Unigames Committee Meeting #8 - 23/04/2020

by Autumn Brough 23/04/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #8 - 23/04/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Gwen
  • Kyle

Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open 5:08pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Made changes to the discord
  • Emailed SOC about building access
  • I’ve just been sitting and clicking through random cards on Scryfall
  • My new license arrived so that’s nice
  • (:

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • tired hello
  • emerald says taylor can't sleep in the meeting and offers to get her a diet ginger beer
  • my arms hurt because beat saber is a workout
    • got S tier on a song and made emerald jealous
  • look man idk

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • (keyboard smashing noises)
  • been working on uni things mainly so haven't done much committee (read: halloween) related things
  • spg is due next week and i'm still waiting on a reply from jameson
  • (blanks out)
  • account balance: $1,493.57
  • cash on hand: $7

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • catapults self across the room
  • talked to tactics about charity
  • had a charity unvigil meeting
  • EMP and FB event (hopefully) today
  • orchestrating motw
  • helped alice send out fresher game applications

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • was the victim of credit card fraud
    • four dick zappers are currently en route to her parents' home
    • luckily did receive the money back
  • thought brother got chickenpox but actually just had an allergic reaction to a bush
  • picked up a whole bunch of damaged games from the clubroom!
  • was not able to secure laminate from parents
  • talked to tabletop simulator developers and they said they were only interested in verified youtubers
  • motw is prepared

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • The freshers are alive. Probably.
  • Also, I spent the majority of this week putting everything I own, and everything I don't own in boxes.
  • Alaura's pet hyena looks very nice in the post.
  • 7am is too early for people to be removing my furniture.
  • Hopefully by the time committee meeting is, I will have sent the messages to GM's for star wars.
  • There is a plant inside the walls of my new house and I just want to go back to Cameron hall please.
  • Also sorry if this report is bad I wrote it in the am. And not 1am, 7am, so I am not sure if I am still literate.
  • Added a star wars D1-C3 bot to the server

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • had two exams this week (oof)
    • internet is still being a [redacted]
    • have done no club related stuff ;-; (big sad)
  • Gwen:
    • Put the event up for “Pursuit of the Best Board Game Night” which will be Monday 5pm
    • If y’all have any online board games you think are particularly good I’ll chuck them in the running
    • Last Saturday my family and family friends did an online board game test night and we’ll be having another night on Saturday so I’ve been able to test out lots of online board games to see what’s good
    • I got a premium board game arena account which should be a good resource
    • Uni’s back so now I get to do more maths! YAY! (Remember math is fun)
      • update: did maths and today was a really good day
  • Josh:
    • has been watching Empires getting set up, not many issues
  • Kyle:
    • i've been looking at houses to buy this week.
    • got a bunch of stuff to paint on saturday hope to see some people in stream,
    • got some links for 3dprinted terrain (for durability) and some other options (laser cut/traditional plastic but they arent as durable)
    • charity unvigil stuffL making a list of GMs

Past action Items:


Look into kahoot/quiz options - not done Implement changes to the Discord - done Email Jacob/Elanor to get pemission for Emerald to enter the building for short spans - done


Send out fresher campaign player signups (along with Autumn, Alice) - happened! Ask Gozz about an Artemis alternative - done Mastermind Ghost Camp (Become the Ghost) - ongoing Contact Frames to find out where the lie began - not done Get in contact with Webkeepers about the status of the website - not done

  • "I am a ghost but not a mastermind"


Get in touch with Aoibhinn about halloween - she sent a shrug emoji


Get set for MOTW night (along with Emerald) - done Send out fresher campaign player signups (along with Taylor, Alice) - done Phone tactics and ask if they would like to support charity unvigil - done


Be responsible for TTS Tuesdays! - completely forgot Get set for MOTW night (along with Autumn) - set up Email the tabletop creators to ask for a discount - done Repair books (yeah!!) - happening!! (yeah)


Organise star wars rpg night - good progress made Send out fresher campaign player signups (along with Taylor, Autumn) - done


Help us find the right coloured dragon for the FB banner - done!

  • Alaura has returned to the void


Usual Suspects:


  • Quest for Best Online Game
    • Happening Monday at 5pm
    • Planning to have a list of games and schedule/timeline of what we're gonna be playing
    • Try to get a voting system
    • Have some good online board games
    • Gwen has this pretty on lock but committee let's please support the event
    • Thank you gwen <3

Gwen: Run Quest for Online Board Games

  • Tabletop Tuesdays
    • Emerald is gonna make a post and work out a schedule

Emerald: Orchestrate Tabletop Tuesdays


  • Monster of the Week
    • Happening tomorrow night!
    • Our GMs are Autumn, Emerald, Vikrun, and Merlin (text-only)

Autumn, Emerald: Run MOTW

  • May the 4th Star Wars
    • It exists
    • Alice has installed a dicebot
    • Alice contacted a few people and got some No-s and some Maybes
    • Unisfa is doing Revenge of the 5th so we're not clashing

Alice, Taylor: Organise Star Wars games


  • Alistair: "i've been slammin the new set"
  • Winslade has been doing some "i'm playing arena, please talk to me"
  • Magic Mondays is basically that activity
  • No one is available/keen to run magic mondays rn but it's happening anyway


  • Painting day
    • Paint your miniatures!!
    • Painting day on Saturday

Fresher Campaigns

  • Fresher and GM signups
  • We currently have 12 GMs and 24 players
  • A surplus of GMs is far preferable to a surplus of players
  • We can deal with this
  • Everyone please keep pushing the signup form
  • Autumn's computer freezes and Taylor tells the story of how Gozz's VR headset was lost by the post
  • We can have a look at the availabilities we've collected and see how we feel about putting people in groups
  • As we get groups of 4, we can put people into games as they trickle in
  • Emerald sighs about her large player group whom she all loves

Taylor, Autumn, Alice: Have a go at making some fresher games


Halloween 2019:

  • Jackie contacted Aoibhinn and received a shrug emoji
  • Jackie: "My guess is we can talk to Will?"

