Unigames Committee Meeting #7 - 17/04/2023

by Joshua Annison 17/04/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #7 - 17/04/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Connor
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • Hannah
  • James
  • Emerald



Meeting scheduled: 6:00PM

Meeting open: 6:15PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • renewed unigames’ ucc membership
  • updated php of unigames constitution to be put on website
  • did redacted emp
  • been trying my hardest to come up with fun and good poster designs for redacted
  • thinking abt nitro starboard
  • did the fastest food run in the west before mario movie
  • wrote online borrowing guide for the library
  • Paid deposit for ball

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Study breaked ( an in breaked for study)
  • Ran Prerelease very fun very solid turnout
  • Where did the MOM packs go we opened the box yesterday

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • Food run speedrun!
  • Attended Epic Boardgames (W BoardJames)
  • Attended Charity Vigil
  • Made a float
  • Bullied James (and Patrick) in CSGO (L CSJames)
  • Account Balance: $3529.32

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Charity vigil was good
  • Prerelease was good (W Sheoldred)
  • Yeah I studied
  • Hi Texas

Librarian's Report (David):

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • freshers (I specifically) got covid!!!
  • freshers very upset they missed their first charity vigil
  • who needs to study on a study break? (help I’m so behind in everything)

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James):

  • Chris:
    • Charity Vigil went well!
    • Nobody ask about the market price of ball bearings
    • Epic Boardgames was also fun, got to play stardew valley with some people
  • Hannah:
    • about to do the whenisgood bc I entirely forgot
    • also just finished a midsem exam as I’m writing this so yay
    • otherwise attended charity vigil and watched people play one round of gas lands for about 3hrs
  • James:
    • Ran the Epic Boardgames Event. It was great to see loads of people turn up and play Epic games
    • Booked CCZ Production Room & Meeting Room B for D&D One-shot night. Thanks to the brilliant people at Guild
    • Put up Reservation channel for the D&D One-shot night
    • Attended Charity Vigil and sang a song at karaoke that was definitely not embarrassing
    • Unifi in my room at UniHall keeps dropping…..(disconnected)
  • Texas
    • hi Josh
    • and committee
    • I did the whenisgood
    • just in time to be given 7 assignments and 2 presentations due for 1 unit 💀
    • letting go is a free action

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==6/8 (75% WR)== Meeting
    • FAILURE 2X

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Put up open RPG poll for one shot GM's - Done

  • Pick up Charity Vigil Prizes - Done

  • Have Gibbi watch you do [REDACTED] EMP - Done

  • (with Emerald) Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary - Not Done

  • (with Emerald) Discuss Ball Merch - Ongoing

  • (with David) Work on Library borrowing guide (ONLINE) - Done

  • (with Josh) Fix the unigames constitution on website - Done


  • Make Quickplay Guide - Not Done

  • Watch Jackie do [REDACTED] EMP - Done

  • Message committee about deck boxes - Not Done


  • Do food run - Done


  • (with Gen) Cyberpunk One Shot Night EMP - Not Done

  • Pick up MOM boxes for prerelease - Done (Gibbi)

  • Update regs on website - Ongoing

  • (with Jackie) Fix the unigames constitution on website - Done


  • Research sleeving Boardgames - In Progress

  • (with Jackie) Work on Library borrowing guide (ONLINE) - Done


  • (with Josh) Cyberpunk One Shot Night EMP - Not Done


  • (with Hannah) Continue to Organise Oceanic games event - In Pogress


  • (with Chris) Continue to Organise Oceanic games event - In Pogress


  • Book CCZ for D&D 5e - Done

  • Make announcement for D&D 5e - Done


  • (with Jackie) Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary - Not Done

  • Mailing list for 40th - Not Done

  • (with Jackie) Discuss Ball Merch - Ongoing


  • Unigames [REDACTED] Poster Ideas, send them to Jackie Shan - No One did but thats okay

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Study week boardgames - 11/04/23, 1PM-8PM
  • James Thoughts: Really well done, was a noise complaint from charity subcom but was rectified quickly
  • Everyone enjoyed themselves
  • Thanks Chris for allowing James to get dinner
Oceanic Boardgames - 27/04/23, 5PM-9PM
  • Games Include
    • Oceans
    • Deadmen tell no tales
    • Tayu
    • Spirit Island
    • Tsuro
    • Seafarer's of Catan
    • Tortuga
    • And more!

