Unigames Committee Meeting #5 - 03/04/2023

by Joshua Annison 03/04/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #5 - 03/04/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • Hannah
  • Emerald
  • James


  • Connor


Meeting scheduled: 6:00PM

Meeting open: 6:16PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • if anyone wants a google doc of about 11 hours worth of a timeline of iconic warrior cats videos/content, hit me up
    • can you tell i'm really normal
  • yeah i was at the SOCPAC
  • contacted many people and wrote emails for clubbed
  • wrote up a 5 page document on how clubrooms are important
  • gonna buy a new scarp book for club tomorrow
  • smfsd lockdown continues
  • Fridge poster

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Went to Socpac
  • Ran Jumpstart
  • Mom spoilers not too bad
  • Looking into Lancer
    • Thanks Emerald
  • Working on the magic doc i prommy
  • Theros flashback EOI up on Thursday 🙂

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • icky cold is icky
  • Account Balance: $4245.30 (things have almost definitely changed coz of withdrawals n stuff)
  • Committee is CSGOing to become Steven
  • also went to SOCPAC

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Steven (Derogatory)
  • Sigma Study Grindset (I cannot believe I have to do work to get a degree)
  • OGM minutes done! I will post them alongside the minutes for this meeting!
  • Newsletter for March coming out this Friday! Get hyped!
  • Hyped for CoC!
  • My brain is stuck in [REDACTED] quiz mode

Librarian's Report (David):

  • You gotta up those numbers, Steven...
  • Feeling the (metaphorical) heat as deadlines start approaching...
  • Attended SocPac for the first time
  • Did charity vigil subcom things (mainly graffic desine)
  • Processed some board game donations
  • Ran Intro to Wargaming, was fun
  • Here, have 7 minutes of Revali theme music

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • freshers excited for study break!!!
  • C boardgames went very well
  • Guess what
  • is on Wednesday
  • that i'm losing my mind about
  • im gonna go feral

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James):

  • Chris:
    • conkus cthonkus date locked in (next wednesday)
    • advertisement coming shortly
    • my sax is bronken (significantly less bronken)
  • Hannah:
    • somehow survived the week even if my sleep schedule has officially gone down the drain
    • C board games happened and seemed to be a lot of fun
    • I would die for Mr Fox the cat and I hope he catches that fly at some point
    • also cat mug for the win
    • staring at the gooped lolly jar
  • James:
    • Went to C Boardgames. Had a ton of fun.
    • Going to start work on Epic Boardgames announcement.
    • I did not get pranked on April’s Fools day and I feel like I missed out.
    • miss the sofa...
  • Texas
    • it's me Jackie saying the report
    • I (Texas) beat the mech bosses in terraria
    • convinced people to come to CoC oneshot on Wednesday
    • account balance: this bit again

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==6/6== Meeting
    • hi Josh
    • hi Gibbi
    • idk what you guys are talking about 'mid sem pressure'
    • i did my stuff last week
    • was very bad
    • if everyone looked at all of the lancer mechs that they would find one that they would like
      • and thats good
    • love you all

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Message Swancon and ask if they want volunteers - Done

  • Contact ACYA about dates - Done

  • (with Emerald) Confirm Dates and send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary - Confirmed Dates

  • (with Emerald) Discuss Ball Merch - Brainstorming

  • (with Josh) Sort out how to get Danika's chairs - Done

  • Post Minis Discussion on Facebook - Done

  • Continue to investigate minis - Done

  • (with Josh) Fix the unigames constitution on website - Not Done


  • Make Quickplay Guide - Not Done

  • Theros EOI - Ask about this in April- Done

  • Message committee about deck boxes - Not Done

  • Jumpstart announcement, events on facebook for all the magic "stuff" (specifically discord) - Done


  • Post ogm minutes oTL - Going up with this meetings minutes

  • (with Jackie) Sort out how to get Danika's chairs - Done

  • Updates regs on website - Not Done

  • (with Jackie) Fix the unigames constitution on website - Not Done


  • Copy paste tactics email for uncharity prizes - I forgor

  • Contact Patrick regarding D&D Screening Collab Event - Done

  • Research sleeving Boardgames - In Progress

  • Message Finn about SPLAT buy - Done


  • Food Safety Training for [Redacted] - Not Done


  • Announcement for Call of Cthulu - Done


  • Food Safety Training for [Redacted] - Not Done


  • (with Jackie) Confirm Dates and send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary - Confirmed