Jackie: Contact Will about halloween 2019

  • Autumn: "when do we give up"
  • If we can't figure out what's happening in the next in the next week, we call a subcommittee meeting

Taylor: Threaten Halloween reps with a meeting

Charity UnVigil:

  • Update: Another meeting has happened
  • Charities to Support
    • We've settled on Zonta house
  • Activities on our night
    • Kyle has been talking to people about running oneshots
    • Gwen expresses interest in running some board games
    • Other committee members express interest in running games
  • Activities on the collab night
    • Artemis has been met with some "that's a bad idea" and some "we could do it"
    • Apparently Gozz has talked to UCC proposing an alternate game
    • Strikes against Artemis: Difficulties installing and communication headaches
    • Discussion of doing a big Minecraft activity
    • Taylor: "Minecraft is antithetical to unigames, it's just a computer game"
    • Discussion of how your can roleplay in Minecraft
  • Budget
    • UCC has decided they would rather spend $50 on prizes than $100
    • This has issues - one club can't spend less without the other clubs matching them
    • We need to ask UCC why they would like to spend less money
  • Raffle prizes
    • Tactics is willing to give us some treasure!
    • If our prize budget is $100, then that will be $81 on a 4-pack of tabletop simulator and $19 at tactics
    • Kyle will be making a visit to tactics and can make those purchase
    • Make sure you get an itemised receipt

Autumn, Kyle, Alice: Ask UCC what their explicit reason for reducing their prize spending

Autumn: Do the Charity Unvigil EMP and Facebook event

Kyle: Keep organising Unvigil events

Kyle: Make a visit to Tactics


  • Things are progressing smoothly
  • Empires will no longer be included in the agenda

[REDACTED] 2020: Ghost Camp:

  • No updates on Ghost Camp as Taylor has been snoozin
  • What timeslot will Ghost Camp occur?
    • The intended original time for camp
    • But we have a lot of flexibility
  • Try again
  • We need to contact Events to ask how they would like us to EMP it
  • Unvigil has a different EMP for every single night
  • Kyle was born in October

[REDACTED] 2021:

  • This will no longer be included in the agenda

Room Update:

  • lol


  • Pending:
    • Emerald for Oday Ice once she brings her receipt
    • Kyle: $104.22 once Guild lets us make withdrawals
    • Jackie: -$7


  • Special Projects Grants
    • Jackie emailed Jameson but no reply
    • About a month ago Jameosn said updates would be "soon"
    • The listed due date for SPGs is coming up in about a week
  • Reiteration that there is no Semester 1 grant this year
    • Taylor raises a concern over whether we will eventually be able to claim on spending we did before pandemic
    • The money allocated for Sem1 is being incorporated into Sem2 grants
    • We need to clarify with Guild Finance whether we will be able to claim on pre-covid/sem1 spending

Jackie: See if the SPG form is online, send Jameson a followup email

General Business:


Taylor: Contact the webkeepers about the website

Autumn: Bug webkeepers about broken fresher mailing list


  • We should boost the server

    • We had a game that wanted to play and couldn't play because the audio kept dropping out - but they could play fine on UCC
    • josh offers to do it and get reimbursed
      • Josh will get discord nitro
    • $10 per month for LV1 boost
    • is there any kind of free trial we could look for?
  • The new discord stucture has been implented, it is effective

Josh: Buy discord nitro, boost our server, send Jackie the receipt

Book Repair

  • Going pretty good
  • Emerald picked up a bunch of books and board games and they're sitting pretty in her car
  • Going to go to officeworks and buy some supplies, budget was approved last week

Meeting closed: 6:31pm

This Week's Action Items: Taylor:

Organise Star Wars games (along with Alice)

Have a go at making some fresher games (along with Autumn, Alice)

Threaten Halloween reps with a meeting

Contact the webkeepers about the website


Contact Will about halloween 2019

See if the SPG form is online, send Jameson a followup email


Run MOTW (along with Emerald)

Have a go at making some fresher games (along with Taylor, Alice)

Ask UCC what their explicit reason for reducing their prize spending (along with Kyle, Alice)

Do the Charity Unvigil EMP and Facebook event

Bug webkeepers about broken fresher mailing list


Orchestrate Tabletop Tuesdays

Run MOTW (along with Autumn)


Organise Star Wars games (along with Taylor)

Have a go at making some fresher games (along with Taylor, Autumn)

Ask UCC what their explicit reason for reducing their prize spending (along with Kyle, Autumn)


Ask UCC what their explicit reason for reducing their prize spending (along with Autumn, Alice)

Keep organising Unvigil events

Make a visit to Tactics


Buy discord nitro, boost our server, send Jackie the receipt


Run Quest for Online Board Games