Unigames Committee Meeting #48 - 07/02/2022

by Guinevere Sellner 07/02/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #48 - 07/02/2022


  • Alistair
  • Jackie
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Luna
  • Texas


  • Emerald
  • Gwen


Meeting scheduled: 5:30pm

Meeting open: 5:40pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Done a bunch of uncharity stuff
  • Contacted tactics about prizes
  • Asked to pickup prerelease
    • is not ready
    • blegh
    • will do this week
  • Still gotta do uncharity stuff
  • Need to book GCR for OGM

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • In mount barker nearly in Albany
  • Listen to the Trojan horse affair it’s a great and brand new investigative journalism podcast
  • Also I bought the stuff it’s at my house
  • i love you all

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • i have entered like. the whole (board game) library into the library database
    • barring literally like 2-3 wargames, and a double check through the shelves
  • had an (early oTL) meeting with kieran about wargaming stuff
    • have a list of things we can throw out immediately, eventually, and eventually later too
  • emailed cade back about the missing 1.6k
  • i've just kinda been routinely checking the email for shirt people to say stuff the whole week
  • every once in a while i remember that i have to like. finish the charity vigil handover and die a little
    • it will be done by the time my current term is over
  • account balance: $9,571.30

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • Apologies (Migraine)

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • Went to check on his rice
    • it's ok but somewhat burnt o7
  • Is good
  • Somewhat busy
    • buying things he doesn't wanna buy
  • Spent $200 at IKEA
    • IKEA got no drip - Vikrum 2022
  • Been working
  • Did book buy
    • Have told Jason the order
    • Jason is asking about order timing/payment

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Gave Alistair Book
  • Am minuting
  • Continue to think about handover

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Luna, Nina, Texas):

  • Chris:
    • another week sure did pass
    • learning how to solve cube puzzle again
  • Luna:
    • Booster Shot obtained.
    • First week since moving out a second time that I missed exercising.
    • Learning to trust that Lilly is a good GM and won't just kill you.
    • Boardgames with friends.
    • Why must shipping be so long.
    • My wrists are balls of pain.
    • Casual Workers having rights has decreased my pays.
    • Autohotkey my beloved.
    • 50% of my work is able to be done with one hand, and 70% of it is wait time.
  • Nina:
    • deferred exam, done!
    • hopefully i did decently, since I gave myself 2 hours to do it before realising the i actually had 24 hours (which tbf feels worse to me)
    • annnd now im sick (yay post stress immune response!)
    • wish me luck for tomorrow as i'll be braving the horrors of the centrelink student line, if people find my desiccated corpse, know that it was from spending 12 hours on hold
  • Texas:
    • you look at a magic card once and jackie comes from the shadows to call you a magic nerd
    • that being said, i did play magic the gathering and had fun
    • did library things! thank you donald for recovering my username
    • fixed a hole in naptune for the 3rd time bc i didnt really know how to fix it the first 2 and winged it without help but now hes better
    • 1 dragons

Past action Items:

Alistair Langton:

Large scale borrowing regulations - Not Done

Emerald Aindow:

Card sleeves and nail polish - Done

Jackie Shan:

Meet with Kieran - Done


Library entry - Done (by Jackie)


  • no updates


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Next board games: Fresher Welcome 03/03


  • Next one shot: DND Week 2

Magic: The Gavining

  • Neon Dynasty Kamigawa 2077 Pre-release [Sunday 11am 13/2/22]
    • Still this sunday
    • SAMURAI!!!
    • We talk about the Legendary Artifact Creature - Jellyfish Equipment
    • It will be fun


  • Primarch day [Saturday 10:30am 5/2/22]
    • Did not get a huge attendance rate
    • Alot of on day drop outs
    • A way to do primarchs
      • Will take experimentation
  • Terrain
    • Jackie had meeting with Kieran
      • if we would like to have 2 armies, keep best 2
        • these are the ones in the black boxes
        • Not the green box (contents)
        • Armies are staying in black boxes and green box is getting thrown out
      • Throw out:
        • Astra milla tanks
        • Throw out dusty box of orks
        • Grass terrain thing
        • Ice terrain
        • Random aesthetic terrain parts
    • Alistair loves the box of boyz (not the one we're throwing out)
    • Black box is decided to be better for storage and differentiation reasons
    • Buying a starter box (about $100)
      • Either professionally painted
      • Or painted cohesively
        • perhaps event
    • Next committee's problem
    • Jackie will photo things to be thrown out and post about it after messaging kieran
    • Vikrum remembers the tape measures he never forgets

Jackie: message Kieran if he wants warg stuff

Jackie: post on discord/facebook about free warg stuff

Fresher Campaigns

  • We are 10 applications in
  • Please signup!
  • GM EOI form: https://forms.gle/PTFFQ47rhE2cuMN97


Cameron Hall-o-ween @ The Tav [Thursday 21/10 7pm]

  • why isnt this done yet?
  • has ucc approved the new distribution?
    • they had a meeting yesterday
    • It was approved!

