essays are killing me and there’s two due tonight which is lovely
    • anyways hope everyone is doing alright and all the best these next two weeks!!
  • James:

    • Warhammer 40k announced and emp approved
  • Oscar:

    • Five Nights: at Freddies
    • Exams: Pain
    • Remember: To do book buy shit
      • It doesn't just have to be books, but it can be books! (please give us rpgs)

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==14/36 (38.88% WR)== Meeting
    • Ooh if its not too late
    • If you take the label off a bottle off watermelon gatorade it looks like water
      • For the low metablism bb's
    • Eat nutrious foods and sleep
    • Emerald is at the library doing studying probably

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Feedback form for 40th Ball - Done

  • Continue to merch it up - In Pogress


  • Write up painting guide - Not Done


  • Pay manjedal booking deposit - Done

  • Loft bin reminder - Done


  • Contact GM's (again) for L5R (again) - Not Done


  • Add guestbook to the library database - Done


  • Fix the floor tiles - Done

  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - Not Done


  • Organise Late November SAP - Not Done


  • Talk with Matt about Wargaming Open - Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Chris' Worldbuilding Games (Week ?)
  • After holidays
    • After Cerberus Camp
      • Mid-December


L5R RPG - ???
  • Late Novemberish

Josh: Contact GM's (again) for L5R (again)


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quick play guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so
  • Probably done by end of sem
  • Ixalan after exams
Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Halfway through the BRO box
  • Ixalan in 2 weeks
Commander Precon League Feedback
  • I have poked people
New Capenna Draft - 2nd of December
  • In holidays after exams, but just letting y'all know
Ixalan Prerelease - November 12th
  • Yep its magic time already
SNOM - 26th of November
  • Also after exams
MTG Trivia Night
  • Mani was wondering about potential price of entry and prizing
  • Prizing seems meh because we do not know the demand
  • Maybe something small because small tables would be needs for a small event
  • We will do the classic mtg plan: the first one is free
  • Will need an EMP at some point once we get a date
  • Probably will be in the e-zone

Pokemon TCG

Late November SAP - ???
  • Nupdates

    Chris: Organise Late November SAP


End of Semester Warhammer 10e Open w/ Matt - 22nd of November @ 8:30am-4:30pm
  • Announcement up
  • Tickets will go up when Matt asks James very nicely
  • Matt asks if we can make a forum post for it
    • Matt's will is James' Command

James: Talk with Matt about Wargaming Open

Fresher Campaigns

  • Forgor to send out discord checkup
  • Will wait till after exams
  • for all we know they could be dead
  • Lewis' one has finished (very well timed)

Cerberus Camp 2023 - 17th of November - 20th of November

  • Shill big camp
  • About a week left to buy camp tickets
  • Oscar's savings are in shambles
  • Jackie needs someone to sausages
    • accidentally double rostered
  • Gibbi Will take over
  • Need to take library
  • Two cars needed
    • Oscar and David cars
  • Jackie might take extra stuff for camp
  • Gen will take care of one-shots
  • David will put up a boardgame suggestions post
  • David will also run assassins (David has retired from the craft)
    • Also post about what assassins is

David: Boardgame suggestion post (for cerby camp)

David: Assassins post (for cerby camp)

Gen: One - shots post (for cerby camp)

40th Anniversary - 20th of October

  • Guestbook: Come in and write "stuff" if you would like!
  • Photos:
    • Photos have been received, communal photo album is up, feel free to send
    • Jackie will follow up on possible raw photos
  • We still have physical ball tickets if you would like
  • Merch: Stickers and lanyard keychain submitted for production, just the token left
  • Uniclub invoice is done
  • Eventbrite payout received
  • Feedback form is now out
    • Click here if you would like to respond
  • Jackie will write a how to guide for (hopefully) 2033 committee to use
  • Shill big balls

    Jackie: Continue to merch it up

Jackie: Follow up photographers

Far Future Events

Uncharity Vigil

  • Follow up ICONS to get subcom reps
  • Its always closer than you think
  • Our reps:
    • James
    • Gibbi


  • Approved
    • $142.20 to Jackie for Roleplay for Life Milk Run
    • $41 to Jackie for Ball Candles
    • $467.74 to Jackie for Dicebag Production
    • $49.13 to Jackie for Dicebag Shipping
    • $294 to Jackie for Various Decoration
    • $13 to Jackie for Ball Guestbook
    • $130 to Jackie for Ball Backdrop
    • $110 to Gibbi for BRO box
  • Pending
    • $1125 to Connor for Manjedal Deposit for [REDACTED]
    • $331.60 to Connor for 24/10 Food Run
  • Unsubmitted
    • $471.88 to Jackie for Stickers & Lanyard Keychain
    • $10 to Emerald for Candlestick



  • Reallocation form is due SOON
  • Jackie will do it NOW

Jackie: Do tenancy application form


Semester Grants
  • Due 10th of November 11:59PM
  • Results soon after, 5 day appeal period
  • 3 days after final results out

Connor: Do Semester Grants

SOCPAC Meeting - Tuesday 24th of October
  • Elections
    • SOC all defaulted
    • PAC Secretary and Treasurer voted on
  • Secret Jackie slide backgrounds exposed
    • They were fallout boy albums
  • Clubroom Applications (we knew about this)
  • Congratulations to the Marine Biology Club and the Anthropology Club for becoming SOC-affiliated!

General Business:


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

New Kallax
  • Nupdates
New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates
Floor Tiles
    • With the help of BIG STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN 2 (Jackie)


Book Buy 2: Electric Boogaloo
Library Note Whiteboard
  • After exams
  • Jackie is freed from ball

Jackie: Investigate whiteboard

David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • Ca-Caw. (No Updates)

Gibbi: Write up painting guide


BotC Noise
  • In Poggers

    Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Head Trip (Hehe)
  • It is being shipped to Jackies house AS WE SPEAK
Mini-Painting Gas Masks and Gloves
  • I will bring them in at some point
Library System
Greed Donation from Grace
  • Dice rolling game
  • Like Farkle
  • Like Yahtzee
  • Librarian rating is: "Mid"
  • Chris Review:
    • Just a dice rolling game
    • It is fun
    • Best you can do with a dice rolling game
    • Technically and very loosely a dexterity game
    • Difficult to replicate with just dice
  • Gen Review:
    • Biased, but I do find it very fun
  • Jackie:
    • Is it actively transformational to just having dice in the clubroom?
    • General consensus is no
  • Motion to aprove Greed as a donation
    • Motion fails

Food runs

  • Did one last week
  • Will do one after the meeting
    • Connor and Jackie


  • Donald working on big update

Committee Business

Meeting Time
  • Do we want to change it for the holidays?
  • ... maybe not. But maybe?

Jackie: Put up whenisgood for meeting time

Meeting closed: 6:28 PM