Unigames Committee Meeting #42 - 22/01/2020

by Donald Sutherland 22/01/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #42 - 22/01/2020


  • Alaura
  • Aoibhinn
  • Taylor
  • Donald
  • Amelia
  • Emerald
  • Colin
  • Elana
  • Kyle


  • Alistair
  • Gavin


  • none

Meeting open: 4:32pm


President's Report:

  • I have no idea what's going on
  • Things continue to consume my time

Vice-President's Report:

  • I got another second job
  • Different jobs!
  • House hunting is still going
  • I've been sending a lot of emails
  • Shirts have been ordered!

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $1903.97
  • The UWA website won't let me enroll before I went away
  • I am back in perth with a late fee
  • I've done shit all over the last 24 hours
  • Thanks Aoibhinn for doing the treasury

Secretary's Report:

  • I drafted a regulation
  • I started working on handovers

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: none
  • Byron is very nice.
  • Back soon, very much missing magic
  • After over a year of not working I’ve finally been fired 😕
  • Kass asked about donating a D&D module via the discord. I’ll follow up on that if she hasn’t brought it in.
  • Thank you to emerald for taking care of the library book, something else is due back today.

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • I haven't done very much
  • My father has decided that everything should be cleaned
  • Guide is still going
  • Alaura: Write the president's letter for the fresher guide.

OCM reports:

Colin: - I liquid nails-d some things - Printed off LARP forms

Emerald: - I posted about the LARP day schedule! - Done a lot of prepping for that

Elana: - Full time brain-hurty work hurts

Kyle: - Messaged the event organisor for Beerhammer - They sent me the risk management document that they've made - Obligitory complain about being busy at work

Past action Items:


Chat with Winslade about future scheduling - not done Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover - not done Start work on the allocation - not done Bother the tenancy chair when they come in about the fire escape hydraulics - not done


Post in gatekeepers to recruit people for cleaning for Uncharity - not done Work on Mega-game stuff after production week (along with Alistair) - WIP Get the big lump of wood to put on the floor (along with Colin) - not done


Send feedback to Relay for Life (along with Elana) - not done Send details of Relay stuff to Elana - not done Work on Camp documentation (along with Alistair) - not done Post the stretch goals - mostly done


Collect prerelease stuff from Tactics - done Make a post advertising Prerelease! - done Make the AGM event - not done Post about shirt deadlines - done Make an archive guide - ongoing


Distribute sealed league prizes - not done Make a post tagging sealed league winners - not done Look at games to auction off - not done Work on Mega-game stuff after production week (along with Aoibhinn) - WIP Work on Camp documentation (along with Taylor) - not odne Organise a storage audit (along with Kyle) - not done Get hinges + other accesseries for the shelf - not done


Work on a poster (along with Emerald) - posters made Print off posters once completed - not done Take charge of the Fresher guide! - done When she can, take the speakers to the tip - happening today!


Send feedback to Relay for Life (along with Taylor) - nont been able to do Harass gatekeepers about O-Day and general help planning - not done


Work on a poster (along with Amelia) - done Post schedule in event - done


Post about tickets being available in gate, regular, and event - partially done Talk to Emily about Vintage cube - done Get the big lump of wood to put on the floor (along with Aoibhinn) - not done


Organise a storage audit (along with Alistair) - not done


(Make a post for T-Shirts) main group and gatekeepers group - done


  • Roy is now a gateekeeper once training is complete
  • Colin: Try and train Roy in being a gatekeeper


Usual Suspects:


  • Board games event happening this Friday!
  • Board games are also at Uncharity Vigil! Come to Uncharity Vigil!
  • Next one, on the week of the 3rd February!


  • Panto D&D happened!
  • Two games of eight!
  • Room was real full, with a lot of newbies
  • Seems like a real good event, do it again?
  • We'll remind them after their SGM/
  • No next game until semester starts


  • Sealed league prizes are still wayyyyyyyyyy overdue
  • Donald: Give information to Alistair

  • Alistair: Distribute sealed league prizes

  • Alistair: Make a post tagging sealed league winners

  • Prerelease happened, only 6 players
  • Probably due to holidays
  • Theros sealed league still on the table for Semester Start
    • O-Day sign up form
    • Have it all ready to go for then
    • Donald: Get Sealed League organising done


  • Painting day next week - Wednesday
  • See above for Beerhammer
  • Kyle is wanting Unigames to endorse a team for WATC, a team based Warhammer tournament
    • Endorsment involves the club advertising the event, and the logo being used on the teams shirts
    • Committee is in favour of this
    • Alaura: Ask events to see if anything special needs to be done for WATC

  • Kyle: Investigate logistics of weekly wargaming event

Fresher Campaigns

  • No updates


  • D&D Panto was a success
  • Collab potential: UCC w/ Artemis LAN?
    • Will likely be a semester one things, needs people density for it be successful
  • Collab procedure:
    • Procedure document is on the drive
  • Aoibhinn is organising an inter-club large event scheduling meeting
    • Wednesday next week, the 29th
    • Taylor: Go through inter-club regs.

