Unigames Committee Meeting #4 - 29/03/2019

by Donald Sutherland 29/03/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #4 - 29/03/2019


  • Alaura
  • Aoibhinn
  • Donald
  • Alistair
  • Amelia
  • Brett
  • Elana


  • Jasmine
  • Taylor
  • Gavin


  • none

Meeting open: 11:24AM


President's Report:

  • This is a bit of long one sorry
  • I finally finished halloween photos
  • Looked into fancy paper and graphic design
  • Have a camp checklist
  • I'm now UniSFA CCC
  • We also came second at the pride quiz night!

Vice-President's Report:

  • Nothing to report

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $2362.08
  • We got $248 in O-Day grants
  • Taylor has not submitted a report

Secretary's Report:

  • Hello I've been busy
  • I'm making online committee stuff
  • I am severely behind on advertising stuff sorry
  • Work is hell
  • Mailing lists have not been seperated yet. Will email using the current system until resolved

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: None
  • Not a door lord any more, RIP
  • I have awarded two strikes in the past week
  • A game was returned without being signed-in
    • Please make sure to get someone to sign in your resources when you return them

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • Freshers seem to be happy

Past action Items:


  • Organise appointments for Camp (along with Aoibhinn, Taylor, Gavin) - kind've done
  • Clarify head chef + Camp leader situation - not done
  • Clarify head first aider + alcohol situation - not done
  • Look at whiteboard wraps - not done


  • Organise appointments for Camp (along with Alaura, Taylor, Gavin) - kind've done
  • Get a list of gatekeepers for fridge. - list has been got, WIP


  • Organise appointments for Camp (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn, Gavin) - kind've done
  • Post on gatekeepers about not writing on fridge/freezer - done
  • Work on appeal draft - not done
  • Sell Stickeez. - not done


  • Upload more membership forms - not done
  • Advertising for sealed league to go out ASAP - not done
  • Advertising for prerelease to go out ASAP - not done


  • Organise appointments for Camp (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn, Taylor) - kind've done


  • Simon Lawrence has been approved as gatekeeper
  • Aoibhinn: Train Simon


Usual Suspects:


  • Brett is board game dude, Jasmine will redirect any enquiries to Brett
  • Monday Week 7: Classics Society
    • Jasmine is planning to meet up with President for EMP
  • Week 7: Access Department
    • Friday
    • They're doing the EMP, so we don't have to worry
  • Photography is also interested
    • They just are deciding the date
  • No updates from BPhil


  • There is a star-wars one-shot tonight!
  • GMs are: Winslade and Szymon, with Cam as a backup
  • Committee will be around to babysit
  • Donald: Message GMs for tonight to make sure things are all good

  • There will not be any run in week 7, next one is week 8


  • We should run a draft next week, week 6
  • Draft/Commander night, probably Wednesday/Monday?
  • Starting at 4PM again.
  • Donald: Put up prerelease advertising ASAP

  • We'll delay sealed league until after War of the Spark prerelease.


  • So the GW paints are awful, and designed to make you waste money.
  • Kyle has recommended another brand - Army Painter War Paints - which is just as good but comes in dropper bottle to make less mess
    • And is also slightly cheaper
    • Equivalent colour range, and also available at Tactics.
    • Kyle has recommended that we start to phase GW out in favour of this when we replace paints
  • Mordheim is still running
  • There is a semi-competitive 40K tournament being run on April 1st. Neat!

Fresher Campaigns

  • No updates on Fresher Campaigns!
  • Fresher organisers: Make a whenisgood for organising a fresher campaign group meeting, to handle the next wave of allocations.
    • Amelia: Make a whenisgood for fresher business


Halloween Party:

  • Photos have been uploaded!
  • This event can be purged!
  • Leftover money from budgeted security and leftover alcohol sales has been redistributed.
  • Finally, this section of the minutes can be purged.