      Hannah, Chris: Organise Oceanic games event

Traitorous Boardgames - Week 11
  • Games Include
    • Betrayal
      • at the House on the Hill
      • at Baldur's Gate
    • The "Book Games"
      • Tortuga
      • Salem
      • Deadwood
      • Bristol
    • Bloodbound
  • Basically games that involve a betrayal, not just social deduction

    James: Work on Traitorous Boardgames


D&D 5e RPG Night - Friday 21/04/2023 - 5:30PM
  • Got GM list with backups
    • Harry
    • Frosh
    • Oily Josh
    • Grace
    • Gibbi
    • Jackie
    • Emerald
    • Chris
    • Connor
  • Maybe fill CCZ first so that we dont have to make people go find the games if they come late.
  • Please come! Everything will go great!
Cyberpunk One Shot Night - Week 9
  • Gen was unfortunately covid'd
  • Will complete EMP tonight
  • Will be fun

Gen, Frosh: Cyberpunk One Shot Night EMP

One-Page RPG's - Week 12
  • James and Chris are fighting over who gets to run this
  • James realises that he can just run an RPG and let Chris do the EMP

    Chris: Do EMP for One-Page RPG's

Potential RPG event schedule for Sem 1 2023
  • This would provide a nice balance of genres and mechanics between famous and niche games
  • Pendragon/Pathfinder
  • Spire/Heart
Open RPG Poll
  • Still open on the Discord and Facebook
  • We have a couple responses, but would love more!


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quickplay guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so

    Gibbi: Make Quickplay Guide

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • MOM Box in Clubroom (almost empty)
  • MH2 should be here in the next week
March of Machines Prerelease - 16/04/2023 - 11am
  • 19 attendees
  • Faulty Box (it had packs that were missing rares (lovely))
  • Connor Says:
    • We had "19.11111" attendees so we actually have an extra $5 lol (thanks Rex)
    • Fault Box: Jackie and Gibbi do not have to buy the box from unigames, but they can I guess
    • (Connor feels bad that they are paying for faulty product, suggests that they buy from Unigames at breakeven (Jackie and Gibbi reject this))
  • Jackie and Gibbi WILL buy the box

Gibbi: Take back MOM Prerelease

Theros Flashback Draft - 07/05/23
  • 14 Applications so far
  • First 12 applicants in order of application:
    • James Osborne
    • Ethan Gibson
    • Joshua Annison
    • David Giles
    • Texas Bennett
    • Grace Fowler
    • Rexxar Jay Ponsica Torcal
    • Nicolas Charnley
    • Xane Andrew Evans
    • Donald Sutherland
    • Christofle Sangkanparan
    • Julius Yang
  • No one has pulled out (This is the current list until further notice)
  • Announcement up in a week or so

    Gibbi: Theros Flashback Draft Announcement

Wargaming :skull::skull:

  • Nupdates

Fresher Campaigns

  • They are alive

Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

  • It Happened
  • Haven't had meeting since
  • Feedback:
    • Jackie:
      • Subcom wasn't ready by start time
      • Pizza prices were innacurate initially
      • Post a joint schedule maybe?
    • Connor:
      • Pizza could have been better organised
    • Chris:
      • Maybe we push Charity Vigil further back? UCC hadn't even had their AGM until very late

Unigames [REDACTED] 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

    • Assassins: King Connor
    • Debates: James and Hannah
    • Quiz: Josh, Chris, Gen, Gibbi
    • LARP: David and Connor
    • Oneshots: David
  • Figuring out transport (still)

Everyone: Upload certificates to Unigames drive

D&D Movie Outing UniSFA Collab - Sunday 23/04/23

  • Gosh Darn it!

