Unigames Committee Meeting #42 - 09/01/2023

by Ethan Gibson 09/01/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #42 - 09/01/2023

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Jackie
  • Texas
  • Gibbi
  • Connor
  • David
  • Everest
  • Hannah
  • Josh
  • Chris
  • Alistair



  • Emerald Meeting scheduled: 5:30PM

Meeting open: 5:56 PM


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Quietly Couped by Jackie
  • Hi Emerald,
    • hi gibbi
    • Tech Companies hate her
    • Woman accesses free laptop with one weird trick
    • finally put my laptop in the bread pair machine??? and the warranty in the warranty machine?
    • Got another bug (of the sick variety)
      • Not a kakerlaken david
    • At least I can read spell jammer I love monkeys and slimes and bug guys

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • i'm back in perth
    • so you know what that means
      • (i've vacuumed the room and started back on rpg entry)
  • um.
  • who wants to be tenancy ocm

Treasurer's Report (Business Texas):

  • hi happy new year
  • got a switch
  • back on the office grind
    • somebody needs to take the book into guild
    • texas can't do it
  • Account Balance: $3,529.00

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • I bought booster boxes
  • I should run SNOM this weekend
  • Happy new year
  • Still enjoying clodsire content

Librarian's Report (Connyah):

  • Hope everyone had a good holidays and are off to a W start to the year
  • What’s heavier, 1g of feathers, or 1t of steel?

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • happy new year everyone!! Hope you guys had a nice start to 2023
  • otherwise I’m back in the void of Latin America but I still have jet lag so there’s hope for me to show up
    • David wants his present from you Hannah - Gibbi

Reports de la OCM (Chris, David, Everest, Josh):

  • Chris:
    • New year, new atrocious crimes by "Big RPG"
    • forgor mic
    • sadge
  • David

    • new year, new me - eting
    • somehow i've gotten into warrior cats but with dragons
      • Imagine Dragons
  • Everest:

    • no damn clue
    • working a lot
    • shrug ?????
    • too hot
  • Josh
  • Housesitting = free money
    • First Ever Shiny! Wahoo!
    • The Witcher so pog

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==33.75/43== Meeting
    • He's at rehearsal

Past action Items:

Action Items:


Send out expression of interest form 40th anniverary - Not Done

Reply to Leigh - Not Done

(with Connor) MORB BORG (I know thats not how its spelt) do cover - Not Done


Figure out how to do things on website as to put minutes on blog - Not DOne

Write up emp and such for painting day holiday edition - Not Done Connor:

(with Emerald) MORB BORG (I know thats not how its spelt) do cover - Not Done


Poke Gwen About one shot Dming - Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Presently Present this week boardgames - Friday - 13/01/2023 - 1PM

Chris: Write up announcement and emp for boardgames ASAP


  • Paranoia - Week of the 23/01/2023
    • Potetnial GMS
      • Ellie
      • Jack
      • Merlin
      • Alistair

        Josh: Do Paranoia Rpg things like announcement and EMP and remember to look behind you just in case

  • Star Wars One-Shot - ????
    • Delayed until further notice
Panto Unigames Collab Event
  • They are currently flat out atm with fringe and other shows
  • Delayed a bit until pnato is a bit more free

Magic: The Gavining

Booster Boxing Buying Bhenanigans
  • Motion to Budget $180 to buying a set booster box of brothers war
    • Passes Unanimously
    • they're $7.50/pack
  • There was a circular for Brothers war box to be Kamigawa
    • Passed
  • Additionally, there was a circular motion for a purchase of a Dominaria United Set booster box for $167.20
    • Passed
  • They are now bothe fore sale at $7.50 per pack in the club room
SNOM (A Number) - 15/01/2023 11am
  • Snom will be this weekend
  • Commander as Usual

Gibbi: Do Snom announcement and EMP


  • Painting day sometime late this month

Gibbi: Write up emp and such for painting day holiday edition

Fresher Campaigns

  • Yippee
    • This brought to you by Simulated Frep
  • Frosh and Connor games are still going

Colour Camp - November 18th to 21st

  • Distribution was approved by subcom and unigames committee
    • Awaiting approval of other committees

Uncharity vigil

  • First meeting will be this friday at 5PM most likely

Far Future Events

O-Day 2023 24th of February

  • No Updates


  • Approved

  • Pending

  • Unsubmitted
    • $19.45 to Jackie for Camp Supplies (waiting for another reimbursment for bank)
    • $200.00 to Ethan for BRO booster box
    • $167.20 to Ethan for NEO booster box
    • $167.20 to Ethan for DMU
    • $25.74 to Guild for Test and Tag



  • First Socpac 1st of February

Missing Money

  • No updates


General Business:

Custom Playmats

  • 1 week of ordering to go
  • Orders close on the 14/1/2023 at Midnight

Gibbi: Do final call announcement for playmats in the next couple days

Westmarche 2

  • Everything's quiet on the western front
  • Probably meeting this friday

40th Anniversary

Emerald: Send out expression of interest form 40th anniverary

Emerald: Reply to Leigh


  • No new gatekeepers


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

  • No Updates
  • We should hang up the rest of our stuff on the hanging frame
  • We will hang "Stuff" after the meeting
Pinup Board
  • Besties with new tenancy chair

Jackie: Email new tenancy chair for pinnup board


Emerald, Connor: MORB BORG (I know thats not how its spelt) do cover

Library System
  • Jackie is still working through the rpg books.

Food runs

  • David food run adventure this week


  • Josh would like to discuss the use of forums for dnd discussion in the discord
    • Happens every 2 weeks or so when wizards announcces things
    • Suggests creation of forum as a sepearate space for things such as dnd discussion
    • Committee will likely be implementing on the discord server in the near future
    • may require us to implement a similar welcome channel + member approval system to unisfa
    • we should put up an announcement about forums + discord changes once it's up

Chris: research implementation of- forums and community discord differences

Committee Business

Gibbi: Figure out how to do things on website as to put minutes on blog

Meeting closed: 6:35 PM