Unigames Committee Meeting #40 - 08/01/2020

by Donald Sutherland 08/01/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #40 - 08/01/2020


  • Aoibhinn
  • Donald
  • Alistair
  • Amelia
  • Elana
  • Emerald


  • Colin
  • Taylor
  • Kyle
  • Gavin


  • Alaura

Meeting open: 4:12pm


President's Report:

  • Alaura has not submitted a report

Vice-President's Report:

  • I have sent a lot of emails
  • Discussed the 2020 vision thing
  • I've also been getting a rental property
  • Been busy as a result
  • My plan to become VP of three clubs was thwarted by Will

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $198.97
  • Hi it's Aoibhinn again I'm also the treasurer
  • I need to go through the box, it's full of silver coins
  • From Taylor:
    • Set up the money box with labels for my absence
    • Chaired CV meeting, very productive, seems like everyone’s on the same page now
    • Fucked off to Sydney. It’s smoky af.
    • In a very in character move I also submitted a formal complaint to Qantas.
    • Account balance still at $198.97
  • Aoibhinn: Do the deposit

Secretary's Report:

  • I printed a poster and two Chillerpillars
  • That's basically it

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: none
  • I had a rare flash of intelligence
  • Callout at Alaura who was here earlier to borrow games
  • Accidentally taught someone how to play Magic
  • Emerald is going to look after the Library book while Alistair is away

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • Got those mini tubs!!! But I'm bringing them tomorrow because I had to carry other shit today
  • Started working on the fresher guide and it's being a little funky but that's okay we're getting there
  • And I booked the loft baby! 4-10pm on a date I have to look up again

OCM reports:

Colin: - Will be travelling down south from wednesday (8/01/20) till next tuesday (14/01/20) - Completed the RMP/EMP for LARP2020, just waiting to confirm Prescott court with Unitheatres after EMP is approved - Did donation to WA cancer council - Organised boardgames event and contacted events about getting Cameron hall card access until 9, waiting for confirmation - Wrote a Collab document, can work on more with any feedback - Started a food run list/handover, still needs work - Found foam pad adhesive that will work well for $6.50 (can not be discounted)

Emerald: - The music festival was good! - I have a working laptop! - I talked to Liam about the LARP event!

Elana: - I made nice price list

Past action Items:


Chat with Winslade about future scheduling - not done Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover - not done Book O-Day - Aoibhinn did it Book AGM for Week 1 Friday - Aoibhinn did it Remind other clubs about Fresher Welcome - Aoibhinn did it Work on Camp documentation (along with Alistair) - not done Bother the tenancy chair when they come in about the fire escape hydraulics - not done


Babysit the 9th of Janaury board games night - tomorrow Organise Panto D&D with Panto - Panto has made the event Get in contact with Winslade to discuss holiday and early Sem 1 Artemis LAN - ongoing Follow up on O-Day booking - done Follow up on AGM booking - done Work on Mega-game stuff after production week (along with Alistair) - not done Check on status of embroidery - checked, still ongoing


Send feedback to Relay for Life (along with Elana) - not done Send details of Relay stuff to Elana - not done Set up the books for deposting when Finance opens on the 6th - done Email Guild finance about taking money for testing and tagging - done Allocate funds to mini storage based on financial breakdown - done Write up a list of purchase stretch goals for Uncharity - mostly done


Distribute sealed league prizes - not done Make a post tagging sealed league winners - not done Sort out advertising for Theros prerelease, poster + event by the end of the week - poster done, event later today Make a poster for Un-Charity - ongoing Follow up with James Arcus about constitutional ammendment - not done Post about CHall door + Toilet door things - done by Colin Make an archive guide - not done Make oversized Chillerpillar - done


Make a post thanking people for Christmas donations - done RMP and EMP for LARP to go up ASAP (along with Emerald, Colin) - done by Colin Look at games to auction off - not done Work on Mega-game stuff after production week (along with Aoibhinn) - not done Work on Camp documentation (along with Alaura) - not done Get hinges + other accesseries for the shelf - have all stuff, just needs to be assembled


Take charge of the Fresher guide! - started When she can, take the speakers to the tip - haven't been able to yet


Send feedback to Relay for Life (along with Taylor) - cannot do Redo the price list to remove obselete items and make neater - done


RMP and EMP for LARP to go up ASAP (along with Alistair, Colin) - done


Organise the board games night for the week of 9th of Janaury - done Draw up a collab procedure document - done, awaiting feedback RMP and EMP for LARP to go up ASAP (along with Alistair, Emerald) - done Make a list, include in Treasurer handover - done Ask about adhesives for Pole Pads - done, option found


