Unigames Committee Meeting #8 - 24/04/2023

by Joshua Annison 24/04/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #8 - 24/04/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Connor
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • Hannah
  • James
  • Emerald



Meeting scheduled: 6:00PM

Meeting open: 6:18PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • dnd movie doric and xenq call me i'm free (insert free days here)
  • i did things and i think it was alot but I don’t remember
  • further ball merch work
  • helped call OGM
  • smfsd lockdown continues

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Hey Stosh
  • truly experienced some things
  • Been talking about magic changes doc with Jackie still in progress had to slow down a bit cos of uni projects
  • Didn't get to return prerelease cos my car started leaking copious amounts of oil

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • I helped (?) at DND Oneshot Night
    • Bless you (Thank you -Josh)
  • I attended DND movie (& enjoyed it !!)
  • I built 2 pieces of wooden furniture for like 11 hours
  • ALSO, my basketball team won :))
  • Account Balance: $2721.50

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Hey Gibbi
  • Updated Regs on Old site
  • Updated Constitution on Old site
  • Have requested updates of Regs on new site
  • I was a fool, hi Texas
  • Called OGM (o7)
  • Did Food Safety again instead of finding old cert
  • Being throttled by Owlbear Doric ❤
  • Did EMP for Cyberpunk with Gen
  • Hi Gibbi

Librarian's Report (David):

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • attending online today
  • went to dnd movie!
  • also did an emp, v exciting, booked a venue and did all that stuff
  • doing my food safety as I type

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James):

  • Chris:
    • Auuuugghhhh
    • Oceanic Boardgames this Thursday! gonna advertise in like 20 minutes
  • Hannah:
    • did the loft booking during last committee meeting whoops
    • starting to approach essay hell again slowly but surely
    • my building had its first fire alarm of the sem and it was a drill at 8am because of course
    • I somehow have no other recollection of the entirety of last week
  • James:
    • Ran the D&D One-shot night. It was very successful, everyone had fun and there were no problems. It was totally tubular.
    • Went on a food run.
    • Went to D&D movie.
    • Almost broke the third cardinal rule of committee by innocently attempting to microwave a Tuna Bake in the clubroom.
  • Texas
    • josh you fool last week wasn't the last of me
    • that being said I'm holding on a little longer
    • hope everyone had a good day

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==6/9 (66.66% WR)== Meeting
    • FAILURE 3X

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • (with Emerald) Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary - Not Done

  • (with Emerald) Discuss Ball Merch - Done

  • Make announcement about changing your discord handle to be your real name. - Done

  • Implement Trial Period Library System - Done


  • Take back MOM Prerelease - Not Done

  • Theros Flashback Draft Announcement - Not Done

  • Message committee about deck boxes and make quick play guide - Very Work In Progress


  • (with Gen) Cyberpunk One Shot Night EMP - Done

  • Update regs on website - Done


  • Book Buy post (after the next meeting) - After this meeting

  • Research sleeving Boardgames - In Progress

  • Post Borrowing Guide to Gatekeepers - Done


  • (with Josh) Cyberpunk One Shot Night EMP - Done


  • (with Hannah) Organise Oceanic games event - Announcements going up now

  • Do EMP for One-Page RPG's - Not Done


  • (with Chris) Organise Oceanic games event - Announcement going up now


  • Work on Traitorous Boardgames - In Progress


  • (with Jackie) Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary - Not Done

  • Mailing list for 40th - Not Done

  • (with Jackie) Discuss Ball Merch - Done


  • Upload certificates to Unigames drive - In Progress

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Oceanic Boardgames - 27/04/23, 5PM-9PM
  • Games Include
    • Oceans
    • Deadmen tell no tales
    • Tayu
    • Spirit Island
    • Tsuro
    • Seafarer's of Catan
    • Tortuga
    • And more!
  • This Thursday! Come and 'sea' what it is all about!

    Chris, Hannah: Announcement for Oceanic Boardgames

Hannah: Bring sticky note of oceanic games

Investigation Boardgames - Week 11
  • Games Include
    • Betrayal
      • at the House on the Hill
      • at Baldur's Gate
    • The "Book Games"
      • Tortuga
      • Salem
      • Deadwood
      • Bristol
    • Bloodbound
  • Name changed to make it more distinct from the social deduction games.

    James: Work on Investigation Boardgames


D&D 5e RPG Night - Friday 21/04/2023 - 5:30PM
  • Went really well
  • 23 Players Including James
  • Reserve system worked well, approx 15 reserved only one didn't come
  • Able to start games really quickly
Cyberpunk One Shot Night - Thursday 04/04/23 5PM
  • Aww yeah

    Gen, Josh: Write events for facebook/discord for cyberpunk. Josh: Make cyberpunk forum post/channel next week

One-Page RPG's - Week 12
  • Haven't started that, its a bit away

    Chris: Do EMP for One-Page RPG's

Potential RPG event schedule for Sem 1 2023
  • This would provide a nice balance of genres and mechanics between famous and niche games
  • Pendragon/Pathfinder
  • Spire/Heart


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quickplay guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so

    Gibbi: Make Quickplay Guide

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • MH2 should be fine for now
March of Machines Prerelease - 16/04/2023 - 11am
  • Gibbi will be taking back prerelease this week
  • MH2 is there, MOM is gone
  • MH2 will be fine for the moment

    Gibbi: Return MOM box

Theros Flashback Draft - 07/05/23
  • First 12 applicants in order of application:
    • James Osborne
    • Ethan Gibson
    • Joshua Annison
    • David Giles
    • Texas Bennett
    • Grace Fowler
    • Rexxar Jay Ponsica Torcal
    • Nicolas Charnley
    • Xane Andrew Evans
    • Donald Sutherland
    • Christofle Sangkanparan
    • Julius Yang
  • No one has pulled out (This is the current list until further notice)
  • Announcement up in a week or so

    Gibbi: Theros Flashback Draft Announcement

SNOM - Sunday 30/04 11AM
  • It is SNOMing time this weekend!