  • Mailing list for 40th - Nope

  • (with Jackie) Discuss Ball Merch - In Pogress

  • Return Dragons (we want them back) - Has returned dragons

Usual Suspects

Board Games

"C" Boardgames - Friday 31/03/2023 - 4pm
  • Hannah says: Very full, 22~ish
  • People having fun
  • switched games throughout
  • Gen Says: it did go on for a while
  • casting shadows was a hit
Study week boardgames - 11/04/23, 1PM-8PM
  • Epic Boardgames Day
  • Longer games, Dead of Winter, Root, Root Expansions, games that do not get played as often
    • Axis and Allies URAH

James: Announcements for Study Week Boardgames

Next Boardgames - Week 8
  • Hannah and Chris

    Hannah, Chris: Organise Next Board games event


Call of Cthulu RPG Night - Wednesday 05/04/2023 - 5pm
  • GM List: Merlin, Jack, Gen
  • Might be good to have Alistair on call
  • Omg! Just 2 days away!
D&D 5e RPG Night - Friday 21/04/2023 - 5:30PM
  • Got GM list with backups
    • Harry
    • Frosh
    • 'Big Josh'
    • Grace
    • Texas
    • Emerald
    • Chris
  • Maybe need to find a space to do the whole event in the same area
  • Lewis says: Overspill can absolutely happen into the CCZ, has happened before
  • Set level 3

    James: Contact GM's about the 'deets' for DND 5e

Cyberpunk One Shot Night - Week 9
  • Gen and Frosh

    Gen, Frosh: Cyberpunk One Shot Night EMP

Potential RPG event schedule for Sem 1 2023
  • This would provide a nice balance of genres and mechanics between famous and niche games
  • That one High fantasy Rpg that everyone knows and has a number of editions greater than 4
  • Pendragon/Pathfinder
  • Spire/Heart
  • One page RPGs


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quickplay guide for it in the next week or so

    Gibbi: Make Quickplay Guide

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Getting quote for MOM box ~2.5 weeks ($200 per box)
March of Machines Prerelease - 16/04/2023 - 11am
  • Only two weeks away :O

Gibbi: Put up Announcement and Facebook event for MOM Prerelease

Jumpstart 2022 2 - 30/03/23 - 1PM
  • 18 attendants
  • very impressive turnout very happy with it
  • gonna keep the magic events going
Theros Flashback Draft - End of April
  • Theros SWEEP :sparkles:
  • Entry $25

    Gibbi: Theros EOI to go out on Thursday 06/04/2023

Perth Gaymers ONE Draft

  • They looking elsewhere now


Intro to Wargaming - 01/04/2023 - 12pm
  • Pretty small attendence
  • ~4 attendence
  • Gaslands good!

Fresher Campaigns

  • Going well
  • Everything is sorted :thumbsup:
  • DM's be chatting about things, seem to be enjoying themself
    • They have a vent channel to complain about system mechanics lmao

Unigames OGM - Monday the 13th (February) (At 3pm regardless of Date)


Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

  • Budget approved
    • Not all clubs have approved it
  • Not much else
  • David messaging sponsors tonight
  • New wording on cost split, gone through
  • David Poster
  • Possible #maidsweep

Unigames [Redacted] 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

    • Assassins: King Connor
    • Debates: James and Hannah
    • Quiz: Josh, Chris, Gen, Gibbi
    • LARP: David and Connor
    • Oneshots: David
  • Make call on official name next week
  • roster up, please do

    Gibbi: Watch Jackie do [REDACTED] EMP

D&D Movie Outing UniSFA Collab - Sunday 23/04/23

  • Organisation hell
  • We need EMP, cinemas do not give schedule 2 weeks in advance
  • Chris suggests broader time for event in EMP, confirming date later
  • UniSFA also wants to join
  • Saturday-Sunday of Next next week?
  • 23rdish maybe

Swancon - April 15th-16th

  • Jackie has confirmed everything
  • Only has volunteers on the Sunday
  • Looking for people to assist with teaching Pandemic
  • Gold Coin Entry on Saturday for first timers!
  • Otherwise $50 Concession
  • $70 Normal

    Jackie: Make google form for people interested in volunteering at Swancon David: Buy Concession ticket for Swancon

ACYA Collab Event - 09/05

  • 09/05 works
  • will get advertisting 'stuff' given to us about a week before

Far Future Events

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Jackie - Knowledge Bearer
  • Gen
  • Connor

Role Play 4 LYFE - 2nd-3rd of September

  • Gen
  • David

Quiz Night - ???