Jackie: Do distribution for Hall-o-ween

Uncharity Vigil [Saturday 19/02 4pm - Sunday 20/02 4pm]

  • Entry will be $5 with 1 raffle ticket
  • There will be pizza run
  • There will be raffle
  • There will be things
  • If you want to run something contact committee/ Chris or Alistair.
  • Bring Change
  • Schedule and posters will be done soonish
  • Theoretically events will go up soon.
  • Alistair wants to auction things
    • Current list:
      • Fog of Love (old copy)
      • Game of Game of thrones (old copy)
      • Some unigames dice
      • Alistair is open to more suggestions

Everyone: Come up with auctionable items

DnD with Panto [January??]

  • No response from Clare

O-Day [Friday 25/02 11am - 3pm]

  • Committee come before 11 for setup
    • 2 of them are on Holiday for this (Sadge)
  • Booking is done
  • Should be smooth
  • Fresher guides need to be done

Ethan: Work on Fresher Guide

Everyone: Think of something funny for Fresher guide quote

Fresher Welcome [Thursday 03/03 4:00PM]

  • Will be run before the day before AGM
  • Fun with freshers. Feel free to come even if not a fresher for fun, games and making new friends.
  • Alistair asks for thoughts on 2021 Fresher welcome
    • 2021 started at 2PM
      • A lot of people left before pizza last year
    • Too much pizza if no one eats pizza
    • Jackie has other comments that will be bought up not today
  • Invite people after O-Day (at earliest the 26th)

Ethan: Fresher Welcome EMP

Annual General Meeting [Friday 04/03 2:00PM]

  • Vikrum will send report by physical letter
    • Alistair talks about the reasons Vikrum cant post a letter with a Wax seal
  • Event will be put up
    • Committee nominations to be put up on friday te 18th of February.
    • Please consider nominating if you think you would be good on committee.
      • Vikrum for IPL


  • Complete
    • $454.32 food run (17/01/22) to Jackie
    • $100.72 terrain painting supplies to Jackie
    • $28.16 terrain painting supplies to Amelia
    • $181.50 Oday stall to Student Guild
  • Unsubmitted
    • $36.14 Pyramid Camp supplies to Emerald
    • $30.60 card sleeves to Emerald
    • $2.00 top coat (for boardgame pieces) to Emerald
    • $1,610.00 2022 Ern Halliday deposit to Jackie


  • Best Club Award
    • Cade emailed Jackie for "receipts" about our missing money
    • Jackie has emailed back asking which "receipts" he wants
  • Semester grant
    • Read above
  • Envirogrant
    • No updates
    • Will Jackie ever get the cool can collection?

General Business:

Room Update

  • Table
    • No updates


  • Vikrum will get it done before his time is up (on committee)
    • Unless he gets 1v1d by next Librarian
  • Classification system

  • Book Buy

    • Pending
    • Payment scheme
      • Paying up front
      • Paying as items come in
      • Jackie has no strong feelings either way but says pay up front

Vikrum: Email Tactics about payment method for book buy

  • Card Sleeves
    • Purchased

Food runs

  • We should do one
    • This Thursday
  • As well as one for uncharity
    • (Milks)


  • no updates


Alistair: large scale borrowing regulations

Westmarche Campaign

  • Refer to discord server

Shirt Stuff

  • Jackie checks the email everday
    • at work
    • while sipping $8 ice mocha

Everyone: Write your handovers

Meeting closed: 6:43 pm-- Action Items: Alistair:

Large scale borrowing regulations

Large scale borrowing regulations (along with )


Message Kieran if he wants warg stuff

Message Kieran if he wants warg stuff (along with )

Post on discord/facebook about free warg stuff

Post on discord/facebook about free warg stuff (along with )

Do distribution for Hall-o-ween

Do distribution for Hall-o-ween (along with )


Email Tactics about payment method for book buy

Email Tactics about payment method for book buy (along with )


Work on Fresher Guide

Work on Fresher Guide (along with )

Fresher Welcome EMP

Fresher Welcome EMP (along with )


(Everyone) Come up with auctionable items

(Everyone) Think of something funny for Fresher guide quote

(Everyone) Write your handovers