Unigames Committee Meeting #6 - 09/04/2020

by Autumn Brough 09/04/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #6 - 09/04/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Gwen
  • Kyle

Meeting scheduled: 5:30pm

Meeting open: 5:35pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Emailed Manjedal and gave us the preferred dates we picked out, plus a third one in the middle
  • Emailed tactics to ask about the magic prerelease: they dont expect us to be doing it although they will be receiving the product
  • Recovered the dumped board game (sushigo)
  • I've watched 7/9 seasons of The Office so far, so that'll last me maybe another 3 days at most
  • Organised and catalogued my card collection so that's neat
  • I'm dying scoob

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • i don't know the difference between awake and asleep any more
  • sorted the apps on her phone by type and then alphabetically
    • alice advocates sorting by colour
  • stopexamplify change dot org slash stop examplify https://change.org/stopexamplify

  • relying on emerald moving in to stop going insane

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • still sipping that missing cameron hall juice
  • signed up a new member!
  • made a nice new working file for trez things
  • account balance: $1,493.57
  • cash on hand: $7

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • everything feels serene now
  • fresher campaign signup forms
  • organised and attended the first meeting for charity unvigil
  • tears have earned a raise

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • I miss all my friends and cameron hall
    • a lot
      • deeply and truly
  • all my loose library items are accounted for
    • sushigo was the last unaccounted-for game
    • if they're not in the room they're with josh or colin
  • currently moving into taylors house, adoption nearly complete
  • stole some passionfruits

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • "Birds can't commit crimes"
  • The Freshers are Alice
    • The freshers are also alive
  • Attended call of cthulu, played d&d
  • Sent out the fresher campaign GM signup forms
    • self described as "peppy and hilarious"
  • a confusing comment about the UCC treasurer

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • Me: is bored
      • Also Me: ignores all my uni work and other commitments.
    • it is what it is
    • made the board games night event on discord and fb, its this Friday (10/4), please come ;-;. We've got 5 different games, still welcoming suggestions <3
    • shout out to Gwen for the Spyfall suggestion and pinging on discord, i swear one day i'll be semi-competent on dc rip
    • did a lil reminder about Prosh, submissions are closed but still encouraged to donate if you can.
  • Gwen:
    • Ran Call of Cthulhu One Shot last Friday. Have heard great feedback from everyone!
    • There were some technical issues with one of our GMs, but they have said they want to do a make up game with their players which is awesome.
    • Shoutout to Vikrum who stepped in last minute to run a d&d one shot!
      • Thank you Vikrum!!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
    • I think that with future rpg events over discord, we should do test runs with the gms before if they haven't run the particular game or any game over discord before.
  • Josh:
    • People taking a while to send in emails, but they're all in now and empire is mostly in the hands of capable GM's.
    • Turns out its really hard to explains to people that the rules of a system are that there are no rules.
    • Helped a scared, young Gwen and her event.
    • lets sit down and make the Unigames discord an active discord
  • Kyle:
    • ive put together a play on vassal pack just need to get someone to play it with me
    • attended a charity unvigil meeting

Past action Items:


Oversee camp - done


Bug the Halloween Oldmittee. Get them to step through the spreadsheet which should exist - bugged but no progress

Sign up a new member - not the intended member, but done


Finish the GM signup form - done

Have a charity meeting (along with Kyle) - done


Contact people with games out - done


Distribute the GM signup form to Facebook and discord and email - done

Potentially communicate with other GMs - not yet, made plans


Ask the wargamers what they've been doing - painting ??

Work with Vassal - done

Have a meeting (along with Autumn) - done


Make Empires happen - green for "good to go"


Bump prosh again - done

Make a deception board games night - done


Usual Suspects:


  • Deception board games [This Friday, 10/4 at 5pm]
    • Greenlit, Ash has tested a bunch of games and identified 5 games that we can play online
    • Some options, like Sheriff of Nottingham, are only for TTS
    • So far we have Secret Hitler, Werewolf, Town of Salem, Coup, Spyfall


