Unigames Committee Meeting #5 - 05/04/2019

by Donald Sutherland 05/04/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #5 - 05/04/2019


  • Alaura
  • Aoibhinn
  • Taylor
  • Donald
  • Alistair
  • Amelia
  • Brett
  • Jasmine
  • Elana
  • Gavin


  • none


  • none

Meeting open: 11:01AM


President's Report:

  • 11AM is best meeting time
  • Finished Camp EMP
  • Aoibhinn has done the itenary as well
  • Done a bit of damage control
  • One-shot issues with loft
  • Also the FilAus incident
  • I have jury duty, so I might not be able to do much in the next couple of weeks
  • I will be working on the LARP photos now that the Halloween photos are done

Vice-President's Report:

  • Got the loading bay cleared by emailing Guild
  • Talking to Scitech, and talking to SOC Treasurer about grants

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $2362.08
  • So I've been sick
  • What a surprise
  • I thought I was better, then I wrote a three page email, then I'm still sick
  • I put a Gumtree ad for the fridge/freezer and the stickeez
  • The O-Day grant that was low last week, something might be up with that
    • It doesn't look like they were done to policy
    • Stalls didn't get reimbursed,
    • Taylor: Contact SOC about O-Day grants

Secretary's Report:

  • Graphic design is my passion
  • Magic prerelease event is up
  • Poster is made, and will be printed today
  • Quiz night poster has been made
  • Will be printed once approved by Quizmittee

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: None
  • There's one pen that's not a pen that is really annoying when used for the library book because it makes it illegible
  • Book buy recommendation post going up today
  • Jack Kay has been pestering me about a Splat Buy
  • Ben Richardson has donated 5-Minute Dungeon.
    • Thanks Ben!

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • Freshers are alive

Past action Items:


  • Contact Manjedal about evac plans and full site plan - done, also contacted them about early check-in
  • Speak to UniSFA about old fridge/freezer - done
  • Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course - not done


  • Train Simon - done
  • Try and organise leadership training - made post, and told people


  • Sell Stickeez - on gumtree


  • Message GMs for tonight to make sure things are all good - done
  • Put up prerelease advertising ASAP - done
  • Email Scitech with this list and follow-up questions - done
  • Get details to update poster - done
  • Ask again about mailing lsits - done


  • Contact Committee/Gate about SwanCon volunteering - oops


  • Make a whenisgood for fresher business - meeting is done
  • Talk to other clubs about fresher tables - done


  • (Everyone) Get Food Safety if you don't have it - some have, some haven't


  • No updates


Usual Suspects:


  • Access board game event is up
  • Classics society games night has been pushed back a bit, to week 8/9
    • We'll aim for Week 9
  • Photog. society president still hasn't got back to Jasmine
  • Brett will take over the reigns from Jasmine re. board games organising


  • Star Wars one-shot
    • Went really well!
    • We had 15 players!
    • We had to call in our backup GM, Cam
    • There was a loft booking mix-up with UCC's committee meetings
    • Was all dealt with, we migrated to the CCZ
  • Aoibhinn want's to do a Cthulhu collab with UniSFA!
    • They show something Lovecraftian, we run a CoC one-shot
    • Probably Week 8


  • "We should run a draft next week, week 6 probably" - week 5 committee
  • Whoops
  • We'll run one next week, Wednesday at 4PM
  • Donald: Make Draft/Commander event


  • Nothing to report
  • Mordheim/Inquisimunda is still running
  • A competitive event also ran

Fresher Campaigns

  • Meeting has been organised to re-do allocations
  • Taylor has taught Alistair and Amelia to use the spreadsheet
  • One fresher campaign has disbanded, but its GM is still willing to run one


Scitech - After Dark [April 6th]

  • Aoibhinn has been talking with Scitech, about details
  • It's this weekend, it's gonna be great!