Prosh [March 20th]:

  • Alaura emailed committee's feedback
    • No response was got
    • They also put out a marshall feedback form - Alistair filled it out

Envoy Mega-Game [29th March]:

  • Mega-Game was cancelled by Envoy
  • This was due to low ticket sales
  • Only 8 sales, at least 20 are needed
  • Consensus was low ticket sales was caused by low advertising time
  • Next time, encourage people to not buy tickets on the day

Scitech - After Dark [April 6th]

  • Confirmed both Liam and Ellie are GMing Numenera and Paranoia respectively
  • Gavin is good to run D&D.
  • List of guests that will be getting free entry:
    • Liam
    • Ellie
    • Gavin
    • Alaura
    • Aoibhinn
    • Taylor
    • Amelia
    • Donald
    • Brett
    • Alistair
  • Donald: Email Scitech with this list and follow-up questions

SwanCon [19th-22nd April]:

  • Laura gave us some details
  • Three people at a time to man the boardgames area, up to 6 a day (2 shifts of 3).
  • 8AM - 8PM, though 8AM is real early
  • For the full run of the convention
    • Only runs until 3PM on the 22nd
  • Alistair: Contact Committee/Gate about SwanCon volunteering

Quiz Night [10th May]:

  • Another meeting has happened!
  • Amelia: Talk to other clubs about fresher tables

  • Quizmittee approved Donald's poster, Donald needs details to update it
  • Donald: Get details to update poster

  • $15 per person
  • $100 per table up until a week before

CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Redacted) [21st-24th June]:

  • Alaura is going to try and finish the EMP Saturday.
  • Alaura has a checklist of camp document
    • We need to complete roster
    • Committee qualifications:
      • Alaura: First Aid + Food safety
      • Aoibhinn: First Aid, RSA, Food Safety, Mental Health First Aid
      • Taylor: First Aid, Food Safety
      • Donald: First Aid, Mental Health First Aid
      • Alistair: First Aid, RSA, Food Safety
      • Amelia: nothing, but is going to try!
      • Brett: First Aid, RSA, Mental Health First Aid
      • Elana: First Aid
      • Jasmine: First Aid, Food Safety, Mental Health First Aid
      • Gavin: RSA, First Aid, Food Safety
    • Everyone: Get Food Safety if you don't have it

  • Alaura: Contact Manjedal about evac plans and full site plan

  • Alaura also enquired about guild graphic design for poster for some specialist details
    • $22.50 an hour for their services.

Harry Potter LARP:

  • Will Corbett is going to talk to Harry Potter again to figure out what's going on

Room Update:

  • Fridge/freezer chaos

    • Fridge temperature has been increased (less cool), because it was freezing drinks
    • Current fridge/freezer fail tally: 28
  • Storage allocations

    • Appeal draft is still in progress
    • Meeting is yet to happen


  • Gozz: $473.04 for food run last week (was reimbursed, but this is the exact number)
  • Alistair: ~$29ish for paints
    • Delayed, so it can be paid via transfer, not cash.

General Business:

  • Seperate mailing lists:
    • Donald: Ask again about mailing lsits

  • Our old fridge/freezer is currently in the landing.

    • Annique no longer wants them
    • Alaura can't pay for them
    • UniSFA has expressed some interest.
    • Alaura: Speak to UniSFA about old fridge/freezer

  • Cameron Hall first aid:

    • Alaura: Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course

  • Leadership training:

    • Aoibhinn: Try and organise leadership training

  • Accessibility:

    • no updates
  • Selling the stickeez:

    • Taylor: Sell Stickeez.

  • Committee photos:

    • All committee members should submit a photo to Alaura.
  • Book buy:

    • Tentative book buy for the 26th April.
    • Brett is away from 25th April to the 1st May
    • We'll reevaluate the date.

Meeting closed: 12:47PM


Action Items:


  • Contact Manjedal about evac plans and full site plan
  • Speak to UniSFA about old fridge/freezer
  • Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course


  • Train Simon
  • Try and organise leadership training


  • Sell Stickeez.


  • Message GMs for tonight to make sure things are all good
  • Put up prerelease advertising ASAP
  • Email Scitech with this list and follow-up questions
  • Get details to update poster
  • Ask again about mailing lsits


  • Contact Committee/Gate about SwanCon volunteering


  • Make a whenisgood for fresher business
  • Talk to other clubs about fresher tables


  • (Everyone) Get Food Safety if you don't have it