  • Call of Cthulu/Feedback on overall online games
    • People are still getting used to getting online
    • We should specifically ask GMs if they have experience running online and potentially organise to do a practice run, deal with technical issues
    • Taylor: Should we put together a handy reference doc for GMs/members about running games over discord? Big suggestion to test and practise
    • Pleease let's do premade characters where possible because communicating that is really hard
    • huge shoutouts to vikrum for stepping in!!
    • positive feedback towards CoC as a system, nice and narrative driven
  • Next rpg
    • Autumn can organise Monster of the Week
    • Emerald can potentially GM if we run on Wednesday

Gwen: Be responsible for making a GM reference doc

Autumn: Organise MOTW and track down GMs and advertise


  • Fuckin giant monsters!!!!!!
    • "Yes you can say fuck in the minutes"
    • Mothra ily
    • No actual updates


  • Kyle would like to run a "Let's paint together" event
    • Taylor: what if we expand to a general home arts and crafts event?
    • i.e. if you have minis you paint them, but anyone else is welcome to come and participate
  • Kyle has assembled a package of what you need to play on vassal for 40k, not a lot of resources for mordheim because there are copyright issues there
    • Next step is force someone to play with Kyle
    • Consider adapting 40k resources to mordheim

Kyle: Make a Community craft hour event

Kyle: Find a friend for wargames

  • someone please help taylor

Fresher Campaigns

  • 8 GMs have signed up via the GM signup form
  • Half of them have said they dont wanna play d&d
  • Taylor: that's enough to open the gates for fresher signups
  • We likely won't have as large a set of fresher campaigns as usual
  • Alice also has a plan for asking around for GM stuff

Alice, Autumn, Taylor: Revise the fresher signup form

Alice: Keep collecting GMs for fresher campaigns

Alice: Open up player signups for fresher campaigns

  • Get alice to learn spreadsheets 2020


Halloween 2019:

  • Apparently Aoibhinn is the person to talk to but we keep poking her when she's at work

Taylor, Jackie: Increase the capacity of the halloween wrath pipeline


  • Pretty dead from our point of view
  • Submission deadlines have passed
  • Donations are still open until 17/4!! Donating to charity is good
  • DONATE AT bit.ly/PROSH2020

Charity UnVigil:

  • Current participants are Unisfa, UCC and Unigames
    • UWAnime, Panto and PCS have not expressed solid interest but they are welcome to approach us
  • Consideration of charities to support:
    • The frontrunners for consideration are Zonta House, Friends with Dignity (both DV support) and Youth Focus.
    • Consideration of putting up an open poll? Decided against

All: Consider which charities we would like to support

  • The chosen week for this event to run is four evenings in week 10, 13/5 - 16/5
  • Discussion of mechanism of donation:
    • Many tiny transactions not viable
    • This means we do prepaid or postpaid
    • Chasing people down for postpaid donations is cursed
    • We will figure out a system for putting down money at the start
    • Every dollar is a raffle ticket
      • Charity unvigil subcommittee to put consideration into how to balance the raffle
  • Schedule of events: unigames hopefully running on the friday night
    • We can do oneshots and boardgames, similarly to how we usually run vigils
    • The unigames specific stuff will primarily be run by many people and not just the two reps so important to keep the club in the loop
    • Big saturday night is a shrug emoji - could we run artemis? does it have to be nighttime?
  • Organisation of this event is off to a good start :D


  • Games are kicking off right now
  • Someone has expressed interest in running a scifi version to Josh, so he is keen for a second season of Empires if it goes well
  • Thank u josh

[REDACTED] 2020: Ghost Camp:

  • Even if individuals are out of quarantine by the camp time, we will not be able to legally run an event with the guild
  • Emerald and Taylor have been scheming
  • There was a plan for our camp larp to be Untitled Goose Larp
  • Concept to adapt this into an online scavenger hunt, using the goose todo list format
  • Assign people points based on the creativity of their solution
  • Taylor has been watching taskmaster
  • Overall could we find some activities to run for the usual weekend of camp??
  • Even a mini quiz night, potentially as a test run if we need to do main quiz night online
    • KAHOOT?????
  • Perhaps an allocated board games night, oneshot night
  • To consider: What events can we do and how can we structure them across a timeline?