    Gibbi: Discord Event for SNOM

Commander Precon League
  • Essentially everyone gets a sealed precon and plays games against each other, each week everyone has a $15 or similar budget to upgrade the deck and slowly improve and make changes to the deck.
  • Additionally, we can have a little point system for challenges and we could do prizing.
  • The main purpose of this would be that by the end of it everyone has a nice upgraded deck that should be able to combat basically any other deck in the clubroom and it helps people learn deck building skills since thats an area that we don't really have an event for.
  • On the Unigames end we will be responsible solely for organisation of the events and point system and it would be on the attendee to work on their deck throughout the week.
  • Proxying would be allowed as long as it keeps within the budget
  • James: Event is purely based on deck building for commander (not entirely transferable skills)
    • General deck building skills are transferable, and commander is the most popular format in the clubroom, so it makes sense to do have an event based around commander
  • Commander will work better than sealed league (event we have ran previously) because when you finish the league, you can keep the deck and you can just keep playing it
  • Connor: How are we confirming the price of deck changes
    • Discord threads, all changes would have to be published and public within these threads.

      Gibbi: Commander Precon League Admin "stuff"

Wargaming :skull::skull::skull:

  • Nupdates

Fresher Campaigns

  • They are still going (as far as Gen knows)

Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

  • We gotta give UCC our money to donate
  • Final meeting tomorrow
  • Will happen some point tomorrow

Unigames [REDACTED] 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

    • Assassins: King Connor
    • Debates: James and Hannah
    • Quiz: Josh, Chris, Gen, Gibbi
    • LARP: David and Connor
    • Oneshots: David
  • Figuring out transport (still)

Everyone: Upload certificates to Unigames drive Jackie: Make [REDACTED] poster Jackie, Gibbi: Organise meeting with Leigh for [REDACTED]

D&D Movie Outing UniSFA Collab - Sunday 23/04/23

  • We should wait for Jarnathan to get here before discussing this
  • Really good event
  • Probably pre-booking next time
    • Pass this on to Patrick
  • Attendance ~15
    • Could have been 16 if Jackie didn't hate us

ACYA Collab Event - 09/05


Far Future Events

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Jackie - Knowledge Bearer
  • Gen
  • Connor

Role Play 4 LYFE - 2nd-3rd of September

  • Gen
  • David

Quiz Night - ???

  • Lightmittee
    • Gibbi
  • Darkmittee
    • Chris


  • Josh
  • James Secret Captain
    • (he will be Captain for UniHall or smth)

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi


  • Approved
    • $50 to David for Swancon Ticket
    • $200 to Gibbi for MOM box
    • $40 to Jackie for Chairs
    • $49.50 to Jackie for Vigil
    • $1500 to Jackie for Ball Deposit
    • $257.90 to Jackie for Food Run
    • $30.42 to Jackie for Milk Run
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted



  • Nupdates


  • SPG initial result:
    • $39.38 in SPG money time
  • Final results confirmed this Friday

SOCPAC Meeting - 27/04/23 6PM

  • April 27th now due to ANZAC day
  • Jackie will be there, will you?

General Business:

Custom Playmats

  • 1 to go ;-; please come get it if it is yours PWEASE PWEASEEEEE PLEASEEEEEEEE I STG WAAAA AAAAAA

Westmarche 2

  • 'bruh.mp3' - David
  • Maybe over semester break

40th Anniversary - September-Octoberish

  • Contacted peeps about gift bags
  • Contacting older members about whether they even want the stuff we are putting in the gift bags should be a good idea

Emerald: Send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary Emerald: Mailing list for 40th


  • No New Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

New Kallax
  • Not urgent, but a new Kallax will be purchased at some point using unCharity funds
  • Will be done eventually
New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates


Book Buy
  • Its coming. Get Ready

    David: Book Buy post (after the meeting)

  • We have an extra one now ;-;
  • Thanks Connor
  • We will get rid of the other Monopoly next event with an auction.
Selling Minis
  • Nupdates

Card Sleeving

David: Research sleeving Boardgames - dw bout it

Library System
  • The new system is here
    • @gatekeepers, if you have not read the guide, it is pinned in #gatekeepers on discord

Food runs

  • Done Yesterday
  • Cans are a bit dead-core
  • We have a lot of frozen goods restocked now
  • Try to do can run this week
    • Run will be done if cans are on sale
    • Wait until after Wednesday


  • Postponing mailing discussion until after Gozz completes PhD (congrats btw)
  • Chris' cool little thing (discord restructure)
    • Information Category for all of the things the members do to interact with the committee or vice versa
    • Minutes channel maybe?
    • Event Channels Category
    • Committee Category
    • Voice Channel Category (unsure).
    • Card Game Channels for the games we have started introducing (Pokemon TCG, Yu Gi-Oh).
      • Could be a way to spark more interest in other card games
    • RPG forum isn't used that much, but has served its purpose for the situations that require it, and I feel like having more forums could increase discussion in these categories
  • Having event channels is very helpful and the trial run with D&D one shot night went very successfully
    • Requested even
    • Also this but with the reserve list
  • Committee document on how to handle discussion that gets heated on the discord

Jackie, Chris: Implement Discord Restructure

Committee Business

  • Gibbi: we getting there I prommy

Gibbi: Message committee about deck boxes

Meeting closed: 7:16 PM