    • Events are free-for-all in regards to dates
    • Generally in favour of moving Charity Vigil to Sem 1
    • Taylor: Write a list of events / vague agenda


Charity Vigil [28th/29th September]:

  • Reps: Colin, Taylor
  • Awaiting handover

Relay for Life [12th/13th October]:

  • Reps: Taylor + Elana, Emerald
  • Taylor, Elana: Send feedback to Relay for Life

Cameron Hall-oween [26th October]:

  • Reps: Aoibhinn, Amelia
  • Our share of the profit should be $120.47
  • We have currently recieved $34.80
  • UCC will be dealing with money today
  • Haven't recieved an invoice from security yet
  • Aoibhinn: Follow up with UCC re. Halloween

LARP2020 - The Summer Unit [1st February]:

  • Reps: Alistair, Emerald, Colin
  • Emerald has been doing good work
  • She will be getting large amounts of cardboard
  • Will draw up an actual budget
  • Going to enlist a gatekeeper or two on the day
  • Need some foodsafe people to cook sausages
  • Both Liam and Lionel are OK to give seminars
  • Taylor is on First Aid
  • Buy tickets for this event! You can do so in the clubroom!
  • BBQ is hired out, needs to be picked up on the Friday
  • Emerald: Pick up BBQ on the 31st and return it on the 3rd.

  • Prescott court still needs to be confirmed
  • Colin: confirm booking with Presscott court

  • Donald: Print off posters once completed

  • Colin: Post about tickets being available in gate, regular, and event

Un-Charity Vigil [8th February]:

  • Reps: Aoibhinn, Kyle
  • Meeting tonight
  • Mixed thoughts about door fees, looks like there will be a door fee
  • Unigames event has gone up
  • Part of a schedule has been made
  • Once filled out, it will be posted
  • We do need people to help clean up in the morning
  • Aoibhinn: Post in gatekeepers to recruit people for cleaning for Uncharity

  • Colin: Talk to Emily about Vintage cube

  • Posters are up!
  • Alistair: Look at games to auction off

  • MTG event, there is a concern about money, solution make more monitisation parts (pay for muligans (a compounding $1 each time, pay for tutors a compunding $5)
  • Painting events, problem of monitasation: have a competition, pay for access to paints, potentially an auction, pay for palets, the person who pays most
  • skirmish based events pay for buffs
  • General concencise, for monitatsion of events people to come up with moneytisation end bring it to next weeks comittee meeting and we'll vote if the event can go that way
  • auction of games:silent auction then loud action in combination with UNISFA
  • Committee come up with monetiastsion ideas

O-Day 21st Feb

  • Booked
  • need to do a pink slip
  • Taylor: do pink slip

  • we need to talk to other clubs about what we do together (tours)
  • Aoibhinn: bring up at interclub organisation meeting

  • talk to the events to get us not next to the music in the corner
  • Taylor: talk to events about placement

  • Taylor: check Uniprint balance and get quote for pricing

  • Fresher guide:
    • writing needs to be done 9th
    • printing needs to be done by 14th (to Uniprint
    • Taylor: find out how many fresher guides, sign up forms (300) and stickers and flyers (general and specific) (50&50) we printed last year

    • Same template as last years
    • General re-read and edit
    • We'd like a map of how to get to Cameron Hall
    • Update the library
    • The logo, post Un-charity
    • Amelia: Take charge of the Fresher guide!

  • Signup forms need to be updated, what checkboxes
  • Colin: Check and edit 2020 sign up forms

  • Need to figure out events for flyer, do post 2020 vision meeting
  • need to get numbers for sign up forms and then vote on how many we print next week
  • Elana: Harass gatekeepers about O-Day and general help planning

  • Post on main page to help advertise the club on the day

Fresher Welcome:

  • EMP approved?
  • Taylor: Check the last two years of pizza orders and test gold coin donation

  • Blanket ban on board games on the lead up to it
  • Aoibhinn: Email aout doors


  • EMP is submitted and approved
  • Donald: Make the AGM event

[REDACTED] 2020:

  • Confirmed date: 19th-22nd of June 2020
  • Alaura: Chat with Winslade about future scheduling

  • Alaura: Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover

  • Aoibhinn has the mega-game materials
  • Aoibhinn+Alistair: Work on Mega-game stuff after production week

