Unigames Committee Meeting #36 - 23/11/2022

by Ethan Gibson 23/11/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #36 - 23/11/2022

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Connor
  • Texas
  • David
  • Josh
  • Alistair


  • Chris
  • Everest
    • Hannah


Meeting scheduled: 5:00PM

Meeting open: 5:40 PM


President's Report (Emerald):

  • hi emerald,
    • hi gibbi
    • joint camp
    • mmmmmmmm
    • solid 6/10 solid 7
    • back ouchie
    • wtf
    • god
    • ugh
    • thank you
    • I guess i did a bunch of 40th anniversary stuff today
    • Dragons are drying on the line
    • phffffffffffffffffffffffff

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • i am here
  • went to camp
  • played pokemon violet
  • being confronted with 2am jackie emails (soc committee)
  • did gatekeeper training with the kids (cam is included here)
  • libaby thoughts about damaged items :)
    • libaby :)
  • kitty cat keyboard
    • meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
    • desk mat babish embarassment

Treasurer's Report (Business Texas):

  • coorperate discord
    • can add custom emojis so send me pics to make emoji
  • super computers use slur(m)s
  • started my 9-5 making reimbursements a bit tricky
  • camp happened and I think it went alright
  • did a deposit so we have more mons, some ticket refunds re camp have to happen
  • account balance: $5,518.24

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • yes
  • magic events

Librarian's Report (Connyah):

  • Small bit of morbing
  • Anti-morbed at camp tho šŸ˜Ž
  • MumsCarLibrarySweep

  • LionelLARPSweep

  • ComingOntoPokĆ©mon, #Pause

  • Obamna

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • Apologies

Reports de la OCM (Chris, David, Everest, Josh):

  • Chris:
    • acknowledged existence of time
  • David
    • sorry Iā€™m late, I was doing stuff
    • W camp, spent way more time on VR than expected
    • Joint Camp top pegger 2 years running
    • MillipedeSweep

    • Completely sucked into warzone 2.0
    • SODA
  • Everest:
    • jomb
    • 8pm tuesday evvy does not think that it is worth it it's so cold guys :((
    • joint camp happened ! i hate millipedes
    • reimbursements happen when i take the book to guild tomorrow afternoon unless someone else does before me
    • wednesday evvy does not want to be cold
  • Josh:
    • Camp gang camp gang
    • I crave my 1c products
    • Minecraft hates me (preventing me from playing)
    • Westmarche brained

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==31.75/37== Meetings
    • ughhh not really

Past action Items:

Usual Suspects

Action Items:


Collab Panto Event bump pwease - Not Done

Finish Cooking guide for camp - Done

Wash (lovely) Dragons - In progress


train gatekeepers - Done


Email Ern Hallady - Done

Email Leigh - Done


Get additional prerelease kits - Done

Figure out how to do things on website as to put minutes on blog - Not Done


Contact Gwen about Star wars (one-shot) also in general ig - Not Done

Board Games

  • New Boardgames Evening - Week of 12/12/2022

Connor: Write EMP for New Boardgames evening


  • Star Wars One-Shot - Week of 28/11/2022

Chris: Contact Gwen about Star wars (one-shot) also in general ig

Unigames goes to Panto (Christmas Panto)
  • We need to do an actual emp to go to panto
Panto Unigames Collab Event
  • have not talked to thomas

    Emerald: Collab Panto Event bump pwease

Magic: The Gavining

Booster Boxing Buying Bhenanigans

Gibbi: look into a case of modern horizons 2

Brothers War Prerelease - Sunday November 13th

Jackie: Take back "remaining" prerelease kits

SNOM - This Sunday 27/11/2022

Gibbi: Announcement for SNOM

Jumspstart 2022 - 04/12/2022

Gibbi: Source a box or fourish of Jumpstart 2022


  • We got message from member wanting us to run some wargame events
  • They were very polite
  • It is very realistic for us to do painting days
  • BEFORE CHRISTMAS (we will run an event before the thing I just said)

Jackie: Contact Amelia about painting

Gibbi: Write up how to paint and how to brush guide

Fresher Campaigns

  • They're Alive

Colour Camp - November 18th to 21st

  • Food budgeting good
  • Everyone loved the big swords
    • Thank you Lionel
  • Texas thinks it went well
  • Like Ern Halliday except the bugs - Texas
    • Everyone else seems to like the milipede
  • Feedback meeting sometime soonish
    • Perhaps friday hopefully
  • Committee feedback
    • Buy everything on the shopping list pleasse - Emerald
    • Get a group chat for food run explain prior to event how food run is done exactly
    • I thought it was pretty good - Gibbi
    • Make sure everyone on subcom knows how to use fridgebook
    • Due to Ern Halliday dishwasher probabbly don't need 4 people on dishes
    • Clearer distinction of camp roles

Far Future Events

Uncharity vigil

  • Should start thinking about subcomittee chat

Emerald: Get unchari subcom discord going


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $517.96 to Evvy for Camp Snack Run
    • $60.00 to Ethan for BRO Pre-Release
    • $5.98 to Texas for Peg



  • Next socpac meeting might be one where jackie is treasurer

Missing Money

  • No updates


  • No updates


  • Tav Stairwelll is under repairs, cannot be used at the moment

General Business:

Westmarche 2

  • Organise the next meeting now

40th Anniversary Event

Emerald: Email tony and Leigh for 40th anniversary

Emerald: Send out expression of interest form 40th anniverary


  • No new gatekeepers


  • No new webkeepers


  • Jackie updating archives long term project
    • :thumbsup:

Room Update

  • We have dragons at home (the dragons at home)
Pinup Board
  • No updates
    • its still there


Sleeving Cards
  • edge boardgame pieces after camp
  • summer project for repariing library items
    • make list of damaged library items
Library System
    • DAMAGED!

  • Jackie is still working through the rpg books

    Jackie: Make spreadsheet of damaged library items Emerald, Connor: Teach connor how to Repair boardedgames

Food runs

  • Can wait till past camp

Committee Business

Gibbi: Figure out how to do things on website as to put minutes on blog - If you are curious about how committee conducts closed business feel free to message a committee member and we can discus the process with you. - Committee Accepts the donation of 60 free strawwbery chubba chups - Merl(member) has suggested unigames getting a fridge book due to dead guild atm - RIP Guild atm some year - 2022 - Emerald motions for unigames to obtain a fridge book - Passes Unanimously Texas: obtain book of the fridge for the fridge Meeting closed: 7:30 PM