Taylor, Emerald: Think about Ghost Camp

  • emerald threatens to cause problems on purpose in taylor's house (aka shadow committee headquarters)

[REDACTED] 2021:

  • Alistair has emailed manj asking to rearrange to 2021

Room Update:

  • lol


  • Pending:
    • Emerald for Oday Ice once she brings her receipt
    • Kyle: $104.22 once Guild lets us make withdrawals
    • Jackie: -$7


  • Tabletop Simulator SPG?
    • There was discussion this week of applying for an SPG to get copies of Tabletop Simulator for members to use
    • Guild will give out theoretically up to $1000 for projects and initiatives with good applications
    • We would have to make the decision of putting the 8-16 copies of TTS on our own unigames steam accounts or gifting them to specific members
    • Picking favourites to keep the game and no one else benefits will likely not be a good look on the application
    • Could we ask for funding to hold a raffle where we give away a bunch of copies, so in a probabilistic way it is potentially going to all members
    • Let's get in contact with Jameson/guild to get an impression of their overall vibe with SPGs, explain the status of TTS in relation to the club, and ask about what kind of approach (totally random raffle, do applications, use them as prizes for events like charity unvigil)
    • if we apply, we should ask for a lot more than we expect. e.g. six packs is $510, servicing 24 people

Jackie: Email Jameson to ask about the status of TTS SPGs

  • a committee member is admonished for saying "it's not illegal if you don't read the terms of service"
  • we should note that we were originally planning to apply for an SPG to buy a bunch of wargaming gear (sadly now illegal)
    • could we try to get that money still?
    • we have ~$150 allocated for wargaming from last uncharity vigil
    • can we ask the wargaming community if they would rather we spent that money on an online solution, or saved it for when the clubroom is back in action
    • kyle: there is very little to dump money in that can aid you in play wargames online. TTS is the only real helper and that shouldn't come out of the wargaming fund
    • taylor: we should use the quarantine period to do some planning of what we want to do with the wargaming infrastructure so once we get back in, we can start moving quickly with applying for grants, planning purchases, mapping the future of wargames
    • what is the "Ideal Wargaming Setup" (IWgS) ?

Kyle, Josh: Think about the future of wargaming (assets and purchases)

  • @ our members: Please stay up to date with what the guild is doing! If you think the university is doing you dirty, there are lots of people in the guild who will stand (and currently are standing) up for you, and will get things done on your behalf

General Business:


  • Josh has thoughts:
    • We have made good moves trimming chats but.
    • No channel should exist if there is not a strooong reason for it to exist.
    • Josh presents suggestions for channels to move and rename
    • Suggestion to have little weekly discord events where we get together on the discord and post/chat/vibe
    • Throwback thursday reminds us of the beforetimes

Josh: Writeup your proposed new order for the Discord channels

All: Brainstorm ideas for discord activities

  • Concept of a bot that @'s everyone with a picture of a hyena every week

  • Cam has proposed the idea of boosting the server

    • Explanation of doing a Discord server boost: you get higher quality audio, higher quality video streaming, more people watching a stream
    • It comes in several levels, going to the first level is $10 per month. The higher levels are expensive
    • Discussion of people randomly streaming things in the club - if we have HQ streams then people might just wander into the server instead of using their little home server
    • Alistair has asked UCC for tips
  • I miss you all <3

    • I miss everyone <3
      • I miss Donald <3

Meeting closed: 7:23pm

This Week's Action Items: Taylor:

Revise the fresher signup form (along with Autumn, Alice)

Increase the capacity of the halloween wrath pipeline (along with Jackie)

Think about Ghost Camp (along with Emerald)


Increase the capacity of the halloween wrath pipeline (along with Taylor)

Email Jameson to ask about the status of TTS SPGs


Organise MOTW and track down GMs and advertise

Organise MOTW and track down GMs and advertise (along with )

Revise the fresher signup form (along with Taylor, Alice)


Think about Ghost Camp (along with Taylor)


Revise the fresher signup form (along with Taylor, Autumn)

Keep collecting GMs for fresher campaigns

Open up player signups for fresher campaigns


Make a Community craft hour event

Find a friend for wargames

Think about the future of wargaming (assets and purchases) (along with Josh)


Think about the future of wargaming (assets and purchases) (along with Kyle)

Writeup your proposed new order for the Discord channels


Be responsible for making a GM reference doc

Be responsible for making a GM reference doc (along with )


(All) Consider which charities we would like to support

(All) Brainstorm ideas for discord activities