  • Taylor, Alistair: Work on Camp documentation

  • EMP should start getting preliminarily hammered out
  • Do as much work for the next committee as possible


  • Tenancy Allocations:

    • Full reallocation is happening!
    • Must be submitted by February 7th
    • Currently Taylor and Alaura are on it
    • That might change next meeting
    • Membership numbers are up to date
    • Alaura, Taylor: Start work on the allocation

  • Elevator:

    • No updates for a while, we should bring it up at the 2020 meeting
  • Grants:

    • No updates, still waiting for SOC to get back to us
  • SOC:

    • Next SOC meeting: Febuary 5th
  • Tenancy:

    • Cameron Hall locks:
      • When the next tenancy chair comes in, we will be requesting an extension of the opening hours at the very least.
      • Alaura: Bother the tenancy chair when they come in about the fire escape hydraulics

    • Work orders:
      • Reminder to re-state current work orders to next tenancy chair
      • Alistair has emailed tenancy chair about the floor

Room Update:

  • Storage update/audit:

    • Delayed until Alistair gets back
    • Alistair/Kyle: Organise a storage audit

  • Speakers:

    • Amelia: When she can, take the speakers to the tip

  • Odd jobs:

    • Pole pads
      • Done!
    • President's picture
      • Done!
    • Wargaming shelf:
      • No updates
      • Alistair: Get hinges + other accesseries for the shelf

    • Big lump of wood to put on the floor
      • Alistair has a big lump of wood to put on the floor
      • Merlin will be bringing in the big lump of wood to put on the floor today hopefully
      • Colin+Aoibhinn: Get the big lump of wood to put on the floor

  • Budget things

    • Taylor: Post the stretch goals

    • Current things we need money for:
      • Storage for minis
      • Shirts
      • Speakers
      • New table
  • Shirts

    • Shirts are submitted!
    • We have ordered 13 Burgundy shirts + 37 black shirts
    • Thanks to all who preordered!
    • Prices:
      • $25 a limited edition coloured shirt, preorder only
      • $20 for a regular black T-Shirt bought in the clubroom
      • $18 for a preordered regular black T-Shirt


  • Donald: $50.40 for storage boxes - pending
  • Donald: $502.60 for the food run - pending
  • Colin: $5 for liquid nails - paid

General Business:

  • Embroidery:

    • Ongoing, almost finished
  • Archives:

    • Donald: Make an archive guide

    • No updates
  • Board games guide:

    • No updates
  • Food run:

    • Next one next week
  • Website:

    • New regulation has been added
  • Handovers

    • Note on handovers:
    • If you run an event, please write a handover for it
    • If you are in charge of a job, please write a handover for it
    • If you have an exec position, please write a handover for it
    • If you are in charge of an ongoing process, please write a handover for it
    • Due end of Februrary
  • Next meeting:

    • Thursday 3pm

Meeting closed: 6:42PM-- Action Items: Alaura:

Write the president's letter for the fresher guide. Ask events to see if anything special needs to be done for WATC Chat with Winslade about future scheduling Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover Start work on the allocation (along with Taylor) Bother the tenancy chair when they come in about the fire escape hydraulics


Follow up with UCC re. Halloween Post in gatekeepers to recruit people for cleaning for Uncharity Bring up at interclub organisation meeting Email aout doors Work on Mega-game stuff after production week (along with Alistair) Get the big lump of wood to put on the floor (along with Colin)


Go through inter-club regs. Write a list of events / vague agenda Send feedback to Relay for Life (along with Elana) Do pink slip Talk to events about placement Check Uniprint balance and get quote for pricing Find out how many fresher guides, sign up forms (300) and stickers and flyers (general and specific) (50&50) we printed last year Check the last two years of pizza orders and test gold coin donation Work on Camp documentation (along with Alistair) Start work on the allocation (along with Alaura) Post the stretch goals


Give information to Alistair Get Sealed League organising done Print off posters once completed Make the AGM event Make an archive guide


Distribute sealed league prizes Make a post tagging sealed league winners Look at games to auction off Work on Mega-game stuff after production week (along with Aoibhinn) Work on Camp documentation (along with Taylor) Organise a storage audit (along with Kyle) Get hinges + other accesseries for the shelf


Take charge of the Fresher guide! When she can, take the speakers to the tip


Send feedback to Relay for Life (along with Taylor) Harass gatekeepers about O-Day and general help planning


Pick up BBQ on the 31st and return it on the 3rd.


Try and train Roy in being a gatekeeper Confirm booking with Presscott court Post about tickets being available in gate, regular, and event Talk to Emily about Vintage cube Check and edit 2020 sign up forms Get the big lump of wood to put on the floor (along with Aoibhinn)


Investigate logistics of weekly wargaming event Organise a storage audit (along with Alistair)