SwanCon [19th-22nd April]:

  • David from SwanCon popped by!
  • Basically confirmed the details that Laura gave us
  • Said we could probably use the lockup so that our games were secured
  • Donald: Update commitee email address on website

Quiz Night [10th May]:

  • EMP is yet to approved.
  • Poster is awaiting quizmittee approval
  • UniSFA is trying to get people donate exactly prizes
  • Alaura+Taylor: Talk to UniSFA in person about Quiz Night prize philosophy

  • Aoibhinn+Taylor: Get tickets out tonight for Quiz

CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Redacted) [21st-24th June]:

  • Roster needs to be rejangled because of a few things
  • The draft roster does not take events into accounts
  • RMP is done, aside from some name changes
  • Itenary is currently on a 3PM check-in

Harry Potter LARP:

  • UniSFA is keen
  • But what about Harry Potter Society?
  • Taylor has a few points to talk about in a meeting that's been planned

Room Update:

  • Fridge/freezer chaos

    • Old fridge/freezer is up on Gumtree
    • Current fridge/freezer fail tally: 48
    • Turning down the temperature seems to have worked
      • Do not put drinks right up against the cooling element, that freezes them as well
  • Storage allocations

    • Draft is out, and has been appealed
    • Allocation meeting is happening on Sunday
    • We'll see how it goes from there
  • Fridge Whiteboard:

    • Brett has done research on whiteboard wraps, has found $220 and $120 options
    • Alaura has suggested a smaller drawable space
    • Maybe just a magnetically attached whiteboard?
    • Brett: Continue looking at fridge whiteboards

  • Noodles:

    • Have been removed
    • Replacement #safetysafe is coming


  • Finley Hoskins: $10.24 for metholated spirits and cleaning vinegar for busy bee
  • Alistair: $35.61 for paints
    • Delayed, so it can be paid via transfer, not cash.

General Business:

  • Change to committee meeting time:

    • Now that the semester is underway, new meeting time?
    • Committee agrees
    • Jasmine: Make a Google Sheet for meeting scheduling

    • Everyone: Fill out that google sheet

  • FilAus Incident:

    • There was a karaoke night run by FilAus in the loft a few weeks ago.
    • They were really, really loud, to the point where it disrupted every other club in Cameron Hall.
    • We asked them to lower volume frequently during the event, which they eventually refused.
    • They have submitted a formal complaint on our conduct of the evening, accusing some members of our committee of verbal abuse towards their members, and of filming them without their permission.
    • We do not beleive these allegations are correct, and will be meeting with FilAus to resolve this.
    • We are also working with Guild to make sure that the loft is not considered a suitable venue for such an event, and are working on submitting a formal complaint against FilAus for their conduct during that evening.
  • Seperate mailing lists:

    • Something is up with mailing list
    • Maybe Donald did a typo
    • Who knows
    • Donald: Find out what's up with Mailing Lists

  • Cameron Hall first aid:

    • Alaura: Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course

  • Leadership training:

    • April 23rd and 24th is Leadership training
    • Aoibhinn: Try and organise leadership training

  • Accessibility:

    • A chair lift would be great
    • We've spoken to Annette, "great idea"
  • Selling the stickeez:

    • Taylor: Sell Stickeez.

  • Committee photos:

    • All committee members should submit a photo to Alaura.
  • Book buy:

    • Alistair: Make a whenisgood for Book Buy meeting from 1st - 8th May

  • Splat buy:

    • Jack wants to splat buy Masks of Nyarlathotep, a campaign module for CoC.
    • It's real expensive, we would have to pay $96
    • Too expensive for us
    • Alistair: Tell Jack our reasons for declining the splat.

Meeting closed: 1:15PM


Action Items:


  • Talk to UniSFA in person about Quiz Night prize philosophy (along with Taylor)
  • Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course


  • Get tickets out tonight for Quiz (along with Taylor)
  • Try and organise leadership training


  • Contact SOC about O-Day grants
  • Talk to UniSFA in person about Quiz Night prize philosophy (along with Alaura)
  • Get tickets out tonight for Quiz (along with Aoibhinn)
  • Sell Stickeez.


  • Make Draft/Commander event
  • Update commitee email address on website
  • Find out what's up with Mailing Lists


  • Make a whenisgood for Book Buy meeting from 1st - 8th May
  • Tell Jack our reasons for declining the splat.


  • Continue looking at fridge whiteboards


  • Make a Google Sheet for meeting scheduling


  • (Everyone) Fill out that google sheet