Swancon - April 15th-16th

  • David had fun!
  • Its unfortunate I couldn't make it in Saturday
  • A few interesting games
    • Guy who made Sushi Go has some new games
  • Busy Beaks
    • MtG crossed with Wingspan??
  • Scribbly Gum
    • Tayu Core
    • Competitive Line Drawing
  • David bought a game! Time to have fun!
    • Heroes Keep
  • First Librarian since 2019 Librarian to attend Swan Con!

ACYA Collab Event - 09/05

  • Nupdates

Far Future Events

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Jackie - Knowledge Bearer
  • Gen
  • Connor

Role Play 4 LYFE - 2nd-3rd of September

  • Gen
  • David

Quiz Night - ???

  • Lightmittee
    • Gibbi
  • Darkmittee
    • Chris


  • Josh
  • James Secret Captain
    • (he will be Captain for UniHall or smth)

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
    • $553.00 Joint [REDACTED] Jackie Deposit
    • $178.65 To Connor for 27/03 food run
    • $4.50 to Connor for short term borrowing pocket
    • $40 to Connor for Casting Shadows Reimbursement
    • $156.15 to Gibbi for New Capenna Box
    • $1223.68 to Gibbi for Modern Horizons 2, 4 Boxes
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $50 to David for Swancon Ticket
    • $200 to Gibbi for MOM box
    • $40 to Jackie for Chairs
    • $49.50 to Jackie for Vigil
    • $1500 to Jackie for Ball Deposit
    • $257.90 to Jackie for Food Run
    • $30.42 to Jackie for Milk Run



  • Nupdates


  • SPG has been submitted!

SOCPAC Meeting - 27/04/23

  • April 27th now due to ANZAC day

General Business:

Custom Playmats

  • 1 to go ;-; please come get it if it is yours PWEASE PWEASEEEEE PLEASEEEEEEEE I STG WAAAA

Westmarche 2

  • 'uUuh' - Chris
  • Maybe over semester break

40th Anniversary - September-Octoberish

  • Deposit Paid
  • Jackie organising time over upcoming weekend to full discuss merch with Emerald + Budgeting

Jackie, Emerald: Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary Emerald: Mailing list for 40th Jackie, Emerald: Discuss Ball Merch


  • No New Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

New Kallax
  • Not urgent, but a new Kallax will be purchased at some point using unCharity funds
  • Will be done eventually
New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates


  • Make sure we don't have games borrowed out before events that would like them
  • Would require a large scale borrowing form for every event
  • Maybe set up white board of "please don't borrows" right next to wall box
Book Buy
  • Its coming. Get Ready

    David: Book Buy post (after the next meeting)

Connor Monopoly Donation
  • We forgot to auction off Monopoly :skull:
  • No longer needed :\
Selling Minis
  • Nupdates

Card Sleeving

David: Research sleeving Boardgames - dw bout it

Jack Boardgames Donation

  • They are here! You can come play them!
Library System
  • We can start doing online borrowing soon!
  • Transition period starting now
  • Still have a physical borrowing book
  • Give people a week of training time to make sure everyone (gatekeepers) know how to do it

    David: Post Borrowing Guide to Gatekeepers

Food runs

  • Was done
  • Fastest food run in the west


  • Postponing mailing discussion until after Gozz completes PhD (congrats btw)
  • Starboard for Discord Server
    • Chris: Does it serve a purpose? Probably not. We have a lot of stuff already, don't think people really need it. We should only implement if people use it.
    • Trial Period?
  • Trial Period.

    Jackie: Make announcement about changing your discord handle to be your real name. Jackie: Implement Trial Period Library System

Committee Business

  • Gibbi: we getting there I prommy

Gibbi: Message committee about deck boxes

Josh: Update regs on website

Meeting closed: 7:40 PM