Unigames Committee Meeting #39 - 27/11/2023

by Joshua Annison 27/11/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #39 - 27/11/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Connor
  • Josh
  • David
  • Chris
  • Hannah
  • Emerald
  • James
  • Oscar
  • Gen



Meeting scheduled: 4:00PM

Meeting open: 4:22PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • i'm down with the alarm illness (alarm no worky)
  • camp wrap up on going
  • my house is such a warehouse rn and i've taken stock of all merch
  • uhhh. if i dont have the token done like, by wednesday next week kick my ass
  • day 27 of not quite almost christmas time-vember

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • we could be playing splendor
  • put up some magic announcements
  • bunch of stuff happening
  • picking up boxes from dan on wednesday
  • uncharity vigil subcom discord should be up by tonight
  • playtested new club decks

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • I have done nothing
  • I went to guild finance for the first time (wahoo!)
  • work babey

Librarian's Report (David):

  • I have done nothing
  • this includes:
    • Not writing my report
  • book buy ends in one week
  • oh my godddd what the hellllll no way-ay-ay

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • fresher campaign over ;-; (frover)
  • food ran
  • 28 days til christmas????????

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:

    • "aaaUGHHH?????" - Chris
    • one week left of me having wisdom teeth
      • so uh no teeth?
      • no hard foods
  • Hannah:

    • currently struggling with facebook chef
    • finally received my sparkly makeup but one of the apelletes was deestroyed
      • Jackie can confirm
    • colour changing lip oil cool
    • temps going down (yippeeeeee!)
      • its 24˚
    • brought snacks
  • James:

    • Warhammer 40k tournament went really well. Player count of 12 with some spectators.
    • its cold (waaa waaa)
  • Oscar:

    • this heat is too hot
      • I don't care what people say
    • uwa please don’t give me a ticket just bc you just stole my money
    • how do i have so much stuff going on what

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==15/40 (38.46% WR)== Meeting
    • Probably at work (confirmed)

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Continue to merch it up - In Pogress

  • Sign up for O'Day - In Poggers


  • New Capenna Draft advertising - Done

  • SNOM advertising - Done

  • Advertising for MTG Trivia Night - Done

  • Print and laminate painting guide - In Poggers


  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - Not Done


  • SAP Advertising - Done and Run

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Chris' Worldbuilding Games (Mid-December)
  • Chris will be dead so will need to pass it off
    • Will still do admin
  • Jackie will be there on the day


Arc Oneshot 2: Electric Boogaloo - Next week
  • Jackie and Gibbi will run this instead of L5R

Jackie, Gibbi: Organise Arc

L5R RPG - Back to Jan
  • Will be moved back due to dying oldguard


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quick play guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so (32 "so"s)
  • Probably done by end of ~~week~~ ~~sem~~ year
Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Ixalan box coming in starting Wednesday
New Capenna Draft - 2nd of December
  • This Saturday
  • $10
  • Come along bring your friends
  • fairly straight forward drafting set
SNOM - 3rd of December
  • That's this week yippee
MTG Trivia Night - Thursday the 7th of December
  • No booking fee yippeeeeee

Pokemon TCG

November SAP - 26th of November @ 11ish-2
  • It Happened
  • 1 potentially 2 attendees other than Chris
    • Not ideal
  • Forgor to advertise on facebook, not certain if that would have increased numbers substantially
  • Maybe wait until semester restarts
  • Maybe ask tactics if they do pokemon prerelease events
    • Will need to ascertain interest
    • No Pokemon sets releasing until next year

Jackie: Message Tactics to see if Pokemon prerelease is real


End of Semester Warhammer 10e Open w/ Matt - 22nd of November @ 8:30am-4:30pm
  • It happened
  • 12 players
  • Went well
  • everyone enjoyed it
  • no issues
  • People are feening for another event
  • Early/Mid Jan would be poggers
  • James cannot guarantee he will be in the country
  • It's Joshin' time
    • Booking ezone and the such you know how it be
  • Feedback:
    • Painting competition proposal
      • A painting competition event
      • $5 entry
      • Month deadline
      • Day 0 Painting day to kickstart things
      • Hand it in for it to be judged
      • Early January start
      • Pre-Signups for less work on the gatekeepers side
      • Jackie will keep us updated on this idea

Fresher Campaigns

  • Gens ended
  • Most seem to be wrapping up
  • GM interest for next year to be done next year

Cerberus Camp 2023 - 17th of November - 20th of November

  • Jackie will give feedback to subcom
  • We still need to pay some 'stuff'
  • Refunds need to be processed
  • Final meeting next Monday
  • Feedback Form is HERE

40th Anniversary - 20th of October

  • Jackie warehouse room
  • Still waiting on stickers and charms
  • Still need to produce the token
  • Jackie will eat them all
  • Message Jackie to bully her into doing her job
    • Ask if photoshop is open

All Unigames Members: Ask Jackie if photoshop is open

Jackie: Continue to merch it up

Uncharity Vigil

  • Discord up tonight

Far Future Events

O'Day 2024 - Friday 23rd of February 11:00AM - 3PM

  • Signup submitted after this meeting (Jackie needed a car)
  • Josh has provided one

    Jackie: Sign up for O'Day


  • Approved
    • $10 to Emerald for Candlestick
    • $451.60 to Connor for Food Run
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $471.88 to Jackie for Stickers & Lanyard Keychain
    • $??? to Josh for Painting PPE
    • $??? Joint camp receipts? (May be handled by UCC)
    • $520 to Jackie for Ixalan Prerelease
    • $??? to Josh for 23rd Food Run



  • We wait for reallocation


Semester Grants
  • Final result:
    • $6000
  • Will be in our account soon
  • "Slay" - Connor (I wrote this)

General Business:


  • Welcome to our new gatekeeper:
    • Nene


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

Key Change

Jackie: Update Regulations for VP Keys

New Kallax
  • Nupdates
New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates


Potential Donation: Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Thames Murder and other cases
  • Messaged about this
  • We have time to think about this
  • Could be a good prize, is a legacy game so not great for the club, but still very cool
  • Will message back for more details
Book Buy 2: Electric Boogaloo - 4th of December
David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • Nupdates
BotC Noise
  • In Poggers

    Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Gibbi: Laminate painting guide

Food runs

    • Jackie makes a Rob reference for Alistair and only Alistair


  • Donald working on big update

Committee Business

  • OGM whenisgood will be happening
  • Sent out after this meeting
  • Will be January-bound


  • We received an email
  • Planning a mosaic for this 2nd of December
  • Asking for vouchers/donations?
  • Will reply explaining that we aren't a business but we can provide some relevant boardgames

/gavin tav

  • The world has changed since the days of Gavin, and as much as we all love him, it can be confusing for new members trying to get to cam hall on account of changes at UWA (RIP Boost Juice)
  • We will be rerecording (with a Gavin cameo?) at some point

Meeting closed: 5:42 PM