  • Cam Locke is now a gatekeeper
  • Aoibhinn: Notify Cam and go over gatekeeper things


Usual Suspects:


  • Next one is tomorrow!
  • Aoibhinn: Babysit the 9th of Janaury board games night


  • Next one: Wednesday the 15th Jan; Panto D&D!
  • Three GMs confirmed
  • Aoibhinn: Organise Panto D&D with Panto

  • Carry-over suggestions:
    • Homebrew testng day
    • GM networking day
    • player networking day
    • other RPG related social events
  • to happen over the holidays, that don't require people don't commit to a one-shot


  • Sealed league prizes are still wayyyyyyyy overdue
  • Alistair: Distribute sealed league prizes

  • Alistair: Make a post tagging sealed league winners

  • Action items to be redistributed
  • Theros sealed league still on the table
  • Theros prerelease: Happening on the 19th
  • Donald: Put up the prerelease event

  • Theros looks sweet!


  • No more events planned

Fresher Campaigns

  • Autumn's, Gavin's, and Szymon's games are still running
  • Summer games seem to be going ok
  • No other updates


  • D&D Panto as above is happening, Aoibhinn and Alistair are actioned for that.
  • Collab potential: UCC w/ Artemis LAN?
    • UCC contacted us about this first!
    • Trial it in the holidays before a real thing in the semester?
    • Alistair/Donald: Get in contact with Winslade to discuss holiday and early Sem 1 Artemis LAN

  • Collab procedure:
    • Procedure document in progress
    • Colin: Draw up a collab procedure document


CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Un-Redacted!) [21st-24th June 2019]:

  • Alaura: Chat with Winslade about future scheduling

  • Alaura: Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover

Charity Vigil [28th/29th September]:

  • Reps: Colin, Taylor
  • Both Reps aren't here, but Aoibhinn went to the meeting
  • UCC is paying 50%
  • UniSFA and PCS are each paying 25%

Relay for Life [12th/13th October]:

  • Reps: Taylor + Elana, Emerald
  • Taylor, Elana: Send feedback to Relay for Life

  • Taylor: Send details of Relay stuff to Elana

Cameron Hall-oween [26th October]:

  • Reps: Aoibhinn, Amelia
  • Our profit should be $120.47
  • We have currently recieved $34.80
  • We'll hold on to donating that until we have gotten the remaining eftpos from UCC

LARP2020 - The Summer Unit [1st February]:

  • Reps: Alistair, Emerald, Colin
  • EMP and RMP is complete, just waiting on venue confirmation from Uni-theatres
  • Liam is on board to do a speech
  • Lionel still needs to be contacted
  • Emerald, Amelia: Work on a poster

  • Alistair: Make a "save-the-date" event for LARP2020

Un-Charity Vigil [8th February]:

  • Reps: Aoibhinn, Kyle
  • Another meeting today!
  • EMP and RMP are submitted!
  • Aoibhinn might make a save the date event
  • By the end of the meeting today, I want to have an idea of events and equipment
  • Want advertising to go up ASAP
  • Alistair: Look at games to auction off

  • Donald: Make a poster for Un-Charit


  • Aoibhinn submitted a booking
  • She hopes she did it right
  • We have to pay by the 7th of February
  • We will also have to pay for a bunch of stickers and leaflets and booklets
  • Fresher guide:
    • Same template as last years
    • General re-read and edit
    • We'd like a map of how to get to Cameron Hall
    • Update the library
    • The logo, post Un-charity
    • Amelia: Take charge of the Fresher guide!

  • Elana: Harass gatekeepers about O-Day and general help planning

Fresher Welcome:

  • Yay!
  • Closer to the date, we'll have to decide how we want the Pizza to be organised, considering our current financial situation


  • Booking done
  • EMP needs to happen
  • Aoibhinn: Do the EMP for the AGM

  • Donald: Make the AGM event

  • Donald: Follow up with James Arcus about constitutional ammendment

[REDACTED] 2020:

  • Confirmed date: 19th-22nd of June 2020
  • Aoibhinn has the mega-game materials
  • Aoibhinn+Alistair: Work on Mega-game stuff after production week

  • Taylor, Alistair: Work on Camp documentation

  • EMP should start getting preliminarily hammered out
  • Do as much work for the next committee as possible


  • Tenancy Allocations:

    • Full reallocation is happening!
    • Must be submitted by February 7th
    • Currently Taylor and Alaura are on it
    • That might change next meeting
  • Elevator:

    • Currently trying to organise next meeting
  • Grants:

    • There's been clerical errors
    • They're going through everyone's grants again to make sure they're all correct
    • We will also be getting a full breakdown
    • How long this will take is a mystery
    • No further updates
  • SOC:

    • Next SOC meeting: Feb
  • Tenancy:

    • Cameron Hall locks:
      • When the next tenancy chair comes in, we will be requesting an extension of the opening hours at the very least.
      • Alaura: Bother the tenancy chair when they come in about the fire escape hydraulics

      • Winslade has written up a email to query about the opening hours, and requested to CC us for it
        • Permission granted by Aoibhinn
    • Work orders:
      • Reminder to re-state current work orders to next tenancy chair

Room Update:

  • Storage update/audit:

    • Friday night or Sunday midday is when this is happening
    • Amelia: Bring in the Mini storage boxes

  • Speakers:

    • Amelia: When she can, take the speakers to the tip

  • Odd jobs:

    • Pole pads
      • Colin found some adhesive for $6.50
      • Approved buying that
    • President's picture
      • Just hasn't been put up
    • Wargaming shelf:
      • No updates
      • Alistair: Get hinges + other accesseries for the shelf

  • Budget things

    • Taylor: Post the stretch goals

    • Current things we need money for:
      • Storage for minis
      • Shirts
      • Speakers
      • New table
      • Pole pad adhesives
  • Shirts

    • We're doing a shirts order again!
    • Burgundy won!
    • There will be black shirts!
    • Post needs to go up now.
    • Aoibhinn: Make a post for T-Shirts: main group and gatekeepers group

    • Deadlines:
      • 17th January: Cut off for members to order shirts through
      • 20th Janaury: Cut off for us to send orders to Guild
      • 22nd Janaury: Hard deadline for Guild
    • Prices:
      • $25 a limited edition coloured shirt, preorder only
      • $20 for a regular black T-Shirt bought in the clubroom
      • $18 for a preordered regular black T-Shirt


  • Donald: $50.40 for storage boxes - waiting on receipt

General Business:

  • Embroidery:

    • Ongoing, almost finished
  • Archives:

    • Donald: Make an archive guide

    • No updates
  • Board games guide:

    • No updates
  • Food run:

    • Food run happening tomorrow via Donald and Emerald
  • Website:

    • No updates
    • Donald plans to make a webmaster regualtion happen at the next committee meeting
  • Handovers

    • Note on handovers:
    • If you run an event, please write a handover for it
    • If you are in charge of a job, please write a handover for it
    • If you have an exec position, please write a handover for it
    • If you are in charge of an ongoing process, please write a handover for it
  • Short-term borrowing:

    • Because of the card access changes to Cameron Hall, we want to clarify that you don't need to use your Student Card to short-term borrow games
    • It is highly preferable if you use photo-ID or some other identifying item up to the discretion of the gatekeeper.
    • Alistair: Make a post about student card borrowing.

  • Next meeting:

    • Aoibhinn: Make a whenisgood for the next committee meeting

Meeting closed: 5:19PM

Action Items: Alaura:

Chat with Winslade about future scheduling Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover Bother the tenancy chair when they come in about the fire escape hydraulics


Do the deposit Notify Cam and go over gatekeeper things Babysit the 9th of Janaury board games night Organise Panto D&D with Panto Do the EMP for the AGM Work on Mega-game stuff after production week (along with Alistair) Make a post for T-Shirts: main group and gatekeepers group Make a whenisgood for the next committee meeting


Send feedback to Relay for Life (along with Elana) Send details of Relay stuff to Elana Work on Camp documentation (along with Alistair) Post the stretch goals


Put up the prerelease event Get in contact with Winslade to discuss holiday and early Sem 1 Artemis LAN (along with Alistair) Make a poster for Un-Charit Make the AGM event Follow up with James Arcus about constitutional ammendment Make an archive guide


Distribute sealed league prizes Make a post tagging sealed league winners Get in contact with Winslade to discuss holiday and early Sem 1 Artemis LAN (along with Donald) Make a "save-the-date" event for LARP2020 Look at games to auction off Work on Mega-game stuff after production week (along with Aoibhinn) Work on Camp documentation (along with Taylor) Get hinges + other accesseries for the shelf Make a post about student card borrowing.


Work on a poster (along with Emerald) Take charge of the Fresher guide! Bring in the Mini storage boxes When she can, take the speakers to the tip


Send feedback to Relay for Life (along with Taylor) Harass gatekeepers about O-Day and general help planning


Work on a poster (along with Amelia)


Draw up a collab procedure document