  • Lightmittee
    • Gibbi
  • Darkmittee
    • Chris


  • Josh
  • James Secret Captain
    • (he will be Captain for UniHall or smth)

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi

Other Subcommitees for events throughout the year


  • Approved
    • $256.60 to Connor for 07/03/23 food run
    • $234.50 to Connor for 23/02/23 food run
    • $209 to Gibbi for All Will Be One box
    • $150 to Gibbi for Theros Box
    • $351.87 to Jackie for 28/02/23 food
    • $262.71 to David for Dominos Pizza
    • $25.34 to David for Tim Tams & Glue
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $553.00 Joint [REDACTED] Jackie Deposit
    • $178.65 To Connor for 27/03 food run
    • $4.50 to Connor for short term borrowing pocket


SOCPAC - 28/03/2023

  • David Summary:
    • Club Carnival Semester 2
    • SLT training 18th-19th of April
    • Cam hall now on libcal (specifically loft)
    • SPG due date 14/04
    • After hour access for lift
      • Morbing out over this
      • Enough food for 10 people
      • Every fortnite tuesday
      • Free... ?
      • Clubs that have received include
        • UCC
        • UniSFA
        • ???? not us
      • Wellness marshals and stuff
      • Wellbeing Week


  • Nupdates


  • SPG due on the 15th of April
    • Major Collaborative Vibes
    • Can Hall
  • "We can remove Morbius now" - Jackie

General Business:

Custom Playmats

  • 1 to go ;-; please come get it if it is yours PWEASE PWEASEEEEE
  • Gibbi even sold one of his personal spares

Westmarche 2

  • 'uh' - David
  • Maybe over semester break

40th Anniversary - September-Octoberish

  • Contract received
  • and invoice
  • With time to plan before confirming
  • Inside a suedey Dice/Gift Bag
    • Dice, maybe just a d20
    • MTGProxy
      • Treasure Proxy??
    • Simple Dice tray?
    • Acrylic Charm/Fridge Magnet
    • Stickers
    • Pins?
    • Everyone gets 1 (one) GoT card
    • A mini??
    • Pocket Squares?

Jackie, Emerald: Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary Emerald: Mailing list for 40th Jackie, Emerald: Discuss Ball Merch


  • No New Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

Danika's Chairs
  • Jackie and Josh can do it

Josh, Jackie: Grab them Chairs this weekend

New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates


Selling Minis
  • Jackie has loads of leads
  • waiting on responses

Card Sleeving

David: Research sleeving Boardgames

SPLAT - Finn Root RPG


Jack Boardgames Donation

  • Fresher Jack has offered to give us some boardgames
  • Terran
    • Chess in Space
    • Obscure, which is cool
    • Committee Thoughts: confused about 1 complexity and 60 minute playing time
      • Maybe give it a trial period???
    • Motion to Accept Terran: Passes
  • Quiz King
    • Not even on boardgame geek
    • Trivia Tic-Tac-Toe
    • Committee Thoughts: no thanks
    • Motion to Accept Quiz King: Fails
  • Game of Nations
    • Oil Control Game (USA Sim)
    • Try to influence oil supplies and the such
    • Espionage/Diplomacy aspect
    • 5.2/10 On BGG
    • Pacing is iffy, good 2P game
    • "decent"
    • Its 'a long boy'
    • Committee Thoughts: Same criticisms could be applied to other things in Library, niche filled already, box already damaged, big game, why play GoN when you can play Risk
    • Motion to Accept Game of Nations: Fails
  • Admirals
    • "Stratego-Like"
    • Strategy game with deduction and bluffing elements
    • BGG: 5.6/10
    • 2 player, short games
    • we do already have stratego
    • Its another 'long boy'
    • "Like Chess but Among Us in the ocean"
    • Committee Thoughts: We have Stratego, it isn't played that often
    • Motion to Accept Admirals: Fails
  • Rum Rebellion
    • 4.7/10 BGG
    • Basically Monopoly ;-;
    • Bad reviews
    • Committee Thoughts: Fun to teach your children about history, very luck based, Monopoly-like (derogatory)
    • Motion to Accept Rum Rebellion: Fails
    • We do already own but AAA SWEEP
    • In (probably) better condition than ours
    • The box is box shaped (as opposed to ours)
    • Committee Thoughts: Good idea to upgrade probably
    • Motion to Accept AAA on the provision that it is used to update/replace our current copy: Unanimous
UWAnime "Donation"
  • Pride gave UWAnime a Starwars X-Wing Mini and so now they went and gave it to us
  • Its not even a donation
  • Maybe we can raffle it off at some point?
Library System
  • Apparently Jackie forgor that Donald has this
  • We should have a nice guide written up to send to gatekeepers to prepare for ONLINE BORROWING

    Jackie, David: Work on Library borrowing guide (ONLINE)

Food runs

  • Nupdates


  • Postponing mailing discussion until after Gozz completes PhD (congrats btw)
  • March Newsletter coming out THIS FRIDAY!

Committee Business

  • Gibbi: one day

Gibbi: Message committee about deck boxes

  • Freyja has voluntarily excluded herself from the Society until the 24/04/23

Josh: Update regs on website

Jackie, Josh: Fix the unigames constitution on website

Meeting closed: 7:42 PM